Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: lateral mosfets vs. bjts in audio amplifier design



Yep, and we saved your asses too... D-Day, Normandy and all that.

The British asses weren't at danger. Hitler had tried an invasion plan and
failed miserably. The cause was to liberate Europe don't you know ?.

You're most graciously welcome.

Not that we can claim all the credit... Russian winter did much of the
work too. "Coat, dear?" "Nein, I'm fine..."

To try and bring this back to topic... I'm curious... why do you so
often recommend the LM3886, designed by an American company? Does any
European company produce a chip amp of comparable quality at
comparable cost?

STM do a couple of nice DMOS ones. Forget the part numbers offhand but the
LM3886 is more readily available since it's popular with hobby builders using
the so-called 'Gainclone' circuit.



Likewise. Not to mention odd little facts that come out that were
suppressed at the time.

Especially the part about using the lessons taught earlier in order to
keep from falling into pitfalls which could have been avoided by paying
attention to the past.

Yes, that particular aspect was very heavily emphasised on my O level



John said:
Seems like it to you because you're so entrenched in believing that
everyone but the UK is shit that you can't see past your nose.

All the stuff I posted(which you snipped, tsk,tsk,) didn't come from any
history books around here, it came straight out of Wikipedia, so if you
think it's wrong, get your lard ass over there and edit it so that it
reflects "the truth".

The bit about England being Catholic at the time of the Pilgrim Fathers ?

Bwahahahahahahahaa !



John said:
It didn't fail miserably, it came very close to succeeding.

It failed. And even if the RAF had been overcome the Royal Navy would have sunk
any invasion fleet with great ease. They had hundreds upon hundreds of ships back



John said:
Hitler turned east after being stopped at the Channel.

Yes and had you lot not been attacked at Pearl Harbor and Germany then declared
war on you, all of Europe would have finally fallen to Russia.



John said:
What I was arguing was that England, when the Mayflower Pilgrims left,
_was_ a religious state

Only in the sense that men were expected to turn up at a Protestant ( C of E ) Church on Sundays.
with Catholic influenced laws, and that's why they left.




Not as though WE Poor Unwashed Masses can do anything about not
repeating the Vietnam war all over again... (whoops, did I say that
out loud?)

History may repeat itself yet again...

Especially with this lot around !

" The Project for the New American Century is a non-profit educational
organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American
leadership is good both for America and for the world. "

Old Chinese proverb: If you save someone's life, they will hate you

Grateful as we were for the US help in winning WW2 (when you finally
got around to it) we are obliged to be even more grateful to the
Russians, who did the bulk of the work.

Of course, the Russians didn't have a lot of choice about joining in,
since the Germans chose to invade their country.

Since the U.S.A. was never invaded by the Germans, you could perhaps
have sat out the European war, but only at the expense of seeing
Europe becoming part of a Russian empire. Roosevelt's administration
had enough sense to realise that this wouldn't be in your national

Since we owe the Russians a larger debt of gratitiude, we presumably
ought to hate them more than we hate you.

In fact nobody hates America (with the possible exception of Osama bin
Laden and his colleagues) but we do think that you ought to get around
to cleaning up your act sometime fairly soon.


Actually you've been MAKING messes all over the place since the end of WW2.

Grateful as we were for the US help in winning WW2 (when you finally
got around to it) we are obliged to be even more grateful to the
Russians, who did the bulk of the work.

Of course, the Russians didn't have a lot of choice about joining in,
since the Germans chose to invade their country.

Since the U.S.A. was never invaded by the Germans, you could perhaps
have sat out the European war,

Aside from Hitler declaring war on the USA and sinking US and USN ships.

but only at the expense of seeing
Europe becoming part of a Russian empire. Roosevelt's administration
had enough sense to realise that this wouldn't be in your national

Since we owe the Russians a larger debt of gratitiude, we presumably
ought to hate them more than we hate you.

In fact nobody hates America (with the possible exception of Osama bin
Laden and his colleagues) but we do think that you ought to get around
to cleaning up your act sometime fairly soon.

Quite agree.

Grateful as we were for the US help in winning WW2 (when you finally
got around to it) we are obliged to be even more grateful to the
Russians, who did the bulk of the work.

Of course, the Russians didn't have a lot of choice about joining in,
since the Germans chose to invade their country.

Since the U.S.A. was never invaded by the Germans, you could perhaps
have sat out the European war, but only at the expense of seeing
Europe becoming part of a Russian empire. Roosevelt's administration
had enough sense to realise that this wouldn't be in your national

Well, to be fair, the USA was kind of busy fighting the Japanese.
Don't forget, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor (part of the USA), and
seized one of the US territories (the Philippines). Google "Bataan
Death March" someday. Did any European countries help out fighting
the Japanese? Maybe then bombing Japan with A-bombs could have been
avoided. Imagine dropping an A-bomb on Dresden... unthinkable, huh?

Michael, Sacramento


Well, to be fair, the USA was kind of busy fighting the Japanese.
Don't forget, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor (part of the USA), and
seized one of the US territories (the Philippines). Google "Bataan
Death March" someday. Did any European countries help out fighting
the Japanese?


Yes, well they do call Burma the 'forgotten war'. Ever seen the movie "The
Bridge on the River Kwai" or heard about the building of the Burma Railway
using forced labour (by British and Empire troops and Asian civilians). Makes
the Bataan Death March look like a picnic.

Of course, The British, Australians, New Zealanders, Gurkhas and Indians (and
doubtless other Empire troops) helped fight the Japanese. And some Dutch too.

There were Royal Navy ships in your Pacific sea forces too.

As I have always said, you Armericans haven't a clue about TRUE history.

Well, to be fair, the USA was kind of busy fighting the Japanese.

WW2 started in Europe in August 1939. The Japanese didn't hit Pearl
Harbour in December 1941. The point I was making was that the U.S.A.
might have concentrated on the war against the Japanese in the
Pacific, but did in fact chose to commit troops to North Africa and
Europe as well - for which Europeans are grateful, though we do
appreciate that this was primarily motivated by enlightened American
self-interest rather than any particular sympathy for the countries
your ancestors had come from,
Don't forget, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor (part of the USA), and
seized one of the US territories (the Philippines).  

I'm Australian. My mother's older brother served in Papua-New Guinea
and the islands to the north in the last year of WW2.
Google "Bataan Death March" someday.  Did any European countries help
out fighting the Japanese?

As Eeyore has pointed out, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour was
part of a general attack on a number of European colonies in Southeast
 Asia - the Japanese invasion of Malaysia started almost immedately

and the Japanese attack on Dutch-held Indonesia began only a few days

The U.K. and Australia lost quite a few people fighting the Japanese,
and it was a U.K-led army that drove the Japanese out of Burma.
Maybe then bombing Japan with A-bombs could
have been avoided.  Imagine dropping an A-bomb on Dresden... unthinkable, huh?

I'm sure that if Churchill had had an A-bomb to drop on Dresden, he
would have used it rather than the fleet of 1300 bombers that were
required to ignite the firestorm that killed some 25,000 people.
Hiroshima lost 140,000 people and Nagasaki some 80,000, but Dresden is
clearly in the same class.


WW2 started in Europe in August 1939. The Japanese didn't hit Pearl
Harbour in December 1941. The point I was making was that the U.S.A.
might have concentrated on the war against the Japanese in the
Pacific, but did in fact chose to commit troops to North Africa and
Europe as well - for which Europeans are grateful, though we do
appreciate that this was primarily motivated by enlightened American
self-interest rather than any particular sympathy for the countries
your ancestors had come from,

I'm Australian. My mother's older brother served in Papua-New Guinea
and the islands to the north in the last year of WW2.

As Eeyore has pointed out, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour was
part of a general attack on a number of European colonies in Southeast
Asia - the Japanese invasion of Malaysia started almost immedately

and the Japanese attack on Dutch-held Indonesia began only a few days

The U.K. and Australia lost quite a few people fighting the Japanese,
and it was a U.K-led army that drove the Japanese out of Burma.

I'm sure that if Churchill had had an A-bomb to drop on Dresden, he
would have used it rather than the fleet of 1300 bombers that were
required to ignite the firestorm that killed some 25,000 people.
Hiroshima lost 140,000 people and Nagasaki some 80,000, but Dresden is
clearly in the same class.

Interesting point about Dresden. It was a MAJOR rail junction and therefore of
significant military significance.

Many of the numbers quoted dead were simply Nazi propaganda.

Furthermore the raids on Dresden were carried out by BOTH the USAAF and the RAF at the
specific request of the Russians.



Your level of ignorance is shocking.

As Eeyore has pointed out, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour was
part of a general attack on a number of European colonies in Southeast
Asia - the Japanese invasion of Malaysia started almost immedately

Hence .....

"Product Description

THE JUNGLE IS NEUTRAL makes The Bridge Over the River Kwai look like a tussle in a

F. SPENCER CHAPMAN, the book's unflappable author, narrates with typical British aplomb
an amazing tale of four years spent as a guerrilla in the jungle, haranguing the
Japanese in occupied Malaysia.

Traveling sometimes by bicycle and motorcycle, rarely by truck, and mainly in dugouts,
on foot, and often on his belly through the jungle muck, Chapman recruits sympathetic
Chinese, Malays, Tamils, and Sakai tribesman into an irregular corps of jungle fighters.
Their mission: to harass the Japanese in any way possible. In riveting scenes, they blow
up bridges, cut communication lines, and affix plasticine (I assume he means plastic
explosive) to troop-filled trucks idling by the road. They build mines by stuffing
bamboo with gelignite. They throw grenades and disappear into the jungle, their faces
darkened with carbon, their tommy guns wrapped in tape so as not to reflect the

And when he is not battling the Japanese, or escaping from their prisons, he is fighting
the jungle's incessant rain, wild tigers, unfriendly tribesmen, leeches, and undergrowth
so thick it can take four hours to walk a mile.

This classic tale has been compared to Lawrence of Arabia's classic account, The Seven
Pillars of Wisdom, and the gritty account of day-to-day operations is so accurate that
the French Foreign Legion used the book as a primer on jungle warfare. It is a war story
without rival."

It's a stunning read !

Hasn't anybody read any history?

The US was not prepared, militarily or politically, to enter the war
in 1941. But we had already chosen sides, and were helping the British
just short of a declaration of wat against Germany. And arming at a
frantic pace.

After Japan attacked, and threatened Hawaii, Alaska, the Alutians, and
even the US west coast, FDR met with Churchill and decided on a
"Europe first" war policy, sending most of our resources to europe and
atempting a minimal holding pattern in the Pacific. A near miracle in
the Coral Sea, and a genuine miracle at Midway, and some superb code
breaking, let us barely get away with it.

The Brits helped a little against the Japanese, but their resources
were minimal. They were especially weak in aircraft carriers, and the
Pacific war was mostly a carrier war.

The British did operate some aircraft carriers in the Pacifc at the
end of the war. They were fleet carriers with armoured flight decks,
where the American carriers had wooden flight decks, which allowed the
British carriers to shrug off kamikazee attacks. The impact of the 500
pound bombs typically involved didn't distort the British armoured
flight decks to any significant extent, and planes could land and take
off within minutes of a kamikazee impact - the times listed in the URL
below are 25, 40 and 60 minutes


John said:
That's funny: you snipped it to spin it in your preferred negative
direction, and you can't remember why.

Are you trying to deny the words ?



Your aircraft certainly weren't !

Not a lot of choice really.

BRITISH code breaking. That you guys initially ignored at the cost of many US
seamens' lives with East Coast sinkings.

The British did operate some aircraft carriers in the Pacifc at the
end of the war. They were fleet carriers with armoured flight decks,
where the American carriers had wooden flight decks, which allowed the
British carriers to shrug off kamikazee attacks. The impact of the 500
pound bombs typically involved didn't distort the British armoured
flight decks to any significant extent, and planes could land and take
off within minutes of a kamikazee impact - the times listed in the URL
below are 25, 40 and 60 minutes

Very true. The British carriers were much tougher. Whatever persuaded the USN to
use wooden decks is unfathomable.

Mind you, a guy I know did during his service see an F4 Phantom go through a
British carrier deck and end up in the Officers' Wardroom !


Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

Yes and had you lot not been attacked at Pearl Harbor and Germany then
declared war on you, all of Europe would have finally fallen to Russia.

Come on, Graham. You can't be claiming that there was no one in Europe who
had a clue how to save their own ass? And that without US intervention,
you'd have _all_ gone down? Sounds a lot like "US 1, Them, 0."

And, when it comes to being dominated, has no one in Europe ever heard of
"civil disobedience?" >:->

Oh, yeah - when you weren't paying attention, your authorities disarmed
all of you and taught you to be subhuman obediant sheep, devoid of even
a trace of self-respect.

Sorry if my noticing this phenomenon offends you.
