Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Seeking The Best DIY Alarm Consultant



I would like to purchase and install an alarm system myself for a house and
attached shop. Who would be the best dealer-consultant to work with? I
value available and knowledgable tech support most highly.

Robert L. Bass

I would like to purchase and install an alarm system
myself for a house and attached shop....

I can help you if you like. I sell professional grade alarm systems to
DIYers in my online store.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
877-722-8900 Sales & Tech Support

Frank Olson

TBk said:
I would like to purchase and install an alarm system myself for a house and
attached shop. Who would be the best dealer-consultant to work with? I
value available and knowledgable tech support most highly.

First off, I'm not trying to "sell you " on anything. I am actively in the
trade, but my company doesn't sell product online. That having been said,
there are several online resources available to you:

Bob LaLonde used to run an online store with one of the better FAQ pages out

And then there's Bob Campbell. He's Canadian and not a bad sort at all.
Lot's of valuable stuff on his website too:

As for "consulting"... If you're thinking of going the DIY route, pick a
relatively easy series of panels to program like DSC's "Power" series.
They're loaded with features most people want. If you want a panel that
*really rocks*, go to It's called the "M-1
Gold" and is simply the most versatile system out there (even from an HA

Good luck!!

Group Moderator

TBk said:
I would like to purchase and install an alarm system myself for a house and
attached shop. Who would be the best dealer-consultant to work with? I
value available and knowledgable tech support most highly.

Frank Olson


He wants *real* tech support, Mike. Somehow I seriously doubt he'll get
that from the "Goofy Webmaster" (or who-ever you decide you are when he
calls)... ;-)

Frank Olson

I see it's still registered anonymously (along with every other website you
"operate" or "say" you own). I'd strongly suggest anyone that's
contemplating purchasing products online do some investigation on the
company he's thinking about dealing with. "Group Moderator" is an
individual I'd avoid for several reasons and his vulgar posting history is
only one of them.

Domains by Proxy, Inc.

15111 N Hayden Rd., Suite 160
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
United States

Registered through: (
Created on: 07-Mar-02
Expires on: 07-Mar-06
Last Updated on: 07-Mar-05

Administrative Contact:
Private, Registration [email protected]
Domains by Proxy, Inc.
15111 N Hayden Rd., Suite 160
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
United States
(480) 624-2599
Technical Contact:
Private, Registration [email protected]
Domains by Proxy, Inc.
15111 N Hayden Rd., Suite 160
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
United States
(480) 624-2599

Domain servers in listed order:

Registry Status: REGISTRAR-LOCK

Group Moderator

Frank Olson said:

He wants *real* tech support, Mike. Somehow I seriously doubt he'll get
that from the "Goofy Webmaster" (or who-ever you decide you are when he
calls)... ;-)

Mike Said:
A *real* tech leaves you out hands down. I was in this trade when you were
in grammar school.

Group Moderator

Frank Olson said:
I see it's still registered anonymously (along with every other website
you "operate" or "say" you own). I'd strongly suggest anyone that's
contemplating purchasing products online do some investigation on the
company he's thinking about dealing with. "Group Moderator" is an
individual I'd avoid for several reasons and his vulgar posting history is
only one of them.

Mike Said:
Like you always say " Don't have to be an alarm tech to own an alarm

Where is your online store Frankie Boy?
oops! It is right HERE:

I see that you totally forgot 1 small a that you preached about for years.

Where is this new SUPER web site that you were making to replace
alt-security-alarms that went absolutely NO WHERE.

PS: with your track record here I don't think **ANY ONE** cares about you or
what you suggest.
"Your One Stop Alarm Shop"

Frank Olson

Mike Said:
Like you always say " Don't have to be an alarm tech to own an alarm

Check. I guess that means you can also be a "retired armed alarm response
supervisor/operator", or in your case one that started an alarm company
while he was employed with another. That's not the "smartest thing" to do.
By golly, I think it may even violate the employment agreement you signed
with ADT. Did they "can your sorry ass" because they found out??

Where is your online store Frankie Boy?
oops! It is right HERE:

Uh-huh... Only thing is we ran out of "apple pies", but don't worry. There
are more on the way.

I see that you totally forgot 1 small a that you preached about for years.

Ummm... Let's see... What would "1 small a" have to do with pointing out
the truth about someone who :

1. posts vitriole about anyone that doesn't agree
with his point of view,
2. maintains about a dozen websites (most of which
are registered and hosted by a company that
specializes in maintaining your complete privacy),
3. uses other companies and legitimate organizations
to hide behind (the American Sailing Association
is a recent example you used as an email "handle"),
4. steals trademarked property and logos to use on
his websites,
5. munges other peoples tag lines,
6. posts the addresses, phone numbers, and other
personal information of family and friends of the
people you don't like (most of whom have
probably never even heard of you,
7. Uses the phony "Group Moderator" tagline and
what's even funnier, posts all this garbage and then
includes a link to his online store figuring people
are going to buy from him after they see what kind of
character you really are,
8. edits the content of information you copy from Google
and then brags that everything on your site is

I could go on, but I'm tired after dealing with another emergency call.
Some idiot in a Ford service van drove into a parkade that was just a wee
bit too low for his ladder rack and took out four sprinkler heads. Fire
alarm went off, water everywhere... It was a mess. I do have one happy
sprinkler fitter though. He got "tons" of over-time tonight.

Where is this new SUPER web site that you were making to replace
alt-security-alarms that went absolutely NO WHERE.

Been too busy...

PS: with your track record here I don't think **ANY ONE** cares about you
or what you suggest.

And I'm sure you have the "ear" of everyone here. Posting a persons divorce
information and saying it proves they didn't pay their legal bill is pretty
low. Taking another company's property and trademarked logo for use on your
websites.... That's theft. I do feel sorry for the individuals and
companies that have lent their names to this *latest* sorry effort of yours
( Jim Rojas in particular. He's a decent guy and he's
liable to take some "heat" over this too.

I'll come right out and say it. You're a liar, a thief, and a moron (and
it's all provable by your own "poison keyboard"). But don't let that stop
you, Mike. We all admire a "moron with a mission". I'm sure people will
just flock to your store when they read this. Better put a call through to
ADI and prepare them for the flood of orders you'll receive.

Crash Gordon®

There's lots of valuable help here if you can ignore the arguments of some...oddly enough even the guys that argue with each other know a lot about alarms...well most of them do. They just get off on tangents.

Ask your questions.

Robert L. Bass

They just get off on tangents.

Say what? I never even smoked a tangent, let alone got off on one. :^)

Crash Gordon®

uh you opened yourself up to the amateur sooper sleuths (or should I say sloths) we have they'll be posting everything you've ever thought of smoking for the past 92 years.

Robert L. Bass

uh you opened yourself up to the amateur sooper sleuths (or
should I say sloths) we have they'll be posting everything
you've ever thought of smoking for the past 92 years.

I only said that I did not smoke it. Besides, not only did I not smoke it.
I also did not inhale, nor did I have relat... ermmm, never mind. :^)


Frank said:
Check. I guess that means you can also be a "retired armed alarm response
supervisor/operator", or in your case one that started an alarm company
while he was employed with another. That's not the "smartest thing" to do.
By golly, I think it may even violate the employment agreement you signed
with ADT. Did they "can your sorry ass" because they found out??

Uh-huh... Only thing is we ran out of "apple pies", but don't worry. There
are more on the way.


Ummm... Let's see... What would "1 small a" have to do with pointing out
the truth about someone who :

1. posts vitriole about anyone that doesn't agree
with his point of view,
2. maintains about a dozen websites (most of which
are registered and hosted by a company that
specializes in maintaining your complete privacy),
3. uses other companies and legitimate organizations
to hide behind (the American Sailing Association
is a recent example you used as an email "handle"),
4. steals trademarked property and logos to use on
his websites,
5. munges other peoples tag lines,
6. posts the addresses, phone numbers, and other
personal information of family and friends of the
people you don't like (most of whom have
probably never even heard of you,
7. Uses the phony "Group Moderator" tagline and
what's even funnier, posts all this garbage and then
includes a link to his online store figuring people
are going to buy from him after they see what kind of
character you really are,
8. edits the content of information you copy from Google
and then brags that everything on your site is

I could go on, but I'm tired after dealing with another emergency call.
Some idiot in a Ford service van drove into a parkade that was just a wee
bit too low for his ladder rack and took out four sprinkler heads. Fire
alarm went off, water everywhere... It was a mess. I do have one happy
sprinkler fitter though. He got "tons" of over-time tonight.

Been too busy...

And I'm sure you have the "ear" of everyone here. Posting a persons divorce
information and saying it proves they didn't pay their legal bill is pretty
low. Taking another company's property and trademarked logo for use on your
websites.... That's theft. I do feel sorry for the individuals and
companies that have lent their names to this *latest* sorry effort of yours
( Jim Rojas in particular. He's a decent guy and he's
liable to take some "heat" over this too.

I'll come right out and say it. You're a liar, a thief, and a moron (and
it's all provable by your own "poison keyboard"). But don't let that stop
you, Mike. We all admire a "moron with a mission". I'm sure people will
just flock to your store when they read this. Better put a call through to
ADI and prepare them for the flood of orders you'll receive.

Frank, with regard to your new endeavor with Bass, of "No flaming, even
if you get flamed". Is it as apparent to you as it is to everyone
else, that you actions seem to only be directed at one person? One
might say that your above post is likely prejudiced by the fact that
you simply don't like Mike. Don't the same conditions exist between you
and Bass? Bass disrupts the group. Mike disrupts the group. You treat
Bass with composure and selfcontrol, but not Mike? If you look at that
list above, Bass is guilty of just about every item on it,if not all,
AND ......... more to boot. So what's the difference here? Bass is also
a proven liar and thief and a moron ..... but he gets the soft
treatment from you and Mike doesn't?

And come to think of it, are there any reasons that one should question
you about your qualifications for making the above comments? Aren't you
doing the very same thing that you accuse Mike of, by taking
information from past posts and presuming they're true? You nor I nor
anyone here has the faintest idea how Mike came into his business
except by the fabrications that Bass is renowned for making. You
presume to "know" and state as fact, that which has only been posted
here? My, my, looks to me you're becoming exactly what you are accusing
others of being.

In other words Frank ........if, in spite of the fact that Bass is the
instigator of the tribulations in this group ..... in spite of the fact
that you are just as guilty of disrupting this group as anyone else,
(and that includes me also) ................. you would give Bass the
benefit of your antiflame "show", but not anyone else?

Me thinks you've lost sight of something.

Regardless whether your newly aquired epiphanic goal is to:
[a]..simply to provide your own inner peace attempt to quell the din here ..........

That's all nice and smoochy but.......... it would seem to me it should
be applied evenly.


BruceR said:
...And all of you at ASA disrupt all of us at CHA who don't give a crap
about your little flame wars. Would you guys please stop copying CHA on
this stuff? Have all the fun amongst yourselves at ASA - just leave CHA
out of it - PLEASE!

Bruce, I'd like to apologize for cross posting my reply to Frank in

Recently, I had to change newsreaders. My old newreader could be set to
not cross post, ever, and now I can't seem to remember to check before
I post, to make sure I'm keeping all of the ASA trash here.

I'll keep trying .........

Frank Olson

Frank, with regard to your new endeavor with Bass, of "No flaming, even
if you get flamed". Is it as apparent to you as it is to everyone
else, that you actions seem to only be directed at one person?

It was around 3:00 am that I responded to Mike shortly after arriving home
from an ermergency service call. In retrospect I think I may have gone a
bit overboard in my response. I try to "santize" them before pressing
"send". This one happened to slip through. My bad.
might say that your above post is likely prejudiced by the fact that
you simply don't like Mike.

Gee... you think?? :))
Don't the same conditions exist between you
and Bass? Bass disrupts the group. Mike disrupts the group. You treat
Bass with composure and selfcontrol, but not Mike? If you look at that
list above, Bass is guilty of just about every item on it,if not all,
AND ......... more to boot.

Robert's never attacked my family. He has posted personal info on people
though. Heck... even I'm guilty of it when I pasted Rob (AlarmReview's)
info on Paul. The fact that Mike "holds himself out to be so much better
than Robert" is ludicrous in the extreme. Robert makes one small error and
it's blown all out of proportion. Mike doesn't discuss or argue. He
accuses and often without all the facts. Okay, so Robert's done it too.
So what's the difference here?

"Moderator" keeps throwing "1 small a" at me. The "truth" ain't pretty is
it, but it *is* the truth. Mike's accused Robert of "double dipping". If
you look at any online credit card transaction page, it warns you *not* to
push the "submit button" twice. I'm sure that Robert had nothing to do with
the customer being billed twice on his credit card. That's a problem with
Search-Fit, not Robert.
Bass is also
a proven liar and thief and a moron ..... but he gets the soft
treatment from you and Mike doesn't?

Mike's been getting the "soft treatment" for months... Like I said... last
night was a bit of a "one of".

And come to think of it, are there any reasons that one should question
you about your qualifications for making the above comments? Aren't you
doing the very same thing that you accuse Mike of, by taking
information from past posts and presuming they're true?

I'm only repeating what Mike himself has said and not what Robert has.
You nor I nor
anyone here has the faintest idea how Mike came into his business
except by the fabrications that Bass is renowned for making.

Mike explained it pretty good himself.
presume to "know" and state as fact, that which has only been posted
here? My, my, looks to me you're becoming exactly what you are accusing
others of being.

Nope. Only repeating what Mike himself has written. I don't take another
individuals comments about someone with much more than a "grain of salt". I
try to find out for myself. It's what got me into trouble here in the first
place (despite your warnings and comments), remember??

In other words Frank ........if, in spite of the fact that Bass is the
instigator of the tribulations in this group ..... in spite of the fact
that you are just as guilty of disrupting this group as anyone else,
(and that includes me also) ................. you would give Bass the
benefit of your antiflame "show", but not anyone else?

Explained above.

Me thinks you've lost sight of something.

Regardless whether your newly aquired epiphanic goal is to:
[a]..simply to provide your own inner peace attempt to quell the din here ..........

That's all nice and smoochy but.......... it would seem to me it should
be applied evenly.

Point taken.

Now shut the flock up!! :))

Group Moderator

( Jim Rojas in particular. He's a decent guy and
he's liable to take some "heat" over this too.

Mike Said:
I speak with Jim everyday. Hmmm, that should tell you something. We do not
discuss this playground, as we are to busy making money. That is something
that you should do instead of punching a ticket at Burger King.

By the way, Thanks for the Bass BBB update. Mr. I don't cause any problems
in here.

Frankie Boy Goes On:
I'm sure people will just flock to your store when they read this.

Mike Said:
The store makes more in an hour, than you make in 3 months. What do you
think that we only sell to people that read newsgroups? Get real.....Look us
up in the search engines... Read the comments from the satisified customers No **DOUBLE DIPPING
credit cards like your best friend.
"Your One Stop Alarm Shop"