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Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!


Neil Barker

Superintendent John O'Hare, of Greater Manchester police, said: "This incident
shows the horrific consequence when guns are left in our community."

Illegally held ones, yes.

Neil Barker

So, to get to be an ARV officer requires at least SIX weeks specialist training
plus regular training thereafter.

And are you aware of what the regular qualification standard entails ?

John Rumm

Doctor said:
Sounds like a brainwashed American obsessed with guns. They are beyond
redemption. We don't have them, even the police are not armed here.

yeah right... try telling that to the de Menezes family...
Look at the death rate through gunshot here and in the US then it is
clear we are doing the right thing by banning the things and even

Look at the overall death rate, and there is far less difference - just
the implements are different.

I would wager there are far more people bludgeoned to death in the UK
with cricket bats than there are in the US. And vice versa with baseball
bats. What does that prove?



| Internode Ltd - |
| John Rumm - john(at)internode(dot)co(dot)uk |

The Natural Philosopher

Eeyore said:
Are you suggesting they don't get any servicing at all ? That would void any warranty
and not be in the owner's (company's) interest.

Its been known.

Who cares about warranty if you have traded them?

All the company cars I've known about have standard routine service interval attention.

They all CLAIMED to anyway..;-)
I dare say an engine would sieze on 60,000 mile old oil. At least the way the reps drive
them !

Er..the rumour is that actually they don't.

And it's not 60,000 mile oil if they get a few pints added at 30,000

The Natural Philosopher

Eeyore said:
It'll be better still when they get paid 10% or less of the insane salaries they
get now.

I dunno. Life as a pro footballer is short, and pretty hard.

At best you probably have less than ten years at top salary, and are
useless for much else thereafter.

The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
Coyotes, rabbits, and squirrels are =people=?

Other stuff is shot with RIFLES or SHOTGUNS.

A handgun is useless for game shooting/hunting, apart from putting the
wretched twitching thing out of its misery, but most wouldn't carry one
for that purpose: a rifle is heavy enough to tote around.

The Natural Philosopher

Neil said:
Complete crap.

? what is complete crap.
You really don't understand firearms, do you ?

I really don't understand the point you are making.
BTW, you need to define 'shotgun' before you can say whether it is
banned in this country or not.
Non pump action non sawnoff.,

The Natural Philosopher

Neil said:
How Steve finds the time or inclination to argue with someone with the
intellectually ability of treacle, defies me.

Several of the guns that I possess were specifically designed for
target shooting, not harming people.

Have you ever tried shooting a .22 free pistol such as a Morini ?

Do you know what one even looks like ?

Just about, and I have no problem with single shot target pistols: as a
weapon to threaten life, they are more likely to get you killed than
kill anyone else.

I guess there is a semantic difference on my head between a target
pistol and a handgun - an automatic or revolver capable of being
concealed about the person, and capable of lethal use.

The Natural Philosopher

Dave said:
So your 'target shooting' guns are incapable of killing? According to Mr
Firth it's essential such a gun is pretty well the same as any other.

Does it fire some sort of soft bullet at a low velocity?

Single shot is the key. Its actually quite hard to kill a human with a
single hard jacketed .22 round of reasonable muzzle velocity. And its
quite unlikely to stop them dead in their tracks the way a larger
caliber gun will.

The standard hunting round - at least amongst those I know using .22
rifles - is hollowpoint with supersonic ammo for best stopping power.
But even that is so chancy its disallowed for anything larger than
rabbits IIRC. You need a larger caliber for deer, certainly. Not sure
about foxes.

Even a shotgun can be sublethal a moderate range. Sister in laws got one
dog all stitched up and one vanished..judging by the pellet spread in
the dog that did come back, it was not much more than 30 yards range,
and although it tore the skin off its shoulder and haunch, the pellets
didn't get through the ribcage and it made it home.

If it had ben a fox it would have died an agonising death of course. Far
worse than being run down by a dog pack.

The Natural Philosopher

Eeyore said:
It's not an argument, circular or otherwise. It's a FACT.

Besides, gun ownership has never been a popular desire for educated civilised
people anyway. Besides, what would I want one for ?

I would love one to take out the deer that are getting to be a real pest
round here. They taste good too. BUT shooting even where we are with the
sort of gun that would take one out at 100 yards is terribly have to be up high, shooting down.

Plenty of pheasants and pigeons around for shotguns to, and they would
feed the dogs if not us.

I did have a go at rabbits with a 22 air rifle, but stopped when I
realised that unless I got a head shot, the thing would hop away and die
somewhere else.

The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
You first. If you were to spot a Jack the Ripper in the act, you'd run
away like a coward. I'd splatter his brains all over the earth.....
We have a saying here, "Some folks just need killin'", and it's
Tell me Graham, have you ever been the victim of a violent crime? It's
no picnic.

No, but I did manage to engage a man waving a 38 around on a greyhound
bus for long enough for all the passengers to get off, and the police to
get on.

No one was hurt.

Steve Firth

Dave Plowman (News) said:
So you consider these as potentially as lethal and easy to conceal as a
hand gun?

Woah another goalpost shifter!

" Why should a so called sport involve a device invented for killing or

Was the question I answered. Now you're off about something else. The
fact is that many sports involve the use of device invented for killing
or maiming. Does that make them any less of a sport or mean that the
practice or development of that sport should be stopped?
And most of these started out as hunting weapons. Not so the
hand gun. Its sole purpose is to kill or main man.

Nope, you're repeating that as a mantra and you're wrong like all the
others were.
So be it then. Let the 'sport' die. It's of no value anyway.

Of course, and lets stop all the other sports involving weapons, they're
of no value anyway.
I'm sure a dingy is capable of killing someone but not usually on the
streets of London.

We're talking about sport, if one can be simulated so can others. That
doesn't mean it's sensible to do so.
They are modified to prevent serious harm. Are the handguns used in

They are controlled to prevent any harm, that's good enough for me.
It may well do. But the problem is the possession of the handgun(s).

Why is it a problem? Can you name a target shooter who has killed

Steve Firth

Neil Barker said:
How Steve finds the time or inclination to argue with someone with the
intellectually ability of treacle, defies me.

A naive belief that even the stupid might just start to think about
something rather than to emote and follow the herd.

The Natural Philosopher

Dave said:
Ah - you consider yourself some sort of Superman?

You seem to think villains are all inept cowards that will lie down and
wait to be shot by the self righteous. One of the Hollywood lies...
If I had a gun, and someone else drew on me, I'd shoot.

If I didnt have a gun, I wouldn't.

When I didn't have a gun, I didn't.

I am still alive and to the best of my knowledge so is the man who 'only
wanted a soma respect here'

Most gun toters suffer from deep inferiority complexes. Possibly because
they are. Having a gun makes em feel in control. Sadly its a myth. They
just get killed.

The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
I have a lovely yard sloping to a creek, with a high bluff on the other
side. Makes an ideal target range; I prefer old Coke cans. My children are
learning how to use a weapon, because a time is coming when they will need
to know how. Graham carries on about "civilised" people; Western nations are
admitting uncivilised people at a frenetic pace. It's devolution.....
Yup. Keep those septics out of civilised western society I say.

The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
That is the most ass-inine thing I've ever heard you say, Eeyore. You
don't know me from Adam....
Oh we do.

I would not feel safe around you.

Unlike - say - a guy down the road whose shooting is first rate, and
whose safety standards are Army training inspired.

People who have been shot at get remarkably less complacent about firearms.

The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
Well, if the Brits would grow a spine and stand up like responsible
American gun owners and allow people to protect themselves instead of
ringing for the Bobbies and praying, t5his wouldn't be so.
But what do you expect in Londonistan?

I think that clearly displays your psyche: White supremacist.

I bet you have never left the Americas.

There are very few actual gun killings in the UK - it used to be a dozen
a year. Its maybe in the one hundred or so now. last time I checked,
Detroit was a dozen a day.

Canada, which has a similar population mix to the USA at least around
the borders, shows an ABRUPT transition in levels of gun crime.

Go figure.

The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
Just wait til you see how many criminals have them; you blokes will
legalize possession by decent citizens in a second flat.
To have one makes yo a criminal, so its a pretyy specious statement to
start with. And generally criminals with guns use them to control
situations. Only amateur criminals - gangs looking for 'respect' use
them casually.

in fact your whole seres of posts show a complete lack of understanding
of cultures beyond your own narrow racist paranoid view of the USA.

With or without a gun, you wouldn't last a minute here.