Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Seeking The Best DIY Alarm Consultant


Robert L. Bass

Pity it's going back to the way it was...

That was your choice, not mine.

John O

his horrendous conduct

All I know is what I've seen in the last 7/8 months. Unless I missing
something that's right in front of my face, I don't see that behavior. Maybe
it was the past, but I don't really want to know about it at this point
because I'm looking forward.

......... but I *** W I L L *** have the last word.

That's part of the problem, IMO. It takes weeks for that to happen, and a
few hundred OT posts. And who *really* wins that battle? ........nobody.

I'm truly not concerned with what happens next, I have some other fish to
fry and won't need to add anyone to my killfiles. (They are truly
liberating...better than boxers.)

We disagree, but so what. :)

-John O

Robert L. Bass

Yeah, right. Killfile
each other, then stick to alarms and automation...

And...can somebody please place a brief description
of GM and that RF guy on a website somewhere?

That sort of thing tends to generate even more nastiness. I usually just
hit [CTRL-Q], [F5] on MSOE and their messages disappear.
Otherwise, these guys get off on the melee that
ensues from their posts.

I suspect it's the same with a certain other ASA character.

Karl Magnus

Robert said:
Actually, I'd just like to see one shred of evidence to support a single one
of your tales. Remember the stupid lie you posted claiming to have flown in
an inverted 737 airliner which you and your pals "borrowed" from Boeing?
Remember the idiotic story you told of being partway up a ladder when the
top of the ladder mysteriously hopped into a 50kV line?

Notice: when Robert is caught, red-handed, he moves over to a "lie" the
other guy told. Notice Robert, not for one second, disagrees with the
FACT that he went "RL" when Graham. (RL=Real life; he called Graham's
place of employment in an effort to get him fired. He will deny his
"intent" was to get him fired....but you know that wacky Bass!)

Karl Magnus

Robert said:
Uh, no Olson. That narrows it down to one of two primates from Canada who
work in the trade, post here and have a history of animosity toward yours
truly. You nailed yourself in by admitting you made the calls. Now you try
to deny the content of the calls but you're a well-known liar anyway.



John said:
All I know is what I've seen in the last 7/8 months. Unless I missing
something that's right in front of my face, I don't see that behavior. Maybe
it was the past, but I don't really want to know about it at this point
because I'm looking forward.

That's part of the problem, IMO. It takes weeks for that to happen, and a
few hundred OT posts. And who *really* wins that battle?

Well, you see, since we're in Usenet and not the real world, having the
last word is all that really matters. Here's the way it goes:

Bass has a long history of being nasty and biligerent to people who
disagree with him. Most people either leave the group but some take a
stand and won't be bullied by an egocentric asshole like him. After a
long time he knows which triggers to use when he wants to irritate
those people and they know exactly what and when he's doing it. Every
once in a while when he gets put up against it and is asked why he wont
stop, he uses a rule that he's made up that goes something like .....
This isn't a group it's Usenet. No one is in charge and no one can tell
him or anyone what to do. No one is in control. .... Soooo, with that
kind of attitude pervading his conduct, he thinks it's alright to do
anything to anyone regardless of anyone's feelings or concerns. He's
here with out any consideration except for his desire to sell equipment
to unsuspecting end users........ this is evident by his conduct and by
how he treats people. A long as we're dealing with such a selfish and
predatory egocentric, who has decided he's not going to do anything
that will stop the turmoil in ASA, then the only means one has is to
constantly chastise him and be right there to let anyone and every one
who might be luking or wanting to participate, exactly what kind of
deviant Bass is. Since he can't find it in his scheme of things to act
nice towards people here then ............ I'm going to make sure that
he can't fool and deceive anyone else into believing that he's a good
guy, simply looking to help people and not a vulture looking to show
the installing trade as being untrustworthy motivated mearly by greed
and a deep seated ego problem.

I've made Bass my hobby. It's like having found the most nasty and
annyoing person that you've ever known in your entire life, captured in
a cage of his own making and being able to poke a stick in the cage and
sneak up and rattle it at any time, just to tease and annoy him just so
you can watch him snarl and jump around trying to avoid his own
foibles. Now that he's been at it so long, there's hardly anything that
he can say or do that doens't implicate him deeper and deeper into the
quagmire of realities in his miserable and dysfucntional life.

I'm truly not concerned with what happens next,

Sorry to say that I am .........
I have some other fish to
fry and won't need to add anyone to my killfiles. (They are truly
liberating...better than boxers.)

Hmmmm ....... A german breed of dog or pugilists?
We disagree, but so what. :)

-John O

Yeh ........ but that's ok.


Robert said:

Now seeee?

That wasn't so hard now was it? Now all your nicey, nicey people over
in CHA won't get to see any more about what kind of fraud you've
perpetrated on them about what a nicey, nicey guy you are.

But ........ thanks for the opportunity for me to give them some
background about you. Do you think they'll ever really trust you now
........... HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH!

You're such a jerk. You've done so many things to so many people, that
you couldn't prove that you had ever done a nice thing for anyone
without it being over shadowed by two nasty things you've done to
someone else ..... Boy, I'll bet they're having some great e-mail
conversations about what a nice guy you are now ....... huh?


Gottcha again ........... fat boy!

And...can somebody please place a brief description
of GM and that RF guy on a website somewhere?

That sort of thing tends to generate even more nastiness. I usually just
hit [CTRL-Q], [F5] on MSOE and their messages disappear.

Jeeze ...... but you just can't seem to tear yourself away from my
posts though............ huh? Must be that lil ol streak of masochism
in ya, I guess. It keeps on diggin ya but you just can't live with out
it. Tut, tut.

See, now you're progressing right on up to Sadomasochism.
I suspect it's the same with a certain other ASA character.

Now just * W * H * O * ........ could that be ? * ? * ? * ?

KUTCHY KUTCHY ....... FAT ASS. You dug the hole just a little bit
deeper .... again.


Nighty night!


Frank Olson

Frank, I hope you don't mind if I quote something from your previous
post to me.

"Dredging up past bad behaviour doesn't improve
the present circumstance and only serves to carry on the flame war. "

I haven't been flaming Robert. You'll notice he started the whole process
by calling me a "liar" (actually he called me "a lying sack of Jiminex"). A
quick search of Google and the real story emerges. If he had found out
where I worked I have no doubt my partner would be inundated with "forwarded
posts" from this Newsgroup. I could have posted the "long list" of lies I'd
made up a few months ago, but I figured most of you all have seen it and it
doesn't need to be repeated...

Can't have it both ways ....... you know what I mean?
Just because Bass attacks you ........ now it's alright to "dredge up
the past?

I've also told Robert (over and over again), that if he decides to lie about
another indivudal (or myself), or attempt to "colour the facts" to make
himself out the "innocent victim", I'll "call him" on it. Robert has yet to
prove I've lied about anything I've posted in this Newsgroup. The same
thing goes for Group Moderator...

Gimme a break ........ He's a slime bucket and continues to try to
project a holier than thou persona in CHA. He's finally reached a point
in Usenet that there is hardly anything that he can accuse some one of
doing, that he hasn't already done to someone else. You know the drill.
He does something not acceptable to someone and after he outrages them
to the point of reparation, he then tries to make it look like he's the
innocent victim.

Yes... I've seen this pattern of behaviour as well... This has also been
well documented in one of the aviation groups.
TBk sed:
I can help you if you like. I sell professional grade alarm systems to
DIYers in my online store. Robert L Bass 877-722-8900
I'll check out your website. What tech support is usually required
and what is your tech support policy? I am pretty handy in general,
have all kinds of tools and have done some power wiring and telephone
wiring, but only a touch of electronics. I would like to put in a
hard wired system with two partitions.
Frank said:
there are several online resources available to you:

Bob LaLonde used to run an online store with one of the better FAQ pages out

Bob Campbell. Lot's of valuable stuff on his website too:

Thanks for the suggestions Frank. Are the store reps and guys you
active on this newsgroup?
if you're thinking of going the DIY route, pick a relatively easy
series of panels to program like DSC's "Power" series.

Sounds like a good idea. The programing is something I'm not familiar
with and I would like to get something easy to program.

Robert L. Bass

TBk sed:
I'll check out your website. What tech support is usually required
and what is your tech support policy? I am pretty handy in general,
have all kinds of tools and have done some power wiring and telephone
wiring, but only a touch of electronics. I would like to put in a
hard wired system with two partitions.

The amount of support needed varies from person to person. Some people just
need help with programming. Others need instruction in every detail. I
don't charge for tech support and there's no limit. I do require that you
read the manual so that I can better assist you in understanding. I would
rather help you understand how something works and why it's wired a certain
way than simply say, "Connect the blue wire to terminal #5".

It's no more difficult installing a dual-partitioned system than a basic
model. You have to make some programming selections and you'll need at
least one keypad for each partition. Some systems will even allow you to
create a partition without a keypad but it's not a good idea to do so.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
877-722-8900 Sales & Tech Support

Frank Olson

Thanks for the suggestions Frank. Are the store reps and guys you
active on this newsgroup?

Both "Bobs" (Campbell and LaLonde) are active in the group. The best way to
get tech support from "the other Bob" is to post your questions in the
Newsgroup. Ignore "Group Moderator" who contributes nothing but invective
and has a "thing" for "the other Bob"...

series of panels to program like DSC's "Power" series.

Sounds like a good idea. The programing is something I'm not familiar
with and I would like to get something easy to program.

When I started in the trade, the DSC-PC2500 was just being introduced. Wow!
It was keypad programmable! The old 2000 required a chip burner. Both
products were pretty easy to understand. You *must* read the manual!! Set
up the system on a workbench and "play" with it for a few days.

Frank Olson

Thanks for the suggestions Frank. Are the store reps and guys you
active on this newsgroup?

series of panels to program like DSC's "Power" series.

Sounds like a good idea. The programing is something I'm not familiar
with and I would like to get something easy to program.


Jim Rojas is active here as well. So is the guy from

Frank Olson

So you basically wouldn't trust your own people.

On the contrary. We have established procedures when dealing with
complaints. The collection of information regarding any complaint is
handled in as respectful and open a manner as possible.
Gee, I'm sure most folks
would prefer not working for someone like you.

An opinion not held by my employees...
This as opposed to just
asking the employee directly.

Obtaining details of the complaint from the individual doing the complaining
is definitely the wrong thing to do... Check... I'll have to remember
that... ;-))
No, you'd rather take the gestapo route.

"Vee haf many vaise of making you tock"... Right... I'm supposed to call
in the employee and ask him... what?? "I got this email from some guy in
Florida that says you're not a nice person. Care to tell me what this it
all this about??" Since when is gathering as many facts as possible
regarding the complaint (before calling in the employee) the "Gestapo
route"?? That's funny... From everything I've read on the Gestapo,
"facts" weren't something they were too concerned about. In fact they were
experts at manufacturing "facts"... sort of like Group Moderator!!! :))

And somehow those posts aren't online, perhaps just more lies?

Check... Emails are usually sent privately. Oh... and you shouldn't
believe a word I say. Robert says I've told "countless" lies and that I'm a
fraud as well...

no wires showing

Oh you have got to be joking! YOU never tried to go RL on anyone here?
Ummmmm Pinkie remember calling the CT Consumer Protection office to
file a complaint against my company? Oh wait, you will claim you never
did it.
You spent months on end trying to do harm to my company. What was real
funny tho was when you claimed I served time in New Mexico.
Now you and Frankie can play internet grab ass till Kingdom Come but
when you're going to lie try to make it as believable as the Brazilian
kidnapping (oh wait that was a lie too).
What we all really want to know is where is that new windows program
you invented that would revolutionize the industry?

Frank Olson

Doug L said:
The rumour is that the program is finished, but it won't run until his
nephew finishes beta testing the 60ghz desktop processor he was working on
two years ago

I've got news for you... Robert's nephew is actually over-clocking that
processor and has been able to get to function at 121.9 Ghz. It's been
installed in a Delorean because the stainless steel frame acts as a super
magnostheric semi-permiable radio frequency interferometer. He's hoping to
jam Belgium, parts of New York, New Jersey and Vancouver with it.