Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Seeking The Best DIY Alarm Consultant


Group Moderator

Frank Olson said:
It was around 3:00 am that I responded to Mike shortly after arriving home
from an ermergency service call. In retrospect I think I may have gone a
bit overboard in my response. I try to "santize" them before pressing
"send". This one happened to slip through. My bad.

Mike Said:
That funny - have any balls?

Frankie Boy Goes On:
The fact that Mike "holds himself out to be so much better than Robert" is
ludicrous in the extreme.

Mike Said:
That must be in your EyE ONLY. Where did I ever say that I am **BETTER**
than Robert? I did say that I have been in this trade 7 years longer than
him SO if that makes me better according to you, then so be it. Did Steve
Ryckman (founder of say he was better than Robert when
he told him to grow up as shown in this post

Frankie Boy Goes On:
Mike's accused Robert of "double dipping". If you look at any online
credit card transaction page, it warns you *not* to push the "submit
button" twice. I'm sure that Robert had nothing to do with the customer
being billed twice on his credit card. That's a problem with Search-Fit,
not Robert.

Mike Said:
That problem should have been corrected **BEFORE** the site went live. Not
at the expense of a customer. That would, could not and does not happen at as we use the most secure **ACCURATE** credit
card processor know on the web - owned and operated by

Frankie Boy Goes On:
Mike's been getting the "soft treatment" for months... Like I said... last
night was a bit of a "one of".

Mike Said:
His left hand was sore so he could not stroke the monkey. His right hand is
the only one that knows the last time he got laid. His panties was bunching,
he had no one to argue with in his trailer complex SO he took it out on me.
Poor Frankie Boy.....

Frankie Boy Goes On:
I'm only repeating what Mike himself has said and not what Robert has.

Mike Said:
YEP - I trained you right since the day you strolled in here and fell in
love with Robert L. Bass - AKA Goofy Bass - BoBo- Scud - Larry Roberts-
Rocky and many more.

PS: Learn how to spell emergency and sanitize, That's coming from an 8th
grade dropout :)
"Your One Stop Alarm Shop"

Frank Olson

Mike Said:
That funny - have any balls?

Frankie Boy Goes On:
The fact that Mike "holds himself out to be so much better than Robert"
is ludicrous in the extreme.

Mike Said:
That must be in your EyE ONLY. Where did I ever say that I am **BETTER**
than Robert? I did say that I have been in this trade 7 years longer than
him SO if that makes me better according to you, then so be it. Did Steve
Ryckman (founder of say he was better than Robert
when he told him to grow up as shown in this post

You constantly compare your operation to Robert's, stating how much better
it is to deal with someone who isn't a convicted felon, doesn't "double
dip", ships orders on time, etc. You're really no better than Robert and in
a lot of cases a whole lot worse because you engage in several practices no
one here would ever think of doing. Add to all this the fact that you're
also a foul-mouthed pervert and the "picture's" pretty complete.
Frankie Boy Goes On:
Mike's accused Robert of "double dipping". If you look at any online
credit card transaction page, it warns you *not* to push the "submit
button" twice. I'm sure that Robert had nothing to do with the customer
being billed twice on his credit card. That's a problem with Search-Fit,
not Robert.

Mike Said:
That problem should have been corrected **BEFORE** the site went live.

Search-Fit isn't the only legitimate credit card processor out there. Lot's
of them warn about pushing the submit button twice. It's obvious to me you
have little experience in dealing directly with a credit-card processor (or
shopping cart programs for that matter).

Not at the expense of a customer. That would, could not and does not
happen at as we use the most secure
**ACCURATE** credit card processor know on the web -
owned and operated by Ebay.

Uh-huh... It's Mickey Mouse and Goofy rolled into one... First you have to
print out an order page, then you have to fax it to some idiot who operates
out of a post office box somewhere in New Jersey (you hope) who even the
Better Business Bureau has never heard of let alone the State's Alarm
Association... right!!!

Frankie Boy Goes On:
Mike's been getting the "soft treatment" for months... Like I said...
last night was a bit of a "one of".

Mike Said:
His left hand was sore so he could not stroke the monkey. His right hand
is the only one that knows the last time he got laid. His panties was
bunching, he had no one to argue with in his trailer complex SO he took it
out on me. Poor Frankie Boy.....

Typical perverted response from "Groupie Muderator"....

Frankie Boy Goes On:
I'm only repeating what Mike himself has said and not what Robert has.

Mike Said:
YEP - I trained you right since the day you strolled in here and fell in
love with Robert L. Bass - AKA Goofy Bass - BoBo- Scud - Larry Roberts-
Rocky and many more.

You "shore" did, Boss!!!

Group Moderator

Frank Olson said:
You constantly compare your operation to Robert's, stating how much better
it is to deal with someone who isn't a convicted felon, doesn't "double
dip", ships orders on time, etc. You're really no better than Robert and
in a lot of cases a whole lot worse because you engage in several
practices no one here would ever think of doing. Add to all this the fact
that you're also a foul-mouthed pervert and the "picture's" pretty

Search-Fit isn't the only legitimate credit card processor out there.
Lot's of them warn about pushing the submit button twice. It's obvious to
me you have little experience in dealing directly with a credit-card
processor (or shopping cart programs for that matter).

Uh-huh... It's Mickey Mouse and Goofy rolled into one... First you have
to print out an order page, then you have to fax it to some idiot who
operates out of a post office box somewhere in New Jersey (you hope) who
even the Better Business Bureau has never heard of let alone the State's
Alarm Association... right!!!

Typical perverted response from "Groupie Muderator"....

You "shore" did, Boss!!!

Mike Said:
You are clueless - no offence to Rhonda either. Looks like you are going to
win the Ass Clown award once again Frankie Boy......... Where's the pictures
of the goose in the cockpit windshield???? What is the resistance reading on
should get between a plastic grounded junction box and a PVC water pipe? I
hear Pelco made a new PTZ unit for levitating ladders.

Frank Olson

Mike Said:
You are clueless - no offence to Rhonda either. Looks like you are going
to win the Ass Clown award once again Frankie Boy......... Where's the
pictures of the goose in the cockpit windshield????

The goose took out the windshield. It wound up wedged in the tail severely
restricting elevator and rudder movement. I wasn't there when they removed
the tail cone for repairs.
What is the resistance reading on should get between a plastic grounded
junction box and a PVC water pipe?

That's a pretty ignorant comment. Still haven't bothered obtaining a copy
of ULC CAN4-S524, eh?? Tsk!!

I hear Pelco made a new PTZ unit for levitating ladders.

Pelco makes CCTV accessories, dummy. They don't make parts for ladders.
But do go on...

Frank Olson

Mike Said:
I speak with Jim everyday. Hmmm, that should tell you something. We do not
discuss this playground, as we are to busy making money. That is something
that you should do instead of punching a ticket at Burger King.

But does Jim know he's associated with a web site that features a logo
*stolen* from American Airlines??

Check out Upper right hand corner...

You know companies like "Disney" and "AA" have very deep pockets... I
wouldn't "mess" with 'em, if I were you...

By the way, Thanks for the Bass BBB update. Mr. I don't cause any problems
in here.

No prob. It seems you don't spend *all* of your life in pursuit of Bass...

Frankie Boy Goes On:
I'm sure people will just flock to your store when they read this.

Mike Said:
The store makes more in an hour, than you make in 3 months.

Seeing as how you *still* don't know where I work, your comment is both
unfounded as well as being pure speculation... And last time I looked my
"year-to-date" purchases from ADI were a good deal more than the 2200.00US
your "company" is on the books for (according to Robert that is)...

What do you think that we only sell to people that read newsgroups? Get
real.....Look us up in the search engines...

Uh-huh... So you've managed to increase your search engine rankings by
paying for multiple web-sites that cross link each other... Nice

Read the comments from the satisified customers No **DOUBLE DIPPING
credit cards like your best friend.

Heh... One thing Robert hasn't done is stoop to writing "fictious
testimonials" from "satisfied customers"... On his old website, he included
the email addresses of the individuals that did write in with comments...
That's suspiciously absent from yours, but I guess AOL isn't providing all
those "free memberships" anymore...


Frank said:
Heh... One thing Robert hasn't done is stoop to writing "fictious
testimonials" from "satisfied customers"... On his old website, he included
the email addresses of the individuals that did write in with comments...
That's suspiciously absent from yours, but I guess AOL isn't providing all
those "free memberships" anymore...

Well you're definitely right about that, Frank.

Robert only stoops to writing ficticous testimonials from
***dissatisfied*** customers on his *competitors* websites.

Frank Olson

Well you're definitely right about that, Frank.

Robert only stoops to writing ficticous testimonials from
***dissatisfied*** customers on his *competitors* websites.

Old news, Jim. Andy even accepted his apology.

Mark Leuck

Frank Olson said:
Old news, Jim. Andy even accepted his apology.

I think the focus is on the fact that RLB did it in the first place


Frank said:
Old news, Jim. Andy even accepted his apology.

Oh .......... I see

So that makes it ok.

Just do it and if you get caught, simply apologize. It was more the
graciousness of Andy that the event ended. Particularly since Andy was
the victim of Bass's insulting comments about Andy's weight. Do you
think Bass would have admitted What he'd done if Andy hadn't caught

However, you should remember your above comment if ever Bass gets a
hold of your personal information and goes real life with your
suppliers, family and neighbors ..........

When he's done, ........ I'm sure he'll be happy to apologize.

Frank Olson

Oh .......... I see

So that makes it ok.

Didn't say that. And only Andy should be able to determine whether or not
his apology is acceptable. Dredging up past bad behaviour doesn't improve
the present circumstance and only serves to carry on the flame war. It's
all well and good to remind anyone posting in this group to keep their
personal information anonymous since some participants have demonstrated
they won't hesitate to go "real life" in an effort to "control" any negative

Just do it and if you get caught, simply apologize. It was more the
graciousness of Andy that the event ended. Particularly since Andy was
the victim of Bass's insulting comments about Andy's weight. Do you
think Bass would have admitted What he'd done if Andy hadn't caught

Nope. I don't for one minute think Robert would have. He's even opened
account at the AlarmsBC forum under the name of "Jake" to try and find out
information about me.

However, you should remember your above comment if ever Bass gets a
hold of your personal information and goes real life with your
suppliers, family and neighbors ..........

He's already "done that". And used the fact that he couldn't "find me" as
his "proof" that I don't work in the trade. He's also stated that "one
distributor remembered my working for them briefly". I've never worked
behind a counter in the 22 years I've been in this business.

When he's done, ........ I'm sure he'll be happy to apologize.


Robert L. Bass

Bass gets a hold of your personal
He's already "done that".

You're a lying sack of jiminex! I figured it wouldn't take long before you
joined Jiminex' lies. You know full well I've never done any of that.
However, you've tried to mess with my suppliers more than once.

Frank Olson

You're a lying sack of jiminex! I figured it wouldn't take long before
you joined Jiminex' lies. You know full well I've never done any of that.
However, you've tried to mess with my suppliers more than once.

Let's see...

Do you recall writing this:

Which inspector of all the ones in your area ever met you? All the ones I
spoke with said they'd never heard of you. You claim years and years of
experience but you've never pulled a single permit. No installing company
or dealer in your area has any idea who you are. None of the local
central stations has heard of you."

Or this:

Since you don't even have a license you're in no position to judge my

Question anything you like. You're still just a counter clerk at a small
distributor in Vancouver with almost no installation knowledge or
experience beyond what you've read here. "

No one at AlarmsBC has ever heard of you."

You forget that in the last instance your IP address was logged including
the nickname "Jake". I know full well you've contacted a number of people
in the Vancouver area looking for me. Are you now denying you wrote any of
the above??

As for the lie that I was messing with your "suppliers", the only
*manufacturer* I *ever* contacted in which your name was mentioned was DSC.
You used to provide their DLS software as a free download from your website
which violated their EULA and *copyrights*. The guy at DSC I talked to
didn't think all that much of you *before* he found out what you were doing
and it took less than thirty minutes from the time I called for the link to
their software to "disappear". I would have loved to have been party to
that particular phone conversation.

The only supplier in Florida I contacted was ADI, and your name was never
mentioned (nor was mine). I wanted to find out what it took to become a
Dealer for their equipment *in Florida*. You keep lying that you received
phone calls from "your suppliers" all asking who this "Olson character" is.
There isn't a single Florida ADI office I contacted in which I identified
myself. You even admitted to me on the phone that it could have been
"anyone" and that we both knew who the likely culprit was. Are you now
denying this as well?? Tsk!!!

Robert L. Bass

You're a lying sack of jiminex! I figured it wouldn't take long before
Let's see...

Do you recall writing this:

There's a huge difference between asking if they've heard of you (none had)
and trying to interfere with a competitor's business like you did with
several of my suppliers. Also, you claim I did something to your neighbors,
family, etc. That's another flat out lie and you know it.
Or this:


How does the fact that you don't have a license validate your lies about me?

So far there is still no evidence that you've ever installed anything for a

That's true. For a guy who claims to be such a major player it's
interesting that almost no one in the trade has ever heard of you.
You forget that in the last instance your IP address was logged including
the nickname "Jake". I know full well you've contacted a number of people
in the Vancouver area looking for me. Are you now denying you wrote any
of the above??

You've posted countless lies about your fictitious experience. I simply
asked around and practically no one seemed to have any idea who you are.
That's a far cry from interfering with your business.
As for the lie that I was messing with your "suppliers",
the only *manufacturer* I *ever* contacted in which
your name was mentioned was DSC.

So you say, but you're a well-known liar and a fraud so that doesn't count
for much now does it?
You used to provide their DLS software as a free
download from your website...

Now I only sell it on CD-ROM.
I would have loved to have been party to that particular phone

That "conversation" must have been between the voices in your head because
it never happened. DSC never contacted me. I made the decision to only
offer software on CD-ROM because the downloads were using up too much
bandwidth on my server.
The only supplier in Florida I contacted was ADI...

So you say.
You keep lying that you received phone calls from
"your suppliers" all asking who this "Olson
character" is.

It's been a while since your first RL attacks but ISTR the question was more
along the lines of "Who is that idiot from Canada?"
There isn't a single Florida ADI office I contacted
in which I identified myself. You even admitted
to me on the phone that it could have been "anyone"
and that we both knew who the likely culprit was.
Are you now denying this as well?? Tsk!!!

It *could* have been someone else but (1) they specifically asked about
someone from Canada. Since RC is a friend that narrows it to two ASA
morons -- you and one other. The other has made threats of physical
violence but he never stooped so low as to call my suppliers.

As to your _claims_ of not having mentioned my name, you're too
mean-spirited and vindictive to pass up an opportunity to try to harm me.
You freely admit to having tried to interfere with my relationship with DSC.
Now all of a sudden I'm supposed to believe you played nice with ADI. I
think not.

Frank Olson

There's a huge difference between asking if they've heard of you (none
had) and trying to interfere with a competitor's business like you did
with several of my suppliers.

I should have used "tried that" instead of "done that". My bad. Yet you
continue to lie with the line that I've tried to "interfere with your
suppliers". Name one. Time and date please. Telephone records should
prove your version of the facts are not only "far fetched", they're from the
far side of the Galaxy.
Also, you claim I did something to your neighbors, family, etc.

Nope. Never said that. What I did say (to Mike) was that in all the years
I've seen the flames go back and forth, *he's* the only one that has ever
directly attacked family, friends and neighbors. I know for a fact that you
would never stoop so low.
That's another flat out lie and you know it.

From your lips... err... keyboard... right!

How does the fact that you don't have a license validate your lies about

Prove it!! You still have *no clue* as to who I am or who I work for...
Frustrating for you, isn't it Robert?... You'd love to go RL with me like
you did with Graham...

So far there is still no evidence that you've ever installed anything for
a living.

So far there's no evidence you did either (for the number of years you "say"
you did at least).

That's true. For a guy who claims to be such a major player it's
interesting that almost no one in the trade has ever heard of you.

Uh-huh... There aren't a heck of a lot of guys in this newsgroup (ASA) that
use their real names. I can count them on one hand (which means about
"five" at best - six if you're the guy that killed "Inigo Montoya's"

You've posted countless lies about your fictitious experience.

Uh-huh... If they're "countless", maybe you can post some more and not just
the two or three you keep repeating (which you haven't been able to prove

I simply asked around and practically no one seemed to have any
idea who you are.

That pretty well says it all... You've gone "RL" with me to the best of
your limited investigative skills. I'm sure that if you *had* known my real
name and the name of my business, my partner would have been receiving
forwarded posts from you ages ago...

That's a far cry from interfering with your business.

Nope. Every time you falsely state I work behind a counter at a "small
distributor in Vancouver", you're lying. In fact (and because you continue
to post such drivel without any real proof), that's libel.

So you say, but you're a well-known liar and a fraud so that doesn't count
for much now does it?

Am I now?? Uh-huh... And what "proof" can you offer for this rather
libelous statement?? So far all you've managed to "prove" is that you know
next to nothing about NEC, NFPA, aerodynamics, ethics.... I could go on,
but the list is "endless"...

Now I only sell it on CD-ROM.

Uh-huh... Have you read the "disclaimer" for the software lately??

That "conversation" must have been between the voices in your head because
it never happened. DSC never contacted me.

That's not what they tell me...

I made the decision to only offer software on CD-ROM because the downloads
were using up too much bandwidth on my server.

Pretty "coincidental" that it happened on the same day within the same hour
that I contacted them with the information about your website... In fact,
I'd call it downright "Spooky" (but let's leave Mike out of this). :))

So you say.

And that's the truth...

It's been a while since your first RL attacks but ISTR the question was
more along the lines of "Who is that idiot from Canada?"

Ahhh... so the truth is you don't know which individual was contacting your
supplier... Your accusing me of "pulling the trigger" and don't know for
sure if I even own a gun...

It *could* have been someone else but (1) they specifically asked about
someone from Canada.

That narrows it down to about twenty or thirty thousand "primates" that are
employed in the security profession... Check!!
Since RC is a friend that narrows it to two ASA morons -- you and one

I guess "countless" Canadians in the alarm profession that are capable of
such a heinous act are now just "two"... Is this the same math you use when
you're calculating your "time in the trade"??
The other has made threats of physical violence but he never stooped so
low as to call my suppliers.

I don't think any "real Canadian" (or even an American living there) would
stoop that low...

As to your _claims_ of not having mentioned my name, you're too
mean-spirited and vindictive to pass up an opportunity to try to harm me.

Uh-huh... and I guess I have absolutely no reason for doing so other than
the fact that you're operating an online store in Florida (more than 2000
miles away from Vancouver)... Sure...

You freely admit to having tried to interfere with my relationship with

I don't just freely admit it, Robert. I'm telling you this is exactly what
I did. I called DSC and advised them you were offering their DLS software
as a free download on your website. Within thirty minutes the link to that
software was no longer valid... I'd say they moved pretty fast to shut you

Now all of a sudden I'm supposed to believe you played nice with ADI. I
think not.

I don't think anyone here (in ASA) cares what you think... It's what you do
and how you respond that people remember... Checked out the "Goofy" website



Lies? Lies? Would you be so kind as to quote the LIES that I have

Whoooops! Can't do that, can you?

Sure you can call me a liar all day and night, but you just never seem
to be able to point to any *particular* lie. Jeeeeeeze, It must be just
super to be able to make up things in your pittance of a brain and
think that everyone is going to believe you ........ with out any
proof. How does it feel to have burnt all those bridges behind you in
Usenet and have the whole history of your nasty rotten conduct archived
for anyone to quote? You've built up such a list of people and misdeeds
in your life that you can never deny what you've done. You have no
credibility to stand on except to lie and put up a false front in hopes
that no one will take the time to look at all the terrible things
you've done to people.

You can count on the certainty that I will always be here to let
everyone know what a total morally decayed degenerate you are. There's
no need to lie. All anyone has to do to refute your lying claims of
justification for your conduct, is point them to the archived history.

There's a huge difference between asking if they've heard of you (none had)
and trying to interfere with a competitor's business like you did with
several of my suppliers. Also, you claim I did something to your neighbors,
family, etc. That's another flat out lie and you know it.

How does the fact that you don't have a license validate your lies
about me?

Where is the proof that he doesn't have a license. You don't even know
who he is! How can you call it a fact when you don't know anything
about him except what he's stated in ASA?

Where are the lies??? Tell us please, please ....... tell us where
are the lies?

So far there is still no evidence that you've ever installed anything for a

That's true. For a guy who claims to be such a major player it's
interesting that almost no one in the trade has ever heard of you.

Why would you or anyone be poking around someones personal life just
because they post in a Newsgroup? Wouldn't be some ulterior motive
....... would there????? Hmmmmmmmmmmm? Tut tut tut. Naughty

You've posted countless lies about your fictitious experience. I simply
asked around and practically no one seemed to have any idea who you are.
That's a far cry from interfering with your business.

Ahhhhh ......... but there's the rub! What if you HAD discovered
where and who he was ......... would you have done the same thing to
Frank as you did to those people in the aviation group and to Graham?

Come on now. You've done it in the past ........ why would anyone
believe that you wouldn't have done the same thing to Frank that you've
done to others in the past, if you'd have found out who he is?

And as far as Frank being known as a liar, it seems to me that it's
only you who has called him a liar. I don't ever recall anyone else
agreeing with you, except for a couple of people that seemed to appear,
make a post in or two in ASA to back you up and then never to be seen
again. You know, something like what you've done and been caught at
dozens of times before ........... posting under a ficticious name.

Ya see how it all ties together now? You do a nasty thing once or twice
to someone and get caught at it ......... then the next time that
something like that happens again, well GOOOOOOOLLLEEE! guess who
done it ...... duh hu duhhuh!
So you say, but you're a well-known liar and a fraud so that doesn't count
for much now does it?

Naaah come on now, your the only one who's tried to lay the lable of
liar on Frank. It's only your opinion because there no way to prove
that things that happened to him out of Usenet didn't happen. It's
simply your opinion. Not a fact.
Now I only sell it on CD-ROM.

That "conversation" must have been between the voices in your head because
it never happened. DSC never contacted me. I made the decision to only
offer software on CD-ROM because the downloads were using up too much
bandwidth on my server.

Oh yes, thanks for reminding me. That's another one of your nasty
little things that you do to the installers is ASA. You give out the
manufacturers dealer downloading software to the end users you sell to.
Isn't that nice of you? Why that ought to ingratiate you, curry favor,
with all the people in ASA, who(contrary to you), install alarms system
for a living. Nice touch to make things tranquil in ASA ... right?
So you say.

You have no proof either way. As a known and proven liar and trouble
maker, somehow, it's hard to take anything you say as truth.

It's been a while since your first RL attacks but ISTR the question was more
along the lines of "Who is that idiot from Canada?"

Ahh ........another unprovable "quote" ............ tsk tsk!
It *could* have been someone else but (1) they specifically asked about
someone from Canada. Since RC is a friend that narrows it to two ASA
morons -- you and one other. The other has made threats of physical
violence but he never stooped so low as to call my suppliers.

You know that for sure .......... do you? Uhhhhh may I mention the
word "proof" again?
As to your _claims_ of not having mentioned my name, you're too
mean-spirited and vindictive to pass up an opportunity to try to harm me.
You freely admit to having tried to interfere with my relationship with DSC.
Now all of a sudden I'm supposed to believe you played nice with ADI. I
think not.

Well if it's "inference" that you want to use as proof .........


You'd better take a look at all the assumptions, presuptions and
conclusions that can be made about you ...... first. But, on the other
hand, with your recorded history, there's no need to use anything as
flimsy as ...... *inference* to come to a conclusion about you. You're
a rotten, nasty insidious and rancorous deviant. And the proof is all
right here for anyone to read.

Keep it up you jerk. The more you post the more and more of you that
gets revealed. You can't hide anymore. You've done it too much and too

Robert L. Bass

Frank Olson said:
I should have used "tried that"

You'd still be lying. I never tried to do you, Jiminex or any of the other
jackasses who have ruined this newsgroup any harm. I never even tried to
hurt Sabodish although he certainly desrerves a swift boot in the butt.
... I've tried to "interfere with your suppliers".
Name one.

ADI and DSC for starters.
Telephone records should prove...

You're being absurd. Where would I get your phone records?
Nope. Never said that.

When Jiminex told that lie you stated that I had done that. That lie of
yours is what precipitated this somewhat more heated discussion.
Prove it!!

I already checked. You're completely unknown throughout the area where you
pretend to be a major player, installing commercial fire alarms and
everything else. Not one inspector ever heard of you. How is it that
you've got so much experience installing advanced systems and yet no one --
inspectors, suppliers, competitors, no one at all -- in your area knows who
you are? Explain that one.

You'd love to go RL with me like
you did with Graham...

Actually, I'd just like to see one shred of evidence to support a single one
of your tales. Remember the stupid lie you posted claiming to have flown in
an inverted 737 airliner which you and your pals "borrowed" from Boeing?
Remember the idiotic story you told of being partway up a ladder when the
top of the ladder mysteriously hopped into a 50kV line?
So far there's no evidence you did either
(for the number of years you "say" you
did at least).

That's another lie, Olson. You took the trouble to find my license records
in CT (looking for another excuse to flame) and you know full well I carried
that license for many years. You've also seen the PDF of an article which
Napco wrote in their newsletter about some of my installations.

Unlike you, I don't hide my company information.
Uh-huh... There aren't a heck of a lot of guys in
this newsgroup (ASA) that use their real names...

All of a suden you claim to have been using a fictitioous name for all these
years. Bullfrank!
I can count them on one hand (which
means about "five" at best...

It's a good thing there aren't more or you'd be lost.
Uh-huh... If they're "countless", maybe you can
post some more and not just the two or three...

That's enough to prove the point.
That pretty well says it all...

It sure does.
I'm sure that if you *had* known my real name and the name of my business,

I've no interest in your personal relationships.
...that's libel.

Sue me.
Uh-huh... Have you read the "disclaimer"
for the software lately??

Which one? There are several.

That's not what they tell me...

The voices?
Pretty "coincidental" that it happened on
the same day within the same hour...

You keep saying that but it's not true. Fact is DSC never even bothered to
call. The onl;y reason I knew you had pestered them is you said so in ASA.
Ahhh... so the truth is you don't know which
individual was contacting your supplier...

Sure I do. You confirmed it with your own posts.
Your accusing me of "pulling the trigger"
and don't know for sure if I even own a gun...

You put yourself there at the time and place of the "crime" without me even
That narrows it down to about twenty or thirty
thousand "primates" that are employed in the
security profession... Check!!

Uh, no Olson. That narrows it down to one of two primates from Canada who
work in the trade, post here and have a history of animosity toward yours
truly. You nailed yourself in by admitting you made the calls. Now you try
to deny the content of the calls but you're a well-known liar anyway.
I guess "countless" Canadians in the alarm
profession that are capable of such a heinous
act are now just "two"...

I don't know how many heinous Canadians are in the profession but I do know
of precisely one heinous Canook (1) who posts here; (2) has a history of RL
attacks and (3) admitted he made the calls. That is you, Olson. All other
heinous Canadian installers are free to go.
I don't think any "real Canadian" (or even
an American living there) would stoop
that low...

Only you, Olson. Only you. One American who would do it is Sabodish but
he's too stupid to figure out who my rep is.
Uh-huh... and I guess I have absolutely no
reason for doing so other than the fact that
you're operating an online store in Florida
(more than 2000 miles away from
Vancouver)... Sure...

You've spent years posting flames against me in Usenet. Seems like there's
a bur in your butt about something, doesn't it?
I don't just freely admit it, Robert. I'm telling
you this is exactly what I did...

You went RL. You admit it. That wasn't so hard, was it. Now try telling
the truth about all your other lies. You'll feel much better afterward.
Don't worry that we'll lose respect fro you. No one respects you anyway so
what's to lose?
I don't think anyone here (in ASA) cares what
you think...

You obviously do.
It's what you do and how you respond...

I say what I believe. If that bothers you, that's your problem.
Checked out the "Goofy" website lately??


Frank Olson

You'd still be lying. I never tried to do you, Jiminex or any of the
other jackasses who have ruined this newsgroup any harm. I never even
tried to hurt Sabodish although he certainly desrerves a swift boot in the

Ahh... Robert... What reason could you possibly have to spend your hard
earned dollars on long distance calls to various and sundry agencies and
companies in Vancouver looking for "little old moi"? Huh?? There's only
*one* reason, and you've demonstrated this over and over again in this
Newsgroup and others!!

ADI and DSC for starters.

Prove *I* did anything to interfere with your business at ADI!!

You're being absurd. Where would I get your phone records?

Try your buddies at ADI. There's no possible way I would give you my phone

When Jiminex told that lie you stated that I had done that. That lie of
yours is what precipitated this somewhat more heated discussion.

All I know is that you're "dancing" so fast I'm getting dizzy.

I already checked. You're completely unknown throughout the area where
you pretend to be a major player, installing commercial fire alarms and
everything else. Not one inspector ever heard of you. How is it that
you've got so much experience installing advanced systems and yet no
one -- inspectors, suppliers, competitors, no one at all -- in your area
knows who you are? Explain that one.

I already have... You just choose to ignore it... I suppose you also
called every AHJ, distributor, and CS in New York asking if they knew anyone
by the name of "Jim" or "Alarminex"... What response did you get (mind my

Actually, I'd just like to see one shred of evidence to support a single
one of your tales. Remember the stupid lie you posted claiming to have
flown in an inverted 737 airliner which you and your pals "borrowed" from
Boeing? Remember the idiotic story you told of being partway up a ladder
when the top of the ladder mysteriously hopped into a 50kV line?

There you go again... repeating the same old song... I thought you said
I've told "countless lies"... Surely to goodness that means more than just
these two!! And what *proof* have you offered that refutes these so called
"lies". Nothing. Zip. Nada. All you've managed to do is show us all that
you know even less about aerodynamics than you do the NEC on the first one,
and ummmm.... well... you just don't know all the circumstances
surrounding the incident of the "levitating ladder" (as you often call it).
You weren't there and can't say whether-or-not it really happened now, can

That's another lie, Olson. You took the trouble to find my license
records in CT (looking for another excuse to flame) and you know full well
I carried that license for many years.

Ummmm... Let's see... You got the L-6 in 1985 and the L-5 in 1989 (after
you got caught by the license inspector). You then started your online
store in 1996 and moved to Florida in 1999. Somehow I just don't see
*where* you get "27 years" in the trade... Oh... I forgot... your
definition of the word "trade"...

You've also seen the PDF of an article which Napco wrote in their
newsletter about some of my installations.

Can't say I've ever seen that. Care to send it to me?? While you're at it,
show me where the downloading software and help system for FireShield is "UL

Unlike you, I don't hide my company information.

Check... and perhaps if you didn't have the reputation here that you do, I
wouldn't have a problem with that either.

All of a suden you claim to have been using a fictitioous name for all
these years. Bullfrank!

Heh... The name's not "fictitioous", Robert. It's one I was born with but
just don't use. I'll leave you to figure that one out!! :))

It's a good thing there aren't more or you'd be lost.

It's a good thing it's not "six" or I'd be skewered by a "vengeful
Spaniard"... :))

That's enough to prove the point.

Nope... no good... You've proven you know nothing about flying, and you
weren't there to survey the scene after my "little jolt" on the ladder...

It sure does.

The "twists and turns" of the deviant mind, eh??

I've no interest in your personal relationships.

That's funny... I couldn't sworn someone sent Graham's employer a really
nasty email... Hey... it looks like it came from *your computer* too!!!

Sure... My Lawyer will call your Lawyer and they'll both wind up having a
super vacation together in Bahia (at our expense)...

Which one? There are several.

Check... It's quite obvious to me that you haven't.

The voices?

Yes... When I call DSC's corporate office I usually get to speak to
someone. I understand you listen to a lot of music...

You keep saying that but it's not true. Fact is DSC never even bothered
to call. The onl;y reason I knew you had pestered them is you said so in

Sure, Robert... Sure... And an ADT technician installed an extra contact
in an alarm system in Florida that wasn't on his work order and the magnetic
north pole of the earth moved 0.5 degrees east as a result...

Sure I do. You confirmed it with your own posts.

You put yourself there at the time and place of the "crime" without me
even asking.

But there's the rub, "Roberto"... I never stated "who" I was, "where" I was
calling from, or mentioned your name or your company... You keep "dredging
up" this heinous act of "interfering with your company" when all I asked
was: "What do you need to buy product from them as a Dealer in Florida?"
To which "the voices" responded: "A Florida Alarm License". Now I suppose
an individual that was somewhat "paranoid delusional" could infer that I had
no business calling ADI to ask them this question, and that by doing so I
was interfering with the "positive vibrations" on that part of the planet...
but that would be a bit of a stretch even for you, yes??

Uh, no Olson. That narrows it down to one of two primates from Canada who
work in the trade, post here and have a history of animosity toward yours

I "work in the trade"??? Gosh!!! This would be an historic, momentous,
stupendous event, but for the fact that your definition of the word "trade"
includes the guy at Radio Shack that sells sealed lead acid batteries that
could be used in an alarm system...
You nailed yourself in by admitting you made the calls.

Yup. I made calls to three different ADI offices in Florida...
Now you try to deny the content of the calls but you're a well-known liar

Oh?? So, I suppose you're denying the "content of our phone call as well"
(in which you admitted that it wasn't me), just like you've denied making
vulgar statements about me (for which you've only recently apologized)...
Now you're saying I'm also a "well-known liar". You've yet to prove I've
lied about anything.
I don't know how many heinous Canadians are in the profession but I do
know of precisely one heinous Canook (1) who posts here; (2) has a history
of RL attacks and (3) admitted he made the calls. That is you, Olson.
All other heinous Canadian installers are free to go.

I just love the way you twist words, Robert... "Countless" to "heinous"...
and coming from *you*, an individual that has no compunction about lying
about people that don't agree with his rather twisted point of view, who has
a history of real life attacks in numerous Newsgroups, and admits to making
vulgar and obscene comments about people, I'd say that carries just about as
much weight as "Goofy Moderator's" posts...

Only you, Olson. Only you. One American who would do it is Sabodish but
he's too stupid to figure out who my rep is.

I don't think Mike would have a problem figuring that out at all... You
forget who the other "staff member" at is...

You've spent years posting flames against me in Usenet. Seems like
there's a bur in your butt about something, doesn't it?

Nope... And keep my butt out of this... I don't swing that way.

You went RL. You admit it. That wasn't so hard, was it. Now try telling
the truth about all your other lies. You'll feel much better afterward.
Don't worry that we'll lose respect fro you. No one respects you anyway
so what's to lose?

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! The "Robert Bass two step"... Step one. Admit
to making a phone call to a supplier to ask them what they require to
purchase product from them as a Florida Dealer; and step two, you're
automatically "interfering with the business" of your online alarm store...

You obviously do.

No, actually... I care more about what you *do*... and how *you*
respond... You see Robert... *you* have the power to make this place
exactly what *you* keep telling everyone in CHA it is...
"alt.cesspool.alarms"... Keep piling it in there, partner...

I say what I believe. If that bothers you, that's your problem.

Yes... But there's a huge difference between what you "believe" and what
you "believe to be true", what you know and what you conjecture...

You have yet to prove I've lied about anything... your history on Usenet
is, sad to say, full of your lies, innuendos, vulgarities, and "half-baked"

Pity it's going back to the way it was...


Frank said:
Let's see...

Do you recall writing this:

Frank, I hope you don't mind if I quote something from your previous
post to me.

"Dredging up past bad behaviour doesn't improve
the present circumstance and only serves to carry on the flame war. "

Can't have it both ways ....... you know what I mean?
Just because Bass attacks you ........ now it's alright to "dredge up
the past?

Gimme a break ........ He's a slime bucket and continues to try to
project a holier than thou persona in CHA. He's finally reached a point
in Usenet that there is hardly anything that he can accuse some one of
doing, that he hasn't already done to someone else. You know the drill.
He does something not acceptable to someone and after he outrages them
to the point of reparation, he then tries to make it look like he's the
innocent victim.


John said:

I respect the the technical skill both of you have shown in your responses
to the various questions posted to the pair of newsgroups I've been haunting
the last several months. However, these conversations need to go

Hi John,

Yes, I can agree with you that this thread should not be taking place
in CHA or any other group but ASA ......... as it has been for years.

However, it will in fact continue until Bass stops cross posting his
replies. There is no way in hell that he can attempt to justify his
horrendous conduct to me or anyone, with out it being followed with a
verifiable rebuttal to shown what a liar and fraud he is. He has to
many years of doing nasty things to people that has been recorded in
Usenet to get away with anymore.

Nobody is going to convince anybody of anything, so why clutter the group(s)
with this personal stuff? "I'll stop when he stops." Yeah, right. Killfile
each other, then stick to alarms and automation.

I've stated and will comply with my promise to stop cross posting. I've
opposed Bass for years in ASA, knowning full well that he was
participating in CHA and could very well have cross posted when ever I
chose, simply to " annoy " people. I haven't and I wouldn't. B U T, as
soon as someone from CHA, comes to ASA, cross posting, saying that Bass
is a nice guy, I'll oppose that until the cross posting is stopped
.......... but I *** W I L L *** have the last word. Until that happens,
your only choice is stop reading the thread, kill file me or see if
you can get the Dr Jekyll side of Bass to comply with your suggestion.
As you can see, the turmoil follows him where ever he has gone in
Usenet and will continue to follow him. It's no coincidence that the
chaos is where he is. He's deliberately wreaked havoc in a long, long
trail over the years. I'm sure you don't really care but should you
look back on his history, there are been dozens and dozens of people
who have been insulted and ridiculed, lied about and offended through
the years by this miscreant. You're only seen the latest of the these
people now. Should he continue to persue his "new" personality that
he's assumed in CHA, it could be that in years to come, should his
heart not give out first, he may gain some respect. But I don't know
that he can change. (I should say, "hide his true self) Only time will
And...can somebody please place a brief description of GM and that RF guy on
a website somewhere? Make it brief, intelligent and reasonable, and the ONLY
response that will EVER be necessary is a link to that page. If every post
from GM and RFguy has a single identical response or is the end of the
thread, they are beaten. Otherwise, these guys get off on the melee that
ensues from their posts.

Were that true, wouldn't you think that Bass would long be long gone
from Usenet?

Besides, something similar to that was already tried with Wireless

But don't be discouraged. Eventually this will end in CHA and retire
back to ASA.... errr ....... where it will only end when Bass stops
what he's doing to the individuals in the group and all the
installation companies that he thinks he's competing with.