Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: History of bulk electronic components suppliers


Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

You'd prefer to have the pointless lost wars ?

I'd prefer that they not go on crusades and call them a "war".

One thing about bullies is, if you find a way to fight back, it
confuses the hell out of them. And the only way to defend yourself
from a bully who's got you outmanned and outgunned by 100:1 is to
learn to fight dirty - they're fighting for their life, you know.

The "insurgents" are actually defenders of their OWN Homeland, and
they want to repel the invaders.

The Sunni are bombing the Shia because they see the Shia as collaborators.

Anybody remember that WWII guy and the brownshirts?


John Larkin

Well, when I win the lottery, one of my plans is to buy a vacant lot
somewhere and set up a flop house, AKA Homeless Shelter.

I will have only one rule: No violence. One strike, and you're back
in the street.


That's an original excuse for not helping others: I haven't won the
lottery yet. That makes it the fault of the California Lottery


Homer J Simpson

Absolutely spot-on.

Can you do that with bullshit?

That war was lost the moment it was started for no good reason and with no
exit strategy.

So was this one. At least George Snr. knew when to get out.



Homer J Simpson

That's an original excuse for not helping others: I haven't won the
lottery yet. That makes it the fault of the California Lottery

Go for the Powerball but don't drive down to get a ticket. You are 7 times
more likely to die in an accident driving 2 miles or more than to win the



Michael A. Terrell

John said:
That's an original excuse for not helping others: I haven't won the
lottery yet. That makes it the fault of the California Lottery


I have very little to live on yet I give things away, all the time.
I do whatever I can to help others, without asking anything in return.
It is the way I was raised. There is always someone out there who needs

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida


Richard said:
I'd prefer that they not go on crusades and call them a "war".

One thing about bullies is, if you find a way to fight back, it
confuses the hell out of them. And the only way to defend yourself
from a bully who's got you outmanned and outgunned by 100:1 is to
learn to fight dirty - they're fighting for their life, you know.

The "insurgents" are actually defenders of their OWN Homeland, and
they want to repel the invaders.

The Sunni are bombing the Shia because they see the Shia as collaborators.

I doubt that.

Anybody remember that WWII guy and the brownshirts?

Oswald Mosely ? What about him ?


John Larkin

Go for the Powerball but don't drive down to get a ticket. You are 7 times
more likely to die in an accident driving 2 miles or more than to win the

So you lose money playing Powerball, but won't spend a few bucks
(which I'll match 4:1) to help provide medical care to poor people?

That's a true Progressive for ya. Angry in the abstract about social
injustice, but not willing to actually do anything to help real

Please use this form to fill out your excuses:

Homer J Simpson

So you lose money playing Powerball, but won't spend a few bucks
(which I'll match 4:1) to help provide medical care to poor people?

That's a true Progressive for ya. Angry in the abstract about social
injustice, but not willing to actually do anything to help real

Your inability to comprehend the written word needs no further examples.


John Larkin

Your inability to comprehend the written word needs no further examples.

So write a check to MSF if you care about the poor and the sick. Send
me the canceled check and I'll quadruple the donation, four US dollars
for each Canadian.

Or quit posing as a "Progressive" and shut up.


James Arthur

Can you do that with bullshit?

That war was lost the moment it was started for no good reason and with no
exit strategy.

So was this one. At least George Snr. knew when to get out.

(sci.electronics.components dropped)

This war isn't lost, even now. Not by a long shot. The enemy is
but few--he claims 20k, but cut that in half or less. Nor is he
militarily effective. We dominate the country. He snipes and takes
potshots at our troops, but accomplishes little. For each soldier we
lose, he loses many, from his few. He can't afford it. Nor has he
popular support--the support of the people--for they are his quarry,
his prey.

But to win you have to present a single, unified, determined front
to your enemy, which the Democrats prevent, indeed, actively subvert.

Uniting, the press has to report successes, not just costs (they
always report the US's total losses; where's the enemy-tally?). But
then the press has a viewpoint to promote, and is eager to see the
President humiliated on any account, which is reason enough to oppose
him, regardless of the endeavor.

And so, back to the costs of Liberalism (capital "L", meaning
"people who proclaim themselves liberals, but aren't"), I add the cost
of the war.

So, you asked when Liberals last cost society a billion dollars, and
I've listed a number of their real-world trillion-dollar money-sinks,
massively mis-managed, producing little of the intended benefit.

To that list we could add the Homeland pseudo-Security nonsense.

That's my gripe, that's the harm wrought by well-intentioned actions
not well thought out.

James Arthur

Homer J Simpson

So write a check to MSF if you care about the poor and the sick. Send
me the canceled check and I'll quadruple the donation, four US dollars
for each Canadian.

Or quit posing as a "Progressive" and shut up.

So much for the "land of the free". It wears off quickly doesn't it?





Homer J Simpson

This war isn't lost, even now. Not by a long shot. The enemy is
but few--he claims 20k, but cut that in half or less.

You never had enough soldiers and have fewer now. He keeps adding to the
Nor is he
militarily effective. We dominate the country. He snipes and takes
potshots at our troops, but accomplishes little.

Just like Vietnam. You still had to bail.
For each soldier we
lose, he loses many, from his few. He can't afford it. Nor has he
popular support--the support of the people--for they are his quarry,
his prey.

Just like Vietnam. You still had to bail.
But to win you have to present a single, unified, determined front
to your enemy, which the Democrats prevent, indeed, actively subvert.

Right. Nothing to do with going in based on lies and on promises that could
never be kept.

"Mission Accomplished" - if the mission was a never ending war of attrition.

John Fields

So much for the "land of the free". It wears off quickly doesn't it?

It never wears off, creep.

Larkin's challenged you to participate in an event where for each
Canadian dollar you put up he'll add to that four US dollars, up to
USD 15k, but all you do is keep waffling. Put up or shut up, you
miserable piece of shit. Lord knows you ought to be able to afford
it, what with all of your trips across the border and back in order
to sell all of your US Internet, US Ebay bought stuff, no?

John Larkin

So much for the "land of the free". It wears off quickly doesn't it?

I made the offer fully knowing you wouldn't accept. So I'll just send
them the $15K or so on my own behalf. Too bad, you could have saved a
few lives, but you don't actually care, do you? Your motivations
aren't charity or justice or caring for the less well off, they are
rage and impotence directed against people who you think have more.

But to everyone else, the non-jerks out there: send MSF a few bucks.
It will do the kids some good, and do you some good too.


Homer J Simpson

Yada yada yada.

Freedom implies saying and doing what you want. You only want freedom for
yourself, not for others.




Hal Murray

I'm just about to try syncing 3 little smps together. Of course the
555 was the first thing that came into my head as a master clock, say
80K, what would you suggest?

I'm certainly not going to use a PIC

Why not? Is there else anything useful it can do?

Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

That's an original excuse for not helping others: I haven't won the
lottery yet. That makes it the fault of the California Lottery

Well, you can't give from an empty vessel. Once I've got my necessities,
if I have any cash left over, I'm happy to donate what I can spare.

Right now my net worth is agout $7.00.


Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

On Sun, 18 Feb 2007 12:17:11 -0800, James Arthur wrote:

.... We dominate the country. ...

And that is just plain wrong. Anyone who can't see that is either blind
or a fool, and those who know it but won't admit it are just plain evil.

It's the quest for world domination that's taking America straight
to Hell in a handbasket.
