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Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!


Doctor Drivel

Morris Dovey said:
The Natural Philosopher wrote:
| Morris Dovey wrote:
|| Eeyore wrote:
||| What kind of car was that ?
|| MG
| Odd. Usually they go at least 10k miles out of a set.

The car, a "B", had a serious tendancy to oversteer on corners (and on
curves at the upper end of its speed range). I suspect this
contributed significantly to tire wear - but the Michelin replacements
hadn't worn noticably when I traded the car a year or so later, so I'm
not sure about the exact problem.

With the correct tyre and damper arrangement - usually gas dampers
(incorrectly called shock absorbers) the B handled OK and tyre wear was to a
minimum. The US versions had cross-ply tyres, while the later European
versions had radial tyres. Cross-plys wore quicker. The US were very slow to
adopt radial ply tyres for some reasons which I have never learned. Radials
are much better.

Doctor Drivel

The Natural Philosopher said:
Odd. Usually they go at least 10k miles out of a set.

Worst in the bad old days was the mini.

Not with radials, and the tyres were so cheap on those cars it didn't
matter. They were tiny 10" wheels.

Doctor Drivel

The data on concealed weapon laws in all states show the exact opposite.

Will you Yanks please grow up!!!! Look at the deaths from gunshot in the
UK vs. USA . Even an imbecile can figure it out.

Doctor Drivel

According to the hoplophobe mantra,
they're all "wrong-uns" because they have

They must be. Why would anyone sane want one in the first place?

Doctor Drivel

I have never felt safer than when surrounded by hundreds of my fellow
citizens heavily armed.

You must have weird mind.

I have never felt safer than when
surrounded by hundreds of my
fellow citizens completely unarmed.

Why would they want to be armed anyway. I know of no one who would want to
carry a gun.


Starting from a terrible beginning.

Will you Yanks please grow up!!!! Look at the deaths from gunshot in the
UK vs. USA . Even an imbecile can figure it out.

There's ONLY a FORTY to one ratio !

But it seems the Yanks LIKE gun deaths. It makes them feel more important or



geoff said:
Doesn't it mostly involve pigs and goats ?

It's mostly grunts of "oh yeah baby you like that doncha" when it's
fairly obvious that they don't like that and are only doing it to pay
their way through college - all reminiscent of a cheap production of
"Roseanne" without a wardrobe budget.


Andy Hall

just had "American Nightmare" on BBC2 - looks like 2 million septics
are going to lose their homes over this sub prime fiasco

Jim, Ron - better get those fortifications sorted - they'll be over the
wall and raping your mum before you know it

Shouldn't be a problem - they probably live in trailers.....

Mary Fisher

Owain said:
It's mostly grunts of "oh yeah baby you like that doncha" when it's fairly
obvious that they don't like that and are only doing it to pay their way
through college - all reminiscent of a cheap production of "Roseanne"
without a wardrobe budget.


Owain, you really do lead an exciting life :)


Andy Hall

Uh, no. I live in a quarter million dollar home in the country with 3
acres. And 250k buys a =lot= of house in the country....

Here it would buy a trailer in many parts of the country.

no spam

The innercity minorities =are= the criminals. Don't you watch the news?
Why do you think we have 'white flight'? Because the laws do NOT prevent
them from having guns...... duh.

Better read the laws once again. NYC, DC, LA, and almost many major city in
the US has laws to make owing a firearm very difficult, if not impossible.
Any yet these cities are the ones with the highest crime rates. For some
reason it seems that criminals don't follow these laws. Strange huh?

no spam

He is the SWAT sniper; he can make a child kidnapper's head explode
like a firecracker at 400 yards. :)

Not to be flippant but big honk! With a little training many, most?, people
can hit a head sized target at 400 yds. with a modern rifle. There are a
lot of people out there who hit prairie dogs at that range.

no spam

Of course not. I want to say a .300 Winchester magnum, but I don't
"talk shop" with him generally.... I just recall the M16 mg....

Try 308 Win (7.62 NATO). No PD in the US would use anything with "magnum"
in the name any more. Its lawyer bait at a trial.

no spam

Give everyone a break, its threaded as OT. If you don't want to read it
Its OK - I'll just call your sister a prostitute until you desist

Go ahead, I'm old enough that actions of children don't bother me.

If I'm in a good mood I might even come up with a imaginative insult or two.

no spam

Probably best if you don't find him.

If I could found him back then I can tell you I would not have used a
firearm on him. A baseball bat, a razor, a pair of pliers maybe but not a
firearm. I used to be a rather mean and nasty type and in this case I would
want something that would make the work up close and personal as well as
making sure he could never harm another human for as long as he lived.

I have mellowed as well as grown closer to Christ since then.

no spam

Do you have a wife or sister or niece? Just how would she protect
Quite right, it doesn't, and I was referring to the organisation, not the
building. If the hospital expects vulnerable employees to work hours and
in places where they may be at risk, there is a duty of care on the
hospital's part to make sure that that risk is minimised. It should not
involve a nurse feeling a need to equip herself like Bonnie Parker.

Let's see. . .what could the hospital done. Well lite parking lot? Had
that. Security on premises? Had that. Fenced in employee parking? Yep.

All of that and yet some criminal still was there. Now my sister isn't that
big of a girl but even w/o the handgun she probably would have changed the
guys mind but the odds are she'd be injured. With a handgun she wasn't.
Again I have to wonder if there was some poor unarmed woman who WAS raped
because she thought others would protect her.

For tolerating a situation where there is a need to carry around a lethal
weapon as part of everyday life because an employer doesn't make proper
security arrangements, absolutely.

Must be nice to have be a nurse there with a full time body guard following
you around. That would be about the only way to make sure that a person was
never a victim of a violent crime.

no spam

That is why you pay taxes. Notice, apart from the odd plantpot, all the
people from the UK on this thread are firmly against guns and the police
being armed. While the Americans are the opposite. Why? Because our
society doesn't need them for us to walk around safely. If your society
entails that you need a gun to safely go to the shops for some milk, then
start looking at your society and aim to change it at the root level. Aim
for the best.

Again pointing out the different mind sets. In the UK you want someone to
take care of and protect you. In the US we want to be able to take care of
and protect ourselves.

In the UK mind set you have to have a nearly all powerful government. One
that watches you like big brother and has to power to tell you what you need
and don't need. If you like that fine but don't be so pig headed to realize
that some people don't want to live that way.

Some people like living in cities where people are pack together like rats
in a cage. Others like living out in the boonies where their nearest
neighbor is miles away. Still others like the in-between. Each life style
has advantages and disadvantages but is one than the other? IMO, no. Some
people think so and will go on and on about why their way is better and how
the other way stinks.

As for me, I'm an independent type. I live out in the boonies (not as far
as before but still well out of suburbia), hunt, fish, raise a lot of my own
food and don't depend on nor want the government to protect me. Mainly
because when other people start protecting you they start telling you how to

If you don't like living that way, fine. But don't go telling me how much
better you way of life is. For every 'bad' point you bring up I have a
'good' point.