Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: lateral mosfets vs. bjts in audio amplifier design



John said:
I have no idea what "deny the words" could possibly mean; the web page
exists. You did snip Kristol's sentence to better align with your

He is right, of course. Kristol is a very smart and funny guy.

And a fascist. Heil Palin !

Can't you even see the disaster your country is creating ?



Richard said:
Come on, Graham. You can't be claiming that there was no one in Europe who
had a clue how to save their own ass?

Yes us, the British. Sweden, Switzerland, the Irish Free State and
Spain/Portogal stayed out of it by being Neutral



John said:
No, they were pitiful in 1941. But three years later, we had mass
quantities of Hellcats, Avengers, P38s, P47s, P51s, B17s, B29s,
Catalinas, many with microwave radar

Designed by 'Taffy Bowen' from Wales and his boys plus the superb physicists at
Birmingham UK and the work of GEC (nor GE).

and crystal-controlled VHF
radios, all with superb pilots. Those American farm boys, hunting and
shooting and driving cars and tractors all their lives, nearly
fearless, were incredible pilots.

Why no choice? The US had a strong isolationist streak after the
carnage of WWI, but still chose to help Britain. So instead of saying
"thanks", you say we had "no choice."

So you'd have surrendered to the Japanese ?

Not the Japanese Purple code.

"In 1941 Friedman was hospitalized with a "nervous breakdown",
generally attributed to the mental strain of his work on PURPLE. While
he remained in hospital, a four-man team — Abraham Sinkov and Leo
Rosen from SIS, and Lt. Prescott Currier and Lt. Robert Weeks from the
U.S. Navy's OP-20-G — visited the British cryptological establishment
at the "Government Code and Cypher School" in Bletchley Park. They
gave the British a PURPLE machine, in exchange for details on the
design of the Enigma machine and on how the British decrypted the
Enigma cipher.

However Freidman was to visit Bletchley Park in April 1943 and play a
key role in drawing up the 1943 BRUSA Agreement."

You don't bother to do any reading or research, do you? You just sort
of repeat rumors you imagine that you heard.

So you broke one code ! Goody for you.



John said:
Again, you have opinions based on no research, no facts, no history,
just prejuduces.

"Currently, there are 123 countries that are democratic, and the trend
is increasing (up from 40 in 1972)"

And that's all down to the USA is it ? I thought you liked invading or
usurping nations and removing their elected representatives by means fair
or foul. And you're not averse to backing tyrants (like Saddam) when it
suits the moment.

2 faced shits.

"The economy of India, measured in USD exchange-rate terms, is the
twelfth largest in the world, with a GDP of around $1 trillion
(2008).[3] It recorded a GDP growth rate of 9.1% for the fiscal year
2007–2008 which makes it the second fastest big emerging economy,
after China, in the world."

With a LOT of help and support from BRITAIN.



You think war is sensible ?

except maybe for the Irish Free State, which
you must have sweet-talked into getting behind you.

WTF do you mean by that ?



John said:
Whether it is or not is immaterial.

Hardly IMHO.

The point is that you effectively talked Czechoslovakia into acceding to
Hitler's demands in return for what you thought would be your own
freedom from invasion by Hitler.

Stinks, doesn't it?

Read about it here:

What EXACTLY do you think we could have done to stop it ?

That isn't an answer. If you mean some Irish chose to fight for/with our forces,
that was of their own free will. Despite what you may think, Ireland and Britain
have always had a close association.



Blah blah blah blah blah.

Do they specially edit history books in the USA to be anti-British ? And plain WRONG ! Seems
like it to me.


One thing is clear; the content of our "history" texts do not match
the content of your "history" texts. Perhaps an inter-continental
text book exchange is in order, using well regarded textbooks. I
would be glad to participate.


That's a pretty limited subject area but then Americans aren't reknowned
for any interest in affairs in other parts of the world.

And we haven't forgotten you were years late into both World Wars. Until
your cosy existence was disturbed you didn't give a ****.



You seem never to have heard of the central and south American banana
republics created by US military and covert interventions at the
behest of United Fruit Company and Dole, Inc

I sure do not want your candy cane glasses of your view of history.


JosephKK said:
One thing is clear; the content of our "history" texts do not match
the content of your "history" texts. Perhaps an inter-continental
text book exchange is in order, using well regarded textbooks. I
would be glad to participate.
Do you think he could really handle the truth ?"


Uh ?

You think you did it all yourselves ? There wasn't much rebuffing at Pearl
Harbor. At least us Brits were never caught with our pants down like that.



John said:
All you did, by not confronting it, early-on, was allow it to grow.

Britain doesn't have a border with Germany.

How exactly would we confront it ? What we did was to build up our forces and
defences in advance. Think of planes like the Hurricane and Spitfire that won the
Battle of Britain. Do you think they were designed and built overnight ? Or The
Lancasters, Lincolns and Halifax bombers and the Mosquito and Bristol Beaufighter
twin engined attack and night fighter aircraft with airborne radar. And who
commisioned the the P-51 Mustang ? NOT the USA !. It was all we could do. And it
was a LOT.



Yup. Their opinions are based on their need to show their
sophistication, not on any abilities for original observation or
thought. That's also why they design crap electronics, or no
electronics at all.


Of course, they are so afraid of getting nailed for any mistake that
they must do the irreducible minimum and defend it to death. Willful
mediocrity, pretending to be arrogant excellence. Too bad most can't
be bothered to distinguish between the two.
Of course, they are so afraid of getting nailed for any mistake that
they must do the irreducible minimum and defend it to death.  Willful
mediocrity, pretending to be arrogant excellence.  Too bad most can't
be bothered to distinguish between the two.- Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht niet weergeven -

John Larkin certainly isn't afraid of getting nailed for any mistake -
he regularly pontificates on stuff he know very little about, and
occasionally produces truly remarkable nonesense, which makes him a
prime example of (possibly inadvertent) intellectual arrogance.

Michael A.Terrell is nowhere near as bad - he does overvalue his
(considerable) expertise in the areas where he has worked, and
undervalues expertise in every other area, but he doesn't seem to have
an kind of delusion of expertise about areas where he knows very
   That's ok.  Everyone can see through their tall tales and don't
expect anything useful from them.

Mike Terrell doesn't know much about electronics outside his rather
narrow areas of expertise, and regularly writes off perfectly
respectable claims as "tall tales", simply because he doesn't knw any
better. But that's okay - we don't expect anything useful from him


John said:
Oh, OK, you're right then. It is material.

Too bad you weren't smart enough, then, realizing that, to nip WW2 in
the bud, when you had the chance.

No such chance existed as I have reviously explained. The Secret Services did consider
assassinating Hitler, shame they didn't, but doubtless once of his henchmen would
simply have assumed his place.



Michael A. Terrell said:
All while pretending to be civilized and polite.

We are indeed both. About a year ago I was with 2 Zambian sisters and the
older one who spends more time in the USA in NY as it happens said "this
country (UK) rocks, there's nowhere else like it".

