Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!



Neil said:
[email protected] says...

How many deaths resulted from legally held handguns in say 1995, before
the handgun ban ?

Why do you want to choose 1995 ?

The victims of both Hungerford (16 deaths and 15 wounded) and Dunblane (17 deaths and 13 ?
wounded) were killed with ** legally ** held guns.

Never again will that happen. Gun nuts are going to have to get their kicks some other way.


Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
Strawman. He said no such thing.

"Sigh. Non of the above were invented for the sole purpose of killing or
maiming man. They were originally hunting weapons or developments of

Strawman yourself.

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
Good Lord ! You finally accept this point ?

The original purpose of many things is different to the role they have
today. Your "point" is pointless.


The said:
Come and stay here for winter, and you might ;-)

Ruined anything not surrounded by steel wire in the garden. The new
guards cost more than the trees they are protecting.

Where do you live ?



Steve said:
My backyard is 300 acres of woods, and deer are a goddamned nuisance.
Come live here a year, and then post your opinion about deer. I'll
loan you a handgun :)

Deer are quite rare here in the UK on account of how highly urbanised most of the country
is. Something that might surprise an American. There is very little 'wild country' at all,
most being in the National Parks and even a lot of that is cultivated. Hence we rather
like to see them around and generally don't want to kill them.



Steve said:
And you have some reference that confirms your claim above? No, I
thought not.

I think a definition of the word 'throw' would suffice.

A gun PROPELS a bullet. It doesn't THROW it.



Steve said:
So then you have no objection to guns and rather than banning the thing
you should look to how to control the activities of those who are

How do you ban evil people ? Maybe you would shoot them ? Personally, I reckon
removing killing weapons from ready access is a sensible answer.



Steve said:
You do understand that all of those are works of fiction?

Are you seriously suggesting the US *isn't* a more violent place than the UK ? I'd
just like to get that right.

'Inspector Morse' is a work of fiction too btw, but I see rather less violence in
that than any of the US programmes I mentioned. The idea of a full-time murder cop
in the UK is ridiculous.



Neil said:
How many deaths resulted from legally held handguns in say 1995, before
the handgun ban ?

You got the wrong date for the handgun ban !

The very reason for it was Dunblane.

" Thomas Hamilton walked into the school armed with two 9 mm Browning HP pistols and two
Smith and Wesson .357 revolvers. He was carrying 743 cartridges."

" As the law stood at the time, the police were unable to revoke Hamilton's firearms
certificate (gun licence) because there were no substantiated grounds to do so."

Understand now ?


Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
There's more to it than that. Killing with a gun allows one to mentally
distance oneself from the act of killing since it avoids any need for
personal interaction. Doubly 'cowardly' if you like.

How many people have you killed with a gun?


Steve said:
And where does that quote say that pump action shotguns were made
illegal? It mentions pump-action rifles, not shotguns.

You snipped the bit about AUTOMATIC WEAPONS.

You're a loathsome SHIT Firth. Your idea of how to win an argument is to
misrepresent what other people say, misattribute things and run away from arguments
you know you can only lose.

If you're typical of 'shooters' I'm GLAD you've had your winds clipped since honesty
is apparently a concept you can't even remotely grasp.
