Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!



Steve said:
Then you are being disingenuous when you claim that you do not support a
ban on sport shooting.

No, you're just being an awkward argumentative cuss.



Erdemal said:
You both - we all- are filled with the 'culture' of your
country, this is always amusing to see it.
Did you choose it ? Or was it 'written' on your mind by some
"Moby-Dick' or 'David Copperfield' ?

I haven't read either actually. I find Dickens' work very stodgy in fact and a
complete turn off. I wouldn't advise you to form an impression of the UK based on his
work for sure.



Neil said:
[email protected] says...

How Steve finds the time or inclination to argue with someone with the
intellectually ability of treacle, defies me.

Several of the guns that I possess were specifically designed for
target shooting, not harming people.

Have you ever tried shooting a .22 free pistol such as a Morini ?

Do you know what one even looks like ?

Which came first, target shooting or the gun ?



John said:
yeah right... try telling that to the de Menezes family...

Look at the overall death rate, and there is far less difference

There's a FORTY TO ONE difference in gun deaths !

- just the implements are different.

I would wager there are far more people bludgeoned to death in the UK
with cricket bats than there are in the US. And vice versa with baseball
bats. What does that prove?

I can't recall hearing of anyone being bludgeoned to death with a cricket bat
but I dare say it must have happened sometime. We have a less violent society
here in the UK than you do.



Dave Plowman (News) said:
Eh? I take it you never do anything in the kitchen? I have half a dozen or
so knives that could kill easily - and I'm one of the most amateurish of

I have only one knife that could perhaps do that. Lots of kitchen knive designs
are not ideally shaped for murder. That may even be intentional.



The said:
Er..the rumour is that actually they don't.

And it's not 60,000 mile oil if they get a few pints added at 30,000

A good proportion of it will still be. I believe with oil that old you're actually likely to
get 'sludge' issues. Not much sense doing it if it's going to render the car worthless.

Your ideas sound like a silly troll to me.



The said:
I dunno. Life as a pro footballer is short, and pretty hard.

Hard ? They're forever bursting into tears over here.

At best you probably have less than ten years at top salary, and are
useless for much else thereafter.

But they were useless for anything even before !



Dave Plowman (News) said:
If you're going to be selective with a state of the US why talk about the
UK as a whole?

Of the world's 36 wealthiest nations, the U.S. gun death rate for 1994 was the
highest at 14.24 per 100,000 people. Asian countries had the lowest rates
followed by England and Wales.

*** In 1994, the U.S. accounted for 45 percent of the 88,649 gun deaths in those
36 nations.***



The said:
If it had ben a fox it would have died an agonising death of course. Far
worse than being run down by a dog pack.

Oh, the irony ! More ridiculous insanity caused by alleged 'do-gooders'.



The said:
I would love one to take out the deer that are getting to be a real pest
round here.

Where do you live ? Deer are rare in most parts of the country and it's nice to watch
them rather than shoot them !

They taste good too.

Over-rated imho.



The said:
No, but I did manage to engage a man waving a 38 around on a greyhound
bus for long enough for all the passengers to get off, and the police to
get on.

No one was hurt.

Interestingly, that's what the UK armed police (certainly SO/CO19 at least) are
trained to do. They don't WANT to have to shoot someone. They are trained to talk
people 'out of it'.



The said:
Most gun toters suffer from deep inferiority complexes. Possibly because
they are. Having a gun makes em feel in control. Sadly its a myth. They
just get killed.

I so agree. I've met only two people in my life who have owned guns and both of
them struck me as precisely the kind of people you wouldn't want to have owning
guns. Both like to bully people or push them around. One ended up in prison a
couple of years back for threatening builders who were making a noise with an
air rifle. The other one also spent some time in prison (on fraud charges).

Sorry, I met a third chap who once owned a shotgun for vermin control. He's
totally fine.



The said:
My school, .22 rifle, the school cadet corps

Similar scenario, although I wasn't in the CCF myself. Major Walker (our history
teacher) one day got bored of teaching us and decided to take us shooting
instead ! He was a great character, as was Colonel Pryke and the Sergeant Major
(an ex RSM).



Jim said:
No Graham, it does disprove what you say in a roundabout way..... People
who want to kill, will kill. Period. Guns, knives, sarin, ricin, cyanide,
bombs, etc ad infinitum ad nauseum.....

Perfectly true but an entirely different issue. As far as bombs go, we in the UK
also have strict controls on certain potential bomb materials and several such
plans have been stopped dead in their tracks as a result.

Mixing up such issues leads to muddle, confusion and bad decisions/policy.

Britain just doesn't quite have the criminals that we have here- yet.

Thankfully no.

Yet you tolerate Islamofascists preaching genocide on the corners in
Your time will come; i will pray for you all, as I have friends in the

As for that 'demo' in London, some of the views expressed were illegal at the
time and I know this specifically because I complained about it (having seen it
on the news) to the Metropolitan Police and received a long and very detailed
response that explained that the police let those demonstrators continue so they
could gather evidence for prosecution. Subsequently some 3 or 4 of those
'Islamofascists' have been found guilty in court of calling for murder and
imprisoned. And I bet your media in the USA haven't carried the news of that !

There's also a new law specifically targeted at this kind of thing. It's
literally brand new on the books. My understanding is that it would make
criminal the action of carrying those placards that incited religious based
hatred (against non-Muslims in this case) too.



Jim said:
Graham, no hard feelings here, but you don't know your ass from a hole
in the ground. I have worked undercover for the police as an informant etc.
I know a =lot= about the police in America, and you are dead wrong.

Does EVERY US policeman get 2 weeks or so gun training before being issued with
a firearm ?
