Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Slomins vs ADT vs Brinks vs any other home security system vendor


Mark Leuck

RobertM said:
What kind of outdated phone company do you guys have? My DSL filter is
part of the phone company interface. The phone lines are pure as the
driven snow.


Its not a question of being outdated its how a particular phone company
implements it, for instance here in Dallas Tx some do it like your setup and
others just mail you filters

Robert L Bass

What kind of outdated phone company do you guys have?

It's a little, backwoods outfit called Verizon. :^)
My DSL filter is part of the phone company interface.

There are two ways to do a DSL line. The most common method is
to send DSL along with voice to every jack in the house and then
stick inline filters on every phone. The better way and
unfortunately the less common of the two is what you have. A
filter is installed at the demarc (also called a SNI). All house
phone jacks except one are connected *after* the filter. The
alarm system is wired in ahead of those cables as well.

One cable which leads to the DSL modem is connected *ahead* of
the filter so that DSL appears on that cable only.
The phone lines are pure as the driven snow.

Snow? What's that?


Robert L Bass

Bass Burglar Alarms
The Online DIY Store

Nomen Nescio

Bob Worthy said:
I guess that you don't know, or just ignore, that ADT's corporate alarm
license has been on probation for the last year in Florida and is now being
investigated for complaints that have come in while they were on probation.

What did they do? (Not that anybody would dare close down ADT).

Bob Worthy

Installing without pulling permits and, if they did, letting them expire
without inspections. Several building departments filed complaints with the
State. The State initially *revoked* their license. ADT went to court and
the court decided that since it was this particular license holders first
offense, the State couldn't revoke his license. ADT has, I believe, 8
license holders in Florida. Their stand is that each license holder serves
different parts of the state, however, only the one license shows up on all
of their contracts, trucks and advertising. As I said before, there is
already complaints against that license since it was on probation. These are
not complaints coming from competitors, as one might want to believe, but
from cities and counties. No one will shut down ADT but it does show that a
license holder, who is ultimately responsible, has the possibility of being
cast aside, with a revoked license, and replaced with a fresh license. The
reason the ECLB originally made the decision to revoked the license is
because ADT failed to show for the hearing. The revokation did get their
attention. It also put them on the radar for future dealings with the State.
I imagion that suspension would be next action on this particular license,
which won't stop them with 7 other licenses. They usually buy their way out
of their problems. It isn't a secret that money can buy anything.


Robert said:
It's a little, backwoods outfit called Verizon. :^)

There are two ways to do a DSL line. The most common method is
to send DSL along with voice to every jack in the house and then
stick inline filters on every phone. The better way and
unfortunately the less common of the two is what you have. A
filter is installed at the demarc (also called a SNI). All house
phone jacks except one are connected *after* the filter. The
alarm system is wired in ahead of those cables as well.

One cable which leads to the DSL modem is connected *ahead* of
the filter so that DSL appears on that cable only.

Snow? What's that?


Robert L Bass

Bass Burglar Alarms
The Online DIY Store
Actually, haven't seen much driven snow since I left Taxachusetts 20
years ago. With your being from Connecticut, you know of what I speak.
Here is Tennessee, a major storm which drives all the locals into a
state of panic, is anything between a dusting and a half inch.


Robert L Bass

Actually, haven't seen much driven snow since I left
Taxachusetts 20 years ago. With your being from
Connecticut, you know of what I speak. Here is
Tennessee, a major storm which drives all the locals
into a state of panic, is anything between a dusting
and a half inch.

Taxachusetts! :^)

After almost six years in Florida I'd almost forgotten about snow
until we got ready to move a few months ago. Clearing out the
garage I came across my old Rossignol skis, boots & poles. I was
about to give them to Goodwill but then I remembered that my
Brazilian niece and nephew had asked me to go skiing with them in
Chile this coming June.


Robert L Bass

Bass Burglar Alarms
The Online DIY Store


Robert said:
Taxachusetts! :^)

After almost six years in Florida I'd almost forgotten about snow
until we got ready to move a few months ago. Clearing out the
garage I came across my old Rossignol skis, boots & poles. I was
about to give them to Goodwill but then I remembered that my
Brazilian niece and nephew had asked me to go skiing with them in
Chile this coming June.

WOW! Can ya just picture THAT?

You'd cut a straight path right through a mogul field.

Better be careful. If you fall, can you imagine the size of the
avalanche you could cause?


It happened at a bad time, since the lodge was filled with disappointed
It seems that earlier in the day, the cable on the ski lift broke after
experiencing an extremely heavy load. Survivors in the lodge reported
seeing little hands and feet with ski poles and skis, and what looked
like two little children, sticking out of huge snowball, as it came
down the slope and passed through lodge. Villagers below the lodge,
reported that immediately after the tragedy, a huge Gringo and two
little children were seen skiing at a tremendous speed through town and
disappeared, without a trace, in a matter of seconds.

Mr.Double-sided tape

Robert said:
. I was
about to give them to Goodwill but then I remembered that my
Brazilian niece and nephew had asked me to go skiing with them in
Chile this coming June.<

Glad to hear the family finally coughed up the ransom to the

Frank Olson

Robert said:
After almost six years in Florida I'd almost forgotten about snow
until we got ready to move a few months ago.

Is it going to take that long for you to change your address too??