It will be easier to find a 2 W metal film, than a wire wound in that wattage category . . . . quite hardy ! . . . . as I have seen them working in the dark . . .as a dull glow.
It's easy to find a 3 or especially a 5 W wirewound unit but that will DEFEAT the fusible effect, provided by this component.
But do not use old carbon composition or carbon film.
When you get one installed . . . . .INITIALLY . . . on power up . . . . .have metering already clipped in across it and power up ONLY long enough for a DC meter reading to develop across that resistor.
If that reading is over 2V then we most likely will have problems in the AUDIO OUTPUT stages.
Then you move sequentially, to each one of the already referenced 1 ohm resistors and use the same metering procedure and the same MINIMAL POWER ON time across each of then to look for a distinct voltage variance.