Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Wow, first lead-free victim: Microsoft Xbox 1 billion damage


Spurious Response

You were, And you trolled, er at least tried to troll the
rec.gambling.lottery group.

Absolute fucking lie, fucktard.

I never made a single post into the group until you retarded fucks
started including it in your retarded fucktard posts, which you
incessantly make.

When I did post there, it was from THIS account, and it was about you
idiots, not those in that group.

You are fucking transparent, dumbfuck.

Spurious Response

And you calling everyone retards and idiots is what?

No.... I do not cal "everyone" such things. I cal retards retarded,
you fucking retard.

I call idiots an idiot, you fucking idiot.

Spurious Response

As a self-proclaimed computer "expert" you should know better.
oh can lead a horse to water....etc

Bullshit, you retarded ****.

If "my system id compromised" then tell us a nice fact about me, like
my name, or my bank, or other such tid bits that only some dumbfuck
hacking my box would know...

No response?

Yeah... it figures, and it is also proof that you are completely full
of shit.

Lamey The Cable guy

Absolute fucking lie, fucktard.

Mucho defensive foam noted.
I never made a single post into the group until you retarded fucks
started including it in your retarded fucktard posts, which you
incessantly make.

Liar, You tried to troll Griffin.
When I did post there, it was from THIS account, and it was about you
idiots, not those in that group.

You flooded the group like you flooded SED. You liar.
You are fucking transparent, dumbfuck.

You have been reported.


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Lamey The Cable guy

No.... I do not cal "everyone" such things. I cal retards retarded,
you fucking retard.

I call idiots an idiot, you fucking idiot.

A look over your past posting shows you to be rude, inconsiderate and
overly obnoxious to just about everyone.


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Lamey The Cable guy

Bullshit, you retarded ****.

If "my system id compromised" then tell us a nice fact about me, like
my name, or my bank, or other such tid bits that only some dumbfuck
hacking my box would know...

Only a dumbfuck would have his info like that on his box. Are you
saying you're a dumbfuck?
No response?

Yeah... it figures, and it is also proof that you are completely full
of shit.

Expecting an instant response from him shows you are obsessed and


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Spurious Response

Only a dumbfuck would have his info like that on his box. Are you
saying you're a dumbfuck?

You're a goddamned liar. Are you saying that your name does not appear
anywhere in all the files on your pathetic little PC?

I think you are too stupid to even know.

Lamey The Cable guy

You're a goddamned liar. Are you saying that your name does not appear
anywhere in all the files on your pathetic little PC?

I think you are too stupid to even know.

It does not. I don't even register my software with a real name. I
steal it.


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Spurious Response

It does not. I don't even register my software with a real name. I
steal it.

So, you are a goddamned felonious fucking Internet, and software thief

You likely suck on the government tit as well.

You and Kerry both wussed out on the war too.

Run, pussy... run.

Hey, dumbfuck... Death Valley sits at 4000 ft elevation above sea
level. There is a 100km run taking place there. You gonna tell us all
that they are "mountain climbing" too?

Bwuahahahahaha! You are such a fucking pathetic joke, boy.

Do you contend that it too is "on a mountain", the way you did about
the valley in which Cataract Creek resides, and the Geological Area in
the Daniel Boone National Forest.

If you were any more retarded, you wouldn't even be able to use a
computer. Damned shame you didn't lack a few more IQ points. Then I
wouldn't have to constantly show you how utterly fucking stupid you are,
because you wouldn't be here.

Brandon D Cartwright

Bullshit, you retarded ****.

If "my system id compromised" then tell us a nice fact about me, like
my name, or my bank, or other such tid bits that only some dumbfuck
hacking my box would know...

I am neither in the business of hacking nor repeating common back
channel gossip about you and find it extremely offensive that you
imply such a thing.

If you want to believe you are in total control of your file sharing
and that you are the only user of your system that is your

No response?

What on earth are you babbling about now?
Yeah... it figures, and it is also proof that you are completely full
of shit.

You were given a gypsy's warning and are too stupid and obsessed to
simply have taken it as such and acted accordingly.

And you have the audacity to call others retards.

Spurious Response

I am neither in the business of hacking nor repeating common back
channel gossip about you and find it extremely offensive that you
imply such a thing.

A total retard like you deserves to be offended.
If you want to believe you are in total control of your file sharing

Idiot. I am not "sharing" any file, you retarded ****.
and that you are the only user of your system that is your

You're a goddamned idiot. Next thing you know, your retarded ass will
be claiming that folks are on my wireless LAN.
What on earth are you babbling about now?

You are the retarded **** that has an obsession with making peanut
gallery dumbfucktard remarks on my posts.
You were given a gypsy's warning and are too stupid and obsessed to
simply have taken it as such and acted accordingly.

You are not a gypsy, and claiming to be one is an affront to gypsies
And you have the audacity to call others retards.

You are a fucking retard, or you wouldn't be obsessed with mental
masturbation with your every post.


Brandon D Cartwright said:
I am neither in the business of hacking nor repeating common back
channel gossip about you and find it extremely offensive that you
imply such a thing.

If you want to believe you are in total control of your file sharing
and that you are the only user of your system that is your

What on earth are you babbling about now?

You were given a gypsy's warning and are too stupid and obsessed to
simply have taken it as such and acted accordingly.

And you have the audacity to call others retards.

I would forget it Brandon.

This self-inflated buffoon mistakes kindness for weakness and just throws it
in your face like the churlish oaf he is.

Just let him reap as he sows.

Brandon D Cartwright

A total retard like you deserves to be offended.

Idiot. I am not "sharing" any file, you retarded ****.

You're a goddamned idiot. Next thing you know, your retarded ass will
be claiming that folks are on my wireless LAN.

Retarded would be obliviousness to package sniffers.

You think that that *protects* your system?

oh well... I guess others can learn from your pride,stupidity and

The six dumbest ways to secure a wireless LAN

Lamey The Cable guy

So, you are a goddamned felonious fucking Internet, and software thief

You likely suck on the government tit as well.

You and Kerry both wussed out on the war too.

Run, pussy... run.

Hey, dumbfuck... Death Valley sits at 4000 ft elevation above sea
level. There is a 100km run taking place there. You gonna tell us all
that they are "mountain climbing" too?

Bwuahahahahaha! You are such a fucking pathetic joke, boy.

Do you contend that it too is "on a mountain", the way you did about
the valley in which Cataract Creek resides, and the Geological Area in
the Daniel Boone National Forest.

If you were any more retarded, you wouldn't even be able to use a
computer. Damned shame you didn't lack a few more IQ points. Then I
wouldn't have to constantly show you how utterly fucking stupid you are,
because you wouldn't be here.

When will you start? I knew this would make a SoCal fag like you foam.

Death Valley is below sea level.

Nearly 550 square miles of its area lie below sea level. Ecologically,
its plants and animals are representative of the Mojave Desert.

Cataract is at 9000 ft in the mountains.

No response to where I made you look like an ass?


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Spurious Response

I would forget it Brandon.

This self-inflated buffoon mistakes kindness for weakness and just throws it
in your face like the churlish oaf he is.

Just let him reap as he sows.

If I didn't already know that you were no more than another absolute
fucking retard, I would tell you to look up Brandon's "kindness" to me
over the last six months.

You are so goddamned stupid that you don't even know that you are
posting messages to one of the biggest Usenet Kooks going. Brandon is
that kook.

He and Lamey both run around the groups fucking around with posters,
and they also commit criminal acts on the net, and then blame others for
their dirty deeds.

He is a total piece of shit, and if your IQ wasn't below 40, you might
actually be able to garner a clue to that fact by researching their
posting history, you stupid fucktard.

Spurious Response

Retarded would be obliviousness to package sniffers.

You think that that *protects* your system?

You are babbling. Grow the **** up, you juvenile piece of shit.
oh well... I guess others can learn from your pride,stupidity and

The six dumbest ways to secure a wireless LAN

You are a fucking retard. There is no WLAN here.

Bwuahahahahaha! You are the worst troll fucktard in the world, little

You couldn't scare a circus flea.

Oh... that's right... you ARE a circus flea. Go buzz around someone
else, dipshit.

Spurious Response

When will you start?

Bwuahahahah... pathetic, you are.
I knew this would make a SoCal fag like you foam.

You're an idiot. You are also apparently a homophobe, not that that
has anything to do with me, as my preference is contrary to your retarded
Death Valley is below sea level.

Death Valley ranges from 86 meters below sea level at the southern end
(at Badwater) to well over 5000 ft (Dante's View).
Nearly 550 square miles of its area lie below sea level. Ecologically,
its plants and animals are representative of the Mojave Desert.

You're a cut and paste retard. That's about all you are, besides a
criminal Usenet offender.
Cataract is at 9000 ft in the mountains.

Cataract Creek runs from below 8400 ft down in the Valley to nearly
11,000 ft at the Upper lake. Lower cataract lake, where the parking lot
is less than fifty yards from the lake is at 8635 ft. The top of the
falls that feeds Lower Cataract Lake is at 9200 ft, making the falls 565
feet. Which is exactly what I said they were months ago when I stated
"600 ft".
No response to where I made you look like an ass?

You didn't do any such thing, so how would I respond to nothing?

Not only did you "do" nothing, but you ARE NOTHING as well.

Brandon D Cartwright

You are babbling. Grow the **** up, you juvenile piece of shit.

You are a fucking retard. There is no WLAN here.

The web of lies you weave is irrelevant.

The point is that it makes no difference whether you or connected via
wireless, dial up ,cable or satellite. the keystroke loggers regularly
sends its cumulative logs via whatever channel you use.

That you are a pathological liar goes without saying for those
familiar with your antics.
Bwuahahahahaha! You are the worst troll fucktard in the world, little

Well thank you for the back handed compliment.
You couldn't scare a circus flea.

Oh... that's right... you ARE a circus flea. Go buzz around someone
else, dipshit.


I see you are adding claims to being the inventor of MPEGs and High
Definition TV ,to your standing claims to being an
astronaut,mountain climber,aerospace engineer and Big Game hunter.

Clearly you have not sought help yet.


Spurious Response said:
If I didn't already know that you were no more than another absolute
fucking retard, I would tell you to look up Brandon's "kindness" to me
over the last six months.

It is not unkind for brandon to inform people of your changing sock puppets
troll tricks.
You are so goddamned stupid that you don't even know that you are
posting messages to one of the biggest Usenet Kooks going.

You humped my post. I was speaking about you not to you.
Brandon is
that kook.

It's not Brandon constantly morphing to avoid kill files and wickedly
abusing total
strangers is it?

That's right . That would be YOU the anonymous trolling coward.
He and Lamey both run around the groups fucking around with posters,
and they also commit criminal acts on the net, and then blame others for
their dirty deeds.

But oddly, you haven't the slightest shred of evidence to support your
hideous slanders.
He is a total piece of shit, and if your IQ wasn't below 40, you might
actually be able to garner a clue to that fact by researching their
posting history, you stupid fucktard.

Unlike YOU their posting histories are quite open and transparent.

You constantly try to confuse people and cover the tracksof your misdeeds.
I for one am grateful for all Lamey and Brandon's efforts to keep track of

It helps keep the groups clean and on topic and free of the cancer of the
abuse you hurl from behind your anonymous servers and sock puppets.

Spurious Response

You humped my post. I was speaking about you not to you.

Like I give a fat flying ****, you fucking retard. This is Usenet, not a
fucking private message board, dipshit. ANYONE can reply to your
retarded horseshit at any time.