Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Wow, first lead-free victim: Microsoft Xbox 1 billion damage


Don Klipstein

Chris Jones wrote: said:
But I wish I had invested in some gold "many years ago", then I'd have made
quite a profit. If you still had that old scrap you might find that the
economics have changed now.

Of course more recent scrap probably has less gold in it precisely because
the price has gone up so much.

And how have the Vanguard "Index Total" or its "Index 500" stock index
funds fared in such time period after expenses incurred by those funds?

I see gold as a hedge against volatility in markets that make gold
prices ad most stock indexes go opposite ways. I think better still is a
stock portfolio that is well-diversified and having a few percent (maybe
2-5% or so) in precious metals mining and related industries and the rest
in a diversified investment or set thereof into the "broad stock market".

- Don Klipstein ([email protected])

Jan Panteltje

Wrong....Microsoft is a victum of their own greed.

They shipped a product without sufficient testing.

Whether they used lead free solder or bubble gum to put the product
together, they are responsible to make sure the product works as

They can make all the excuses they want but they sold a product to a
public claiming certain capbilities. If they can't deliver, then it is
their problem.

Maybe next time they will listen to the engineers instead of the


Now that is strange, I have read an article that they had thousands of
people working on xbox360, many of those engineers.
Including temp testing / cycling and what not.
Not all can be foreseen it seems?

Spurious Response

On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 01:05:22 GMT, [email protected] (Lamey) wrote:

You're a goddamned idiot, LameTurd, and you obviously know less about
engineering than even the idiot that mouthed of does.

Your childish Usenet behavior sets your mentality in stone for all to

Talk about fucking yap dogs... boy, you take the cake.

So **** off, dogboy. Stop nipping at my heels behind my posts, you
utter fucking pussy!


On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 01:05:22 GMT, [email protected] (Lamey) wrote:

You're a goddamned idiot, LameTurd, and you obviously know less about
engineering than even the idiot that mouthed of does.

Your childish Usenet behavior sets your mentality in stone for all to

Talk about fucking yap dogs... boy, you take the cake.

So **** off, dogboy. Stop nipping at my heels behind my posts, you
utter fucking pussy!

Nice to see you still blow a fuse when I arrive.


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Spurious Response

Nice to see you still blow a fuse when I arrive.

Check all the little retarded yap dog posts that you have made over the
last two months seeing that you were completely ignored and find that you
are yet again, full of horseshit. What this proves is that the problem
IS yours, and that you are exactly what I said you are, dogboy.

In fact, within a few hours of you and the BrandonTard seeing my posts
a couple weeks back, you started making clone posts again.

You are an easy read, you immature piece of shit. No doubt you'll pull
more of your baby bullshit now that you have yet again been whopped
upside da haed!

**** off, dogboy. You don't stand a chance, you fucking kook.

Lack of retort for the engineering remark noted, tinkerboy. You
probably cannot even program a VCR, much less assemble a PC on your own.
BluHo likely does all that for you.

Q: How many fucking kooks that think they are Usenet gods does it take
to change a light bulb?

Hint: You won't see me answering this one as I don't fit the
demographic. You... on the other hand...

Spurious Response

Somewhere the "guys in white coats" are looking for their patient.

HJ <Hi>
He says he resides in the mountains near Denver. You can narrow your

Lamey The Cable guy

Check all the little retarded yap dog posts that you have made over the
last two months seeing that you were completely ignored and find that you
are yet again, full of horseshit. What this proves is that the problem
IS yours, and that you are exactly what I said you are, dogboy.

"dogboy" WOW!
In fact, within a few hours of you and the BrandonTard seeing my posts
a couple weeks back, you started making clone posts again.

Can you prove this? I didn't think so.
You are an easy read, you immature piece of shit. No doubt you'll pull
more of your baby bullshit now that you have yet again been whopped
upside da haed!

By the twit who doesn't even know what a mountain is?
**** off, dogboy. You don't stand a chance, you fucking kook.

You said that last time and I made you run with tail tucking.
Lack of retort for the engineering remark noted, tinkerboy. You
probably cannot even program a VCR, much less assemble a PC on your own.
BluHo likely does all that for you.

I haven't owned a VCR in years. Move on up cupcake, It's a new
Q: How many fucking kooks that think they are Usenet gods does it take
to change a light bulb?

Hint: You won't see me answering this one as I don't fit the
demographic. You... on the other hand...

Have you foaming as usual.


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Lamey The Cable guy

He says he resides in the mountains near Denver. You can narrow your

The same mountains you said don't exist?


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>


But it takes a long time to do full life cycle life testing, and a bit of
wisdom in determining what to put it through.

And then there is HALT testing, another Art itself, to do it correctly.
Years ago, I went along, sure lets try it and see what we find. This was
after thermal cycles, thermal shock, humidity, vibration testing, etc.

We found a few things, fixed them, even though most folks said it was an
utterly insane test.

Over the next few years, the early units that went out, without the fixes we
uncovered for failures during HALT testing, actually showed themselves in
the field, many times over.

While I was the facility, I ran into engineers from Dell and Gateway,
testing their equipment, their response was something along the lines of we
cannot afford not to do it, with the slim margins, it doesn't take many
field returns before the product is a wash for profit- and claiming it made
a difference.


On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 21:02:32 -0700, Spurious Response

Still jealous?

blu 3=3
master of irrelevance
Dr Chung's Homewrecker
Lits Slut#5
Gutter Chix0r #2
#3 on bUZz's lits of lub
The Hate Machine Cog #6

Cancel my subscription to the resurrection.
-Jim Morrison
"This whole deal has gone nineteen." -Eddie

Brandon D Cartwright

On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 01:05:22 GMT, [email protected] (Lamey) wrote:

You're a goddamned idiot, LameTurd, and you obviously know less about
engineering than even the idiot that mouthed of does.

Your childish Usenet behavior sets your mentality in stone for all to

Talk about fucking yap dogs... boy, you take the cake.

So **** off, dogboy. Stop nipping at my heels behind my posts, you
utter fucking pussy!

After doing so well you have let yourself down badly.

Get a grip!

Spurious Response

By the twit who doesn't even know what a mountain is?

No, I just know the difference between "mountain climbing", which is
what you called my traverse in and around the Cataract Creek area, and
"hiking", which is what I actually was doing.

You fucking total retard.

More proof of your utter stupidity, and the groups add you did even
further proves your desperate need to spread your retarded bullshit

Spurious Response

You said that last time and I made you run with tail tucking.

You have never made me run anywhere, much less anywhere with a tail,
since I do not possess one, you utter fucking Usenet (and world) retard.

Kill the group adds, you fucking Usenet retard!

Spurious Response

The same mountains you said don't exist?

Never said any such thing, dumbfuck.

I ONLY said that hiking in said ranges is NOT mountain climbing.

You seem to have problems with the meanings of words.

I am just fine. You are a fucking Usenet kook. BIG difference.

The group adds prove that, hands down.

Spurious Response

Still jealous?

Depends... how much do you charge?

Nice groups add, Lamey sock puppet.

HEY FOLKS! Blu is really another Lamey sock puppet, wishing that he
could actually get some ass, and attempting to make folks think he
actually could!


Spurious Response

After doing so well you have let yourself down badly.

As if a full on retarded kook **** like you could ever make a valid
assessment about someone. Bwuahahahahhahha!

Outdid yourself that time, ya kook fucktard!
Get a grip!

Right. Said the twit (one of many) that wanders into groups making
retarded kooked out peanut gallery comments at every turn.

You're a fucking joke. Even if you TRIED to contribute, you could not,
because you are such a goddamned stupid, adolescent kook twit.

Brandon D Cartwright

As if a full on retarded kook **** like you could ever make a valid
assessment about someone.

I guess you try but are plain addicted to abusing folk.

there..does that feel better?
Outdid yourself that time, ya kook fucktard!

that's the way..get it all off your chest.
Right. Said the twit (one of many) that wanders into groups making
retarded kooked out peanut gallery comments at every turn.

Wanders into groups?

I have never are monitored constantly 24X7. I thought you
knew that?

You haven't figured out yet that we are your keepers?
You're a fucking joke. Even if you TRIED to contribute, you could not,
because you are such a goddamned stupid, adolescent kook twit.

Ever thought of subscribing to alt.flame?
That way you could give the weary folk of s.e.d a break from your
nonsense and abuse all the folk you wished.

Spurious Response

I have never are monitored constantly 24X7. I thought you
knew that?

Absolute proof that you are a fucking kook, boy.

You're a goddamned idiot. You will never be anything more than a
goddamned idiot, boy.

Damn... My ankles are bloody from you two kook fucktard dogs nipping at

Jan Panteltje

But it takes a long time to do full life cycle life testing, and a bit of
wisdom in determining what to put it through.

And then there is HALT testing, another Art itself, to do it correctly.

Let's just hope MS reads