Maker Pro
Maker Pro

lateral mosfets vs. bjts in audio amplifier design



Eeyore said:
Kevin Aylward wrote:

I'll go further than that.

Any religious fundamentalist should be banned from holding public office along
with anyone with an IQ < 140. To hold public office all candidates must show
they have *contributed* to society in a postive way that required the unpaid
use of their time.

Also political parties should be banned. All they do is attract similar types
of scum.

Ideally, govt should be run by proven engineers. We HAVE to make things work.


You say we? Does that also include your self? God have mercy on us all."

Vladimir Vassilevsky

John said:
John Larkin wrote:
Oh dear, me, *anyone* with strong pro religious views such as hers is unfit
to manage a dog show.

Most of the people who founded and built this country had strong
religious views. I suppose you think it's better to believe in nothing
than to believe in something.

There is a difference between a religion and a blind faith.



John said:
You're ever so right Kevin.

I think you've proven that job is well handled by those with vehemently
anti-religious views such as yours.

And what's wrong with being anti-religious such as anti-fundamentalist-Muslim
for example ?

Religion is merely belief in ignorance and magick. I sussed it at age 8.



John said:
The US has had several engineer presidents. They weren't especially

They could hardly be worse than the incumbent ot what's on offer. Besides, check
the IQ bar.

When engineers talk about Monte Carlo analysis they don't actually mean turning the
wheel and grabbing the profit.



Vladimir said:
There is a difference between a religion and a blind faith.

Would you care to elaborate ? Just in case I misunderstood you. ;~)



John said:
Yep. The religions not based on blind faith in imaginary
places, forces and beings (and their imagined intentions)
are quite different than the ones that are.

Does that mean that one is better than another ?


Vladimir Vassilevsky

John said:
Yep. The religions not based on blind faith in imaginary places, forces
and beings (and their imagined intentions) are quite different than the
ones that are.

To me, the main distinction is that the religion is aimed at oneself
whereas the faith is aimed at the others.

But, this all is stuff and nonsense. The main thing I have just launched
the 1.5kW DC-DC with the synchronous rectifier! It's 21:00 and I can go
home now.

Vladimir Vassilevsky
DSP and Mixed Signal Design Consultant

Kevin Aylward

John said:
You're ever so right Kevin.

I think you've proven that job is well handled by those with
vehemently anti-religious views such as yours.

Its irrelevant whether or not anti-religious may or may not do a good job in
a particular instance. The point is that, *statistically*, things work out
much, much better when rationality, logic and reason are applied to a
problem. Praying for water pipe line to be built, is less successful than
actually building one. Doing tax revenue calculations for government
spending is more successful than believing the a god will provide. etc.

Kevin Aylward

Kevin Aylward

John said:
Most of the people who founded and built this country had strong
religious views.

Oh.. .you are aware that some of those had strong anti-religious views? I
hope you are not one of those individuals under the delusion that the US was
founded as a christian country.
I suppose you think it's better to believe in nothing
than to believe in something.

Statistically, it is usually better to believe in nothing, than something is
it clearly false, imo. For example, if I believed that I could walk casually
across a busy LA freeway and not get ran over, chances are that not
believing that, would be preferential.

You can argue any way you like, but believing in imaginary supreme beings,
and taking action on such pathetic beliefs, is a recipe for disaster.

Kevin Aylward

Kevin Aylward

John said:
Since I have free will, I can pick and choose what I want to reply to
and what I don't, so the answer to your question is, obviously, "It
wasn't in the cards."

No, you replied because you had no choice. You processed inputs and produced
a quasi-deterministic output, that was modified by a sprinkling of quantum

No. No idea who is is., and no I am not gong to even look him up. Its
irrelevant. I can guess your point though, like, everyone said such and such
was wrong...but they were wrong instead. The fallacy of this logic does not
require explanation, but it looks like you need it. For everyone that got it
right, against the odds, millions didn't. You fire an arrow, then draw the
target around it, conveniently ignoring the majority missed.

General relativity may be wrong.

Nope. But I have enough education to know when you need one. In principle,
one could do the work of PhD physicist sitting at home, but statistically,
that does not happen. No amateur physicists has made any contribution to
physics for probably 100 years, if even then.
I see.

In your view, one is not allowed an opinion without having attended a
university which is included in your "approved" list and having
followed a curriculum of which you approve.

Not at all.

What I am saying, is noting the actual facts. Physics is way too technical
now for unqualified individuals to have any relevance at all. Its just the
way it is.

If you were talking Media Studies, Politics, Basket Weaving, Golf...feel
free to believe that your opinion might have relevance. It may well do.

If it is Physics, that belief would be completely delusional. Tell me,
without looking it up, "what's a Killing Vector", what is the "Bianchi
Identity"? I am a rank amateur in this, but its enough to know that you know
are completely out of your depth. One needs to recognise when one is simply
too ignorant on a particular matter to make any contribution to it.
Fortunately, you're not the censor/moderator here and we're all free
to post just exactly what we please no matter how much it rankles you.

I'm amazed that my simple proposition seems to gall you to the point
of apoplexy when it would be so simple for someone with your
"obviously superior intellect" to silence me logically.

I don't have that much of an intellect, I have some knowledge in a few
things. Specifically, I have some knowledge in knowledge. I have a good
handle on what sort of knowledge requires more knowledge on specific
subjects in order to talk sensibly about it.

When you proposed your "theory", it was an instant roll of the eyes...oh..
no..not again.. Its what they say in the phyics news groups "its not even

Yes I do.
It's not "mass attracting our universe", it's "mass external to our
universe attracting mass in our universe."

I understand that your point here. It is wrong.

"Actually accounts"?

All in good time...

No, it's not.

In the first place, you seem to be assuming that my hypothesis claims
that the external mass is a point source attracting our entire
universe toward it.

No I don't.
It does not.

My hypothesis states that a mass surrounds our universe which
attracts objects in our universe toward whichever part of the mass
exerts the greatest influence upon them.

Convince you?

I have no need for your imprimatur, you condescending, arrogant boor,
and when I'm ready to publish my findings (if, indeed, there ever are
any) I'll do it with no help from you.

Unfortunately, the truth often hurts. In this particular subject, its is
obvious to any in the field, that in this particular matter, you are
essentially, completely clueless. I am giving you a good kick up the back
side to get some sense into you.

As far as arrogance and condescending, I am not the unqualified individual
claiming that the noted qualified experts are all wrong. I am simple
claiming that someone with no qualifications in physics is wrong. So, on
that basis, who is the one showing arrogance?

I don't know of any easy way to explain to someone, that what they are
saying is based on ignorance. Stating these facts is not condescending.
Actually, it seems, with a great deal of resistance from you.

What *actual numbers*?

You've already determined what the distribution of the attraction
gradients in the the proposed external gravitational source should be,
with respect to the red shifts of the attracted galaxies, as well as
its distance, shape, and internal machinations and have come to the
conclusion that it can't exist?

Nope. I have stated that experts in the field have already done these
simulations, and for reasons of your arrogance, not mine, you think you know
better, despite having zero refereed papers in any publications on the
matter. Of course, neither do I, but I am not the one making claims that
contradict the conversional wisdom, you are.
Let's see the numbers.

"Trust me"???

Shirley, you must be joking.

You're no physicist,

Indeed I am not.
Kevin, you're just a garden variety IC designer

with delusions of grandeur

No. I don't claim that I know better than the qualified experts, you do.
who wants to believe that anyone who you
consider to be your inferior couldn't possibly come up with a concept
which might be right if you disagree with it.

It is a comparison of you with the experts, not a comparison of you with me.

The idea that a novice in physics could come up with concept that is valid,
and is contradictory to the experts, is zero. Novices simply do not have the
background as to what unsuccessful theories have already been looked at, in
complete detail. You simple assume that the experts toe the line with the
establishment willy nilly. This is a mistake. For example, the classic book
"Gravitation" - Misner Thorne and Wheeler, devotes a whole chapter on
*detailed* competing theories to General Relativity, and shows, why they are
wrong. For example, being internally inconsistent, or failing to agree with
observation. Indeed, proving that such theories, in general, are incorrect
can take years, as noted in said book. Any professional expert would give
their right arm to produce a new correct theory that contradicted existing
wisdom, and that also showed why prior theory appred to work. Like, you
think none of these dudes would like a headline "Dr. X proves Einstien

Again, you simply do not have the background to know why the theories that
have made it to now, have actually made it to now. You arrogantly assume
that the experts are stupid.

Your just out of your depth mate. Stop making yourself look silly.
In particular, not as bizarre a concept as external mass.

Oh dear, he he rolls his we go again...

20.. 20 points for each use of the phrase "self-appointed defender of the
I was once told, by an expert, that building a frequency doubler which
reproduced the duty cycle of an input signal was impossible.

Guess what?

I was once told that bozo the clown was a clown...guess what..

Again, see above link

Sorry, no more time to go through the rest.

Kevin Aylward

Kevin Aylward

John said:
Back-pedaling, huh?

What you said was:

"Oh dear, me, *anyone* with strong pro religious views such as hers
is unfit to manage a dog show."

And I stand by that. The particular religious view that she has, rules her
out. They are so bluntly divorced from the reality of the universe.
Which doesn't address what skills or failings she may have which
affect her position as a leader,

Yes it does effect her position as potential leader. Her religious belief in
what she believes her gods says is right and wrong, irrespective of any
evidence to the contrary, means she will make bad decisions. No question.

The fact that she is so strongly religious, essentially, mandates that she
is severely lacking in logical thought skills such that she can deny the
truth, even when the evidence proves otherwise.
but condemns her as inept merely
because she has strong religious beliefs.

It is the specific strong and incorrect beliefs that she believes in
*because* of her religion, that she tries her best to enforce on others, is
the problem.

If her religion was say, not washing her hair, I could care less.
Nasty piece of work _you_ are, eh?

Any one that supports what is the basics of many religions, including hers,
should not be supported. If that makes me the bad guy, so be it.

The US is messed up major. 90% of Americans apparently believe in a big
invisible dude floating around in the sky. Its truly pathetic. Ohh...and
how come though, 99% of those in prison in the US believe in a god?
Apparently, then, belief in gods, make you 10 times more likely to be a

If there was a religion that said, "rape any 5 year old you meet", say named
X. I then said that I condemn *any one* that supports religion X, would that
also make me a nasty piece of work just because I condemn any one with that
religion, irrespective of their potential other personal merits?

The fact that most of the west is indoctrinated that say, Christianity, is
"good", does not make it so.

The fact is, people may go to war (murdering people) because their religion
supposable tells them to, in like, say the name of justice. No atheist goes
out to murder in the name of atheism. There is no "atheism" cause.

Kevin Aylward

Kevin Aylward

John said:
How utterly lame. Religious people accomplish more real-world work
than unbelievers. that the no atheists in foxholes shit?

You mean, because they are more of them Like, dah...

Please provide evidence that such work is done *because* they are religious,
rather than just happen to have a religious belief that is incidental to
their work.
That's why we had Muslim and British empires, and

So, you are supporting mind control of the proletariat as a justification
for religion? Is this also a moral justification?
why the USA is now the only superpower, and Russia isn't.

Complete and utter nonsense.

Religion has
always been a powerful organizing force.
Only a few loonies pray for
pipelines to be built by God; historically, great works were built by

And great works were built by non believers, whats your point?

People used religion as a tool to rule other people, not because religion
itself is more useful intrinsically.

Survey: Most U.S. Scientists Don't Believe in God -

"A survey in mid-1998 found that 93% of U.S. scientists do not profess
belief in God, and 92.1 percent do not profess belief in immortality".

"A survey conducted in mid-1998, reported by Edward J. Larson of the
University of Georgia in a letter to the journal Nature, indicates that very
few senior scientists in the United States profess a belief in God or
Larson said the survey asked members of the National Academy of Sciences to
indicate if they believe, disbelieve or are agnostic regarding the existence
of God and immortality. Overall, 93 percent of the scientists either
disbelieve or are agnostic on the existence of God (72.2 percent
disbelieve), while 92.1 percent disbelieve or are agnostic regarding
immortality (76.7 percent disbelieve)".

Kevin Aylward


Michael A. Terrell said:
Once again you have gone beyond ignorant, right to stupid. You have
been told, over and over that there are three parts to the US
government, and that the US President does not have the power to force
any religion or religious issue on the country by themselves. It was
one of the worthless British royals who did it to you, because your form
of government is so weak.

No wonder the you keep striking out with women, constantly harping
about things that don't concern you.

Ideally you would mind your own damn business.

So you're a lover of incompetents too ?



Michael A. Terrell said:
You have
been told, over and over that there are three parts to the US
government, and that the US President does not have the power to force
any religion or religious issue on the country by themselves.

Teaching creationism sounds pretty much like forcing a single religion on children,
not to mention diminishing the value of science.

It was one of the worthless British royals who did it to you, because your form
of government is so weak.

Did what to whom ?

We have religious freedom here including the freedom to worship none (most people).



Michael A. Terrell said:
Only to small minds like yours. People of strong conviction left
Europe for America, to build the life they wanted, away from the forced
religions of Europe even though they knew there was a good chance they
wouldn't survive the trip, and that there weren't homes and jobs waiting
for them.

The Pilgrims weren't being forced to worship a religion they didn't agree
with. They were merely a sect.



Michael A. Terrell said:
The Book of Genesis - Chapter 1

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the
face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

And you believe this literally ?
