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Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!


no one

Yes a woman, church volunteer, private citizen
the 10 commandments - a stand alone set of rules by which all xtians are
meant to live by

no ifs no buts no excuses

even for retarded septics

You are really and truly ignorant of the Bible. The mosaic laws has many,
many 'crimes' that carry the death penalty. Usually carried out by stoning.
I could point out a few but you would probably just ignore them.

As I pointed out even Christ told his followers if they did not have a sword
(their equivalent of a firearm) that they should sell something and buy one.
I don't think he wanted them to have a sword to use as a walking stick.

no one

That is not what the immigrates fleeing Russia have to say about Russia.
Corruption and general mayham is so much standard procedure....that even
Hell it self sounded like an improvement
over what the machinist (we hired) lived in there.You don't normally find
Mexican machinist ,Russia and the East Bloc is a another story.

<sigh> Another point missed. . .The point was that stats are easily 'fixed'.
The USSR released stats showing that there was almost no crime anywhere in
the union. I could fix all the crime in the US. All you have to do is
repeal all the laws. No laws no crime.

no one

Actually, it wasn't an AK-47, as that is a selective-fire weapon. It
I want factual information reported, not distortions by ignorant
agenda-driven sensationalists.

Don't hold your breath. If it bleeds it leads. The bigger the hype the

no one

Use the tool that is appropriate for the task.

But they don't, that's the point. If a person is going out to try to kill a
lot of people then a handgun or even rifle is a poor tool. What's the max
number of people any one shooter has racked up?

I don't think anyone has reached a body count anywhere near the 87 killed by
one man with a can of gasoline and a match.

IIRC, that is still the largest non-terrorist (defined as killing for
political gain or reason) mass killing in the US.

Trygve Lillefosse

I never really thought of myself as a volunteer security guard, but I
guess that would not be an inaccurate statement. I would certainly shoot
anyone attempting to kill another person without stopping to inquire whether
or not the intended victim is a liberal puke-brain or not.

So, if you saw someone that was going to shoot a robber, you would
take him out without thinking or getting an overview of the situation?

Arnold Walker

Trygve Lillefosse said:
So, if you saw someone that was going to shoot a robber, you would
take him out without thinking or getting an overview of the situation?
That is part of the training for concealed weapon in most
must not have one to
know that.

Arnold Walker

geoff said:
It just shows up yet another inconsistency in xtianity

ITYF that the 10 commandments override everything else

I bet you even call yourself a xtian
As if liberals were might call yourself a socialist I bet.

Balanced View

Jim said:
Yeah, they really don't know anything about America. Their ignorance
shows every time their fingers type. Folks here are ready for another
right-wing rebellion, cuz we sure didn't get the one W promised us, and
Nancy Pelosi hasn't done a damned thing to help anyone.
rallying cry.
Nah, you're just plain mad, as in foaming at the mouth. You've had
almost 8 years of total right wing nonsense
that has bankrupted the country and blamed democrats like they had been
in control of all branches of the
government the whole time Bush has been in office. The end result is the
country is in the worst shape in living
memory, you need a revolution all right, but not a right wing one.

Balanced View

NapalmHeart said:
I went shopping last night with a Glock 23 on my hip and under my coat.
No one else knew and surprisingly, no one was shot. If the Eurotards
were right it would have overpowered my cerebral cortex, forced its way
into my hand, and caused me to commit mass-murder.
Take a gun to the mall? Sounds chickenshit to me, what do you take to a
real scary open place like
a playground, a bazooka?

no one

Yes a woman, church volunteer, private citizen
It just shows up yet another inconsistency in xtianity

ITYF that the 10 commandments override everything else

I bet you even call yourself a xtian

No it just shows the difficulty of translating from one language to another.
Especially translating almost any other language to English.

no one

Nah, you're just plain mad, as in foaming at the mouth. You've had almost
8 years of total right wing nonsense
that has bankrupted the country and blamed democrats like they had been in
control of all branches of the
government the whole time Bush has been in office. The end result is the
country is in the worst shape in living
memory, you need a revolution all right, but not a right wing one.

Guess you ain't that old are you? Many people can still remember the late
30's and early 40's. Talk about a country in bad shape.

It also seems you didn't live through the 70's either. Double digit
inflation, double digit interest rates, the misery index, Watergate, Gerald
Ford, Jimmy Carter. . .

no one

Except for yourself. You are a brainwashed tool.

careful. Better go shoot somebody before they think of hurting you.

I don't worry too much about that. Most people who don't like my politics
are the ones who are afraid of guns.

Balanced View

no said:
Guess you ain't that old are you? Many people can still remember the
late 30's and early 40's. Talk about a country in bad shape.

It also seems you didn't live through the 70's either. Double digit
inflation, double digit interest rates, the misery index, Watergate,
Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter. . .

Probably older than you, born in 1955. Even during the dirty 30's the
country wasn't in hock as it is now. Nothing that happened
under Ford or Carter was anywhere near as serious as what's happened
under Bush. Watergate was a poorly planned simple burglary
for which the sitting President had to resign. If Nixon had done what
Bush has, he would have had his own party screaming for his removal
along with the Vice President, and the Secretary of State .

Arnold Walker

no one said:
Guess you ain't that old are you? Many people can still remember the late
30's and early 40's. Talk about a country in bad shape.

It also seems you didn't live through the 70's either. Double digit
inflation, double digit interest rates, the misery index, Watergate,
Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter. . .
Still got a lot of energy provisions to fix because Carter.
He did a bang up job of hamstringing nuke and alternative energy.
Not to mention the socialist dialogue he calls spreading democracy and civil
Seems every country he supervised elections or whatever is even worse than
before he messes with them.
Sort like a old era Bill Clinton.....who is still busy screwing everything
he touches up including his own wife's

The Natural Philosopher

no said:
I don't worry too much about that. Most people who don't like my
politics are the ones who are afraid of guns.

No, afraid of guns in the hands of people with your sort of politics.

I guess Saddam was you Nuncle...

Arnold Walker

geoff said:
obviously a vintage year ...
I seem to remember the country oweing half the GNP in WWII and getting a
temperary tax
to's income tax system.Guess it wasn't temperary after all.
From here it looks like it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets
Already has happemed with democrats burning every bridge of reason in site
and looking for more.
Then wondering why they have the lowest rating in polling history.
And can only get as bad as the copperheads during Lincoln's term in office
for the same reasons.

We had two new parties as a result ,of all that out touch with the people,
chao during the 1850's-1860's.
One wonders if Bush had done as Lincoln and threw as many reporters and
policticians on prison barges on
the Potomac .Congress moved with impeachment of a Ohio copperhead for aiding
and abedding the enemy.
Like so many on capitol hill are doing now.....flowery words to exact
opposite effect while they are doing it.
What the reaction would have been.....

The Natural Philosopher

Dave said:
No, It's just that they consider a gun as a penis extension, just like a
massive 4 by 4
Basically primitive types, that's all. Big guts, big egos, small dicks.
big guns, big cars, small brains.

Like women with big tits and even less brains.

Trygve Lillefosse

Don't be silly. Norwegians are typically sensible people; are you a
Swede or something? <eg>

I was just pointing out that a situation may not be what it appears to
be, and if ones first tought is to shoot without hesitation, it may be

no one

So why aren't you out in Iraq doing your bit

or are you too frit ?

Not that I have to justify myself to anyone but in my younger days I was on
track to be an officer but a knee injury stopped that cold. Now I'm too old
for the private companies to want to hire. I tried a few of them in the
early months.

no one

JFK didn't live through the 70s

JFK's polices were a lot more like Reagan's and Bush's than they are like
any of the dems out there today. Tax cuts to those who make jobs and using
the military to project the beliefs of the US. Read a little real history,
not the stuff put out by the dems today.