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Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!



Eeyore said:
And how are you going to make sure they're there and not in the hands of
criminals ?


First off they are already in the hands of the criminals....

The theory is that if there were enough armed individuals around the
criminals would be less inclined to use them....

That theory proved true for about the first 100-150 yrs...??....of this
nation....and proves true in certain states were the murder rate is
then others...and the carry of weapons is fairly simple...

There is a town in Georgia that a homeowner is required to have a
weapon in his home....they have the lowest breaking and entering of any
town of equivalent size in any of the states....

The murder rate here in the states is high....but if you look at the
figures most of the murders occur between gangs.....and the people
being shot are in the young adult range....and nowhere does anyone
talk about the crimes that are deterred because someone is armed....

If you look at the murder figures by cities...the cities/states with
the toughest gun laws are the ones that have the highest figures....
of course this is a chicken egg thing....did the laws become tough
because there were a bunch of murders...??...or do the murders occur
because it is so difficult for a honest citizen to have a gun....

I am not going to go searching all over the internet for references
concerning the above statesments....if you do not want to accept my
word on above....suggest you go look for contrary figures/opinions.....

Are there gun accidents...of course there are...and if more people had
guns there would be more of them....but my opinion is the decrease in
murder rate/crime rate if guns were more available to those who desired
to carry would more then offset the accidents and deaths caused by
crazies and others....the way we are going now does not seem to be
and someone once said if you continue in the same way and expect
different results then you are really crazy....or something like that...
<grin> I think we should loosen up gun laws...not tighten them as
we have been doing.....

thank you for listening to my rant...<grin>....have fun.....sno

No matter how dangerous nuclear power may or
may not be.....
Is it any more dangerous then what we are doing
Nuclear power is the only proven technology that
can solve our energy problems.....

This tag line is generated by:
SLNG (Silly Little Nuclear Generator)

Arnold Walker

geoff said:
Except, Einstein, he didn't stand there advertising the fact that he was
going to selectively shoot 8 people, did he

bang bang bang ...

in less time than Jim would have had to get his finger out of his arse

job done, game over

No, time for you to get your todger out, take up position, take aim and
fire (well, in your (wet) dreams, maybe)
So by your definition there was no point in the cops even showing up .
Since they would have had to take position ,aim, and fire as well.
All fine and dandy for the outlaw I guess.

Arnold Walker

geoff said:
An attitude which just goes to show just how clueless you are
And has happened repeatedly in times past.....hell it was a French King that
invented high heel
shoes .louie the 13th.
It was also europe that gave us much of the bad news on religion frantics
with the inquistion,Church of England,
and other stuff that had people running to the new world.
It was Europe that was telling us that US needed pay muslim pirates money
and look the other way.
When the US chose to use the money instead for founding a navy and marines
as well.And pursued the thugs off the Ivory Coast.....
To some degree that is happening again....wonder if europe will handle it as
badly this time.

Arnold Walker

geoff said:
Not from the experience of those poor buggers who died from friendly fire
incidents - the incompetence of the US military is legendary

I presume from your posting name that you are (or would have aspired to
be) a vietnam vet)

aka a loser

A "trained" military machine trounced by a few indigenous SE Asians
Actually it was a miltiary machine trounced by a few socialist .
SE Asians got thier clock cleaned was corrupt souls in the socialist
ranks who worked thier country
from within with misinfo and lies that wore down the will to win.
Part of the reason ,the same tactics are not working now with the same
The socialist are in an embarrassing situation right now do you
deal with success.
When you are clearingly showing a will to unmine and root for defeat?
But then socialists have a legend to uphold as for the
failing system of ideas ever.

Arnold Walker

geoff said:
Ken Maltby said:
No problem - drive right over. And what religion would
that be which has "Jesus is gay" as one of it's tenets? You
know if you couldn't show where your religion makes such
a statement, it could be taken that you are trying to attack
someone's religion, and are yourself being extraordinarily

The Top Gear [1] presenters did just that -and almost got lynched

[1] - program about cars and things

... your country is run by a monkey who believes in the literal Armageddon
And the monkey in Pakistan don't .......
of course, I'm intolerant of religion
No socialist is is agianst their religion to do other wise.


NapalmHeart said:
Actually, it wasn't an AK-47, as that is a selective-fire weapon. It
was a semi-auto only variant called an AKM.

I'm sure that's very reassuring to the families of the victims.

You wouldn't want them killed with an *illegally* owned weapon would you ?


Grimly Curmudgeon

We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
What the **** are you blathering on about now ?

It's the meds, Geoff. Or maybe the lack of them.

Arnold Walker

geoff said:
You have a problem with plurals,don't you ...

who's talking about Pakistan, I'm on about your monkey

OK, you just have problems with grammar in general

Who said anything about being a socialist ?
You did with the destribution of the thier failed ideas.
Of course you aren't a socialist...just someone who in believes
in thier ideas.

Arnold Walker

geoff said:
You're a fucking loonie mate
No ,that is reserved for socialist,dictators, and muslim fanatics.
And we do seen to have a lot of them ,now days.
And the general public appears to be getting tired of putting up with them.

Arnold Walker

geoff said:
You're a fucking loonie mate
Thanks ....that's what the American colonist were called for thinking about
freedom,liberty,and religious tolerance..

Arnold Walker

geoff said:
Spoke too soon there - another two septics killed by a gunman today

Something to do with xtians or something

Whatever happened to the "thou shalt not kill" bit of the 10 commandments
I believe it was overridden by the socialist reform guys with separation of

Doctor Drivel

geoff said:
Spoke too soon there - another two septics killed by a gunman today

Something to do with xtians or something

Whatever happened to the "thou shalt not kill" bit of the 10 commandments

The US constitution, written by a bunch of Brits with chips on their
shoulders, overrode that!!

The Natural Philosopher

geoff said:
ICBW, but I would have presumed that there would have been armed
policemen in the mall

Fat lot of use they were, eh ?
Precisely. The only way to prevent it would be to make sure the idiot
never could get his hand on such a weapon in the first place.

If someone wants to kill a load of people and then him/herself, there
is essentially not much you CAN do except limit access to the sort of
technology that makes it possible to take out quite so many people.

The Natural Philosopher

geoff said:
Ha - Black Hawk down on TV ATM

More septics getting their arses whupped by a few natives

Telling line

"This is how it is, we don't want your form of democracy here" or something

Have the americans ever actually won ANYTHING, since independence and
WW2 when they only joined when it was more or less over anyway ?
They won the Civil war..or did they lose?

Mostly though they just pick on smaller countries. Or tribes.

Doctor Drivel

Arnold Walker said:
Thanks ....that's what the American colonist were called for thinking
about freedom,liberty,and religious tolerance..

....and shooting out the whole 2nd year at school too....

The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
In areas where it is illegal to have guns, only people with no regard
for the law will have guns. It is perfectly legal for me to have a handgun
(I have 3) and if I had heard this twit firing I would certainly have filled
his cerebrum with lead ASAP.
We are all glad you live in a society that feels it can get by without
guns, but in most of the world that is wishful thinking.
And it shall be that way soon in Britainistan.....
Oh dear. Another fantasist.

We don't believe wqe can get by in a land without guns: we just feel
that by making them extremely hard to get and illegal to own without a
good reason - and 'for perssonal protection' is held not to be any good
reason at all, then anyone who has one and is found to have one gets
locked up BEFORE he has a chance to iuse it.

The statistics speak for themselves.

Arnold Walker

The Natural Philosopher said:
Oh dear. Another fantasist.

We don't believe wqe can get by in a land without guns: we just feel that
by making them extremely hard to get and illegal to own without a good
reason - and 'for perssonal protection' is held not to be any good reason
at all, then anyone who has one and is found to have one gets locked up
BEFORE he has a chance to iuse it.

The statistics speak for themselves.
And the statistics say that outlaws don't act up as often both in and out of
we can look at many of your European countries for grievous examples of just
Like Russia with a corrupt socialist state and really mean thug population
and police state law on guns.
But then that is what socialist feel safest with, is a police state and what
the entire gun control issue is really about.
Most socialist have enorgh sense to know that general public does not want a
police state by nature,so they cloud the
water a bit so you don't see that aspect of thier gun control.