Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: History of bulk electronic components suppliers



Eeyore said:
Contrary to popular US opinion, pre-war Germany was a democracy. That's
about as good an example as you could get. As were the countries it
initially went to war with.


How kind of you to omit the "War Between the States". But then wars between
democracies goes back all the way to Athens and Sparta.

John Larkin

If you are talking about functioning democracies, then you cut out the
nominal democracies of the Soviet Union (most communist peolpes replubics
and agglommerations of such), the Phillipines, the USA, Mexico, Niger,
Somalia, Venezuela, Saddam's Iraq and many more.

The US has a nicely functional democracy, as evidenced by the fact
that there are elected, competitive political parties and that power
changes hand often, at local through national levels, based on popular


Michael A. Terrell

John said:
Some do. Some become rich by selling drugs, or scamming corporations,
or suing doctors, or just getting into the middle of transactions.
Even then, they usually divert resources into investment. In that they
squander resources on personal indulgences (estates, planes, whatever)
as opposed to investing, the wealth acts counter to the public good.

Which is why we sould tax consumption but not income.

There is a proposal to eliminate property taxes in Florida, and
replace them with an 8.5% sales tax which would triple my effective
property tax, and I would still have to pay the fire, garbage, sewer and
water rates, even though there is no garbage collection, sewer system,
or county water service out here in the country. I have a well, a
septic tank, and have to make a 12 mile round trip to get rid of my

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Rich Grise

There is a proposal to eliminate property taxes in Florida, and
replace them with an 8.5% sales tax which would triple my effective
property tax, ...

Would you please be so kind as to explain to us ignorami how exactly
"eliminate property taxes" plus "an 8.5% sales tax" adds up to "triple my
effective property tax"?

Do you buy a new house every week, or what?



Would you please be so kind as to explain to us ignorami how exactly
"eliminate property taxes" plus "an 8.5% sales tax" adds up to "triple my
effective property tax"?

Do you buy a new house every week, or what?

It's pretty simple Greasy (see: "effective"). An 8.5% sales tax
would cost him 3x the money as he now pays in property tax.