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Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!



Steve said:
Because someone thinks it's a shortcut to declaring that "guns are
inherently evil".

They're certainly not 'inherently good' !



John said:

and the ratio of deaths cause by *all* violent attacks is?

We're not talking about ALL 'violent attacks' but our figures for those are lower
too anyway.

Stop trying to confuse the issue by introducing irrelevant issues.



John said:
My point is that people will kill people.

That is not normal human behaviour. That you consider it so in the USA is a damning
indictment of your society.


The Natural Philosopher

Morris said:
Erdemal wrote:

| About gun ! If my home was built in the middle of a 9 acres
| land in Texas -as that uncle in another topic here :)- I'd have
| lot of weappons, dogs, guards, alarms, ... and even wouldn't
| sleep well.

The firearms would lose importance rapidly, and you'd probably wonder
why on earth you bought more than one. After you got to know your
neighbors, you'd probably begin to forget to lock the doors and to
turn on the alarm - and if you didn't sleep, it'd be because you were
too busy talking. :)


he lower the population density, the lower the crime PER HEAD OF
POPULATION, is a broad rule.

its hard to commit a crime against another when you have to drive 50
miles to do it, and 50 miles back.

Its even less reasonable that you would want to.

They would have to have something very valuable to offset the fuel cost.

Its no accident that CIVILisation comes from the Latin root meaning 'of
a town or city'

All the rules of society apply to ordering the behaviour of CITY-ZENS

arguably they are not needed in deep rural locations.

The Natural Philosopher

Neil said:
You can keep trotting that falacious line out from here to eternity. I
and others will also continue to tell you that there are perfectly
legitimate other reasons for owning handguns - target shooting being
one of them.

That is really the ONLY reason IMHO.

And you wouldn't use a colt 45 for target shooting, would you?.

In fact, tell me what you WOULD use a colt 45 for, apart from
threatening people? And showing it off to your Kan buddies..;=-)

So, to say they have no other use than killing people is simply
incorrect. But, to say otherwise wouldn't help your weakening case now,
would it ?

I'm with you all the way on target pistols, but I have to agree with
Dave, that, them aside, a handgun has no valid legal use that I can see.
Outside of armed response by police etc.

The Natural Philosopher

Neil said:

What is was invented for and what other legitimate uses an item has now
are not connected. Owning a handgun for target shooting would be a
perfectly legitimate other use of a handgun. They are not, despite what
you would like all and sundry to believe, solely for killing things.
Outside target shooting, what else ARE they for?

The Natural Philosopher

Eeyore said:
I can't imagine many people wanting to kill deer as vermin in this country. Unlike
the Americans, we don't seem to have the same urge to kill wild animals.


Come and stay here for winter, and you might ;-)

Ruined anything not surrounded by steel wire in the garden. The new
guards cost more than the trees they are protecting.


The said:
Of course.

This government is characterized by knee jerk responses, ideological
legislation and the law of unintended consequences.

But then not one of them has run anything much larger than a nursery
school before becoming politicians, and many of them =- that Benn twit
is a prime example - have been politicians all their lives.

Party politicians are imho inherently entirely unsuitable for high public

They should be given a talking shop to keep them happy and prevented from
meddling in things they don't understand or have only a short term interest in,
like the economy for example.


The Natural Philosopher

Steve said:
My backyard is 300 acres of woods, and deer are a goddamned nuisance.
Come live here a year, and then post your opinion about deer.

Ditto here in Suffolk, uk.
loan you a handgun :)

Toatally useless against deer.

You need a .25 or bigger rifle, the right ammmo, and clear shot DOWNWARDS.

The US and UK have very different sensibilities and experience. Still,
it's fun to argue about.

Indeed,but what it takes to s
stop a deer is not subject to sensibilities: Its a matter of physics as
much as anything.


The said:
You surprise me. I have never applied for a license, so I don't know the
details, but I had been informed that pump action weapons and automatic
weapons were unlicensable except to the armed forces and the police.

Care to educate us as to he levels of licensing? Or do you just want to
appear superior ?

He's talking nonsense. They were banned after Hungerford.

"In the aftermath, the Conservative government passed the Firearms (Amendment)
Act 1988. This confined semiautomatic and pump-action centrefire rifles;
military weapons firing explosive ammunition; short shotguns that had magazines;
and both elevated pump-action and self-loading rifles to the Prohibited

Interpretation and supplementary provisions
In this Act “the principal Act” means the [1968 c. 27.] Firearms Act 1968 and
any expression which is also used in that Act has the same meaning as in that

In section 57 of the principal Act (definitions) after subsection (2) there
shall be inserted—

In this Act “self-loading” and “pump-action” in relation to any weapon mean
respectively that it is designed or adapted (otherwise than as mentioned in
section 5(1)(a)) so that it is automatically re-loaded or that it is so designed
or adapted that it is re-loaded by the manual operation of the fore-end or
forestock of the weapon.


Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
Using a barrel is a strange way to 'throw' things.

A trebuchet (siege engine) is a development of throwing things. A gun is NOT.

And you have some reference that confirms your claim above? No, I
thought not.

Were blowpipes used to "kill and maim" people? They have a barrel and
were arguably the first method of slinging a projectile towards
<something>. Indeed they were originally used for hunting.

So by Mr P's bizarre interpretation that a sword is just a knife, then a
pistol is just a blowpipe.

Steve Firth

Dave Plowman (News) said:
No - it's those who use them that are evil.

So then you have no objection to guns and rather than banning the thing
you should look to how to control the activities of those who are

For the avoidance of doubt, the people who have firearms certificates
and shotgun certificates do not fall into that cetegory. The "evil" done
with guns is done by those who start out with criminal intent, and since
they are criminals they buy illegal guns, which are not controlled in
any way.

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
Why Olympic ?

Becasue were were talkign about Olympic sport.
Would you care to list how many boxers have brain damage ?

Since I know nothign about boxing I wouldn't know where to start.
However Olympic boxing is a risk-controlled sport in which no one is
maimed, it is very different from "professional" boxing. It's anotehr
example of how a sport can be very different to the public perception of
that sport. Like target shooting.

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
Is that the reason why the police have found so many workshops now
converting replicas ? And I gather that replicas suitable for conversion
are now coming under scrutiny.

So the criminals have found another source for creatign illegal guns.
There's no evidence that this is in any way linked ot legal, registered,
guns. As Mr Barker has pointed out, a legal pistol will be of little
interest to a criminal.

Here's a picture of one:

Can you see the average thug having any interest in such a pistol?
You're a grade one blinkered idiot.

I'm not the one who feels the need to sling insults every few seconds
over this issue.
No, it hasn't stopped gun crime but it's made getting guns for illegal use
*more difficult*.

There's no evidence to support that view, not with gun crime rising 30%
in a single year.


The said:
Dunno how you could say that about Gary Linneker. A pretty smart cookie.

Is he ?

Good footballers need a bit of brain you know.

I'd have though the bit that controls kicking a ball had fairly limited relevance to
life in general. Beckham's intellect is hardly anything to write home about.



Neil said:
You can keep trotting that falacious line out from here to eternity. I
and others will also continue to tell you that there are perfectly
legitimate other reasons for owning handguns - target shooting being
one of them.

Strawman argument.



Steve said:
Pump action shotguns are not banned explicitly

They are categorised as 'self-loading'. As far as I can see they are effectively
banned. I can't hink of any reason why they shouldn't be.
