Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Wow, first lead-free victim: Microsoft Xbox 1 billion damage


Lamey The Cable guy

No, I just know the difference between "mountain climbing", which is
what you called my traverse in and around the Cataract Creek area, and
"hiking", which is what I actually was doing.

You fucking total retard.

More proof of your utter stupidity, and the groups add you did even
further proves your desperate need to spread your retarded bullshit

You were hiking up a mountain, were mountain climbing.
And the parking lot is way further than 200 yards from the lake you
lying nitwit.


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Lamey The Cable guy

You have never made me run anywhere, much less anywhere with a tail,
since I do not possess one, you utter fucking Usenet (and world) retard.

I do make you bark on command.
Kill the group adds, you fucking Usenet retard!

Don't think so.


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Lamey The Cable guy

Never said any such thing, dumbfuck.

Backpedal noted.
You said there were no mountains in Denver. Denver is already a mile
high. Get the picture?
I ONLY said that hiking in said ranges is NOT mountain climbing.

You seem to have problems with the meanings of words.

I am just fine. You are a fucking Usenet kook. BIG difference.

The group adds prove that, hands down.

Shoot any bears recently? LOL


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Lamey The Cable guy

Depends... how much do you charge?

Nice groups add, Lamey sock puppet.

You see me everywhere prongboi.
HEY FOLKS! Blu is really another Lamey sock puppet, wishing that he
could actually get some ass, and attempting to make folks think he
actually could!

Who you talking to prongboi? No one likes you.


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Lamey The Cable guy

As if a full on retarded kook **** like you could ever make a valid
assessment about someone. Bwuahahahahhahha!

Outdid yourself that time, ya kook fucktard!

How so?
Right. Said the twit (one of many) that wanders into groups making
retarded kooked out peanut gallery comments at every turn.

You're a fucking joke. Even if you TRIED to contribute, you could not,
because you are such a goddamned stupid, adolescent kook twit.

And THAT was contributing?


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Lamey The Cable guy

Absolute proof that you are a fucking kook, boy.

You're a goddamned idiot. You will never be anything more than a
goddamned idiot, boy.

Damn... My ankles are bloody from you two kook fucktard dogs nipping at

You mean your ass is sore from the boots we put up there?


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Spurious Response

You were hiking up a mountain, were mountain climbing.
And the parking lot is way further than 200 yards from the lake you
lying nitwit.

No, you retarded ****. I was hiking IN the VALLEY of a mountain range,
which is in no way, shape or form "mountain climbing".

The parking lot at Cataract Creek's lake is 50 yards from the lake's

I posted the photos to prove it in a.b.s.e the last time your retarded
ass pulled this baby bullshit, but you were to ashamed to look at them
and find out how wrong you are. Good job, LameTard.

Spurious Response

Backpedal noted.
You said there were no mountains in Denver. Denver is already a mile
high. Get the picture?

I get the picture. The picture of Denver on as flat a plain as it
gets, dipshit. I also got it when I lived there. Not on a mountain
(name the peak Denver is on dumbfuck), no mountains IN Denver (name one).

You not only do not get the picture, but you live near there, and can't
even grasp the terra from a first person perspective. Pretty sad,
Shoot any bears recently? LOL

You're an idiot.

Lamey The Cable guy

No, you retarded ****. I was hiking IN the VALLEY of a mountain range,
which is in no way, shape or form "mountain climbing".

Were you climbing up hill in this mountain range?
The parking lot at Cataract Creek's lake is 50 yards from the lake's


I live here you dipshit.
I posted the photos to prove it in a.b.s.e the last time your retarded
ass pulled this baby bullshit, but you were to ashamed to look at them
and find out how wrong you are. Good job, LameTard.

I showed you a google earth photo, it clearly show the lot many yards
from the lake.


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Lamey The Cable guy

I get the picture. The picture of Denver on as flat a plain as it
gets, dipshit. I also got it when I lived there. Not on a mountain
(name the peak Denver is on dumbfuck), no mountains IN Denver (name one).

Lookout mountain.

The Denver Mountain Park system is on the National Register of
Historic Places as a multiple properties listing. All parks are
considered natural areas, and all wildlife and plants are protected
and preserved.
You not only do not get the picture, but you live near there, and can't
even grasp the terra from a first person perspective. Pretty sad,

I live at 9000 ft. But no mountains? eh prongboi?
You're an idiot.

No answer? Another lie?


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Brandon D Cartwright

Absolute proof that you are a fucking kook, boy.

Your "logic" is a little baffling.

just how does *your* lack of concern that your compromised system is
riddled with trojans and keystroke loggers absolutely prove *I* am an

You're a goddamned idiot. You will never be anything more than a
goddamned idiot, boy.

I take it "idiot" is your new word of the month and "retard" has
passed it's sell by date. what a rich vocabulary you have.

Damn... My ankles are bloody from you two kook fucktard dogs nipping at

No... blood has dripped down your thighs and calves from another part
of your anatomy entirely.

Still your sex life is entirely your own affair.

Spurious Response

The Denver Mountain Park system is on the National Register of
Historic Places as a multiple properties listing.

Funded by the state lottery.

None of which reside in the Denver city limits.

Got clue?

Spurious Response

just how does *your* lack of concern that your compromised system is
riddled with trojans and keystroke loggers absolutely prove *I* am an

My system is not compromised, you stupid fucktard.

The fact that your retarded ass claims that I was making posts from
anonymous news accounts proves that.

Your brain is riddled with bullshit. You and your tag team butt buddy
spew nothing but bullshit into these groups, and that is clearly evident
in any simple search of your bevy of retarded posts.

I don't think you have made an actual post of useful substance in your
entire pathetic life, little boy.

Lamey The Cable guy

Dogs do not wear boots, Fido. Go sniff at someone else's ass, boy.

You suck at insults prongboi. I still own you.


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Lamey The Cable guy

Yes, and you are STILL fucking wrong, Fido. Go back to dragging your
ass across the carpet.

You just cant admit I slapped you good with the truth.

I noticed you snipped the important parts. You know, The parts where I
slapped you?


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Lamey The Cable guy

Funded by the state lottery.

None of which reside in the Denver city limits.

Got clue?

I see you snipped the truth. Nice avoidance, but I once again I
slapped you with the truth and showed you to be the clueless liar that
you are.


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Lamey The Cable guy

My system is not compromised, you stupid fucktard.

ahem... said:
The fact that your retarded ass claims that I was making posts from
anonymous news accounts proves that.

You were, And you trolled, er at least tried to troll the
rec.gambling.lottery group.
Your brain is riddled with bullshit. You and your tag team butt buddy
spew nothing but bullshit into these groups, and that is clearly evident
in any simple search of your bevy of retarded posts.

And you calling everyone retards and idiots is what?
I don't think you have made an actual post of useful substance in your
entire pathetic life, little boy.

Getting you to foam works out rather well.


Usenet lits score:

AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
< we all know how well that works...LOL >
#33 on Teh Buzzard lits o lub.
#4 miguel's pest list, rev 1.1:
Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Brandon D Cartwright

My system is not compromised, you stupid fucktard.

As a self-proclaimed computer "expert" you should know better.
oh can lead a horse to water....etc
The fact that your retarded ass claims that I was making posts from
anonymous news accounts proves that.

That is supposed to be some sort of refutation?

Your brain is riddled with bullshit. You and your tag team butt buddy
spew nothing but bullshit into these groups, and that is clearly evident
in any simple search of your bevy of retarded posts.

ah.."retarded" is back as the flavor of the month.

A notorious group flooder is on thin ice making allegations of

I don't think you have made an actual post of useful substance in your
entire pathetic life, little boy.

IOW you are no better at googling than you are at covering your