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Maker Pro

Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!


no spam

It could be if you have allowed there to be a gun culture in the first
place. Undoubtedly if low yield tactical nuclear weapons were allowed
to the average man in the street, you would be making a case for those as

I feel the need to point out to you that while nuke weapons are illegal in
the US it is legal to own cannons.

I don't think you hear much about cannon crime do you?
The question really becomes one of whether the average person carries a
gun (or for that matter any other weapon) as part of their daily life
because of a perceived need to defend themselves against criminals, or
whether criminals are carrying such items in order to be able to ply their
trade when their victims are equipped to that level.

Criminals are, for the most part, cowards. They want victims that are not
able and not willing to fight back. In areas where the people have shown
that they are neither the crime rate is rather low. You will note that in
areas where the opposite is true crime is very high. This is true if the
way the people are fighting back is by demanding that there be a cop on
every street corner and a CCT camera on every light pole or if it is by
using physical means to protect themselves. If you want to be safe and live
in a nearly crime free environment all you have to do is take most
individual freedom from people and give the police great powers. Once a
criminal knows that his criminal actions are going to cause him pain he
will, usually, stop.

The major problem with this is the fact that once you start down that road
its dang hard to slow down the government's control. Once you are safe from
the criminals the government suddenly discovers that you are a threat to
youself and therefore it must protect you from yourself. Then you get it
telling you what medical care you should have, what saftey equipment you
should wear, what activites you are forbiden to do. At some point you will
find that it may start telling you what job you should have and where you
may live.

I have seen it in my life time. If you had told me a few years ago that I
would be forced to have my kid wear a helmet when he rode his bike I'd
thought you were nuts. If you had told me that the government would be able
to tell me what kind of toilet I could put in my water closet (do you still
use that term?) or shower head in my shower I would have suggested you stop
reading all those 'who really shot JFK' books. More and more the government
is 'protecting' us from ourselves. I ask; At what cost to us?

no spam

You didn't "give" them. We bought them. OK, you loaned us the money, but
Under what law?

The Laws of Land Warfare. The same laws that were in the trials at

no spam

Nope. The UK had imported US wheat and other food before WW2. The US
thinking of stopping the supply. The UK could have grown its own food,
which it started to do. US wheat was convenient as the system was geared
up for it.

Saved the UK. Here we go......another one....

...I told you all...

He tried and lost it was called the Battle of Britain.

Lost only because he had gone nuts and failed to follow sound tactics. His
switching from bombing military bases to bombing London just because he was

Doctor Drivel

no spam said:
Lost only because he had gone nuts and failed to follow sound tactics.
His switching from bombing military bases to bombing London just because
he was upset.

You are clearly barking mad.

Doctor Drivel

no spam said:
Again pointing out the different mind sets.

You are clearly barking mad

<snip drivel>

Bring your guns over here and you get 5 years. Just what the likes of you
need. I'm proud of our laws.

Andy Hall

I feel the need to point out to you that while nuke weapons are illegal in
the US it is legal to own cannons.

I don't think you hear much about cannon crime do you?

It's not that surprising when the president is unable to say "nuclear".

Criminals are, for the most part, cowards. They want victims that are not
able and not willing to fight back. In areas where the people have shown
that they are neither the crime rate is rather low. You will note that in
areas where the opposite is true crime is very high. This is true if the
way the people are fighting back is by demanding that there be a cop on
every street corner and a CCT camera on every light pole or if it is by
using physical means to protect themselves. If you want to be safe and live
in a nearly crime free environment all you have to do is take most
individual freedom from people and give the police great powers. Once a
criminal knows that his criminal actions are going to cause him pain he
will, usually, stop.

You actually don't need to do either.

The major problem with this is the fact that once you start down that road
its dang hard to slow down the government's control. Once you are safe from
the criminals the government suddenly discovers that you are a threat to
youself and therefore it must protect you from yourself. Then you get it
telling you what medical care you should have, what saftey equipment you
should wear, what activites you are forbiden to do. At some point you will
find that it may start telling you what job you should have and where you
may live.

I have seen it in my life time. If you had told me a few years ago that I
would be forced to have my kid wear a helmet when he rode his bike I'd
thought you were nuts. If you had told me that the government would be able
to tell me what kind of toilet I could put in my water closet (do you still
use that term?) or shower head in my shower I would have suggested you stop
reading all those 'who really shot JFK' books. More and more the government
is 'protecting' us from ourselves. I ask; At what cost to us?

In that respect I agree with you, except that it is not a case of all
or nothing in either direction

Andy Hall

Again pointing out the different mind sets. In the UK you want someone to
take care of and protect you.

No I don't.

In the US we want to be able to take care of
and protect ourselves.

Of course, but there are many ways to do that.

In the UK mind set you have to have a nearly all powerful government.

We don't *have* to have that.
that watches you like big brother and has to power to tell you what you need
and don't need. If you like that fine but don't be so pig headed to realize
that some people don't want to live that way.

Very few people like to live like that. You are imagining a situation
which doesn't actually exist, although I agree that there should always
be less government.
As for me, I'm an independent type.


Andy Hall

Must be nice to have be a nurse there with a full time body guard following
you around. That would be about the only way to make sure that a person was
never a victim of a violent crime.

The real solution would be to reflect and ask yourself why the violent
crime is happening in the first place.

Balanced View

Andy said:
The real solution would be to reflect and ask yourself why the violent
crime is happening in the first place.
Don't ever ask that question, to answer it would force them to
re-examine every falsehood they been fed
by the rapid right talking heads.

Arnold Walker

no spam said:
Better read the laws once again. NYC, DC, LA, and almost many major city
in the US has laws to make owing a firearm very difficult, if not
impossible. Any yet these cities are the ones with the highest crime
rates. For some reason it seems that criminals don't follow these laws.
Strange huh?
And every one of them has over a decade of declining population.
As a result of the crime and mayham.....
NYC being an unsual ,exception in that it is a port of entry.
So that the decline is seen more in the number of long term residents than
new faces.

Arnold Walker

The Natural Philosopher said:
Oh well I live in $2M house that I designed myself, and paid cash.
If you live in Malibu or some of the other high dollar real estate
area...that may well be less than his 250K
rural house.
I have literally seen Doctors chose a cow pasture over a lot in a Country
Club addition.Do just that...
The doctor ended up with more house ,tennis courts,etc. and less tax burden
as well .

Arnold Walker

Andy Hall said:
$2.06M now that the dollar slides further down the toilet......
Seem some farmers spend 2M for 2500ft house and a 20 acre chicken farm.
The 1million chickens a year would easily cover the note......... even if
you borrowed.

Can't remember very many 2M big city houses, that look like they could pay
for themselves.

Andy Hall

Seem some farmers spend 2M for 2500ft house and a 20 acre chicken farm.
The 1million chickens a year would easily cover the note......... even if
you borrowed.

Can't remember very many 2M big city houses, that look like they could pay
for themselves.

From where did you get the idea of "big city"? Here, places "in
the country" are often more expensive than in the towns. Also,
cities are relatively few in number and are designated as such broadly
on merit rather than size or because they feel like calling themselves

The farm is not a free ride. It requires some input of work, even if
it's only managing others to do it.

Doctor Drivel

The Natural Philosopher said:
Oh well I live in $2M house that I designed myself, and paid cash.

We know...and what a mess that ended up!

Andy Hall

S. According to

Look at that same site burglaries per capita. UK is almost twice US.
Maybe the prospect of getting killed by a homeowner is a deterrent.

For that to have any meaning, one would need to look at demographics of
how many people to a dwelling, type of dwellig etc.