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Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!



Andy said:
Eeyore said:

Of course. The UK establishment thought the same about David ben
Gurion and in a somwhat different way about Mahatma Gandhi. Times,
perceptions and circumstances change.

Yabbut ..... The IRA was also an illegal organisation in the Irish Republic !
Perception about the IRA was uniform (except maybe in the USA behind some clsoed
doors). The only country that openly supported them was Libya.



Steve said:
Did anyone say they were not trained?

You implied it was nothing special.

Six weeks eh?

Now returning to the point, in what way is this training superior to the
training given to the equivalent teams in the USA?

The majority of guns held by police officers in the USA are carried by the
equivalent of bobbies on the beat. I understand they have significantly less
specialist training.

Maybe someone who know more detail can let us know.



Steve said:
On the basis that they have given up killing people, but not in response
to any change in legislation. Remove IRA deaths from the 1997 and 2003
figures and compare them.

Re-instating self-government in N Ireland didn't require legislation ?



Steve said:
You appear to ahve difficulty thinking about what you say. You say you
are not banning sport, but you support the legislation that bans the

I've already told you I think the part that restricts sport shooting is
unneccessary and pointless. You seem to be determined not to listen to what I



Steve said:
A .22 is better for rabbits and foxes and you'll have a heap of trouble
trying to get one.

But it's not impossible.
Shotguns are really only OK close up, and for vermin
a pump action would be better than a the twin bore shotguns permitted by

I know you won't see the point, but the UK government doesn't restrict
guns out of fear for the safety of its citizens. They do so because they
fear for the safety of their own backsides.

It was done as a result of public pressure as I'm sure you well know.



Dave Plowman (News) said:
I've often wondered why. Including the fascination with the death penalty
etc. Despite the proof that it is no deterrent.

I'm sure the death penalty thing is about the desire for vengeance.


Steve Firth

Dave Plowman (News) said:
Why should a so called sport involve a device invented for killing or


So that's an end to:


And I'm sure several others.
Pistol shooting as a pure sport is basically a coordination of
hand and eye and could easily be accomplished in this day and age with a
non lethal weapon.

No, you're wrong, I'm afraid. An essential element of pistol shooting is
recoil, variation in the physical performance of the roudns of
ammunition, windage as well as physical control of the gun. It's not
possible to replicate this. Woudl you like to see sailing done in a
simulator on the grounds that it's really just a matter of tactics?
As they do with swords.

The swords used in fencing are not inherently non-lethal. They are used
in controlled conditions and according to safety rules. Just the same
applies to pistol shooting.

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
Re-instating self-government in N Ireland didn't require legislation ?

The IRA declared an amnesty before the reinstatement of rule from
Stormont. You're really not doing very well here.

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
I've already told you I think the part that restricts sport shooting is
unneccessary and pointless. You seem to be determined not to listen to what I

The government isn't offering options it's ban everything. You're really
determined not to think abotu anything you say.

Andy Hall

You can't be SURE. But they are SWISS. They really are quite different
to you and me.
Even mildly anti-social behaviour isn't common there.


Precisely, which is why having/not having the means to dispatch one
another is not an influence on outcome. One needs to look at
attitudes and motivations.

Andy Hall

Why should a so called sport involve a device invented for killing or
maiming? Pistol shooting as a pure sport is basically a coordination of
hand and eye and could easily be accomplished in this day and age with a
non lethal weapon. As they do with swords.

It's a bit like playing bowls with bombs.



Steve said:
The government isn't

offering options it's ban everything.

And I said I disagree with that.
You're really determined not to think abotu anything you say.

You're *REALLY* determined not to listen to what I'm TELLING you. ! I have always
thought the restrictions on sport shooting were excessive, from the day I first
heard about it. It smacked of someone in power having it in for the sport (a bit
like fox hunting perhaps). Since it was under Nu Labour, I imagine they deemed sport
shooting to be 'politically incorrect'. Heck, even I have shot on a range. Untwist
those damn knickers of yours !


Andy Hall

Ah - you consider yourself some sort of Superman?

You seem to think villains are all inept cowards that will lie down and
wait to be shot by the self righteous. One of the Hollywood lies...

When that doesn't happen, they will be in a car that will leave a
twisty road into a ravine.

These ravines have all kinds of incendiary devices laying around
because the car always explodes with a ball of flame.


Steve said:
The IRA declared an amnesty before the reinstatement of rule from
Stormont. You're really not doing very well here.

When exactly did they renounce all use of violence ? And 'putting weapons out of
reach' ?



Andy said:
Eeyore said:

Precisely, which is why having/not having the means to dispatch one
another is not an influence on outcome. One needs to look at
attitudes and motivations.

I agree that attitude, background, upbringing, social values and the like all hugely
influence these things.


Andy Hall

Yabbut ..... The IRA was also an illegal organisation in the Irish Republic !

...... and you imagine that David BG's mob wasn't illegal in what was
then Palestine?

Perception about the IRA was uniform (except maybe in the USA behind
some clsoed
doors). The only country that openly supported them was Libya.

Until the game changed. The important point is that in these
things, it is perception that is the major influence.

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
I'm sure and in a 'domestic' I dare say it's easy to use that firearm in a
'moment of madness'. NO firearm, probably no murder.

No knives in the kitchen drawer in places where you live?

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
The US gun death rate is FORTY times that in the UK btw.

The Vermon murder rate (1.5/100,000) is exactly the same as in the UK.
Yet in Vermont citizens don't even need a permit to carry a concealed

For violent crime the figures are truly shocking.

UK - 2300 per 100,000
Vermont - 119.7 per 100,000

The US murder rate as a whole is BTW four times the UK average. So it's
misleading to simply compare the number of people killed with guns in
each country. The evidence suggests that in the UK people simply pick up
something else to kill people with, and there's no hard evidence that
lack of legal guns is protecting citizens. Indeed the Vermont data
suggests that guns protect US citizens from criminals to a significant

"An armed society is a polite society" certainly seems to work in


Andy said:
When that doesn't happen, they will be in a car that will leave a
twisty road into a ravine.

These ravines have all kinds of incendiary devices laying around
because the car always explodes with a ball of flame.

Have you ever seen the film Ronin ?

It's well worth seeing as a decent film in its own right (a score of 7.1 on imdb
is pretty good) but amongst the film's better aspects are some brilliant car
chases set in *European* surroundings. The final chase through Paris (watch out
for the tunnel where Princess Di's car crashed) is utterly AWESOME.

And barely any cars catch fire ! NONE 'explode' at all IIRC. It's brilliant to
see car chases done RIGHT !



Andy said:
Eeyore said:

..... and you imagine that David BG's mob wasn't illegal in what was
then Palestine?

What was then Palestine was under British administration. It's not the
same/comparable at all.
