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Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!


Neil Barker

I don't think legal bullets are any less likely to kill than illegal ones. If you
bothered to read the story, you'd see how silly and irrelevant your comment is.

No, I wouldn't.

I'm simply trying to tell an intellect of treacle that as handguns were
banned in 1998, any handgun crime recorded since then will be committed
(apart from exceptionally rare, legally held ones - like 1 a year if
that) with illegally held guns.

Neil Barker

So you consider these as potentially as lethal and easy to conceal as a
hand gun?

You must haved damned big pockets if you can conceal a .22 free pistol.

And most of these started out as hunting weapons. Not so the
hand gun. Its sole purpose is to kill or main man.

Rhubarb. With lots of custard.

Bob Eager

How many little kids were murdered in the school across the pond those
years ago? I think the Va. massacre of April 16th only just broke that
record now.... IIRC.

Sixteen. And that was one of very few incidents - how many in the U.S.
this year alone?

Amish school - four. Virginia Tech - 32.

So that's over double the number, just for this year alone.

Neil Barker

Neil Barker wrote:
Non pump action non sawnoff.,

You clearly don't understand UK firearms law, do you ?

Pump-action shot guns are not banned in the UK, nor are semi-automatic
ones. I possess one, with a 10-shot capacity, held on a section 1
firearms certificate.



Heck yes, the pickle on the McDonalds in San Francisco is 0.1 pH more
acidic than that in New York. And the beer in Nome is slightly less
tasteless than that served in St Louis.

Well worth travelling the huge distances to appreciate the diversity.

Tsk. What has an Amishman in Pennsylvania in common with a gang-banger in East

Neil Barker

Shotguns are NOT BANNED in the UK.

FACT not crap.


The 'recommended' device for eradication of vermin is most certainly
NOT a shotgun. The government publishes a list of different 'vermin'
and lists the approved calibres for their humane dispatch. You won't
see 'shotgun' on many at all.

Typically .22 for small vermin such as rabbits, .22-250 / .223 for fox
and generally .243 upwards for deer.

Deer, you may not realise, can be classes as 'vermin'. Anyone trying to
dispatch a deer with a shotgun needs their head examing and certificate
removing from them. The only way to kill a deer with a shotgun, apart
from at point-blank range which is simply not viable, is using solid-
slugs - which are not available to section-2 certificate holders.

Neil Barker

School range with a Lee Enfield. The school even had its own CCF armoury. I have
no idea how they deal with that now.

Exactly the same way they did then.


You really are a complete and utter moron, aren't you?
Except that last week almost all of them were working in factories,
offices and shops and in 3 weeks time they will be replaced by a
different set.

All of whom keep their guns at home.
How can you be sure that there isn't a wrongun among them?

According to the hoplophobe mantra, they're all "wrong-uns" because they have


They were hopefully carrying penknives too - which we aren't allowed to
any more.

AFAIK, and I'm happy to be corrected, the law on penknives hasn't changed.


They use a different kind of gun.

I'm not sure that the Amish use guns at all. They're certainly pacifists and
exempt from serving in the Armed Forces.

Bob Eager

I'm not sure that the Amish use guns at all. They're certainly pacifists and
exempt from serving in the Armed Forces.

Guess so. I was conflating the Amish, and the guy who shot them.

Steve Firth

Dave Plowman (News) said:
But the fact remains the hand gun was invented for the express purpose of
killing people and has no other use.

"It's a development of throwing things".

Steve Firth

Dave Plowman (News) said:
Absolutely. I doubt you know or care how many are maimed by this barbaric
'sport'. The only object of which is to do so. Totally different from
others where accidental injuries occur.

Would you care to list how many Olympic boxers have been "maimed"?

Steve Firth

Dave Plowman (News) said:
And I asked you for your explanation why. But of course got no answer.

Well, it seems as if the handgun ban is having no effect on the number
or price of guns available illegally. It was argued by politicians at
the time that handguns in private ownership were the ones that ended up
in the hands of criminals. This was despite their being no evidence to
support the claim. All legally held guns had their serial numbers
registered, so tracing an illegal gun back to the owner who had been
negligent or who had disposed of a weapon illegally should have been
easy. Yet I can recall few, if any, prosecutions of legal owners of
handguns for selling/disposing of their guns to criminals.

The Metropolitan police state that the reason for the increase in gun
crime is the fall in the price of illegally imported weapons. Apparently
it is now possible to buy a handgun for between £200 and £300. The
police claim that the reason for this is that the guns are being
imported from Bosnia.

It would seem that the statement made by those who shoot safely and
legally in the UK that the ban was an over-reaction to a tragic event
that would not reduce the availability of hand guns to criminals was
correct. Since gun crime is high at close to 6000 incidents a year and
is rising, despite there being no legal source of handguns in the UK.

Did you have an alternative explanation?

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
I can't recall hearing of anyone being bludgeoned to death with a cricket bat
but I dare say it must have happened sometime.

We have a less violent society here in the UK than you do.

There's no evidence to support that claim and indeed much that points in
the other direction. You may deny that there's more violent crime in the
UK than in the USA, but at present the published statistics show you are

The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
How many little kids were murdered in the school across the pond those
years ago? I think the Va. massacre of April 16th only just broke that
record now.... IIRC.


The latter.

One gun being waved around is quite enough without some bloody white
supremacist fantasist getting trigger happy.

I'd rather take my chances with a crack crazed gangboy than you, any day..

John Rumm

Dave said:
I keep on asking people like you what it was invented for if not killing
man? But they are all strangely quiet on this one while prattling on
about sports etc.

Why the fascination with *why* something was invented? With any
invention, uses change, evolve and develop. The original intended use
may or may not survive. I doubt there are many being proscribed viagra
for heat conditions these days.



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The Natural Philosopher

Eeyore said:
Ahem ! The word you want is "fear" methinks. Don't make it look 'respectable'.

If that is what it makes to get respect, thats what they will use.

I am reminded of chinese saying

"The worst sort of leader, the people fear"
"A better leader, the people love"
"The best leader, the people say 'we did it ourselves'"

We KNOW the USA citizen's self esteem is very low. Its designed that way
by marketing. That's why they grab onto God, or a gun, to make
themselves feel proud of themselves.

When a mans self-esteem is shot to bits, you can sell him penis pills,
cars that help him score chicks, A God that loves him, a president with
porridge for brains......anything. You play on it to keep the flow of
trash products flowing to him.

The Natural Philosopher

Eeyore said:
I haven't read either actually. I find Dickens' work very stodgy in fact and a
complete turn off. I wouldn't advise you to form an impression of the UK based on his
work for sure.

I thought Moby Dick was written by an American anyway.