Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: History of bulk electronic components suppliers



Why? Granted, I did it (if only barely do),
but why is it important?

1) Those who marry after, often don't.

2) Children really do need two parents.

3) "For the Children." ;-)

John Larkin

No. Gratuitously dragging the sexual orientation of someone into a
discussion as a (fortunately futile) effort to attract stupid jokes is


Chainsaws are the near-ultimate expression of American macho
masculinity, so I find it ironic that when I need one, I borrow it
from my gay neighbor. I know, irony doesn't work on usenet.

But what is this prejudice against strange?


Robert Latest

John said:
Chainsaws are the near-ultimate expression of American macho
masculinity, so I find it ironic that when I need one, I borrow it
from my gay neighbor.

See, I didn't even get that. Chainsaws, DSL lines, all the same: Stuff you
But what is this prejudice against strange?

I'm not prejudiced against strange. I just found it strange that you felt
the urge to mention that your neighbor was gay. I now understand that you
did it because the idea of a homosexual posessing a chainsaw amuses you.


John Larkin

See, I didn't even get that. Chainsaws, DSL lines, all the same: Stuff you

I'm not prejudiced against strange. I just found it strange that you felt
the urge to mention that your neighbor was gay. I now understand that you
did it because the idea of a homosexual posessing a chainsaw amuses you.


It's not only amusing (to both of us) but it's mighty handy. He has an
air compressor, too.


James Arthur

1) Those who marry after, often don't.

2) Children really do need two parents.

3) "For the Children." ;-)

For Keith's reasons, to be sure, namely, it's great for the kids.
But, there are even more basic, practical reasons _for the parents_
when it comes to "how to avoid being poor": it's more efficient. It
costs more to maintain two households than one. It's as easy to shop
& cook for two or three people as for one. There are other economies
as well. So getting married helps, and most especially if you're
going to have kids.

As the old saying goes, "Two can live as cheaply as one."

If you can save 10%, that's the difference between living on the
ragged edge of existence, and being able to retire in 10-15 years.

And lots of regular folks just don't appreciate that, don't
understand that you can easily spend your _retirement_ on fast food,
soda pop, and cable TV, etc.

James Arthur

John Larkin

On 21 Feb 2007 16:37:12 -0800, "James Arthur"
My theory is not that the rich
have stolen, but that, by and large, the poor haven't risen to their

The rich have two major functions:

1. To be productive, to build things on a large scale.

2. To divert a portion of society's resources (read "money" if you
will) from consumption to investment. Somebody's got to do it.

and one minor one

3. To be an example.


I'd counter & propose ideally that rich people became so by virtue
of their being productive, and by virtue of carefully saving and
applying the proceeds. That description covers the majority of my
acquaintence, with a minority who owe theirs to luck, looks, or

Some do. Some become rich by selling drugs, or scamming corporations,
or suing doctors, or just getting into the middle of transactions.
Even then, they usually divert resources into investment. In that they
squander resources on personal indulgences (estates, planes, whatever)
as opposed to investing, the wealth acts counter to the public good.

Which is why we sould tax consumption but not income.
I'll grant you the save and invest function, but note that everyone
can save and invest, not just tycoons. Scores of tiny capital caches
could add up to significant and great power nationally, if only they
existed. Witness the benefit of micro-cap loans in Africa and Asia.

Scores of tiny caches is still tiny. In developed countries, the other
big pool of investment is insurance and retirement plans. In poor
countries, where local enterprise is sorely needed, even the small
investments are great.
And being an example, to me, means to teach others the road to
freedom, to help them realize their potential, which is very important

It's not all that hard: Go to school. Work. Get married before
having kids. Save, don't waste. Invest.

It's not hard. But too many people, at all income levels, spend more
than they make on crap and it doesn't make them happy.


John Larkin

For Keith's reasons, to be sure, namely, it's great for the kids.
But, there are even more basic, practical reasons _for the parents_
when it comes to "how to avoid being poor": it's more efficient. It
costs more to maintain two households than one. It's as easy to shop
& cook for two or three people as for one. There are other economies
as well. So getting married helps, and most especially if you're
going to have kids.

Married people are healthier, happier, wealthier, live longer, and
have more sex than singles.

I discovered the secret of success: marry a woman who has a good job.


Homer J Simpson

I'd counter & propose ideally that rich people became so by virtue
of their being productive, and by virtue of carefully saving and
applying the proceeds. That description covers the majority of my
acquaintence, with a minority who owe theirs to luck, looks, or

Seems to be a large minority and they have appeared all too often in the
economic history of the USA.




Robert Latest

James said:
when it comes to "how to avoid being poor": it's more efficient. It
costs more to maintain two households than one. It's as easy to shop
& cook for two or three people as for one. There are other economies
as well. So getting married helps, and most especially if you're
going to have kids.

What you mean is: live together and stay together. I fully agree, but that
has nothing to do with marriage.


Robert Latest

John said:
Married people are healthier, happier, wealthier, live longer, and
have more sex than singles.

You're talking about couples. They don't have necessarily to be married.



You're talking about couples. They don't have necessarily to be married.

It certainly helps. As dismal as the divorce rates are, they're
far better than the "shack-up" rates.

John Larkin

The singles may have raunchier sex though !


Yeah. I you don't care about someone, and don't plan to see them
again, you can get really rough.

Go for it.


Rich Grise

What you mean is: live together and stay together. I fully agree, but that
has nothing to do with marriage.

Yeah - if two people love each other, why should they be required to sign
a contract with Satan? ;-)


Homer J Simpson

It depends on how self-righteous and guilt-ridden you are.

So that's why Charlie Sheen looks so happy?





John said:
You mean, before the brownshirts beat up all the political opposition?
Before Hitler became the Fuhrer? By the time they invaded Poland, it
wasn't anything like a functional democracy.


If you are talking about functioning democracies, then you cut out the
nominal democracies of the Soviet Union (most communist peolpes replubics
and agglommerations of such), the Phillipines, the USA, Mexico, Niger,
Somalia, Venezuela, Saddam's Iraq and many more.