Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: History of bulk electronic components suppliers



Lostgallifreyan said:
Ah, aren't you confusing liberal with libertarian? I think there is a

By degrees. Traditional liberals are libertarians too.



Rich said:
Oh, this guy didn't need to go to any school, because he already knew
everything. ;-)

They can still hone their skills through training though.


John Larkin

By degrees. Traditional liberals are libertarians too.


Modern political liberalism has come a long way from libertarian
roots. It's more evolved (partly through unionism) from the communist
manifesto of taxation and lawmaking as tools of class warfare. At
least we don't use gulags much any more.

The popular vote and mass communications have commoditized most
classic political philosophies.


Jim Thompson

Modern political liberalism has come a long way from libertarian
roots. It's more evolved (partly through unionism) from the communist
manifesto of taxation and lawmaking as tools of class warfare. At
least we don't use gulags much any more.

The popular vote and mass communications have commoditized most
classic political philosophies.


"Liberalism is a mental disease" ;-)

...Jim Thompson

John Larkin

Really, you should at least consider his statement, instead of just
reacting to it. The sad thing about modern liberalism is that it is
driven mostly by reaction, not by what actually creates social good.



The sad thing about modern liberalism is that it is
driven mostly by reaction, not by what actually creates social good.

You can't put that only at the door of liberalism, it's true for all
parties in politics now. It's even wider, arguably. Business, as well as
politics, is based on such short-term perceptions that people are afraid of
investing anything in the long term because they might become losers in a
very reactionary race to gain advantage as things change faster than they
ever have before. Considering this in electronics (in a vague attempt to
steer to topic), companies like Yamaha, developing their FM synthesis over
10 years, ended up cashing in, releasing variants of their own work, and
others, in a bid to try to please a mercurial market. If people want
instant gratification from manufacturers and politics alike, they tend to
get what they want. I'm not even going to try to say whether something so
complex is 'good' or 'bad', but I do say that to lay the blame at the door
of whoever is deemed 'the opposition' is a tad silly.


John said:
Really, you should at least consider his statement, instead of just
reacting to it.

Given Jim's well publiced feelings about liberals......

The sad thing about modern liberalism is that it is driven mostly by reaction,
not by what actually creates social good.

That would seem to be a US phenomenon.


Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

Libertarians seem to have the core political belief "I want to be left
alone." That's not as agressive as a classic angry liberal, but it's
not real supportive, either.

You've only quoted half of it. I want to be left alone _BY GOVERNMENT_,
not by my friends/family/etc.


Homer J Simpson

You've only quoted half of it. I want to be left alone _BY GOVERNMENT_,
not by my friends/family/etc.

Yep. Who wants Ashcroft's cold damp nose up your ass?

John Larkin

Except the 'pattern' is ridiculously simplistic - like the so called red
state / blue state maps.

I note one that showed that all hurricanes only hit red state counties.

Hurricanes are attracted by low pressure, and the red states suck.


Jim Thompson

Hurricanes are attracted by low pressure, and the red states suck.


Yep. The red states suck all the brains out of the blue states ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

Yep. The red states suck all the brains out of the blue states ;-)

Then what? Flush them down the toilet? You're certainly not using any
of them. ;-)
