Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: History of bulk electronic components suppliers


Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

As far as I know, democracy is always a farce. But it pretty much
works. Maybe that's *why* it works.

What was it somebody said? "It's the worst form of government except for
all of the others."?

Problem is, it gets out of hand, like: "Let's vote on what everybody's
favorite color is!"

Another thing the Constitution tries to prevent is mob rule, but
apparently the Constitution has fallen out of favor these days, more's
the pity.


John Larkin

I have very little to live on yet I give things away, all the time.
I do whatever I can to help others, without asking anything in return.
It is the way I was raised. There is always someone out there who needs

Yes. Decent people do what they can to make the world a better place.
Progressives want the world to suck so that they can complain about



Jim Thompson

On Sun, 18 Feb 2007 03:46:53 GMT, "Michael A. Terrell"
I have very little to live on yet I give things away, all the time.
I do whatever I can to help others, without asking anything in return.
It is the way I was raised. There is always someone out there who needs

Yes. Decent people do what they can to make the world a better place.
Progressives want the world to suck so that they can complain about



Worse than that... Progressives want the world to suck so that they
can profit from it, while pretending to be the savior of poor.

...Jim Thompson


John said:
As far as I know, democracy is always a farce. But it pretty much
works. Maybe that's *why* it works.

What do you think of the Swiss version with their regular referendums ?


John Larkin

What do you think of the Swiss version with their regular referendums ?


Never heard of that. The Swiss are awfully quiet from here.

The UK parliamentary thing has always confused me. Calling early
elections, forming a government, shadow ministries, dissolving
governments, all that. What if something important happens while there
is no government?


Homer J Simpson

Of course they were, as the skeletons in the trenches demonstrate. The
slaughter was just more organized, and now it's, well, more

But before they all hated Saddam. Now they all hate you. This helps you how?



Homer J Simpson

Charity is different. It is voluntary and subject to realistic
evaluation of its effectiveness, by the giver himself. And it tends to
be a lot more personal, real people helping real people. Charity seems
to be effective in improving the world, whereas most government social
programs are inefficient and destructive. And charity is never an

Then why are the Dutch getting taller while the Americans are getting
shorter (and wider)? Shouldn't the Dutch health system be a failure and the
US system be a success by that logic?




Homer J Simpson

Worse than that... Progressives want the world to suck so that they
can profit from it, while pretending to be the savior of poor.

Who profits from the US version of the world? Oh, Halliburton and their
acolytes. Then they must all be a bunch of left leaning liberals according
to you - as must be their 'men' in the White House.




John Larkin

But before they all hated Saddam. Now they all hate you. This helps you how?

It's not about helping us. It's about helping them. You wouldn't


John Larkin

Then why are the Dutch getting taller while the Americans are getting
shorter (and wider)? Shouldn't the Dutch health system be a failure and the
US system be a success by that logic?

How much do you weigh, Homer?


John Larkin

Who profits from the US version of the world? Oh, Halliburton and their
acolytes. Then they must all be a bunch of left leaning liberals according
to you - as must be their 'men' in the White House.

Thank you for reinforcing my point. Progressives are fueled by hate.



John said:
Never heard of that. The Swiss are awfully quiet from here.

" Through referenda, citizens may challenge any law voted by federal parliament and
through initiatives introduce amendments to the federal constitution, making Switzerland
a direct democracy. "

The UK parliamentary thing has always confused me. Calling early

Fixed terms would be better I think. No possibility of holding a snap election to suit

forming a government, shadow ministries,

Shadow Ministers not ministries.

dissolving governments, all that. What if something important happens while there
is no government?

The existing incumbents deal with it. I've always though it funny that your newly
elected president has to wait a couple of months to take office btw !


John Larkin

" Through referenda, citizens may challenge any law voted by federal parliament and
through initiatives introduce amendments to the federal constitution, making Switzerland
a direct democracy. "

California works like that, too. There have been a number of popular
referenda in recent years that ran contrary to what the Legislature
wanted, like Prop 13 (property tax reduction) and Prop 209 (forbidding
most state institutions from taking race into account.)

Fixed terms would be better I think. No possibility of holding a snap election to suit

Shadow Ministers not ministries.

The existing incumbents deal with it. I've always though it funny that your newly
elected president has to wait a couple of months to take office btw !

It does give him a while to get organized, find some cabinet members,
stuff like that. Not to mention recover from the election. Seems like
a good idea to me.

And it gives the outgoing President and his wife time to steal
furniture and pardon a bunch of criminals before he leaves.


Homer J Simpson

And it gives the outgoing President and his wife time to steal
furniture and pardon a bunch of criminals before he leaves.

Yes, I guess Bush and Laura will do that for sure. Libby and who else?




Homer J Simpson

It's not about helping us. It's about helping them. You wouldn't

They don't seem to feel the love though, do they?




Homer J Simpson

Thank you for reinforcing my point. Progressives are fueled by hate.

No, love, whereas reactionaries are driven by hate and greed.




Charlie Edmondson

Richard said:
On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 21:12:41 GMT, Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

Denial? No, exactly the opposite: neurotic fear that's statistically
and factually unjustified.

And hope. And charity. Look it up.

It's easy to be charitable when you're awash in cash. The rest of us
realize, you can't give from an empty vessel.

But Da Gubmint takes it away anyway. >:-[

You are a liberal, aren't you Rich! You evidently haven't met many poor
or lower middle/ upper lower folks, have you? Or maybe you have always
been in cities or something...

I have found that most folks are extremely generous, and willing to lend
a hand when they don't have a buck to contribute. Out there in the
heartland, where the Republican might comes from, they believe in hard
work, and looking out for each other. They don't believe that the
government is required to 'make everything right,' they just have to do
their part as they find a way to. So, whether you have only a few
bucks, or make a million or two a year, you help out where you can.


Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

Richard said:
On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 21:12:41 GMT, Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

Do you mean afraid:in denial? ;-)

Denial? No, exactly the opposite: neurotic fear that's statistically
and factually unjustified.

Conservatives, and especially religious conservatives, tend strongly to be
generous, civil, social, and civic-minded (those are statistical facts)
and less driven by fear (my opinion.)

Oh, yes! They have Faith! (which is really just belief without evidence.)

And hope. And charity. Look it up.

It's easy to be charitable when you're awash in cash. The rest of us
realize, you can't give from an empty vessel.

But Da Gubmint takes it away anyway. >:-[
You are a liberal, aren't you Rich!

No, I'm a Libertarian. We believe in Liberty, not socialism.
You evidently haven't met many poor
or lower middle/ upper lower folks, have you?

How is this "Evident"? Just FYI, I happen to be one of those poor/
lower/middle "upper lower" folks that you seem to hold in such

Have you ever experienced any hardship? Like, you don't know where
your next meal is coming from so you pound the pavement until you
either find some income or collapse in exhaustion?
Or maybe you have always
been in cities or something...

Boy, you sure are self-righteous.
I have found that most folks are extremely generous,

Yeah, but I really get rankled by the ones on their self-righteous high
horse, in their multi-million dollar ivory tower, laying a guilt trip
on me because I "don't give enough".

Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as yourself," not "Love your neighbor
better than yourself" or "love your neighbor to the detriment of yourself."
Ever been on an airplane, when they give the briefing on the O2 masks for
when they lose cabin pressure? It's "Put your own on first - you can't
help anybody if you're dead".

You might or might not get my point - depends on if it can penetrate
your smug, self-satisfied, safe, secure, coddled, protected little


Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

It's not about helping us. It's about helping them. You wouldn't

You war addicts must be really twisted to somehow change "killing" to
"helping" in your sick little minds.
