Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: History of bulk electronic components suppliers


Michael A. Terrell

Eyesore said:

You don't have to keep reminding us. Its obvious from the drivel you

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Michael A. Terrell

Jim said:
See! Homer is too ignorant to understand what I said ;-)

What do you expect from "Mister Can-A-Duh"?

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida


Richard said:
Then what? Flush them down the toilet? You're certainly not using any
of them. ;-)

They'll try 'converting' them to Christianity first !


Homer J Simpson

They'll try 'converting' them to Christianity first !

Or more likely to the Pseudo Christianity which is what passes for the real
thing in the US nowadays.

Homer J Simpson

Nah, he's bright enough, it's just that he's got his knickers
in a perpetual bunch.

So far up the crack in his ass that his brain has split in two?


James Arthur

In the "Who Really Cares" book

Thanks, I'll give it a gander.
there's a pair of USA maps. One shows
the states where people are most generous, in terms of charity, blood
donations, volunteerism, that sort of thing. The other map is the
states that voted for Kerry. They are almost exact complements.


I gave blood a couple weeks ago. I was lucky they could squeeze me
in--standing room only, so to speak.


(Dang it, lost another one. Google Groups keeps losing my posts!
Something about leaving a post composed on the screen too long (20-40
minutes?) before sending it. Google reports them as being
successfully sent, but they go to the bit-bucket instead.)

James Arthur

Wrong as usual.

"There is no progress without liberals".

True, if you define "conservative" as "resisting change," but wrong
for conservative in the sense of "conserving [a resource]," or in the
sense of "prudent judgement," "allowing a margin of safety," or
"fiscally responsible."

The political parties' euphemisms don't mean much--some of the most
intolerant people I know these days call themselves "liberals."
"Liberal" mostly means "socialist" in the US, and conservatives are
leaning that way too.

And why the heck not? It's all so simple. Prices too high? Hey,
let's put price controls on everything!

James Arthur

Homer J Simpson

"There is no progress without liberals".

True, if you define "conservative" as "resisting change," but wrong
for conservative in the sense of "conserving [a resource]," or in the
sense of "prudent judgement," "allowing a margin of safety," or
"fiscally responsible."

There are few conservatives in the USA. Most all of the self styled ones are
actually greedy reactionaries.
The political parties' euphemisms don't mean much--some of the most
intolerant people I know these days call themselves "liberals."
"Liberal" mostly means "socialist" in the US, and conservatives are
leaning that way too.

Liberals are afraid of the term because of the way it has been abused by the
greedy reactionaries.

Liberals are driven by hope.

Reactionaries are driven by fear.

John Larkin

Interesting. I'd have said it differently.

"Liberals" seem afraid of things they don't understand.
Conservatives seem oblivious to them.

James Arthur

Liberal/conservative is often a silly smokescreen. I think a better,
in the sense of more useful, way to separate people is by their levels
of fear and courage (or oblivion to fear, if you prefer.) But I'm sure
that liberal:conservative correlates to afraid:unafraid.

Conservatives, and especially religious conservatives, tend strongly
to be generous, civil, social, and civic-minded (those are statistical
facts) and less driven by fear (my opinion.)

I know for sure that chickens make rotten electronics designers, and
that, in business or personal matters, it's unwise to trust a coward.


Jim Thompson

Liberal/conservative is often a silly smokescreen. I think a better,
in the sense of more useful, way to separate people is by their levels
of fear and courage (or oblivion to fear, if you prefer.) But I'm sure
that liberal:conservative correlates to afraid:unafraid.

liberal:conservative <=> cowardice:courage

Yet liberals tend to be the bullies... enforcing their thoughts as if
their's are the only truth... freedom of speech for liberals only.
Conservatives, and especially religious conservatives, tend strongly
to be generous, civil, social, and civic-minded (those are statistical
facts) and less driven by fear (my opinion.)

I mistrust the extreme right-wing "religious". I think they are every
bit as trouble-making as Islamic terrorists.
I know for sure that chickens make rotten electronics designers, and
that, in business or personal matters, it's unwise to trust a coward.


But chickens make good liberals ;-)

...Jim Thompson

John Larkin

liberal:conservative <=> cowardice:courage

Yet liberals tend to be the bullies... enforcing their thoughts as if
their's are the only truth... freedom of speech for liberals only.

I mistrust the extreme right-wing "religious". I think they are every
bit as trouble-making as Islamic terrorists.

But chickens make good liberals ;-)

...Jim Thompson

OK, now I understand that your term "liberal weenie" isn't meant to be
an insult, it's merely a demographic.


Jim Thompson

OK, now I understand that your term "liberal weenie" isn't meant to be
an insult, it's merely a demographic.


Yep. But it's "leftist weenie" ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Homer J Simpson

Liberal/conservative is often a silly smokescreen. I think a better,
in the sense of more useful, way to separate people is by their levels
of fear and courage (or oblivion to fear, if you prefer.) But I'm sure
that liberal:conservative correlates to afraid:unafraid.

Conservatives, and especially religious conservatives, tend strongly
to be generous, civil, social, and civic-minded (those are statistical
facts) and less driven by fear (my opinion.)

I know for sure that chickens make rotten electronics designers, and
that, in business or personal matters, it's unwise to trust a coward.

So those who struggled for civil rights were all cowards and the thug cops
who set dogs and used fire hoses on them were all brave? Have you seen the
Mad Hatter in your world recently? Alice?

Homer J Simpson

Yet liberals tend to be the bullies... enforcing their thoughts as if
their's are the only truth... freedom of speech for liberals only.

Right. Gitmo was set up by the liberal G W Bush and the reason he has so
called 'Free Speech Zones' set up miles away from him is because he is so

Yes, he's been the bastion of free speech in recent years - NOT!