Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: History of bulk electronic components suppliers


John Larkin

Yes, I guess Bush and Laura will do that for sure. Libby and who else?

The real reason Hilary wants to be President is so she can pardon the
rest of her and Bill's relatives.


John Larkin

You war addicts must be really twisted to somehow change "killing" to
"helping" in your sick little minds.

The goal of American Empire is that the world should be democratic. If
that's imperialistic, so be it; *any* global vision must then be
imperialistic. The US figures that we'll do fine in a free-market,
democratic, developing world, so you could say that the position is

So what? Most third-world people would rather be hacking code for HP
at $8 an hour, as opposed to scrounging for firewood. The history of
capitalistic exploitation of cheap labor is that the labor doesn't
stay cheap for long (Japan, Korea, Taiwan...)

"Democracies don't go to war with each other" is pretty much true, so
the American vision, aside from making a lot of people better off, is
essentially pacifist.

The ultimate victory of worldwide democracy must result in the US
*not* being the dominant world power. Think about that.

Even if a Pax Americana was a blessing to the world, you and Homer
would prefer billions in misery to the US being "right." THAT is sick.


John Larkin

Must be all the Filipino immigrants. I have a bunch of Filipino
relatives just down in Daly City, and their parties are great.
Beautiful women, great food, and I'm the tallest person there.

The Mexicans tend to be short, too.
(and wider)?

Samoans? But seriously, a lot of Americans (natives from North and
South America, Africans, Islanders, some southern Europeans) aren't
genetically equipped for the EuropeanAmerican diet of milk, butter,
cheese, sugar, pizza, fried foods, trans fats, corn syrup Big Gulps,
and wheat gluten. It makes them fat and diabetic.
Shouldn't the Dutch health system be a failure and


Ad hominem won't help you here.

You're fat and won't admit it. So stop ragging Americans for being


John Larkin

Richard said:
On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 21:12:41 GMT, Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

Do you mean afraid:in denial? ;-)

Denial? No, exactly the opposite: neurotic fear that's statistically
and factually unjustified.

Conservatives, and especially religious conservatives, tend strongly to be
generous, civil, social, and civic-minded (those are statistical facts)
and less driven by fear (my opinion.)

Oh, yes! They have Faith! (which is really just belief without evidence.)

And hope. And charity. Look it up.

It's easy to be charitable when you're awash in cash. The rest of us
realize, you can't give from an empty vessel.

But Da Gubmint takes it away anyway. >:-[

You are a liberal, aren't you Rich! You evidently haven't met many poor
or lower middle/ upper lower folks, have you? Or maybe you have always
been in cities or something...

I have found that most folks are extremely generous, and willing to lend
a hand when they don't have a buck to contribute. Out there in the
heartland, where the Republican might comes from, they believe in hard
work, and looking out for each other. They don't believe that the
government is required to 'make everything right,' they just have to do
their part as they find a way to. So, whether you have only a few
bucks, or make a million or two a year, you help out where you can.

Right. Mean people suck, and good people are a blessing. And it
doesn't matter what you say, it matters what you do.


John Larkin

No, love, whereas reactionaries are driven by hate and greed.

Who do you love, Homer? Certainly not poor kids in Africa. Certainly
not people who differ with you on political theory. Who?

As regards greed, the 4:1 offer is good through the end of March.


Jim Thompson

Richard said:
On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 15:16:23 -0800, John Larkin wrote:

On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 21:12:41 GMT, Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

Do you mean afraid:in denial? ;-)

Denial? No, exactly the opposite: neurotic fear that's statistically
and factually unjustified.

Conservatives, and especially religious conservatives, tend strongly to be
generous, civil, social, and civic-minded (those are statistical facts)
and less driven by fear (my opinion.)

Oh, yes! They have Faith! (which is really just belief without evidence.)

And hope. And charity. Look it up.

It's easy to be charitable when you're awash in cash. The rest of us
realize, you can't give from an empty vessel.

But Da Gubmint takes it away anyway. >:-[

You are a liberal, aren't you Rich! You evidently haven't met many poor
or lower middle/ upper lower folks, have you? Or maybe you have always
been in cities or something...

I have found that most folks are extremely generous, and willing to lend
a hand when they don't have a buck to contribute. Out there in the
heartland, where the Republican might comes from, they believe in hard
work, and looking out for each other. They don't believe that the
government is required to 'make everything right,' they just have to do
their part as they find a way to. So, whether you have only a few
bucks, or make a million or two a year, you help out where you can.

Right. Mean people suck, and good people are a blessing. And it
doesn't matter what you say, it matters what you do.


I can remember a "barn raising" when I was a kid. Much like the barn
raising in the movie "Witness", except my grandparents weren't Amish.
Amazing what friends and neighbors can do to help each other... no
cash involved.

...Jim Thompson

Homer J Simpson

The real reason Hilary wants to be President is so she can pardon the
rest of her and Bill's relatives.

Why? No crooks in that lot, just amongst all of Bush's friends and
relatives - not to mention Cheney's cronies.




Homer J Simpson

John Larkin said:
Must be all the Filipino immigrants.

Nope. It's their health and your lack of it.
Samoans? But seriously, a lot of Americans (natives from North and
South America, Africans, Islanders, some southern Europeans) aren't
genetically equipped for the EuropeanAmerican diet of milk, butter,
cheese, sugar, pizza, fried foods, trans fats, corn syrup Big Gulps,
and wheat gluten. It makes them fat and diabetic.

Neither are humans.

That's your logic.
You're fat and won't admit it. So stop ragging Americans for being

Oh please. They think I'm a starving refugee - and compared to so many of
them I am.

Homer J Simpson

I can remember a "barn raising" when I was a kid. Much like the barn
raising in the movie "Witness", except my grandparents weren't Amish.
Amazing what friends and neighbors can do to help each other... no
cash involved.

That's normal where I come from, not an exception.




Homer J Simpson

The goal of American Empire is that the world should be democratic.

So why has the US all too often destroyed democracies and installed
dictators who murder their own people?
Even if a Pax Americana was a blessing to the world, you and Homer
would prefer billions in misery to the US being "right." THAT is sick.

No. I'd just like the US to at least try to live up to its boasting.




Homer J Simpson

Who do you love, Homer? Certainly not poor kids in Africa. Certainly
not people who differ with you on political theory. Who?

Certainly not hypocrites or the corrupt.
As regards greed, the 4:1 offer is good through the end of March.




John Larkin

Richard The Dreaded Libertarian wrote:

On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 15:16:23 -0800, John Larkin wrote:

On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 21:12:41 GMT, Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

Do you mean afraid:in denial? ;-)

Denial? No, exactly the opposite: neurotic fear that's statistically
and factually unjustified.

Conservatives, and especially religious conservatives, tend strongly to be
generous, civil, social, and civic-minded (those are statistical facts)
and less driven by fear (my opinion.)

Oh, yes! They have Faith! (which is really just belief without evidence.)

And hope. And charity. Look it up.

It's easy to be charitable when you're awash in cash. The rest of us
realize, you can't give from an empty vessel.

But Da Gubmint takes it away anyway. >:-[


You are a liberal, aren't you Rich! You evidently haven't met many poor
or lower middle/ upper lower folks, have you? Or maybe you have always
been in cities or something...

I have found that most folks are extremely generous, and willing to lend
a hand when they don't have a buck to contribute. Out there in the
heartland, where the Republican might comes from, they believe in hard
work, and looking out for each other. They don't believe that the
government is required to 'make everything right,' they just have to do
their part as they find a way to. So, whether you have only a few
bucks, or make a million or two a year, you help out where you can.

Right. Mean people suck, and good people are a blessing. And it
doesn't matter what you say, it matters what you do.


I can remember a "barn raising" when I was a kid. Much like the barn
raising in the movie "Witness", except my grandparents weren't Amish.
Amazing what friends and neighbors can do to help each other... no
cash involved.

...Jim Thompson

Hey, my gay next-door-neighbor lets me use his chain saw, and he's on
my DSL... we drilled right through the walls of our houses (one
loooong drill) and fed a Cat5 through. Now I can use his wi-fi which
is, well, my DSL.


sure that the usual morons will make the predictable jokes. Go for it.

Spehro Pefhany

On Tue, 20 Feb 2007 14:27:09 -0800, Charlie Edmondson

Richard The Dreaded Libertarian wrote:

On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 15:16:23 -0800, John Larkin wrote:

On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 21:12:41 GMT, Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

Do you mean afraid:in denial? ;-)

Denial? No, exactly the opposite: neurotic fear that's statistically
and factually unjustified.

Conservatives, and especially religious conservatives, tend strongly to be
generous, civil, social, and civic-minded (those are statistical facts)
and less driven by fear (my opinion.)

Oh, yes! They have Faith! (which is really just belief without evidence.)

And hope. And charity. Look it up.

It's easy to be charitable when you're awash in cash. The rest of us
realize, you can't give from an empty vessel.

But Da Gubmint takes it away anyway. >:-[


You are a liberal, aren't you Rich! You evidently haven't met many poor
or lower middle/ upper lower folks, have you? Or maybe you have always
been in cities or something...

I have found that most folks are extremely generous, and willing to lend
a hand when they don't have a buck to contribute. Out there in the
heartland, where the Republican might comes from, they believe in hard
work, and looking out for each other. They don't believe that the
government is required to 'make everything right,' they just have to do
their part as they find a way to. So, whether you have only a few
bucks, or make a million or two a year, you help out where you can.

Right. Mean people suck, and good people are a blessing. And it
doesn't matter what you say, it matters what you do.


I can remember a "barn raising" when I was a kid. Much like the barn
raising in the movie "Witness", except my grandparents weren't Amish.
Amazing what friends and neighbors can do to help each other... no
cash involved.

...Jim Thompson

Hey, my gay next-door-neighbor lets me use his chain saw, and he's on
my DSL... we drilled right through the walls of our houses (one
loooong drill) and fed a Cat5 through. Now I can use his wi-fi which
is, well, my DSL.


sure that the usual morons will make the predictable jokes. Go for it.

Where would be the glory in that?

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Michael A. Terrell

John said:
Yes. Decent people do what they can to make the world a better place.
Progressives want the world to suck so that they can complain about


I know that you're aware of my computer project to provide free
computers to low income Disabled Veterans. I have accumulated a number
of slow Win 95 computers, with older VGA monitors that are too old to
hand out. I found a day care center that wants at least a half dozen for
the kids to use their older educational games on. Well, they'll soon
have as many as they can use, for free. My current low end is Win 98/ME
for the refurbed computers, because a lot of my software tools don't
work for Win 95.

All I would recover is some used PC hardware, obsolete RAM and <1 GB
hard drives. They want the older, heavy keyboards and two button mice.
I get to help others and make some room in my shop, at the same time. :)

The computers will not be networked, or have a modem to go online,
which will let them use computers with damaged ports/ IRQ controllers.
Now, to find a couple more places that can use working antiques! :)

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Robert Latest

John said:
Hey, my gay next-door-neighbor lets me use his chain saw, and he's on
my DSL...

sure that the usual morons will make the predictable jokes. Go for it.

Then why did you mention his homosexuality in the first place? To emphasize
that you are nice even to queers? Strange.

WLAN sharing is pretty common where I live.


John Larkin

John said:
Hey, my gay next-door-neighbor lets me use his chain saw, and he's on
my DSL...

sure that the usual morons will make the predictable jokes. Go for it.

Then why did you mention his homosexuality in the first place? To emphasize
that you are nice even to queers?


Being nice is strange.
WLAN sharing is pretty common where I live.

Yup. This particular hookup is a little unusual.


John Larkin

I know that you're aware of my computer project to provide free
computers to low income Disabled Veterans. I have accumulated a number
of slow Win 95 computers, with older VGA monitors that are too old to
hand out. I found a day care center that wants at least a half dozen for
the kids to use their older educational games on. Well, they'll soon
have as many as they can use, for free. My current low end is Win 98/ME
for the refurbed computers, because a lot of my software tools don't
work for Win 95.

All I would recover is some used PC hardware, obsolete RAM and <1 GB
hard drives. They want the older, heavy keyboards and two button mice.
I get to help others and make some room in my shop, at the same time. :)

The computers will not be networked, or have a modem to go online,
which will let them use computers with damaged ports/ IRQ controllers.
Now, to find a couple more places that can use working antiques! :)

Need any more PCs? We about to replace 10 or so with a common machine
(HP M350 probably... the Alienware thing turned out to be junk.)
