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Maker Pro

Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!



Neil said:
[email protected] says...

Says the person who continually starts round and round in a circular
argument that just because guns were invented to kill people, that's
all that they can be used for.

You're misquoting me AGAIN. I said it's their intended purpose.



Neil said:
[email protected] says...

You may think so. You still haven't answered the question - all you've
done is to provide the two most well-known firearms incidents.

Doesn't change the fact they were both committed with LEGALLY held firearms.


Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
Completely different recording methods are in use.

All you hav eto do is provide a reference that supports your claim.
You're comparing the proverbial apples and oranges. No actual physical
violence is required for certain crimes to be recorded as 'violent crime'
in the UK.

Umm hmm, and your evidence that the reporting standard is different in
the USA?



<waits some more>

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
Neil said:
You may think so. You still haven't answered the question - all you've
done is to provide the two most well-known firearms incidents.

Doesn't change the fact they were both committed with LEGALLY held firearms.

So your ANSWER to "how many CRIMES were committed with legally sorry,
LEGALLY held handguns before THE handgun ban?" IS...



Arnold Walker

Erdemal said:
Looking at the world from Belgium (me) is somewhat different than
from Middle West (you), so you have a 'geo-politic' parameter in
creating an identity ... I'd like to learn sociology :).

Yes, I tried to make it short ! You forgot Hollywood but this
one is for all of us.

Whatever Eeyore says, USA is/was a success, it rules/ruled the world
for now 60 years and stole it to the Brits :) by machiavelic moves :).

Ok, I changed my mind ! How much for 10 acres :)


N.B. I wonder what this has to do with :)
10 arces gets more solar than a tenantment appartment among other things.

Arnold Walker

Morris Dovey said:
Erdemal wrote:
| Morris Dovey wrote:
|| Erdemal wrote:

| Looking at the world from Belgium (me) is somewhat different than
| from Middle West (you), so you have a 'geo-politic' parameter in
| creating an identity ... I'd like to learn sociology :).

I envy your vantage point - and I can only applaud that your children
learn so many languages in school. I'm not a native midwesterner, by
the way, I was born in the southeast (Georgia) and did most of my
growing up in eastern Saudi Arabia. I studied mathematics - and I'd
like to tackle cultural anthropology. Instead I'm building solar

||| Did you choose it ? Or was it 'written' on your mind by some
||| "Moby-Dick' or 'David Copperfield' ?
|| I think 'written' by parents, family, teachers, and respected
|| elders when young, then 'edited' and extended with experience and
|| observation.
| Yes, I tried to make it short ! You forgot Hollywood but this
| one is for all of us.

There wasn't much of Hollywood or TV in the desert. I didn't miss it
then, and I don't find much in either that's relevant to my life now.
Somewhere along the way I learned to find amusements that don't much
depend on professional entertainers.

| Whatever Eeyore says, USA is/was a success, it rules/ruled the world
| for now 60 years and stole it to the Brits :) by machiavelic moves
| :).

Well, it's a work in progress - we've managed to get some things right
and we've botched others. We have a lot to learn and we know it. Hmm -
an insight for the sociologist: I think Americans would much rather
march at the head of the parade than rule the world - a recognition
that, as a society, we still have some maturing to do...

| Ok, I changed my mind ! How much for 10 acres :)

That depends on where you'd like to locate. Prices for farmland in
Iowa are currently running around $3000/acre. I'm not sure what 10
acres near a city in Texas might cost.
Fairly close about 500 to a 1000 more depending on the city.....
Metro areas will drive that to three times that....folks in general don't
living like rats in a cage.Part of the reason virtually all metro areas in
and out of Texas
are on a decline with commuting on the rise.You can see it all around you
in small towns
as a line of cars empty out the town in morning and fill it in
evening.Cities are becoming too much like
a modern version of Dicken novels for one to want to live there.

Arnold Walker

Dave Plowman (News) said:
A javelin is simply a development of a spear - and throwing spears at prey
is just about as old as man himself. A sword is also a development of a
basic knife which would have started life as a tool rather than weapon.
You seem to have the idea man has always spent his time solely thinking of
ways to kill other men. When tools were invented other things were more

And the war hammer came from where?

It's a development of throwing things.

Again possibly.

But the fact remains the hand gun was invented for the express purpose of
killing people and has no other use.
So would it make you feel better,if I loaded cigarette butts in my Contender
made especially for hunting pistol.
Use them on rats at times....a primer and a cigarette butt and you got rat
shot on your 30/30 pistol.
Or a line throwing gun that will reach a 30ft limb with a cord tied to a
tennisball studded brass rod.

Never thinking once most anti-gunners are not against killing just what you
In the case of abortion thay are rooting for a wholesale is
more civilized than
than crimial killing.

Arnold Walker

Eeyore said:
I think a definition of the word 'throw' would suffice.

A gun PROPELS a bullet. It doesn't THROW it.
Actually you have to propel in order to throw.....
Whether you talking pitching arm,crossbow,airrifle or gun.
Trying thinking of one law of physics that allows throwing with propelling

Andy Hall

I wouldn't be that unkind to it.

The 3rd largest employer in the world?
Remove the influence politicians have on it with their constant
meddling and I dare
say it would be fine.

All healthcare has a political dimension. This particular one was a
lie from the outset and outmoded soon afterwards.
Let the nurses run it in fact ! That might at least ensure the
hospitals are kept properly clean.

Unfortunately the fanciful days of the Hattie Jacques matron type are
long gone. A way to deal with the infection and cross infection issue
would be to have individual rooms for patients and to use antibiotics
more sensibly

Arnold Walker

Dave Plowman (News) said:
Yes - you can hammer in nails with the butt of a hand gun. Use the barrel
to make the hole in doughnuts too.
I don't know remington makes a pistol that will shoot nails in
concrete,steel,and wood.
American use 27cal. for nail guning and color coded for power that you want
,but then Brits always did do things different.
Seems a waste for a Brits to use gunbutts instead on nails.
and with British bakeries like that, no wonder the public is worried about
brits with guns.

Andy Hall

Venison is over-rated imho. Lamb or beef are tastier to me.


It needs to be well hung. That could be the reason for your difficulty......

The Natural Philosopher

John said:
The said:
What better way to encourage power and accuracy of e.g. archery than
by making a competition up and giving away przes. For the cost of the
prize everybody practices like mad without being ordered or coerced.

I seem to recall it was us that had[1] a law that says that all able
bodied men must practice their archery on the village green each Sunday?

Indeed. But as I sid a ometition meant that you had people do it willingly.

Strangely enuogh, it was as much te longbow and the use of gunpwder as
the black death that resulted in the end of the feudal system. Power to
the people ad all that crap.

I was certainly the end of the invincible armoured knight.
[1] Not sure if it was ever repealed either - it may still be on the
statute books.

The Natural Philosopher

Eeyore said:
You think tyres only last 15,000 mi ?
Depends. I use to get around 15k out of a set of Jaguar tyres: I sold my
Defender with two originals still on after 50K miles.

I would guess that an average is abut 22k mils. Small wheels burn tyres
out quicker, as do high performance cars.

The Natural Philosopher

Neil said:
Not necessarily. That depends on the handgun. Ever fired a .50 calibre
Desert Eagle ?

Nope, but I certainly cannot get within accurate pistol range of the
deer here. 30 meters is very lucky. 80-200 meters is more like t.

Have you ever stalked any deer? leery creatures.

Is not the lack of stioppng power: Its the accuracy. YOU *may* be able
to knock the pips out of a playing card at 100meters with aq 50 caliber
handgun. I doubt I could hit a barn door. Whereas with a well setup .22,
I was within half an inch of where the crosshairs were on the rabbit at
80 meters plus.. I would say I could almost certinly bring down a deer
at 100+ if it was standing still..

The Natural Philosopher

Eeyore said:
It looks like a good law to me. As it originally stood a couple of years back
(as criticised by various comedians for example) it was bad but it was revised.

I assume you disagree with people as a matter of course without bothering to
check what you're talking about.

Its not too bad. It got massaged a lot to removee the obvioyus stupidities.

Thank god there are still some judicial and unelected members of the
House of Lords.


Try not to snip the relevant points from the material you are quoting.
It does rather dilute the "point" you are failing to make.

You're making the same mistake the 55,000 innocent gun owners did after
Dunblane; you're trying to engage in rational debate with someone to whom
rationality is a stranger. You're wasting your time.