Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Seeking The Best DIY Alarm Consultant


Robert L. Bass

... remember calling the CT Consumer Protection
office to file a complaint against my company?...

I never filed a complaint against you or your crooked company.
Oh wait, you will claim you never did it.

Correct, because I didn't.
You spent months on end trying to do harm
to my company...

Wrong again. I considered filing a claim and even went so far as to check
your license. As you well know, you never even bothered to apply for the
required CT license. If I had filed a complaint they would have shut down
your little scam.
What we all really want to know is where is
that new windows program you invented that
would revolutionize the industry?

Revolutionize the industry? Hardly. It's just an app that can easily be
modified download almost any panel on the market. If you understood XML and
how it can be used to key in EEPROM maps and configuration rules you'd have
an inkling how such an app works. I'm certain this is way above that vacant
cavity you call your head.

If you want more details on the app, contact Edwards. They bought it from
us. Just for laughs I munged the names of several of the idiots here who
claimed I wasn't working on the app and included them in the help system.
My own name is in there as well. :^)


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
877-722-8900 Sales & Tech Support

Frank Olson

...It's just an app that can easily be modified download almost any panel
on the market. If you understood XML and how it can be used to key in
EEPROM maps and configuration rules you'd have an inkling how such an app
works. I'm certain this is way above that vacant cavity you call your

Uh-huh... considering you didn't work on that part of "the app", you
probably don't understand it either...

If you want more details on the app, contact Edwards. They bought it from
us. Just for laughs I munged the names of several of the idiots here who
claimed I wasn't working on the app and included them in the help system.
My own name is in there as well. :^)

So you included your name because you didn't believe you were working on the
app either... I see... ;-)