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Slomins vs ADT vs Brinks vs any other home security system vendor


J. Sloud

I think Mr Sloud is referring to the US not Canada

I was. However, there are some centrals that can backup one another
in the US, too. It's not the same thing.

ADT uses a network of virtual monitoring centers that use automatic
load balancing to distribute signals. From and end-user perspective,
it's not really that important, but when you receive million and
millions of signals an overload would be a huge liability if a center
were to close without a back-up.

Robert L Bass

I called the ADT 800 # if I buy an ADT system who will install it?
Will theyy contract with an "authorizeed dealer" to install it?

As I understand it, if you buy from ADT corporate, it will be
installed by ADT corporate. I've not heard of them farming
anything out to authorized dealers.


Robert L Bass

Bass Burglar Alarms
The Online DIY Store

Frank Olson

Mike said:
How is this different from an alarm mco installing a filter?


No difference. Some alarm installations I've seen in which DSL is being
used aren't hooked up correctly though. Make sure the system's
thoroughly tested and watch your modem's behaviour during active alarm


Mike said:
How is this different from an alarm mco installing a filter?


The TelCo tech's likely have no idea what 'line siezure' is and why you
need it for your alarm's tx connection.
I suggest you get a filter designed to work with an alarm system.

J. Sloud

I called the ADT 800 # if I buy an ADT system who will install it?
Will theyy contract with an "authorizeed dealer" to install it?


If you deal with ADT directly then ADT is the installing, servicing,
and monitoring company.

If you deal with an authorized dealer then the dealer who is a local
alarm company, does the installation and service and ADT does the

The authorized dealer is authorized to sell ADT monitoring service.
ADT then buys the monitoring contract from the dealer. This is fine
as long as the dealer uses decent equipment and does a good
installation. The problem is that the dealer wants to install each
system as inexpensively as possible since their primary source of
revenue is the money they get from ADT for the monitoring contract.
They deal in volume and in "free" mini-systems with little motivation
for quality. This is the "two door and a motion fits all" free
systems that you'll hear the local alarm company guys bash. ADT's
vision is to have the dealers fill the "low" end of the market with
low cost leased systems that provide basic security and are sold in
very high volume.

On the other hand, ADT's branch corporate offices in the US sell
equipment outright to the end user. Like most businesses, they make
more money on larger sales, and will be more likely to size a system
that is appropriate to the size of your home. They also have a custom
home program in many cities that caters to the larger-sized, custom
home market. ADT doesn't directly manufacture equipment any more.
They have agreements with several major alarm equipment makers to
produce ADT-spec panels and devices. Ademco, Napco, EST, Notifier,
and Fire-Lite are some examples.


R.H.Campbell said:
That depends. Independant dealers vary from good to terrible, and ADT
service quality seems to vary from region to region. So bear in mind, my
comments relate ONLY to my particular area. I happen to be a third party
dealer on their station (they monitor about 8 of my total 850 clients), and
I find their monitoring to be far too "hair trigger" for my tastes. They
call one number, dispatch authorities, then follow through with the balance
of the calling list. In our area, false alarm dispatches cost $75 each, and
clients demand more built in "protection" against that (full calling list,
cancel codes etc). I am told that local authorities feel that when they get
a call from ADT, it is more likely to be a false alarm, although that is one
of those suppositions that is hard to prove.

Service regardless of timing is expensive unless you have chosen their
warranty coverage for a few dollars extra a month. Like most dealers, I do a
lot of takeovers from ADT due to their continuing to charge exhorbitant
prices on an ongoing basis, plus in these cases, service has been bad. But
bear in mind, they are the biggest in the business with 8 million clients,
so they have to be doing something right to keep this client base (in spite
of terrible attrition rates). My understanding is their commercial side is
quite different from the residential side, and we have one poster here who
works on the commercial side, who's posting lead me to believe it's quite a
different ballgame on his side of the fence

I've been accused of "hating ADT". Not so, although based on my personal
experience, I believe a residential client can do FAR better than dealing
with a large conglomerate where you are merely a number rather than a valued
customer. There is something to be said about personal care from a small
dealer, although this too can be tenuous if you choose the wrong small
dealer (and remember my bias in this regard). Unfortunately you don't know
that until you've made your choice already, although you can and should ask
around about your potential company to see how others have been treated.
This is even more important if you anticipate choosing a company where you
are locked in !!

Do your research, compare TOTAL packages over 5 years from all your choices,
then go with the company that you feel will treat you with due respect on an
ongoing basis, regardless of length of contract term (this is only one
factor after all....)


Great post Robert.

No dig here. And not assuming you need nor are looking for anyone's
approval. I just think that was balanced and fair post.


R.H.Campbell said:
I assume what you mean is you have DSL service over a conventional land line
(as opposed to "dry DSL"). And the answer is "it depends". Most alarm panel
makes do require a special DSL filter on the line in order to communicate
properly along with the DSL "hash". A good one is made by Excelsius (sp?).
There are a few panel makes that most often absolutely need a filter (DSC
for one) and a few that don't need one (Paradox almost never). You'll know
when the panel is tested to the station; it won't get through, so will
require the filter immediately. I have found in a couple of instances where
with the aging of the components of the board (I'm assuming here), the panel
will suddenly need the filter to work properly. So if in doubt, install it
!! (note, the conventional DSL filters given you for the phone will NOT work
for the alarm panel....)

The plus side to installing a DSL filter even when you strictly don't need
it for alarm transmission purposes, is that it allows the actual DSL signal
through even when the alarm panel has seized the phone line (and cut off the
telephones). So if you're doing a multi megabyte download at exactly the
time of the early morning when the panel decides to call the station to
check in with its test signal, with a filter, your download is not
interupted. Without a filter, your download is toast !!

Robert, here's a little input for you and everyone on DSL.

I had to do a service call for a customer because her painter had
removed some contacts from her windows. When done with the service
call, just as routine, I called central, put the system on test,
hooked my buttset, to the panel phone lines and hung it on the panel
box within listening distance,without specifically listening to the
dial tone and tripped a zone on the panel. The call went through. Not
disarming the panel, I tripped another few zones, one at a time. Now I
begin hearing the panel redial. It gets through, I figure a busy or
whatever. So again, without actually putting the handset directly to my
ear, I trip another zone. It doesn't get through again. It tries again
and doesn't get through again. I pick up the handset and hear the DSL
"hash tone". Sure enough, the customer, hadn't heeded my warnings in my
Newsletter and had DSL installed for her computer hookup. I took the
opportunity to experiment and sure enough. Sometimes it gets through
and sometimes it doesn't.

I put on a DSL filter and it worked everytime.
Conclusion. If it's got DSL on the line ...... put a filter on it,
regardless if it gets through when you try it.

Sent out a special notice on bright yellow paper with the next billing
to notify everyone about the problem and that they had to notify me to
send them or install a filter.


Good suggestion ! Interesting that it got through only intermittently.
Better to play it safe than sorry, and install the filter always when DSL is

That's the first time I have heard of intermittent transmission though.
Anytime I've tried personally, it works or it doesn' and white, but
that might explain any intermittent "failures to test" from that system.

Thanks for the heads up !


Jim said:
I put on a DSL filter and it worked everytime.
Conclusion. If it's got DSL on the line ...... put a filter on it,
regardless if it gets through when you try it.

Sent out a special notice on bright yellow paper with the next billing
to notify everyone about the problem and that they had to notify me to
send them or install a filter.

I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?

Mr.Double-sided tape

Again what you have posted is not totally factual.
If you deal directly with ADT Corporate that still does not guarantee
ADT Corporate is installing it. Some corporate installs are done by
outside contractors, and even authorized dealers.
The branch office in Elmsford, NY uses outside contractors for many of
their installs.
Quite a bit of the service is performed by authorized dealers as well.

Mr.Double-sided tape

Yes . ADT charges $4 per month for monitoring fire, and $3 per month
for medical.
Check and customize a system to see for yourself.
Be sure to empty the cart before looking at their other choices.


It must totally amaze you guys how quickly we get that shit politicking out
of the way up here. Man, your elections just seem to go on and on and on
I'm still a little stunned. I really thought the scumbags were going to pull
it out of the fire but it just got worse and worse, but I still wasn't sure
even on
election night. PHEW!

and a prsperous new year to you too, Tom
(I just gave myself a 5K a year raise now that I know the mafiosos
won't be spending their ill gotten share of it)


BTW, what make and model panel was it that showed intermittent transmission
over DSL ?


Jim said:
I put on a DSL filter and it worked everytime.
Conclusion. If it's got DSL on the line ...... put a filter on it,
regardless if it gets through when you try it.

Sent out a special notice on bright yellow paper with the next billing
to notify everyone about the problem and that they had to notify me to
send them or install a filter.

I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?

J. Sloud

Again what you have posted is not totally factual.
If you deal directly with ADT Corporate that still does not guarantee
ADT Corporate is installing it. Some corporate installs are done by
outside contractors, and even authorized dealers.
The branch office in Elmsford, NY uses outside contractors for many of
their installs.
Quite a bit of the service is performed by authorized dealers as well.

ADT does occasionally use subcontractors for installation work. I've
never seen ADT subcontracted service, though. The installation
manager in the ADT branch office is still responsible for the quality
of the installation which should offer some measure of control. ADT
does also provide a money back guarantee.

Mr.Double-sided tape

OK then why did you say this?

J. Sloud
Jan 30, 8:49 am show options

From: J. Sloud <[email protected]> - Find messages by
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Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 08:49:06 -0500
Local: Mon, Jan 30 2006 8:49 am
Subject: Re: Slomins vs ADT vs Brinks vs any other home security system
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I called the ADT 800 # if I buy an ADT system who will install it?
Will theyy contract with an "authorizeed dealer" to install it?


If you deal with ADT directly then ADT is the installing, servicing,
and monitoring company.

If you deal with an authorized dealer then the dealer who is a local
alarm company, does the installation and service and ADT does the

J. Sloud

OK then why did you say this?

I said ADT is the installing company. They are. The installation is
booked into ADT's Admin system and managed through the local ADT
branch office. If the installation is subcontracted, the customer
would still be contacted by an ADT installation coordinator and would
call the local ADT branch office with any comments, questions or
issues. The salesperson is also a direct ADT employee.

This differs from an authorized dealer. With a dealer, the customer
doesn't interact with ADT personnel until after the system is
installed and ADT buys the monitoring contract. Instead, the
installation is managed, coordinated, and performed by a small, local
alarm company. This company is responsible for resolving any
installation issues with the customer.