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Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!


John Rumm

Eeyore said:
They are categorised as 'self-loading'. As far as I can see they are effectively

No, they are not self loading. They require manual action to chamber the
next cartridge.
banned. I can't hink of any reason why they shouldn't be.

Limited imagination?



| Internode Ltd - |
| John Rumm - john(at)internode(dot)co(dot)uk |


John said:
How do you propose doing that?

The removal of access to licensed pistols seems to have had no effect
whatsoever on the price or availability of weapons to criminals.

Because that's another matter entirely that the current law was never designed to


John Rumm

Eeyore said:
You snipped the bit about AUTOMATIC WEAPONS.

A pump action shotgun is not:

1) A centre fire rifle
2) Self loading
3) semi automatic
4) automatic

And is hence not covered by the section you posted.

If you read the first sentence here:

You will see that what Steve was saying is correct. A shotgun with a
magazine capacity of more than two cartridges can be held on a FAC.
You're a loathsome SHIT Firth. Your idea of how to win an argument is to
misrepresent what other people say, misattribute things and run away from arguments
you know you can only lose.

If you're typical of 'shooters' I'm GLAD you've had your winds clipped since honesty
is apparently a concept you can't even remotely grasp.

Wahay... incoming toys, take cover.



| Internode Ltd - |
| John Rumm - john(at)internode(dot)co(dot)uk |

John Rumm

Eeyore said:
I can't imagine many people wanting to kill deer as vermin in this country. Unlike
the Americans, we don't seem to have the same urge to kill wild animals.

They are quite yummy though....



| Internode Ltd - |
| John Rumm - john(at)internode(dot)co(dot)uk |


John said:
You may, however there are countless men indulging in fighting sports,
simulated combat, paint balling etc to make it perfectly clear that you
are not like all men.

Thank God for that !


John Rumm

Dave said:
Hmm. Guns are a very effective way of killing. Little to no skill or
strength needed and can be done from a distance. Most other methods
require close contact - where a stronger fitter opponent might have a
better choice of defence. So basically the choice of a coward.

Yup, true... they could always run them over in their car though...



| Internode Ltd - |
| John Rumm - john(at)internode(dot)co(dot)uk |

John Rumm

Eeyore said:
We're not talking about ALL 'violent attacks' but our figures for those are lower
too anyway.

Lower certainly - but not 40 to 1.
Stop trying to confuse the issue by introducing irrelevant issues.

Seems perfectly relevant. Our murderers stab more people, when their US
counterparts would elect to shoot them. Just because you have been
stabbed or kicked to death does not make you any less dead than had you
assailant had the option of using a gun.



| Internode Ltd - |
| John Rumm - john(at)internode(dot)co(dot)uk |

John Rumm

That is not normal human behaviour.

Observation would strongly suggest otherwise. It is an every day
occurrence all over the world.
That you consider it so in the USA is a damning
indictment of your society.




| Internode Ltd - |
| John Rumm - john(at)internode(dot)co(dot)uk |

John Rumm

Eeyore said:
Good. That means there aren't likely to be any significant number of deaths resulting
from legally held guns doesn't it ?

Now we just need a crackdown on the illegal ones.

Well done Sherlock. Now I wonder why no one thought of that before?

Could it be that banning legally held and certificated weapons is easy
to enforce and trace, but doing it for illegal ones is somewhat more

Like most knee-jerk reactions it is about being seen to be doing
*something*. The fact that it will have no effect (or more typically a
counter productive effect) in solving the problem is not that important.



| Internode Ltd - |
| John Rumm - john(at)internode(dot)co(dot)uk |

John Rumm

Eeyore said:
Why do you want to choose 1995 ?

The victims of both Hungerford (16 deaths and 15 wounded) and Dunblane (17 deaths and 13 ?
wounded) were killed with ** legally ** held guns.

Guns yes, but primarily the rifles it seems.
Never again will that happen. Gun nuts are going to have to get their kicks some other way.

How do you figure that? it is still legal to hold a wide range of
weapons on a FAC. I would not want to be on the pointy end of a decent
crossbow either, and you don't need a license for that.



| Internode Ltd - |
| John Rumm - john(at)internode(dot)co(dot)uk |

John Rumm

Owain said:
We gave them some of the output from Enigma

Although we did conceal our developments on things like Colossus, hence
why they thought that ENIAC was the first electronic computer for ages ;-)



| Internode Ltd - |
| John Rumm - john(at)internode(dot)co(dot)uk |


Morris said:
Erdemal wrote:

| You both - we all- are filled with the 'culture' of your
| country, this is always amusing to see it.

Agreed. One of my most delightful discoveries as a young person was
that observers from different cultures could all view the same object
or event and each produce a different "flavor" of understanding.

Later, I discovered that by learning new languages I could share in
those different kinds of understanding.

Later still, working with a fairly large assortment of people from
different parts of the world, I found it breathtaking to see how
effectively the group could analyze and produce solutions to complex
technical problems - because each language/culture seemed to provide a
different perspective.

Looking at the world from Belgium (me) is somewhat different than
from Middle West (you), so you have a 'geo-politic' parameter in
creating an identity ... I'd like to learn sociology :).
| Did you choose it ? Or was it 'written' on your mind by some
| "Moby-Dick' or 'David Copperfield' ?

I think 'written' by parents, family, teachers, and respected elders
when young, then 'edited' and extended with experience and

Yes, I tried to make it short ! You forgot Hollywood but this
one is for all of us.
| America built itself as an antithesis of England/Europe ...

I don't think so - rather there was an attempt to keep what was
thought to be good and worthwhile and to discard the harmful, the
worthless, and the unproductive. What survived that sorting process
became the philosophical foundation, and the remainder was invented
(not always in America) as needed.

Whatever Eeyore says, USA is/was a success, it rules/ruled the world
for now 60 years and stole it to the Brits :) by machiavelic moves :).
| America is huge and diverse : Boston, Little Rock,
| Salt Lake City and San Francisco are rather different.

Above the surface, they're like different worlds - but if you look
closely under the surface, they're all built on the same foundation.
At the very core they're probably more alike than the inhabitants are
willing to admit.

| About gun ! If my home was built in the middle of a 9 acres
| land in Texas -as that uncle in another topic here :)- I'd have
| lot of weappons, dogs, guards, alarms, ... and even wouldn't
| sleep well.
The firearms would lose importance rapidly, and you'd probably wonder
why on earth you bought more than one. After you got to know your
neighbors, you'd probably begin to forget to lock the doors and to
turn on the alarm - and if you didn't sleep, it'd be because you were
too busy talking. :)

Ok, I changed my mind ! How much for 10 acres :)


N.B. I wonder what this has to do with :)

Morris Dovey

John Rumm wrote:
| Eeyore wrote:
|| John Rumm wrote:
||| My point is that people will kill people.
|| That is not normal human behaviour.
| Observation would strongly suggest otherwise. It is an every day
| occurrence all over the world.
|| That you consider it so in the USA is a damning
|| indictment of your society.
| huh?

Loose canon (take cover!)

I'm struggling to understand how what John thinks could be a damning
indictment of any society.

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
Insanity is a scary thing.

Try not to snip the relevant points from the material you are quoting.
It does rather dilute the "point" you are failing to make.

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:

No, that doesn't support either claim. The reference to "pump action"
is, again, followed by the word "rifle" as far as prohibition goes and
the ection mentioning pump action smooth bore guns actually expands an
exemption from prohibition for air guns.

If you bothered to read the material you quote, you wouldn't look quite
so silly. Indeed if you didn't argue something that is incorrect, your
claim that pump action shotguns are prohibited, then you wouldn't look
quite so silly.

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
Venison is over-rated imho. Lamb or beef are tastier to me.

Given your blinkers on other issues, I'll prefer the evidence of my own
palate, to yours.