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Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!



Steve Firth said:
And it's a bad law, one I hoped had been buried. What a shame that
another knee-jerk law has been passed.

It's a bigger pity you can't keep this rubbish off this news group!!!!!!!!!!


Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
I think a definition of the word 'throw' would suffice.

A gun PROPELS a bullet. It doesn't THROW it.

Again with the capitals.

Is there something about the word "development" you did not understand?
Prjectile weapons are all related. If you accept that a shot fired from
a stone bow or ballista is a development of throwing then a gun is
simply a development of those weapons, hence also a development of

And a gun propels absolutely nothing. Put shot into a gun and it wil go
nowhere, not until one applies a compressed gas by some means.

And once more you have snipped the parts you find too difficult to
answer, I see:

"Were blowpipes used to "kill and maim" people? They have a barrel and
were arguably the first method of slinging a projectile towards
<something>. Indeed they were originally used for hunting.

So by Mr P's bizarre interpretation that a sword is just a knife, then a
pistol is just a blowpipe."

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
How do you ban evil people ?

Who said "ban"? Not I.
Maybe you would shoot them ?

Personally, I reckon removing killing weapons from ready access is a
sensible answer.

Oh I know what you reckon, the fact that it is baloney doesn't seem to
make any difference to you.

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
Are you seriously suggesting the US *isn't* a more violent place than the
UK ? I'd just like to get that right.

You have already had the evidence that violent crime is greater in the
UK than in the USA.
'Inspector Morse' is a work of fiction too btw, but I see rather less
violence in that than any of the US programmes I mentioned. The idea of a
full-time murder cop in the UK is ridiculous.

As is your appeal to fictional characters.

OK, I'll see your "Morse" and raise you "Monk" and "Murder She Wrote". I
don't see Tony Shalhoub or Angela Lansbury brandishing weapons around.

Did your fiction-fest have a point, other than to inject a note of
hysterical unreality?

And once again, you have deleted the majority of the points made, so
I'll take that you concede all of them.

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
You got the wrong date for the handgun ban !

No he didn't, he clearly stated tht 1995 was BEFORE the handgun ban.

I apologise for the resort to CAPITALS but it seems to be the only way
you notice things.
The very reason for it was Dunblane.

I don't think it is udner dispute that the handgun ban was a stupid
reaction by weak-minded politicians.
" Thomas Hamilton walked into the school armed with two 9 mm Browning HP
pistols and two Smith and Wesson .357 revolvers. He was carrying 743

" As the law stood at the time, the police were unable to revoke
Hamilton's firearms certificate (gun licence) because there were no
substantiated grounds to do so."

That last paragraph is a lie, there was more than adequate evidence that
Hamilton should not have had a firearms certificate. But the police were
aware of his character:

'A Scotsman News article by Dan McDougall indicated that Detective
Sergeant Paul Hughes, the former head of Central Scotland Police's child
protection unit, wrote a damning report in which he recommended that
Hamilton's gun license be revoked because of his "unsavory character"
and "unstable personality."'

Claims that there was insufficient evidence to revoke his firearms
licence are drivel. A firearms licence could be revoked without
evidence. It merely needs the opinion of a FLO that the person is unfit
to hold a firearm. Handing firearms into the care of unsupervised
children as was alleged is more than sufficient reason.

However it seems likely that the real reason that Hamilton did not have
his licence revoked was his close association with police officers:

In March 2004, Dr. Mick North, parent of deceased Dunblane victim Sophie
North, brought forth new allegations of a possible cover-up. According
to Marcello Mega's article, Dunblane Cover-up, North listed six key
points that the Cullen Inquiry failed to address, which included:

1. The failure to hear evidence from Catherine Kerr, a neighbor of
Hamilton's, who saw him emerge from a gray-colored car outside his home
on the morning of the shootings. The driver has never been traced.
2. The failure to account for Hamilton's exact movements from the
time he left his home to drive to Dunblane Primary School, a 15 minute
journey that took him more than three quarters of an hour.
3. Why an off-duty police officer who was mysteriously at the school
on the morning of the shootings was never called to give evidence.
4. The failure by police to identify Hamilton as a pedophile who was
almost certainly involved in supplying photographs of virtually naked
boys, which he took on camps.
5. The failure to establish who Hamilton's friends in the police
were. A number of witnesses testified that police cars often stopped
outside his home.
6. The failure to investigate links, revealed by three witnesses,
between Hamilton and the Queen Victoria School, a military school at
Dunblane with a small shooting range that Hamilton used and where it is
claimed by a former teacher that boys were abused.

I understand that if all your opinion is formed by scantily researched,
badly written consensus articles that it explains a lot about what
appear to be lazy thought patterns on your part.

John Rumm

Eeyore said:
How do you ban evil people ? Maybe you would shoot them ? Personally, I reckon
removing killing weapons from ready access is a sensible answer.

How do you propose doing that?

The removal of access to licensed pistols seems to have had no effect
whatsoever on the price or availability of weapons to criminals.



| Internode Ltd - |
| John Rumm - john(at)internode(dot)co(dot)uk |

John Rumm

Eeyore said:
Is a target pistol incapable of killing ?

No, but so what? A bread knife is probably more effective.



| Internode Ltd - |
| John Rumm - john(at)internode(dot)co(dot)uk |

Steve Firth

I see you failed to answer the question.


+ Managed to get the line length down to something reasonable.


- Failed to address the points made

- Only base insult, no content.

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
Would you like to **** yourself you lying turd ?

No, I'd like you to provide a message ID or other reference that proves
the allegation that you have made. If you can't, and let's face it we
both know you can't, then it's obvious who is the "lying turd".

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
Read the fucking LAW you complete MORON.

I have and as I mentioned, in the part you snipped, pump action shotguns
are neither self-loading nor are they banned "effectively" or otherwise.

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
You snipped the bit about AUTOMATIC WEAPONS.

Only because it wasn't relevant, or rather that you have failed to
understand it. The quote that I omitted:

"In this Act "self-loading" and "pump-action" in relation to any weapon
mean respectively that it is designed or adapted (otherwise than as
mentioned in section 5(1)(a)) so that it is automatically re-loaded or
that it is so designed or adapted that it is re-loaded by the manual
operation of the fore-end or forestock of the weapon. "

Note it says "mean respectively" so for your education that means as

"self-loading" - designed or adapted (otherwise than as mentioned in
section 5(1)(a)) so that it is automatically re-loaded

"pump-action" - designed or adapted that it is re-loaded by the manual
operation of the fore-end or forestock of the weapon.

Now do you understand?

And do you understand yet that the prohibited weapons were:

semiautomatic RIFLES
pump action RIFLES
military weapons firing explosive ammunition
short shotguns with magazines
self loading RIFLES
You're a loathsome SHIT Firth. Your idea of how to win an argument is to
misrepresent what other people say, misattribute things and run away from
arguments you know you can only lose.


That's funny, in context.
If you're typical of 'shooters' I'm GLAD you've had your winds clipped
since honesty is apparently a concept you can't even remotely grasp.

How many guns do I own?

John Rumm

Dave said:
Make that *some* men. Most grow out of it - and quickly.

Even if true (and I dispute that some ever do), there is always another
new generation coming along with something to prove.
There's a difference between a fight in hot blood and boxing.

Totally different. Setting out to cripple your opponent on most contact
sports is a foul.

Boxing seems relatively mild compared to say K1, caged fighting, various
kick boxing disciplines. I would not have thought most boxers go into a
ring with the intent of crippling their opponent either. Win certainly,
hurt, knock out etc without a doubt. There is obviously the spectre of
serious injury, but that is true of many sports.
Have you ever been to a boxing match, John? I've worked at several. And
the behaviour of the crowd is if anything worse than the boxers. Dregs of
'humanity' baying for blood. It should have no place in a civilised

Where would you rather they got their kicks? Ringside or streetside?



| Internode Ltd - |
| John Rumm - john(at)internode(dot)co(dot)uk |

John Rumm

Eeyore said:
Says who ? I think it's utterly gross and a ridiculous throwback to behaving
like wild animals.

You may, however there are countless men indulging in fighting sports,
simulated combat, paint balling etc to make it perfectly clear that you
are not like all men.



| Internode Ltd - |
| John Rumm - john(at)internode(dot)co(dot)uk |

John Rumm

The said:
What better way to encourage power and accuracy of e.g. archery than by
making a competition up and giving away przes. For the cost of the prize
everybody practices like mad without being ordered or coerced.

I seem to recall it was us that had[1] a law that says that all able
bodied men must practice their archery on the village green each Sunday?

[1] Not sure if it was ever repealed either - it may still be on the
statute books.



| Internode Ltd - |
| John Rumm - john(at)internode(dot)co(dot)uk |

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
You got the wrong date for the handgun ban !

The very reason for it was Dunblane.

The major issue about Dunblane which the police and politicians have run
away from is that all the warning signs were there that Hamilton was
about to do something stupid. The warning signs were ignored.

A mechanism existed to remove Hamilton's guns. The opportunity was not

Because Hamilton had a firearms certificate he was open to scrutiny, and
that scrutiny was lax.

Under current condiditions if someone attempts anything similar there
will be no warnings, because the purchase of guns will be entirely

Some blame should attach to how the police handled Hamilton's firearms
applications, but the police escaped censure and over 100 vital
documents relating to the case will not be available for public
inspection until 2097. That's how scared the police are of the public
finding out what their part in the incident was.


Steve said:
And it's a bad law, one I hoped had been buried. What a shame that
another knee-jerk law has been passed.

It looks like a good law to me. As it originally stood a couple of years back
(as criticised by various comedians for example) it was bad but it was revised.

I assume you disagree with people as a matter of course without bothering to
check what you're talking about.



Steve said:
You have already had the evidence that violent crime is greater in the
UK than in the USA.

There is no such evidence. Clearly you have a very feeble mind.
