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Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!


Balanced View

Jim said:
And the dimwitted leftists too.....
Ask yourself why the USA ranks below other western countries in so many
categories that have ample social programs.

Balanced View

Jim said:
You can all sit smugly across the pond and laugh, but we are not going
down the toilet alone. If you believe that, you have a double-digit IQ.
Better start learning Chinese......
The Chinese are in just as much trouble, they own most of the US debt,
which is becoming less valuable everyday.

The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
Since you are the one trying to gloss over it by referring to the
circumstances that prove your point, why not prove your point w/facts and
The UK is a mess; we're not stupid over here, we can read =your= papers
and see it for ourselves.
The purpose of newspapers is to sell newspapers, not to give a balanced
view on anything.

So don't expect me to believe that that gives you any kind of balanced
view on anything.

We are suffereing fom a well menaing bunch of incompetents who got
elected because they menat well.

You are suffering from a completely venal set of incompetents, who go
elected becayse they LOOKED as if they menat well, but in facyt had a
completely different agenda, in which te health of te natio whole, as
opposed to some fairly small minoriry f banlk alances, did not figure at

The Republican party as it is today has three aims

- to get elected.
- To pay off all the money they go given to get elected by looking after
a very small set of very rich benefactors,
- to say whatever it takes and do whatever it takes even down to staring
the odd war to distract people away from what they are actually up to.
You yourself are a classic case in point: You believe in a doom scenario
in which guns and strong leadership an Christian values will save you
from the tide of barbarism sweeping te world.

From here, the guns, and the christian attitude IS the tide of
barbarism sweeping the world. The on;y difference between Rumsfeld and
Goebbels is that Goebbels was smarter, and spoke German better.

Andy Hall

Since you are the one trying to gloss over it by referring to the
circumstances that prove your point, why not prove your point w/facts and

I'm not attempting to prove anything, merely to illustrate, as I
mentioned at the outset, that one can demonstrate virtually anything by
selective use of statistics as well as to read into them any cause that
one chooses.

The UK is a mess;

I would differ with you there.
we're not stupid over here,

In some cases I would differ with you there as well.

we can read =your= papers
and see it for ourselves.

I wouldn't bother with that. Most of them are of National Enquirer
level and presumably you don't take that seriously either. Or do you?

Andy Hall

The on;y difference between Rumsfeld and Goebbels is that Goebbels was
smarter, and spoke German better.

I love it.

Actually, I think that Joseph was *considerably* smarter than Rummy.

Apparently, Rumsfeld is a derivation from Rumpsfeld.

Quite appropriate really......

Andy Hall

You can all sit smugly across the pond and laugh, but we are not going
down the toilet alone.

Nobody was laughing, it was simply an obervation.
If you believe that, you have a double-digit IQ.
Better start learning Chinese......

I'm glad that you've finally figured that one out.......

I'm equally sure that Dubya hasn't got the first clue in terms of what
to do about it. Still... it won't matter for much longer...


The said:
The purpose of newspapers is to sell newspapers, not to give a balanced
view on anything.

The purpose of newspapers is to sell targeted circulation to advertisers.

Hence why free newspapers work.


Doctor Drivel

The Natural Philosopher said:
The purpose of newspapers is to sell newspapers, not to give a balanced
view on anything.

So don't expect me to believe that that gives you any kind of balanced
view on anything.

We are suffereing fom a well menaing bunch of incompetents who got elected
because they menat well.

And gave us the strongest and most stable economy in the world over the past
10 years.

Doctor Drivel

The Natural Philosopher said:
Ah well, but so are uk house prices. ;-)

Where have house prices dropped? As the UK is short of home I find it hard
to see they will ever drop.

Arnold Walker

Doctor Drivel said:
And gave us the strongest and most stable economy in the world over the
past 10 years.
Noticed some of them uncivilized US gun guys just stopped pirates in
Where was the civilized British Navy while this was happening......saving
the pirates from the horrors of bullet wounds
and exploding pirate vehicles.
Maybe talking the pirates out of their chosed profession and for the save
return of the
merchant ship.But then maybe Bristish shipping interest don't go to asia to
have pirate problems.
If so , the British economy isn't very global....very different from the sun
never sets on the British empire days.

Arnold Walker

Doctor Drivel said:
Where have house prices dropped? As the UK is short of home I find it
hard to see they will ever drop.
They are dropping in many of the overvalued real estate markets in the US.
Of course the UK, is where you send overvalued stuff to sell ,so you are
probably right about UK real estate prices.

no spam

For tolerating a situation where there is a need to carry around a
You are clearly barking mad

<snip drivel>

IOW, you can't find any fault with my conclusions.

no spam

I was referring to you as the idiot.
No I don't.

You dont'? From what you have written it seems as you expect it.

Of course, but there are many ways to do that.

True, but again I point out that you seem to expect the government to do it
for you.

We don't *have* to have that.

You do if you expect it to take care of you.

Very few people like to live like that. You are imagining a situation
which doesn't actually exist, although I agree that there should always be
less government.

Really? How many cities in the UK are covered by government controled CCTV?
If that isn't big brotherish then what is?


I guess we have different views of being independent.

no spam

Must be nice to have be a nurse there with a full time body guard
The real solution would be to reflect and ask yourself why the violent
crime is happening in the first place.

Mostly its the lack of punishment of criminals. A few years ago Michel
Jordan's dad was killed. One of the people involved had be arrested
something like 151 times and yet was still on the street.

no spam

Yeah, the freaking taxes here are murder. I can't believe it; I knew I
was getting one of the nicest houses in the area, but DAMN! the tax bill
is ludicrous. Apparently, this is considered to be living high on the hog.
But it does have everything I could possibly want and it's right near the
grandkids! :)

The house I'm trying to get sold is a 4 bdrm on 25 acres with three ponds, a
barn and three outbuildings and last year's tax bill was $635US.

no spam

Lost only because he had gone nuts and failed to follow sound tactics.
IIRC, Shirer and Churchill were both utterly baffled by this, and knew
Hitler was a loon.....

And once he attacked the USSR they also knew that they were going to win.
It would just take time, men and materials.

no spam

You are clearly barking mad.

Nope. The reason he lost the Battle of Britain was the fact the RAF
fighters could wait on the ground and take off with full fuel tanks to shoot
the crap out of the Luftwaffe bombers. It could do that because their bases
and the radar stations on the coast were not bombed. If this had been done
in a matter of months Germany would have had control of the air. As the
Allies showed once you have air superiority you can grind down the enemy.

You don't have to take my word for it read some military history and do some

If you have anything other than insults to back up your side please let me