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Maker Pro

Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!



Steve said:
Neat sidestep.

It's not a sidestep. You're the one using drift.

Are you alleging that the press and politicians changed
their tactics in between the two?

Different political parties involved for sure. I can't see the Conservatives and
Labour ganging up together on this.



Steve said:
Don't tell me what I mean. The government has had an opportunity to
rethink the legislation in the run up to the 2012 Olympics. It has
declined to offer the option to resume target pistol shooting in the UK.

I think that's silly.

How do they plan to let the foreign shooting teams manage their guns btw ?

But you support the legislation that bans sport use of pistols.

Not for that reason.

Umm hmm, as long as you support a ban, you support a ban on the sport.

Logic (and hearing/reading/comprehension) isn't your strong point is it.

I wouldn't abandon the legislation purely for sake of sport shooting. NO. You
really do have some kind of victim fixation.


Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
It's not a sidestep. You're the one using drift.

No, I'm recounting a meeting between a politician and someone I know
over the subject under discussion. If I knew anyone invovled in such
discussions post-Dunblane I would mention that as well.
Different political parties involved for sure. I can't see the
Conservatives and Labour ganging up together on this.

You think that the political parties are never in accord?

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
I wouldn't abandon the legislation purely for sake of sport shooting.

Then you are being disingenuous when you claim that you do not support a
ban on sport shooting.


Steve said:
So you're now admitting that much of the UK is worse than the USA?

No, I'm suggesting that some bits of the UK may be as bad as some bits of the USA.

Are you stupid or something ? Comprehension isn't your strong suit. OR you just
want to spin out an argument.



Steve said:
No, I'm recounting a meeting between a politician and someone I know
over the subject under discussion. If I knew anyone invovled in such
discussions post-Dunblane I would mention that as well.

You think that the political parties are never in accord?

That was hardly what I suggested. As ever you want to seem to warp my words.

Yes, they may occasionally agree on some things.


Arnold Walker

Eeyore said:
I'm sure and in a 'domestic' I dare say it's easy to use that firearm in a
'moment of madness'. NO firearm, probably no murder.
Not all murders are maybe some got a butcher knife ,shovel,or
Maybe even a car.....

Arnold Walker

Eeyore said:
Most knives at home are too blunt to do much damage.

Also, using a knife to kill requires very deliberate and serious physical
effort, close up. A gun can kill at a distance with minimal effort.

So you favor poison and crossbows.....over knives.

Arnold Walker

Dave Plowman (News) said:
I take it then you want to kill rape and take others things? Or are you
some sort of superior being to all your fellow humans?
No, he is a person taking caring of himself.A big problem for government
dependent types to understand.
On the rare occassion that something does happen.especially in much of the
rural areas and the like .
By the time the sheriff gets there, the unarmed homeowner is dead and has
been so for over an hour.
Why do you think that organized crime does so many executions in rural


Eeyore said:
A gun is far easier to kill with than a knife *and* is more remote, making it
easier (less involving). I believe the issue has been studied in some depth but
I don't have a cite handy.

You both - we all- are filled with the 'culture' of your
country, this is always amusing to see it.
Did you choose it ? Or was it 'written' on your mind by some
"Moby-Dick' or 'David Copperfield' ?

America built itself as an antithesis of England/Europe ...

America is huge and diverse : Boston, Little Rock,
Salt Lake City and San Francisco are rather different.

About gun ! If my home was built in the middle of a 9 acres
land in Texas -as that uncle in another topic here :)- I'd have
lot of weappons, dogs, guards, alarms, ... and even wouldn't
sleep well.


Neil Barker

Violent crime is rare here, let's not increase it by upping the ante.

Perhaps you'd be so good as to explain why handgun crime has more than
tripled in the years since handguns were banned in the UK ?

Neil Barker

Guns are unique in the above that their sole PURPOSE is to harm people. They
have no other function.

How Steve finds the time or inclination to argue with someone with the
intellectually ability of treacle, defies me.

Several of the guns that I possess were specifically designed for
target shooting, not harming people.

Have you ever tried shooting a .22 free pistol such as a Morini ?

Do you know what one even looks like ?

Neil Barker

No coyotes here but the recommended device for eradication of vermin is a
shotgun and unlike handguns these are NOT banned in the UK.

Complete crap.

You really don't understand firearms, do you ?

BTW, you need to define 'shotgun' before you can say whether it is
banned in this country or not.

Steve Firth

Erdemal said:
America is huge and diverse

Heck yes, the pickle on the McDonalds in San Francisco is 0.1 pH more
acidic than that in New York. And the beer in Nome is slightly less
tasteless than that served in St Louis.

Well worth travelling the huge distances to appreciate the diversity.

Neil Barker

FWIW the restriction on guns for target shooting is plain silly imho. They could
easily be securely stored.

You think so, do you ?

My rifle club has over 400 members. Each member will probably have an
average of 3-4 firearms, typically of rifle size. Ever seen the amount
of storage space that takes, let alone the fun and games you would have
booking them in and out all the time ?

The firearms licensing authorities rightly believe that it is safer to
have these 1200 plus firearms stored in secure cabinets in peoples'
homes rather than a nice armoury ready to be broken into.