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Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!


Arnold Walker

The Natural Philosopher said:
That is really the ONLY reason IMHO.

And you wouldn't use a colt 45 for target shooting, would you?.
Actually there is shooting events 45acp and long 45 revolvers.
In fact, tell me what you WOULD use a colt 45 for, apart from threatening
people? And showing it off to your Kan buddies..;=-)
45acp is usually the backup pistol of choice when bow hunting bear.
44mag revolvers are almost as popular for that role and you can get
by with 357 on brown bears.

Arnold Walker

Neil Barker said:
In your opinion, perhaps.

Why not ? Dealing with recoil is part of the target shooting skill

Target shooting. I have done - plus all manner of other different
handguns in various calibres.

The Desert Eagle was the most fun, but for elegance and practicality,
I'd take a Sig P226 in 9mm.

"Kan" ??
Liberal can't spell Kansas.

The Natural Philosopher

Eeyore said:
Is he ?

I'd have though the bit that controls kicking a ball had fairly limited relevance to
life in general. Beckham's intellect is hardly anything to write home about.
Its the bit that works out where to kick the ball that is more relevant.

Remember the game as it is reported is dumbed down a lot for the beer
swilling plebs. Beckham was actually a pretty good tactician: he could
read the game and pass to unmarked players, ..once.

Its the same in most sports. Tomorrow you will - if you watch - see a
motor race, where all the talk will be about the pilots who fly these
upside down aircraft around the track. Demanding though their task is,
the greater part of the job is done in long hours behind computer
screens analysing e.g. wind tunnel readouts and the like.

The difference between the best and worst driver in the field in
identical equipment, is probably less than 0.2 seconds a lap. The
difference between the best and worst CARS with the same driver, is
nearer 2 seconds a lap..for example.

The real story seldom gets told except in the pages of specialist

conversation with some Prodrive engineers revealed that in that company,
every potential car development is assessed in seconds per stage or per
lap, per dollar spent on development.

I happen to find that the most interesting and fascinating aspect of the
sport frankly.

The Natural Philosopher

John said:
Guns yes, but primarily the rifles it seems.

How do you figure that? it is still legal to hold a wide range of
weapons on a FAC. I would not want to be on the pointy end of a decent
crossbow either, and you don't need a license for that.
IRC correctly crossbows are actually illegal these days.
Only archery bows are relatively free for all. And they take real skill
to use, even for hunting.

Arnold Walker

Arnold Walker said:
Actually there is shooting events 45acp and long 45 revolvers.
45acp is usually the backup pistol of choice when bow hunting bear.
44mag revolvers are almost as popular for that role and you can get
by with 357 on brown bears.
Might add that if you are into shooting .5" thick life size metal
animals(because the Mexicans that invented the sport
used live animals and would pump up the animals That rival shooter shot at
with Max pain killer and still have the animal standing.....when the betting
got right.And you only score when the animal fell over.)
You will see all the above mentioned in the small pistol target shoots and
45-70,357Herrit, and other heavy pistols in the large pistol shooting
event.(They are at 100yds instead 800yds like with the rifles ,offhand

Steve Firth

Skipweasel said:
Various gun lobbies over the years have held Switzerland up as an
example of how guns can be kept safely at home, Swiss men being obliged
to undertake military service and keep an automatic rifle at home while
of age, with ammunition.

And as Andy and I have said, those guns are rarely, if ever, used in
crimes. It's government property and even those with criminal tendencies
won't use a government gun.
What they don't admit is that these guns are used to kill several dozen
people a year,

Because it doesn't happen.
most of them murderously (i.e. not in self-defence).
<> and others.

Did you read the pages you reference? The military guns are all assault
rifles, the guns being complained about are privately owned handguns.

And I'm not convinced that the page you reference is accurate. The
murder rate in Switzerland in 2001 was quoted by the Home Office at
1.2/100,000 and the England and Wales rate at 1.6/100,000.
Outsiders may find this hard to understand but most British people do
not want to own guns and they certainly don't want their neighbours to
own them. A large majority don't want the police armed, either, no
matter what you may read in the Daily Mail.

A large proportion of the British public are sheeple.

Steve Firth

The Natural Philosopher said:
Depends. I use to get around 15k out of a set of Jaguar tyres:

! I used to get 35-50k out of the tyres on the XJR. You must drive umm

Steve Firth

John Stumbles said:
What's significant about Vermont?

Vermont allows citizens to buy and keep guns with little or no control
and to carry concealed guns on their person in public places. That,
according to the slavering brigade here should ensure universal carnage.
Instead the opposite effect happens, people are very polite to each

"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may
have to back up his acts with his life."

-- Robert A. Heinlein

Neil Barker

Nope, but I certainly cannot get within accurate pistol range of the
deer here. 30 meters is very lucky. 80-200 meters is more like t.

Quite. That also reinforces why you don't use shotguns to take deer.
I'd readily stand in front of a fired shotgun using conventional shot
at 200m - it would barely reach, if at all.

Have you ever stalked any deer? leery creatures.

Is not the lack of stioppng power: Its the accuracy. YOU *may* be able
to knock the pips out of a playing card at 100meters with aq 50 caliber

Nah. About 98m and then you're talking :))

I doubt I could hit a barn door. Whereas with a well setup .22,
I was within half an inch of where the crosshairs were on the rabbit at
80 meters plus.. I would say I could almost certinly bring down a deer
at 100+ if it was standing still..

Yes, there's every reason for that to be possible. The vermin gun of
choice these days is fast becoming the .17HMR. Smaller, more frangible
bullet, travelling at 2500 feet/sec. Shoots 'flat' much better than

Arnold Walker

Dave Plowman (News) said:
No - it's those who use them that are evil.
The truth be known a incident on Capitol tells the true story on that.
The Grounds staff contracted a carpenter to build a storage enclosure in a
concrete parking garage.
Which he did ....after laying out all the tools and materials.And chalking
off the storage room walls on the garage
floor. He graped some two by fours and his Remington nail pistol with orange
shells.And started shooting the studs
along the chaulk line.Within seconds all the anti-gun politicians were in a
panic and they closed down Congress.
..........and three blocks in all directions.Liberals were hiding in thier
offices pertrified that we were having a mass
shooting what with all the rounds being fired. Securitity was ducking and
running like crazy to see where the shots were coming from.
All told that carpenter must have shot them studs at least 30 times to
anchor them to the concrete floor.

Arnold Walker

Huge said:
And this adds to the debate, how, exactly? Apart from the fact that it is
You start reading about the founding fathers and they were scared that
America would become like England .
With a king having absolute power over the common man.....
And corruption within the leadership.
As a check against that..... they made a constitiutional provision headed
by Thomas Jefferson.
In Jefferson's view the farmers would have to rise up every twenty years.
Bear arms and retake capital hill.
From those that would be "king".
Otherwise we would have a English feudal system in short order.
Noted both in his letters and newspapers of the time.
The second amendment was written.
And the Jeffersonian view is what scares many government leaders ,today.
It didn't help that many did want George Washington to be King of the US.

It also didn't help that we do in fact.Have a problem with a Washington
"feudal"system on the hill,today.
With too much noblity over the poeple you're suppose to service ......the
people will revolt.
Some did just recently over the borders,Sandi port deal,and other things .
When the people shut down the phone service with volume of voters calling
On an issue that was "supposed to be" the poeples concensus,but wasn't.....
Others did in Louisiana when they canned the what appears
to be afirst in state history
a governor that wasn't corrupt.
Without the freg."visits by the militia" Jefferson thought required.
Or that leaders feared over shut down the right to bear arms,so
they won't shut you down.
Or as was demo'ed recently ,you shut down the freedom of speech or they will
have a counterpoint.
Harry Ried and company had a letter to censure a talk radio show recently .
Where proudly getting 30 or so congress people to sign it on the floor.
Once again the people revolted , without the guns Jefferson thought
Rush posted the letter on Ebay with the auction funds going to Marines
childrens fund.
The first time in Ebay history ...the bid load shut the website down.
The winner was the largest charitity auction bid in Ebay history.
2.1 million for the abuse of power letter to Clearwater
Broadcasting.(dollar match by rush and a challenge for
Harry to match as well. For a total of 6.3million to the Marine fund if all
come thru.)
Harry claims now that he was part of the auction from the start.
And has trouble remembering words and action that led to his letter .
Hell,if Thomas Jefferson and the others had prevailed the bill of
rights .
There would be a armed camp of citizens chasing 60% of Washington out of
And replacing them with someone that does work for the people.
That armed camp is what the ruling class fears,more so than crime excuse
given by the anti-gunners.
The fact that you can have a gun is more fearsome ...than if you do own a
Because as long as you can can revolt if they get too far out of
And a corrupt politician wants to be the only thing on the table with no
resistance from any who serve him.

Steve Firth

Huge said:
You're making the same mistake the 55,000 innocent gun owners did after
Dunblane; you're trying to engage in rational debate with someone to whom
rationality is a stranger. You're wasting your time.

You're right and I'm giving up. "Eeyore" seems to feel that the only way
to deal with the issue is to scream abuse.


Arnold said:
You start reading about the founding fathers and they were scared that
America would become like England .
With a king having absolute power over the common man.....

We in Britain would be scared if that were true here too !

And corruption within the leadership.

I'd say you have more of that in the USA than over here.



Eeyore said:
We in Britain would be scared if that were true here too !

I'd say you have more of that in the USA than over here.

Patriot rhyme with idiot !

It should rhyme with blind too but it dont.



Erdemal said:
Patriot rhyme with idiot !

It should rhyme with blind too but it dont.

The so-called 'patriot' legislation in the USA appears to be all about giving up
those things the original 'patriots' actually fought for.
