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Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!


The Natural Philosopher

Arnold said:
And the statistics say that outlaws don't act up as often both in and out of
we can look at many of your European countries for grievous examples of just
Like Russia with a corrupt socialist state and really mean thug population
and police state law on guns.
But then that is what socialist feel safest with, is a police state and what
the entire gun control issue is really about.
Most socialist have enorgh sense to know that general public does not want a
police state by nature,so they cloud the
water a bit so you don't see that aspect of thier gun control.
What you fail to realise is that your experience is not first hand, nor
even second hand. Its at best third hand from infirmation that is
slanted specifically to make you feel smug, superiors. american, and
just paranoid enough to buy lots of guns and other bang bangs, and keep
the small arms business highly profitable.

In so doing you become the laughing stock of the civilised world.
Normally we are too polite to point this out, but years of the shrub
have tried everybodt's patience.

no one

And how are you going to make sure they're there and not in the hands of
criminals ?

The best thing to do is to allow everyone who wants to carry a weapon to be
able to do so. The reason is there are more good guys in the world then bad

You don't hear about shootings in places where people know there will or
even MIGHT be several armed people.

no one

Especially an AK47.

What conceivable legal use is there for such a thing?

It's a military weapon and has no place outside of a firing range,
military establishment or museum.

It wasn't an AK47. It just looked like one. It works no differently than a
semi-auto hunting rifle.

In this country, the person who lent it to him would have been up on a
serious criminal charge, both for possessing it and for complete disregard
of overseeing its use, if indeed he was able to license it himself.

It simply would never have got into circulation at all.

And if it did every single person involved in its supply would have been
on serious criminal charges.

WE have the good sense to see that those supplying unsuitable weapons are
the real criminals.

And I'm sure there are no illegal guns nor drugs in your country.

no one

Actually, it wasn't an AK-47, as that is a selective-fire weapon. It
I'm sure that's very reassuring to the families of the victims.

You wouldn't want them killed with an *illegally* owned weapon would you ?

Luckily the shooter didn't know much about firearms. If he had he would
have use a shotgun. If he had really wanted to do a lot of damage he'd used
a few beer bottles full of gasoline.

no one

No, time for you to get your todger out, take up position, take aim and
Precisely. The only way to prevent it would be to make sure the idiot
never could get his hand on such a weapon in the first place.

If someone wants to kill a load of people and then him/herself, there is
essentially not much you CAN do except limit access to the sort of
technology that makes it possible to take out quite so many people.

Hum. . .So mortars were legal in the UK in the 70's and 80's? I seem to
remember the IRA used to use them fairly often back then. I guess bombs
were as well.

Then again I guess the Swiss must have to wear hip boots to wade through the
blood flowing in their streets because of all the weapons in that country.

And of course no counrty in Europe has ANY illegal drug users because if
something is illegal it can't be had.

no one

Yes a woman, church volunteer, private citizen
So, a person who claims to be xtian then ...

What happened to "thou shalt not kill"?

I didn't notice any exceptions or exclusions there ...

You seem to only have read one small section of the Bible. Christ himself
said if you didn't have a sword you should sell your garment and buy one.

If you are stuck in the old testament you better read about all the laws
that carried a death sentence.

no one

The kid reloaded, that implies TIME when he was not firing, hence,
Ah, now that's a shame - rules, eh?

What about the police there, were they armed

They got there in about 6 mins. But by that time the shooter had already
killed himself. So it wouldn't have mattered if it had taken them 6 hours.

BTW, did you read how an armed woman with a handgun stopped a well armed
shooter bent on killing as many Christians as he could? As I have pointed
out its a good thing these nut cases don't have the smarts to use something
that can do a lot of damage. Heck, even the US government knows if you
wantt to kill a lot of people at once you use fire not bullets.

no one

The statistics speak for themselves.

IIRC, the USSR crime statistics showed that there was almost no crime there.
Maybe we should go to using that system?

no one

Note that I am not in favour of our current gun legislation. I think
it has done little or nothing to make us safer and has succeeded
primarily in affecting sport shooting only. Nor, in fact, am I totally
unsympathetic to the left-pondian gun-lobby. However, I do not think
that an impartial observer can ignore the fact that those nations that
are awash with guns have more gun crime.

Is that a cause or an effect? A Christian country tends to have more
churches than a Muslim one. I'm willing to bet that the UK has a larger
percentage of people beaten with cricket bats than the US. What does that

Look at North America. You have Canada with very strict gun control and
very little gun crime. You have USA with less gun control and more gun
crime. Then you have Mexico with its draconian gun conrol laws but with all
kinds of gun crime. Why doesn't your logic work? IMO, its because its not
so much the laws but the people living under the laws.

You can break it down ever farther. In the US some states (and even
counties and cities) have very strict gun control laws and others have very
lax laws. California is a state in the strict group and yet LA is a city
"awash" in gun crime. On the other hand Vermont has some, if not the most,
lax gun laws in the US (anyone over 21 w/o a criminal record may carry a
handgun, openly or concealed). Using your logic Vermont should be a very
dangerous place to live but in fact it is one of the safest.

More evidence that your logic is flawed is in Europe. Its the often brought
out Switzerland. You want to talk about a country awash with guns!! Almost
everyone knows that the Swiss are among the most armed people in the world
with a military rifle and ammo in almost every household. I don't remember
reading anything about the latest shootings there.

The Natural Philosopher

no said:
Is that a cause or an effect? A Christian country tends to have more
churches than a Muslim one. I'm willing to bet that the UK has a larger
percentage of people beaten with cricket bats than the US. What does
that mean?

It means that you have as usual no idea what you are talking about,.

A cricket bat is and expensive specialised tool, and useless for beating
up people with.

Only a Septic would eben think of using it thus.

Look at North America. You have Canada with very strict gun control and
very little gun crime. You have USA with less gun control and more gun
crime. Then you have Mexico with its draconian gun conrol laws but with
all kinds of gun crime. Why doesn't your logic work? IMO, its because
its not so much the laws but the people living under the laws.

And teh pople selling them the guns...

You can break it down ever farther. In the US some states (and even
counties and cities) have very strict gun control laws and others have
very lax laws. California is a state in the strict group and yet LA is
a city "awash" in gun crime. On the other hand Vermont has some, if not
the most, lax gun laws in the US (anyone over 21 w/o a criminal record
may carry a handgun, openly or concealed). Using your logic Vermont
should be a very dangerous place to live but in fact it is one of the

More evidence that your logic is flawed is in Europe. Its the often
brought out Switzerland. You want to talk about a country awash with
guns!! Almost everyone knows that the Swiss are among the most armed
people in the world with a military rifle and ammo in almost every
household. I don't remember reading anything about the latest shootings

You haven't been reading very hard then.

Can you read?

Or is it all just spoon fed from FoxNews?

Arnold Walker

geoff said:
What ... like septicstan ?
Worked for a church this last week.....the shooter didn't think armed
security guards would be present at a church.
Popped one church member and the quard was all over him before he could
continue his shooting spree.

Arnold Walker

no one said:
IIRC, the USSR crime statistics showed that there was almost no crime
there. Maybe we should go to using that system?
That is not what the immigrates fleeing Russia have to say about Russia.
Corruption and general mayham is so much standard procedure....that even
Hell it self sounded like an improvement
over what the machinist (we hired) lived in there.You don't normally find
Mexican machinist ,Russia and the East Bloc is a another story.

The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
Hence the term "Red-blooded American"; we don't have piss flowing in our
No, its running down yer trouser legs every time someone waves a gun about.

The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
It is my understanding from what I've seen on the news that the church
had no security guards, or if they did, it was not the guard who killed the
murderer; it was a female church member licensed to carry a concealed
weapon. We are out there, and we will shoot back if needs be....

Usually at the people on your own side..allegedly.

Arnold Walker

The Natural Philosopher said:
No, its running down yer trouser legs every time someone waves a gun
Actually , that is the case of police state supporters every time someone
like the voluteer
guard.In the church this past week show up in the news.PC for a concealed
weapon carrier like Jim....
the guard got the shooter and the police state supporters are pissing all
over themselves tring to justify thier view.

Arnold Walker

Solar Flare said:
We have a cell waiting for you. Our prison guards are standing by.
The same one that is holding border guards that shot drug dealers fleeing
into Mexico or trying to ram border gates....

no one

It means that if you armed cricket player with guns, like the US does,
they would be shooting each other also.

I prefer not to live my life in fear.

Hum. . .no answer to either question, just an insult. Must be a liberal.

no one

It means that you have as usual no idea what you are talking about,.

A cricket bat is and expensive specialised tool, and useless for beating
up people with.

Only a Septic would eben think of using it thus.

Sorry didn't mean to go over your head. Let try to make it a little more
simple. Are people more violent because they have weapons or are do people
have weapons because they are violent?

IOW, if I take a peaceful law abiding person and put a handgun in his hand
is he suddenly going to go out and start shooting people?

And teh pople selling them the guns...

Huh? I point a failure of logic and you make a statement that makes no

You haven't been reading very hard then.

Can you read?

Or is it all just spoon fed from FoxNews?

So there is blood flowing in the streets in Switzerland? How about in
Vermont? Can you post the news reports showing this? I guess google news,
the BBC, newsday and the other news sites I read daily have missed all of

no one

No, its running down yer trouser legs every time someone waves a gun

No, no, no. He said American (meaning a citizen of the USA not someone from
anywhere in North or South America) not Frenchmen.

no one

School kids get sniped by cowards every year in the USA. Almost every
student has a gun in their purse or back pocket.

Or don't you believe in weapons enough to allow your children to have

My son, who is still in middle school, has two of his own and is allowed to
shoot any of mine if he ask. He has also received his first level black
belt in Tang Soo Do. Seeing as how he is well trained I'd have no problem
letting him carry a tool (a blade, firearm or other) to school is the school
would let him. FYI, there is only one weapon, your brain. Everything else
is a tool.