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Maker Pro

Re: History of bulk electronic components suppliers


John Larkin

On Sun, 18 Feb 2007 12:17:11 -0800, James Arthur wrote:

... We dominate the country. ...

And that is just plain wrong. Anyone who can't see that is either blind
or a fool, and those who know it but won't admit it are just plain evil.

It's the quest for world domination that's taking America straight
to Hell in a handbasket.

Silly. We have no colonies, not even in Europe where we had absolute
military domination not long ago. We pay market prices for everything.
We export aid, wealth, and jobs to places that, frankly, need them a
lot worse than we do. Puerto Rico and other affiliates can vote to
become fully independent if they want to. The US doesn't want to
dominate the world, we want to spread wealth and democracy. What's
wrong with that?

I suppose amoral is the new "moral."


John Larkin

I have no money.

That's one of the most common excuses. The price of one six-pack of
Bud would buy enough vitamin A to keep a dozen African kids from going




Richard said:
On Sun, 18 Feb 2007 12:17:11 -0800, James Arthur wrote:

... We dominate the country. ...

And that is just plain wrong. Anyone who can't see that is either blind
or a fool, and those who know it but won't admit it are just plain evil.

It's the quest for world domination that's taking America straight
to Hell in a handbasket.

In nay case, the USA most certainly doesn't dominate Iraq in any useful way.


James Arthur

Right. Nothing to do with going in based on lies and on promises that could
never be kept.

Irrelevant, obviously. All wars involve lies, pretexts, and

You're not thinking logically. These have nothing to do with the
logistics, or the relative military merits.

Surely you'd not claim war and winning more difficult now by the
fact that our troops occupy and control the terrain, have bases, have
support by land, air, and sea, etc., as compared to before, with
Saddam in charge, a standing army opposed, Republican Guard, etc?

But you avoid the greater issue, which was that I indeed have showed
that false "Liberalism" has cost society thousands-fold more in
dollars and in human misery than your boogeyman--evil corporations--
ever did.

Neither is good. But let's keep things in perspective. We have to,
if we're to make things better.

Best wishes,
James Arthur

John Larkin

In nay case, the USA most certainly doesn't dominate Iraq in any useful way.

The point is that the Iraqui people should dominate Iraq, creating the
novel idea of a democracy in the Middle East.

You (I assume) enjoy the benefits of representative government; why
should't everyone?


Homer J Simpson

You (I assume) enjoy the benefits of representative government; why
should't everyone?

People have to want peace and democracy.

The Kurds do but the US denies it to them.

The Iraqis don't so the US tries to force it on them.

John Larkin

Right. That's why you've bombed your way across chunks of Central and South
America not to mention the rest of the world.

Funny how you always wind up crushing democracies and shifting wealth to

Describing Noam Chomsky as a "scholar" is enough to make a mockery of
that site. I bet you buy his books, with the money you don't spend on
actually helping people.


James Arthur

America's quest for world domination? By that you must mean fast-
food and the internet right?

Hell in a handbasket? Heck, the deficit's down another $50 billion,
despite all the money we're dumping into Iraq. The economy's been so
strong that revenues are outstripping even Congress' abilty to spend
them. (Don't expect that to last...neither the boom, nor Congress'
In nay case, the USA most certainly doesn't dominate Iraq in any useful way.


Certainly we do, if you consider what the murderous-types would do
once unleashed. We owe the Iraqis better than that.

Remember, by and large they're not attacking Americans, they're not
fighting another army representing a different political point of
view, they're attacking their own civilians. That's nasty.

James Arthur

Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

That's one of the most common excuses. The price of one six-pack of Bud
would buy enough vitamin A to keep a dozen African kids from going blind.

So, how much of that five bucks actually gets to these "African kids",
and how much goes into the pockets of the intervening bureaucrats?


Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

In nay case, the USA most certainly doesn't dominate Iraq in any useful
The point is that the Iraqui people should dominate Iraq, creating the
novel idea of a democracy in the Middle East.

You (I assume) enjoy the benefits of representative government; why
should't everyone?

They've had THREE elections, and the invaders (Bush et al) don't like
the outcome, because it's always "Yankee Go Home".


John Larkin

So, how much of that five bucks actually gets to these "African kids",
and how much goes into the pockets of the intervening bureaucrats?

Excellent, another creative excuse for the list, the list those kids
will never be able to read.

DWB/MSF is very good in providing real services, so that's one of the
things we support. We don't donate to the UN.



James said:
Certainly we do, if you consider what the murderous-types would do
once unleashed. We owe the Iraqis better than that.

Remember, by and large they're not attacking Americans, they're not
fighting another army representing a different political point of
view, they're attacking their own civilians. That's nasty.

And how precisely does America think it can change that ? They weren't doing it
before you lot invaded !


Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

Remember, by and large they're not attacking Americans, they're not
fighting another army representing a different political point of view,
they're attacking their own civilians. That's nasty.

And your idea to stop the killing is to go in and do some more killing?
That's either insane or evil.


Homer J Simpson

But you avoid the greater issue, which was that I indeed have showed
that false "Liberalism" has cost society thousands-fold more in
dollars and in human misery than your boogeyman--evil corporations--
ever did.

Bullshit. Nothing good has ever come but with the support of liberals.


Homer J Simpson

Describing Noam Chomsky as a "scholar" is enough to make a mockery of
that site. I bet you buy his books, with the money you don't spend on
actually helping people.

Noam Chomsky. G W Bush. There's a contest -NOT!

I'll stick to Chomsky - at least he can chew and watch TV at the same time.



John said:
The point is that the Iraqui people should dominate Iraq,

If you can call them a single people of course !

creating the novel idea of a democracy in the Middle East.

You (I assume) enjoy the benefits of representative government;

It claims to be representative. I'm not convinced any more. Hang on, I'm
convinced it's not.

why should't everyone?

Fine by me. It's not a crime to suggest that some countries may not be entirely
ready for it though ( I know an Indian businessman who thinks democracy in India
is a farce for example ).


John Larkin

Fine by me. It's not a crime to suggest that some countries may not be entirely
ready for it though ( I know an Indian businessman who thinks democracy in India
is a farce for example ).

As far as I know, democracy is always a farce. But it pretty much
works. Maybe that's *why* it works.


John Larkin

And how precisely does America think it can change that ? They weren't doing it
before you lot invaded !

Of course they were, as the skeletons in the trenches demonstrate. The
slaughter was just more organized, and now it's, well, more


John Larkin

No, that's what it's become. Socialism, redistribution of wealth,
charity; call it what you will. It's the belief that others must
labor on your behalf, and pay your maintenance.

Charity is different. It is voluntary and subject to realistic
evaluation of its effectiveness, by the giver himself. And it tends to
be a lot more personal, real people helping real people. Charity seems
to be effective in improving the world, whereas most government social
programs are inefficient and destructive. And charity is never an
