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lateral mosfets vs. bjts in audio amplifier design



John said:
Are you suggesting that there was life on Earth before the dinos? I am
shocked, shocked.

I see nothing impossible about it. There could easily have been another far further previous mass
extinction. Look at some sea animals for example.



Kevin said:
Complete nonsense. The US has systematically overthrown, legitimate
democracies all around the world.

Have you never heard of Noam Chomsky?

Like, the 45 million kids in the US with no health cover.

Completely delusional.

You need learn a bit about your own country mate.

e.g.some snippets...


Iran - CIA overthrows the democratically elected Mohammed Mossadegh in a
military coup,


Guatemala - CIA overthrows the democratically elected Jacob Arbenz in a
military coup.


Laos - The CIA carries out approximately one coup per year trying to nullify
Laos' democratic elections.


Haiti - The U.S. military helps "Papa Doc" Duvalier become dictator of


I don't know where Larkin got his history from, but compared to his admirable
technical skills he is a dunce of the first order in world history (and the
USA's involvement in it - not to mention the British involvement too). If anyone
spread democracy widely across the globe it was Great Britain. Of course Great
Britain does contain the world's oldest continuous Parliament without break,
Tynwald, in the Isle of Man, over 1000 years old now.



Kevin said:
You are completely clueless on this John. I am stunned.

If DNA was generated by designer, where did this designer come from?

It's the 'Russian Doll' problem.



Joel said:
"John Larkin" wrote

You're claiming that a God-like being can be evolved but a dung beetle can't?
Wow. :)

John is normally very rational, but I am totally perplexed by his current posts.



John said:
Eeyore said:
I don't know where Larkin got his history from, but compared to his admirable
technical skills he is a dunce of the first order in world history (and the
USA's involvement in it - not to mention the British involvement too). If anyone
spread democracy widely across the globe it was Great Britain. Of course Great
Britain does contain the world's oldest continuous Parliament without break,
Tynwald, in the Isle of Man, over 1000 years old now.


I have, and have read, hundreds of history books, predominantly
European history. Not to mention tons of literature from Chaucer to
current stuff [1]. And a ton of military and maritime history.

But you didn't know that the Isle of Man has the oldest parliament. Bicameral too.

I've also traveled and worked a good deal in the UK, Ireland, France,
Russia, and Japan.

That's where I get my history from. Where do you get yours?

I found school to be pretty effective plus whatever reading I choose to do. Since
when was Chaucer history btw ?


[1] the attitudes of the Brits towards the Irish have been interesting
over the last few centuries.

Care to elaborate ? There was an Act of Union between Ireland and Great Britain you
know around or during 1800, just as between England and Scotland a little earlier.



John said:
[1] the attitudes of the Brits towards the Irish have been interesting
over the last few centuries.

BTW, how would you like to live in a religious state with Catholic influenced laws ?

It's called the Irish Republic or Eire if you hadn't guessed. In recent times it
notably tried to prevent a young girl who had been raped travelling to the UK (or
elsewhere in the EU despite EU - of which Eire is a member- laws guaranteeing freedom
of movement) for an abortion (it's illegal in Eire). I forget the final outcome. They
wanted to force her to give birth for Papist reasoning.

I suppose you'll say "she shouldn't have got raped" ?



Returning to the matter of the grand sister Sarrra: The religious
obsession was also among the reasons of failure of Hindu, Chinese,
Turkish, Spanish, Aztec civilizations.

Lets not forget Easter Island where they cut down all the trees to
move the big rocks.


On Oct 26, 12:47 pm, John Larkin
So, where did the universe come from?

The universe is just the sort of thing that happens now and then.
With quantum physics, no cause or source is needed just very long

Does consciousness exist, and if it does, has it any special place in

Since there is no "creation", it just *is*.


I can find no arrangements of mass in 3D where the cancellation would
form a line. I admit it is late at night so perhaps my brain isn't
working so well but it appears to me that no such arrangement is
possible without infinite masses at infinite distances.

I don't see any way that gravity could cause this sort of action. A
uniformly distributed mass would have no effect. Something else would
have to be the cause.


John said:
Back then, just two sides of the same coin.

That is, just two ruthless empires with world domination, by force, in

With 30,000 British soldiers in India and 300 million Indian populatiom, a
ratio of 1 soldier to every 10,000 Indians I'd like to see how you can back
up your claim of 'force'.

The fact of the matter was that the British Empire was based on TRADE.



John said:
Eeyore said:
John said:
Eeyore wrote:
John Larkin wrote:

[1] the attitudes of the Brits towards the Irish have been interesting
over the last few centuries.

BTW, how would you like to live in a religious state with Catholic influenced laws ?

It wasn't Catholic then you IDIOT.

COMPLETE GARBAGE. As is all the rest of your idiotic speculation. The Pope ceased to have
any influence and there was the official Protestant Church of England instead.

Your knowledge of history is appallingly bad.



Kevin said:
John Fields wrote:

Not seems to be saying. Am saying!!!. I have stated this till I ambluein its a dead parrot....

Yeah, but you had no choice. Your makeup determines that is what you
will do.


John said:
In the light of yours being nonexistent

Blah blah blah blah blah.

Do they specially edit history books in the USA to be anti-British ? And plain WRONG ! Seems
like it to me.



John said:
And I'm reading a Trollope novel right now. Lots of interesting stuff
about the British aristocracy, great Lords and tenent farmers, a bit
about Ireland, and some interesting stuff about the civil engineering
of the London Underground and the prominent role of alcohol in the
19th century. Just finished Walter Lord's superb book about the Battle
of Midway.

I don't remember much about my high school history classes. I guess I
wasn't very interested in history when I was 16.

I find it often depends on the teacher and the presentation. The year I took the exam we were
studying the post WW1 era until close to (then) modern times which I found fascinating. My teacher
was well pleased at my grade, as was the teacher who later took us for Biology in spades when about
half the class got grade ones.

It was a good school of course. And one of the oldest schools in the world.

Stephen Hawking is an Old Albanian btw.
