Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!


Arnold Walker

geoff said:
Who are you to know who is a legal target and who isn't?

You're not necessarily in possession of all the facts

No, those are called bananas
That 's what they are calling liberals these days....

The Natural Philosopher

no said:
Not that I have to justify myself to anyone but in my younger days I was
on track to be an officer but a knee injury stopped that cold. Now I'm
too old for the private companies to want to hire.

we can be thankful for small mercies then.
I tried a few of
them in the early months.

And they decided you would cost them too much in legal fees..

Balanced View

no said:
JFK's polices were a lot more like Reagan's and Bush's than they are
like any of the dems out there today. Tax cuts to those who make jobs
and using the military to project the beliefs of the US. Read a
little real history, not the stuff put out by the dems today.

Kennedy wanted the tax cuts to be temporary, and he didn't cut them to
the level that would bring about a huge debt. Comparing
Kennedy to Bush is a joke.

The Natural Philosopher

NapalmHeart said:
I have to wonder if they even know what the terms mean.

Course we do. Its when some huge gutted swaggering Septic comes into a
pub in England and says' Now which corner of ~Africa are we in today?'
in a loud voice, and the landlord grabs a Purdey from behind the bar,
and perforates the ulcer, so to speak.

That's justifiable homicide.

Or as we call it, 'vermin control' ;-)

Arnold Walker

Balanced View said:
Kennedy wanted the tax cuts to be temporary, and he didn't cut them to the
level that would bring about a huge debt. Comparing
Kennedy to Bush is a joke.
Really many liberals even mention cutting taxes.
Alot of the other aspects of Kennedy are the reverse of modern liberals ,but
that maybe the reason it was a Democrat that shot him.

no one

Kennedy wanted the tax cuts to be temporary, and he didn't cut them to the
level that would bring about a huge debt. Comparing
Kennedy to Bush is a joke.

True, Kennedy put troops into combat in a country where we had no clear
strategic interest, only a political interest.

no one

So, if you saw someone that was going to shoot a robber, you would
As Jim has presented himself here, I seriously doubt that. Nice
rhetoric, but not very factual as far as the concealed pistol permit
holders that I know. USA national and state-by-state statistics don't
show your position to be true, either.


What are you trying to do, confuse him with facts?

Arnold Walker

geoff said:
yes I can - I have a fish pond

I'm married to a moslem, does it look like I've been "islamified"?

I don't think so

At least I have a more balanced view than the jaundiced homophobic one
that you obviously seem to have
Given the need for insults ....he won the debate.
But then ,how many liberals actually do something that is supportable in a
Little wonder they dive into insults and emotional/financial extortism to
cover that which they can't support.
And have little comfort with anyone having freedom of speech ,when it is in
disagreement with them .

Arnold Walker

no one said:
True, Kennedy put troops into combat in a country where we had no clear
strategic interest, only a political interest.
Which one Vietnan or Cuba....comes to mind.

Balanced View

NapalmHeart said:
Is that the best you can do?


Look mate, if you honestly feel there is a threat where virtually no
threat exists, you're simply paranoid.
According to the CDC you are at far greater risk of being killed by
eating at McDonalds.

Balanced View

Arnold said:
Really many liberals even mention cutting taxes.
Alot of the other aspects of Kennedy are the reverse of modern liberals ,but
that maybe the reason it was a Democrat that shot him.

You don't cut taxes when you are in a deficit situation, or if it will
put you into one, unless you make budget cuts
as well. Canada , called "almost bankrupt" in the early 1990's by the
Wall Street Journal, raised taxes, cut programs
and ended up with no deficit for the last ten years and the lowest debt
to GDP in the G8. They then cut taxes, that's
how you do it.

Balanced View

Arnold said:
Given the need for insults ....he won the debate.
But then ,how many liberals actually do something that is supportable in a

LOL, that's funny, what you claim is opposite to the truth. The Iraq war
is a good example, anytime anyone
asked " where are the WMD", or "how come we are no longer after Osama"
they were called traitors and
Little wonder they dive into insults and emotional/financial extortism to
cover that which they can't support.

The reverse is true
And have little comfort with anyone having freedom of speech ,when it is in
disagreement with them .

Only when it's been proven wrong and misguided by cites from reputable

no one

Kennedy wanted the tax cuts to be temporary, and he didn't cut them to
Which one Vietnan or Cuba....comes to mind.

We had a strategic interest in Cuba (still do) but it is a good example of
what I call the democratic war strategy which started with Truman. You
don't fight to win. You fight only until the other side agrees to stop then
you return to the status quo or you claim victory and run leaving someone
else to pay the price of your failure. Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, and many
'brush wars' in Africa are other examples.

no one

Amazing that you can't see what is right in your own backyard.
yes I can - I have a fish pond

I'm married to a moslem, does it look like I've been "islamified"?

I don't think so

At least I have a more balanced view than the jaundiced homophobic one
that you obviously seem to have

I think what we are seeing today is the Islamic version of the Spanish
Inquisition and the Crusades rolled into one. You have a group of people
who think they have the only correct version of the religion and are willing
to use force to make sure everyone else in the world follows that version.
If you are not willing to follow that version then they have to kill you.
Of course it was a reach to twist the Bible to where it says that but it
doesn't take much to make the Koran to say that.

no one

Given the need for insults ....he won the debate.
You're free to say what you like

as am I

I just enjoy insulting you

Its been my experience that liberals can't support their arguments with
facts and must resort to insults. The gun control topic is a good example.
The pro gunners can point out many cases where there are many guns and low
crime to which the anti gunners just toss insults.

no one

Look mate, if you honestly feel there is a threat where virtually no
threat exists, you're simply paranoid.
According to the CDC you are at far greater risk of being killed by eating
at McDonalds.

The only thing is there are threats out there. Do or would you let your
small child wonder around a major shopping center? Or are you too paranoid?
There is very little threat but there is enough threat that most people
won't do it.

In most cases there is not enough threat to feel the need to carry a weapon
but there is always a threat out there. Example, if you ride the train to
and from work every day the odds are you'll never face a life threatening
situation. But there is always that chance the car on your train is the one
that some mentally ill person decides that the voices in his head is coming
from and if he kills every one in that car with a machete. Even if you are
in that car the odds are that you will not be one of the first people
attacked, meaning you will have a chance to run. For most people these odds
are enough, for others they like having even more odds on their side and
they carry a weapon. That weapon may be in the form of themselves via
martial arts training, pepper spray, a stun gun or a firearm.

I don't know a person who has needed to use any concealed weapon to protect
themselves. But I know many who carry them.

As I have said before just having a weapon saved my sister from being, at
the least, raped. I don't consider the weapon being used because no shots
were fired.

Balanced View

no said:
The only thing is there are threats out there.

There are more signifigant threats out there than being shot
Do or would you let your small child wonder around a major shopping
center? Or are you too paranoid? There is very little threat but
there is enough threat that most people won't do it.

No, because common sense tells us kids need supervision for any number
of reasons
In most cases there is not enough threat to feel the need to carry a
weapon but there is always a threat out there.

Yeah sure, birds shit on your car, it might rain etc...... But very few
require the need of a gun to prevent.
Example, if you ride the train to and from work every day the odds
are you'll never face a life threatening situation.

Glad you agree with that.
But there is always that chance the car on your train is the one that
some mentally ill person decides that the voices in his head is coming
from and if he kills every one in that car with a machete.

About as much chance of that happening as getting eaten by a mutant
Crocodile from the sewers.
Even if you are in that car the odds are that you will not be one of
the first people attacked, meaning you will have a chance to run. For
most people these odds are enough, for others they like having even
more odds on their side and they carry a weapon. That weapon may be
in the form of themselves via martial arts training, pepper spray, a
stun gun or a firearm.

If you think about threats like that that everyday you are paranoid
I don't know a person who has needed to use any concealed weapon to
protect themselves. But I know many who carry them.

Paranoid friends as well?
As I have said before just having a weapon saved my sister from being,
at the least, raped. I don't consider the weapon being

The odds are anything can happen anywhere, but for the average person to
feel the need to carry a gun everyday,
it is not a rational act.

Arnold Walker

Balanced View said:
LOL, that's funny, what you claim is opposite to the truth. The Iraq war
is a good example, anytime anyone
asked " where are the WMD", or "how come we are no longer after Osama"
they were called traitors and
Mainly because they are .........and make every effort to prove it more