Maker Pro
Maker Pro

History of bulk electronic components suppliers


James Arthur

They've had THREE elections, and the invaders (Bush et al) don't like
the outcome, because it's always "Yankee Go Home".

AIUI, their results are the same as here: "We want you guys to
leave, but PLEASE don't leave us NOW!"

James Arthur

James Arthur

And your idea to stop the killing is to go in and do some more killing?
That's either insane or evil.

Those are false choices. Many times doing something is a lot better
than doing nothing at all.

Take Darfur, for example.

Best wishes,
James Arthur

Mark Aitchison

Michael said:
... a 12 mile round trip to get rid of my trash.

as the person who started the "history of bulk electronic component
suppliers" thread I have to say the way this one changed topic again and
again was pretty amazing, even by the standards of some the the alt.

But full circle, and talking rubbish... if there is little demand for
bulk out-of-spec or whatever components those old dinosaur companies
like Poly Paks and BiPak supplied, what happens to them now? I presume
there is still a lot coming off production lines that are not quite 100%
within spec... are they simply trashed?? And what about those zillions
of old transistors and ICs for sale on the internet that nobody will
ever need but nobody wants to toss out? I mean - there are really old
obscure transistors out there by the cartload that probably only 3
people in the world will ever consider using to fix up some old
equipment, and even then they'll use some modern equivalent if they can.

Do these guys actually sell enough of these things (that nobody would
dream of using of using in new designs) when the outlets that used to
sell a bag of 'em for a few bucks are all gone?

Mark A

Prepair Ltd

Do these guys actually sell enough of these things (that nobody would
dream of using of using in new designs) when the outlets that used to
sell a bag of 'em for a few bucks are all gone?

Mark A

Surprisingly, I have some good results with new old stock film capacitors on
ebay as a lot of the makers have stopped production of many of them and they are
unobtanium now.

Semiconductors are still in demand, carbon film resistors you can't give away
but occasionally a deal can be done, things like mains adjusters are obsolete
with universal input switch mode equipment coming along, so they are not easy to
sell, panel fuseholders don't seem to have a big market either, toroidal
trannies move very well if they fit what homebrew guys want, even some of the
most unusual things will sell if someone wants it!

It is all a case of having something available when someone wants it. I found it
easier to start an ebay shop where I have sold more obsolete stuff this past few
months than ever I did in the few years previously.

(This is separate from our company transactions)
