Sloman's trick of using the 120V primaries in series and having your
device connected in parallel across the primaries causes the
transformer to become an autotransformer, which would work.
Using the scheme with a transformer with dual 240V secondaries
likely wouldn't work well because of the much higher winding
resistance you'll encounter causing,
Winding resistence doesn't depend ONLY on input voltage range. You can
get dual 115V's with higher resistence then dual 230V's
I would expect, _very_ poor
as far as I know neither does regulation ... unless you have some good
reasoning to prove that.
For the same core, to get the same flux density with a 240V input
would require twice the number of turns as for a 120V input.
The voltage on the secondary is related to the voltage on the
primary by:
Es Ns
---- = ---- (1)
Ep Np
Where Es and Ep are the primary and secondary voltages,
respectively, and Ns and Np are the number of turns wound on the
secondary and on the primary, respectively.
Since the transformer is tranferring power, the current in the
secondary has to be related to the current in the primary by:
Is Np
---- = ---- (2)
Ip Ns
So, for, say:
120V>--+ || +-->120V>--+
P || S |
R || E [120R]
I || C |
120V>--+ || +-->120V>--+
With 120V out of the secondary and a 120 ohm load, we'll have a load
------>>>>current (in the secondary) of:
Es 120V
Is = ---- = ------ = 1 ampere
Rl 120R
Now you are tapping current from the secondary ... wheras the secondary
remains unconnected !!!!!!
I don't know what you're looking at, but from my point of view what
I drew was:
120V>--+ || +-->120V>--+
P || S |
R || E [120R]
I || C |
120V>--+ || +-->120V>--+
where we have a transformer with a primary connected to 120V mains
and a secondary with a 120V output clearly connected to a 120 ohm
Perhaps you're not viewing the ASCII schematic with a fixed-pitch
font, like Courier?
--- \
Oops... typo. Should read 'secondary'.
--------------->>>>>>>then there must be the same number of turns on
the primary as there
The transformer Sloman had in consideration was a step down => number
of turns on the primary NOT equal to turns on secondary
As I suspected, you haven't read the thread through.
The transformer I refer to later on was not the step-down
transformer which Sloman refererred to at first, but one which he
referred to later on, which was a transformer with dual 115
primaries which he suggested be wired in series to make the
transformer an autotransformer. He also stated that the secondary
(ies) be ignored.
The transformer I referred to above was used just to illustrate a
few principles and was certainly not one which anyone would suggest
that the OP seriously consider, considering that the OP need a 2:1
stepdown in voltage from 240 to 120, and enough current out of the
secondary to feed a 6 watt (or, maybe, VA) load.
Had you been paying attention, you might have noticed that the
transformer I referred to, above, givea a 1:1 voltage ratio from
input to output and is capable of sypplying 120 watts into a
resistive load. Neither one of which the OP asked for, but
perfectly fine for illustrating a point.
Irrelevant as your completely off topic
LOL, You really don't even know that you have no clue.
Now, with that behind us, let's take a look at a transformer with
dual 120V primaries and connect them in series so we can use it as
an autotransformer with a 240V input and a 120V output and see what
| |
||P |
||R [120R]
||2 |
| |
Since we have twice the voltage across the inductance of the
primary, we'll need twice the number of turns to keep the flux
density in the core the same as it was for the 120V case, and that
criterion is satisfied with the two windings in series.
Now, just assume, for the sake of the argument, that our first
120V>--+ || +-->120V>--+
P || S |
R || E [120R]
I || C |
120V>--+ || +-->120V>--+
-------------->>>>>>>>>Really had two 120V primaries which were
connected in parallel:
Parallel primaries would give you 240V on the primaries NOT 120V
Really? with two 120V primaries connected to each other in parallel,
and in phase, across 120V mains, what makes you think that would
magically put 240V across the primaries?
Take a look at the next ASCII diagram, and if you can't see what an
asinine statement it was that you made, then I don't think there's a
lot of hope for you. I think Wendy's may pay a little better than
BK, but you might have trouble getting in.
120V>--+---+ ||
| P ||
| R ||
| 1 ||
120V>--|-+-+ || +-->120V>--+
| | || S |
| | || E [120R]
| | || C |
+-|-+ || +-->120V>--+
| P ||
| R ||
| 2 ||
+-+ ||
In which case each primary would be rated for 500mA and, in
parallel, the combination could carry 1 amp.
Now, though, since we're not using the secondary and taking
advantage of the current sharing we'd get with both primaries in
parallel feeding the load on the secondary, we're forcing one of the
primaries to supply the entire load, which is going to cause twice
the voltage drop across it than would occur with with the windings
in parallel. That, in and of itself, will cause the regulation to
be poorer than it would be with a conventional transformer with the
same amount of iron in the core.
You talk about voltage regulation with a load connected to the
secondary . This isn't happen.
Man you give a bad name to this newsgroup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wrong again. I give a bad name to people like you who come here to
play stupid games. Actually, _several_ bad names! In your case,
the first one which springs to mind is "moron".
why should they necessarily be wound with smaller wire???????????
Same core, same winding window, more voltage, more turns, less
current, smaller diameter wire.
Grow up man . You don't know what at Transformer is!
You may know what one is, but you sure don't know how they work!
Speaking of work, what is it you claim you get paid to do?
I REPEAT .......Go ask your granny she'll tell you thet : You talk
about voltage regulation with a load connected to the secondary . This
isn't happening in the case we are considering.
LOL ....
You're right, it's not a case _we're_ considering, because the
concepts presented, even though somewhat elementary, seem to be
beyond _your_ grasp.
Here's a clue for you:
If we take this:
| |
||P |
||R [120R]
||2 |
| |
and redraw and relabel it like this:
240V>------+ +-->120V>--+
| | |
P || S |
R || E [120R]
I || C |
| | |
Does that make it any clearer?
No? Then here's one even you might be able to figure out:
What is the mystery voltage with reference to GND?