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Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!


The Natural Philosopher

no said:
I think what we are seeing today is the Islamic version of the Spanish
Inquisition and the Crusades rolled into one. You have a group of
people who think they have the only correct version of the religion and
are willing to use force to make sure everyone else in the world follows
that version. If you are not willing to follow that version then they
have to kill you. Of course it was a reach to twist the Bible to where
it says that but it doesn't take much to make the Koran to say that.

Or Mein Kampf, or Karl Marx..

Or indeed the Republican party..

The Natural Philosopher

no said:
The only thing is there are threats out there. Do or would you let your
small child wonder around a major shopping center?

Sure. If I had one.

Or are you too
paranoid? There is very little threat but there is enough threat that
most people won't do it.

I wouldn't let a very small child wander around my own home. Far more
chance of injury there.

In most cases there is not enough threat to feel the need to carry a
weapon but there is always a threat out there. Example, if you ride the
train to and from work every day the odds are you'll never face a life
threatening situation. But there is always that chance the car on your
train is the one that some mentally ill person decides that the voices
in his head is coming from and if he kills every one in that car with a

Sure. Talk to him first. Even totally deranged people are not usually
beyond communication. Why,its even possible to have a primitive sort opf
dialogue with GW Bush, apparently.

Even you are almost capable of some sort of conversation.

Even if you are in that car the odds are that you will not be
one of the first people attacked, meaning you will have a chance to
run. For most people these odds are enough, for others they like having
even more odds on their side and they carry a weapon. That weapon may
be in the form of themselves via martial arts training, pepper spray, a
stun gun or a firearm.

Or simply a judo hold. Disarming a knife wielding attacker was about te
only thing I learned in my first few and only judo classes..
I don't know a person who has needed to use any concealed weapon to
protect themselves. But I know many who carry them.

As I have said before just having a weapon saved my sister from being,
at the least, raped. I don't consider the weapon being used because no
shots were fired.

May other things could have saved her from being raped. A steel chastity
belt, for one fairly ridiculous example. Lessons in self defence, a
sharp wit.

Why a GUN? because you LIKE GUNS. You LIKE the feeling of POWER and SECURITY

But why do you feel powerless and insecure without a gun?

Because you are a septic! And its drummed into you from the day that you
are born, by the BRA and the gun manufacturers, that having a gun is
cool, sexy, nacho, and makes you safe.

Whereas in reality it just increases the likelihood that you will get
shot. As the statistics show.

Balanced View

Arnold said:
Mainly because they are .........and make every effort to prove it more

So anyone who kisses the Government's ass without question is not a
coward? Based on that guideline the USA
would still be part of Britain.

Arnold Walker

The Natural Philosopher said:
Or Mein Kampf
You hit pretty close to the story about the great leader of islam.
Like Hitler he started out pretty much a jewish kid about 1200 years ago.
And had medical problem with siezures which he believed were visions from
With these siezures he saw a new religion.
He was still basically dorimaent jewish husband.
But with these new visions he wrote the initial sections of the Koran.
Jewish scribes of the time,noted that the Koran as written "stole" enorgh of
the jewish
writings to be considered a new section or division of Judism.
And that he was not a complete different religion.
Shortky after that he took a second wife(a 4 year old girl) and wrote a
firestorm of islamic scripture.
That was with it's dealings with infidels ,multi marriage, and other
oddities separating itself from judism.
Could with very little effort be read as the Mien Kampt of islam,especially
if you looked at his second book that was studied with the Koran..

no one

Or Mein Kampf, or Karl Marx..

Or indeed the Republican party..

Ever read either of those? If so you will note how much more of the demos
speeches sound like it could have been included in them.

no one

Balanced View said:
There are more signifigant threats out there than being shot

No, because common sense tells us kids need supervision for any number of

So you keep an eye on your kids at all times? Isn't that a little paranoid?

Yeah sure, birds shit on your car, it might rain etc...... But very few
require the need of a gun to prevent.

A firearm is like a seatbelt, you'll probably never need one but when you do
need it you need it quickly or you get hurt.

Glad you agree with that.

About as much chance of that happening as getting eaten by a mutant
Crocodile from the sewers.

Or getting blown up on the 'tube' or gassed on the subway? Small odds but
it has happened.

If you think about threats like that that everyday you are paranoid

Let's see: I wear a helmet when I ride my motorcycle; I wear a seatbelt when
I drive; I have smoke alarms in my house; I unplug my saw when I replace the
blade; when I check into a hotel room I make sure I know where the fire
exits are. Paranoid or just being safe?

Paranoid friends as well?

Lots of cops and ex-cops.

The odds are anything can happen anywhere, but for the average person to
feel the need to carry a gun everyday,
it is not a rational act.

But not for being 'irrational' my sister would have been a rape victim.
Which would you rather YOUR sister be? FYI; this wasn't in a darken parking
lot in some 'crime infested' major city slum area.

no one

In most cases there is not enough threat to feel the need to carry a
Sure. Talk to him first. Even totally deranged people are not usually
beyond communication. Why,its even possible to have a primitive sort opf
dialogue with GW Bush, apparently.

Never dealt with some having a psychotic episode have you. You'd have
better luck trying to talk a charging brahma bull into stopping.

Even if you are in that car the odds are that you will not be

Or simply a judo hold. Disarming a knife wielding attacker was about te
only thing I learned in my first few and only judo classes..

You watch to many movies. Someone REALLY skilled and practiced in martial
arts might be able to disarm someone like that in an open setting but NO ONE
could do it bare handed while sitting in a train seat.

May other things could have saved her from being raped. A steel chastity
belt, for one fairly ridiculous example. Lessons in self defense, a sharp

Sure, a satellite could have fallen out of orbit and hit the guy on the head
but, personally, I think the handgun was the surest option.

Why a GUN? because you LIKE GUNS. You LIKE the feeling of POWER and

I admit I like firearms. I also like cooking, reading (currently on a
science fiction binge, ever read any Larry Niven?), working on cars and many
other things.

But why do you feel powerless and insecure without a gun?

But I don't. FYI, I haven't carried a firearm for self defense in probably
15 years. I keep firearms in my home for many reasons; to kill the various
varmints who cause problems around the farm, to put a little free meat on
the dinner table and yes just in case some criminal picks my home for his
criminal actions.

I have no problem walking into places that you probably would never think of
going without an armed escort. Places where I'm the just about the only
person of my color, places where violent crimes are a regular occurrence,
places where known violent mentally ill people are known to be. I'm fat,
old and in bad shape yet I have no fear in these places with or without a
firearm because I'm prepared. As I have stated your only weapon is your
brain, everything else is just a tool.

Because you are a septic! And its drummed into you from the day that you
are born, by the BRA and the gun manufacturers, that having a gun is cool,
sexy, nacho, and makes you safe.

Shows just how much you know about me. There are times when I would feel
unsafe without a firearm. Just like there are times when I would feel safe
riding a motorcycle w/o a helmet but those times are few and far between.

no one

At least I have a more balanced view than the jaundiced homophobic one
****, are you stupid

I don't think Osama will ever be found, he will disappear. If we catch him
alive then he becomes a lighting rod. If we kill him he becomes a martyr.
Both actions could boost his cause. If he is caught, killed and buried deep
in the sand or a cave he becomes nothing more a mystery.

Balanced View

no said:
So you keep an eye on your kids at all times? Isn't that a little

Never said I did, only that kids need supervision
A firearm is like a seatbelt, you'll probably never need one but when
you do need it you need it quickly or you get hurt.

Your chances of getting killed in an vehicle accident, 1 in 6,535, are
far, far greater than being assaulted and killed,1 in 80,366.
Or getting blown up on the 'tube' or gassed on the subway? Small odds
but it has happened.

LOL, the chances of that happening are almost nil, one in 10,876,179
for a railway accident of any kind
Let's see: I wear a helmet when I ride my motorcycle; I wear a
seatbelt when I drive; I have smoke alarms in my house; I unplug my
saw when I replace the blade; when I check into a hotel room I make
sure I know where the fire exits are. Paranoid or just being safe?

All , with the exception of the saw, are legitimate risks of which have
far greater chance of causing death than being shot

Lots of cops and ex-cops.

All of which deal with the worst element of society every day, hardly
representative of the average persons life.
In New York during the 20th Century gunshot wounds accounted for 51.6%
of all occupational police deaths

But not for being 'irrational' my sister would have been a rape
victim. Which would you rather YOUR sister be? FYI; this wasn't in a
darken parking lot in some 'crime infested' major city slum area.

Fearing attack to the point of feeling the need to be armed when in
public is irrational and paranoid given the odds.
My sister was a nurse for 25 years, worked all shifts and the only thing
found dead in the parking lot was batteries
in January.

Ray King

I grew up in the south of the USA. When I was a kid we often went hunting of
some sort before and/or after school if work and sports allowed. I would say
many of my male friends had a firearm of some sort in his car ( we had
drivers license at 14 years of age. ) It wasn't until recently that a
student could think about shooting more than one student before he was faced
with the wrath of his fellow students. The driving age was increased to 16
because concerned parents had a problem with driving not firearms. I
remember being aware of the responsibility of my actions early on. I am
convinced that of the weak ( old-female ect ) were armed with some defensive
weapon that could be used for self defense we would all be better off. The
laws have changed to restrict the innocent thus allowing the cowardly to use
weapons without a concern of a equal reaction. Unless you have lived in an
environment such as I have You are not qualified to condemn firearms for the

Doctor Drivel

Ray King said:
I grew up in the south of the USA. When I was a kid we often went hunting
of some sort before and/or after school if work and sports allowed. I would
say many of my male friends had a firearm of some sort in his car ( we had
drivers license at 14 years of age. )

What a sick society!
It wasn't until recently that a student could think about shooting more
than one student before he was faced with the wrath of his fellow
students. The driving age was increased to 16 because concerned parents
had a problem with driving not firearms. I remember being aware of the
responsibility of my actions early on. I am convinced that of the weak (
old-female ect ) were armed with some defensive weapon that could be used
for self defense we would all be better off. The laws have changed to
restrict the innocent thus allowing the cowardly to use weapons without a
concern of a equal reaction. Unless you have lived in an environment such
as I have You are not qualified to condemn firearms for the innocent.

We are qualified to condemn such idiocy. We come from a society were we can
walk the streets, on that does not kill 1000s of its citizen each year by
gunshot. Aim for a society that is free of guns - get your mind right. It
is easier then.

Doctor Drivel

geoff said:
Don't tell me what I am and am not qualified to condemn, you retarded top
posting septic

This post died several months ago, why don't you go and do the same

Maxie, that wasn't nice of you.

Arnold Walker

Solar Flare said:
We would consider you a criminal for carrying a weapon on the streets.
So much for your opinion of cops and soldiers....

Doctor Drivel

We do not have or need soldiers on our streets. Cops are seen in cars,
occasionally, and sometimes downtown on the streets. Their weapons are
locked in a holster that is never opened without just cause and a written
report follows if they do.

Our policemen do not carry guns. We like it that way. How anyone else can
think differently is mind boggling.

Ray King

Also, Every Saturday of quail season Mr. Brown would walk his bird dog ( on
a leash ) from one side of town to the other with his double barrel shotgun,
breach open across his arm, to view it to be unloaded on his way to his
hunting location. It is still not against the law to carry a hunting gun in
view and unloaded any where. You can not conceal a fire arm or carry it
loaded. If this concept is hard to grasp think of the idiot or very old or
drunk behind the wheel of a car. It happens every day and not all are
caught. I think the car is as dangerous as a fire arm handled by the
mentally weak. I do think the closer to urban living the need of a hunting
gun diminishes. The rural folks have a different life style. Different
strokes for different folks. I my self have not picked up a gun in many
years or since my dad and I stopped quail hunting.


Arnold Walker

Doctor Drivel said:
Our policemen do not carry guns. We like it that way. How anyone else
can think differently is mind boggling.
Little wonder they might hurt themselves and others.Any of them named

Doctor Drivel

You can not conceal a fire arm or carry it loaded. If this concept is hard
to grasp think of the idiot or very old or drunk behind the wheel of a

Only a Yank can think like that. There are drunks in cars so we must all
carry guns too. Duh!!!!! Be my guest, shoot each other, I just feel sorry
for the poor innocent victims.

Ray King

Doctor Drivel said:
Only a Yank can think like that. There are drunks in cars so we must all
carry guns too. Duh!!!!! Be my guest, shoot each other, I just feel
sorry for the poor innocent victims.
It is the mentally weak ( criminals and not yet mentally matured children )
who shoot each other or someone else. Until we can separate the mentally
weak from the populous we will see firearm fatalities. You do not hear about
the other 92% of all American households that do have firearms. This is why
any legislation to remove firearms is not practical. We are also
consistently warned by our German immigrants that were asked to register
there firearms, and they did, only to have Hitler collect them all, allowing
him to dominate Germany and Austria and other surrounding countries without
a struggle. Ray