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Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!


The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
Everything inside the city of NO except the French Quarter and small
areas near the river, is very much below sea level. And sinking....

Well so is 90% of Holland. And most of cambridgeshire and lincoln, and
quite a bit of Norfolk here.

So what?

Gonna just cry 'can;'t and give up?

Typical septic, No balls. Just guns..

The Natural Philosopher

Eeyore said:
You'd have to help me there. I think I get only a part of it.

Ku Klux Klan talk.

Hispanics and blacks. He is shit scared of any other culture than his
gun'n'bible 'we fucked the niggers and the indians and the spanish, and
now they are out to get us' one.

The Natural Philosopher

Eeyore said:
This is the usual American story. My wife will be raped, my children murdered in
their beds etc ..... That's merely because you're in the USA and it's a very
violent society, but even so, how often does that actually happen ?

In the UK I think I can confidently say NEVER.

Well I know of two people that got zapped by the IRA with weapons they
bought with american donated dollars..I have seen three people die in
road accidents..and knew two who did so as well..three dead from
substance cancer death 'before his time'

No one dead that I know of or anyone I know of from violent (non
political) crime.

I've had loaded firearms waved in my face on two occasions..but never in

The problem with the USA is that by and large it hasn't ever had a major
war on its soil apart from slaughtering the natives and each other 150
years ago.. Certainly not one that took out all the 'jims' and so
on..whereas most of N Europe can claim two wars fought over their heads
at which they lost better than 10% of the adult male population. In some
case considerably better.

It tends to grow societies up a bit faster.

The Natural Philosopher

Eeyore said:
No, he was talking about a single person having all those things happen to them.

And if you think the answer to dealing with them on an individual basis is gun
ownership, then you're a damn fool.
He does and he is.

Seen the same mentality in S Africa before the end of Apartheid. Guilt
pure and simple. Kick the shit out of the niggers long enough, and it
dawns on you that if they ever got guns, they might well not be your
best friends.

The Natural Philosopher

Morris said:
Eeyore wrote:

| This is the usual American story. My wife will be raped, my
| children murdered in their beds etc ..... That's merely because
| you're in the USA and it's a very violent society, but even so, how
| often does that actually happen ?

I think not frequently (it's certainly an UNcommon event) but it does
happen. That it happens at all means that it happens /too/ often.

Yes, our society has been violent from the beginning (actually, from
before our beginning) and our cultural roots are in places that
considered public disembowelment and burning at the stake acceptable
treatment of those who deviated from the norm. We tend to be more
violent than some societies and less violent than others.

I'm not sure why, but individuals here seem willing to take on more
stress than people in most other places I've seen, and some handle it
less well than others. Most who can't handle it break more or less
silently. A very small proportion break explosively.

| In the UK I think I can confidently say NEVER.

It's a good brag. May you always feel so safe.

Its no brag: its still more or less a FACT.

The Natural Philosopher

Eeyore said:
Thank you. Let's say, being murdered in my bed isn't even the last thing on my
mind as I go to sleep, the idea simply never even enters my head at all. In this
small city of around 70,000 we get a murder maybe once every five years or so.
The last instance involved drug crime and it's easy to stay out of those

I don't even lock my cars or doors..even when we go out, mostly.

Steve Firth

Dave Plowman (News) said:
If you're going to be selective with a state of the US why talk about the
UK as a whole?

I'm comparing a state of the USA with a state of Europe.

The Natural Philosopher

Morris said:
Eeyore wrote:
| Morris Dovey wrote:
| The US gun death rate is FORTY times that in the UK btw.

Have you considered that Americans might already have recognized that
we're paying a very high price for our right to have firearms, and
that a clear majority have chosen to pay that price? I'd like to
suggest that your inability to understand that choice does not
necessarily mean that the majority of Americans are either stupid or

You might ponder why so many Americans would choose to pay such a high

Cos they don't trust each other?
Cos the NRA has sold em a pup?
Cos the government finds a nice air of controlled panic, allows them to
control more than they should?
Cos the media has found it a sure fire way of selling crap programs
based on mindless violence.?

I've been on 4 continents - 5 if you count s america - and the one thing
that does is make you easily able to spot political propaganda that te
natives think is the reality.

IME only a very few white people understand what is going on in America.
The black guys do tho. The crap isn't aimed at them by and large.

It is the MOST controlled society I have ever been in (apart from a
breief rip to what had been the other side of the iron curtain,where one
could see the remains of a similar system), and the LEAST free. But the
control is only partially exercised by guns: In the main its exercised
through propaganda. And the slickest marketing of it on Gods earth.

Americans don't choose to pay such a high price: They are simply sold it
by top quality salesmen so they THINK they have chosen it. They haven't.
No viable alternative is ever given airtime.

Ones only hope, and regret too, is that a society that lives on fantasy,
will never be able to cope with reality when the bullshit finally hits
the whirly things. Nero/Bush is still fiddling as Rome burns.

the USA will go down in history as the shortest lived global power ever.

Steve Firth

Jim said:
NO ONE could possibly be foolish enough to try something.

Oh I don't know, there was the fool who tried to rob H&J Leather and

The Natural Philosopher

Erdemal said:
You both - we all- are filled with the 'culture' of your
country, this is always amusing to see it.
Did you choose it ? Or was it 'written' on your mind by some
"Moby-Dick' or 'David Copperfield' ?

Probably more Occam and Descartes actually.
America built itself as an antithesis of England/Europe ...

No it didn;'t. It was merely that the dross who couldn't make it in
Europe were exported there, along with the criminal classes.

One o he other would have been fine: teh combiantion was lethal.

Spain exported all its drooss gentry to lord it over the peasats, and
you have th present efascist mess that is am,eraic.

Australia took nothing but the poor. And they decided that given a
chance they could become rich.

The USA got both, and of course the religious bigots who were so
insufferably pious that europe rejected them.

A country of criminals, bandits, pirates adventurers religious perverts
and slaves.

And when they ran out of plunder, they tried to take on the rest of the

But sadly even a vietnamese peasant proved smarter than the Indians, and
the USA has never really won any war at all. Just waited till it was
clear who was GOING to win, and joined in for profit. Oh I guess the
Japanese..well when a few million mediaeval peasants take on a
technologically equipped nation ten times their size its not THAT hard
to work out who is going to come out on top.

The Natural Philosopher

Arnold said:
So you favor poison and crossbows.....over knives.


Poison is chancy: You have to make sure someone eats it, and crossbows
are one shot weapons with a long reload time.

The Natural Philosopher

Eeyore said:
No, I'm suggesting that some bits of the UK may be as bad as some bits of the USA.

Are you stupid or something ? Comprehension isn't your strong suit. OR you just
want to spin out an argument.

I think no bits of the UK are as bad as the worst bits of the USA.

Not even Bradford.

The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
So no wives are ever raped, or children murdered in the UK.

Very very few.

And almost never using a gun, or in a way that someone with a gun, would
have been able to make use of it.

Guns are used by gangs to establish respect, by armed robbers for money,
and by the police to shoot innocent people, mostly.

A rapist is either someone who knows the victim, and argues 'she
consented; or a lone stalker who picks isolated victims who would not
have a chance to use a gun at all. Its very rare in the victims home.
Most child murders are either by the parents, a schoolfriend or again,
the lone predator who will entice the child as a friend, before dog te
unpleasant bit.

again, if the kids been gulled, a gun is useless.

The Natural Philosopher

Arnold said:
No, he is a person taking caring of himself.A big problem for government
dependent types to understand.
On the rare occassion that something does happen.especially in much of the
rural areas and the like .
By the time the sheriff gets there, the unarmed homeowner is dead and has
been so for over an hour.
Why do you think that organized crime does so many executions in rural

so that no one sees it?

Really. Rural crime. What crap. Out here in rural land everybody knows
everybody, and strangers stick out like sore thumbs.

Steve Firth

Dave Plowman (News) said:
Sigh. Non of the above were invented for the sole purpose of killing or
maiming man. They were originally hunting weapons or developments of
those. But carry on squirming.

Javelins were designed as weapons of war and only as weapons of war, as
indeed were swords - it's the only purpose of a sword they have never
been used for hunting. The hammer is a development of the war hammer
(bit of a clue in the name there). What on earth you think the shot was
invented for is beyond me if not as weapon, originally fired from a
catapult and later by canon. The only one on the list that it debatably
a hunting weapon first is the bow, but bows were primarily weapons of
Ok. Just what was the handgun invented for? It's pretty useless for
hunting - especially early ones.

You twist and turn a lot on this. You say "the sole purpose" of a
handgun is "to kill or maim man". This isn't true, and you know it, it
can also be used for target shooting. When you remember/realise this you
swap to "what was it invented for".

What were javelins, the shot and swords invented for if not "to kill or
main man" and yet they are perfectly acceptable as Olympic sports. As
indeed is pistol shooting everywhere other than in the UK.

The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
Perhaps we shouldn't have given all those guns and bombs to Britain when
Churchill requested them.....

You didn't give a damn thing, you sold em at a premium for profit.

And damn near ruined us.

Only Churchill was smart, and had a septic wife, and he conned you and
the russkies, and set you at each others throats so you would give us
the marshall plan to 'halt the spread of communism'..

The same way he bombed berlin to get hitler to bomb london instead of
the airfields and radar stations.

You haven't a clue really, have you?

The Natural Philosopher

Eeyore said:
The USA did supply us with a lot of those Merlin engines btw.

Inded. but NEVER for free. We gave all the technology - radar,computers,
atomic stuff, jet engines: Rockets they stole from the Nazis..and got it
SOLD BACK TO US. At a HUGE markup.


The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
Be glad of it too, orer du bist eine Deutschlander......
The Americans saved Europe's ass and they want to bitch about it.....
Actually, they didn't. As far as Herr Hitler was concerned the Russians
won the European war. the only reason Churchill wanted you involved, was
to stop the REST of Europe becoming RUSSIAN. As it was they got nearly
half of it.

I'll give you the japs tho.

The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
It's not charity, but rather the Americans being so evil as to
distribute GUNS!!!!!
I am quite familiar with Winnie, I've read thousands of pages of works.

And what makes you think he wrote the truth.


The Natural Philosopher

Andy said:
Of course. The UK establishment thought the same about David ben
Gurion and in a somwhat different way about Mahatma Gandhi. Times,
perceptions and circumstances change.

The UK establishment thought that about the whole of the USA. Time has
proved it an uncannnily perceptive assessment ;-)