It is easy to understand.
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
As long as the leftists keep attacking W, the right wingers will keep
defending him.
This doesn't even make any sense.[/QUOTE]
I assume that you intended to support this with the arguments that you
followed it with.
For one thing, I thought that the "My
enemy" part of that equation was that we all hate terrorism.
We all like "mom and apple pie" is very like the statement "we all hate
terrorism". The extreme right has supported terrorists in the past. They
called them "freedom fighters but they were in fact terrorists".
The enemy in the case of the right wing extremist is the left. The
terrorists are just a side show in their world view.
That's not
what we hate about Dubya.
Who's this we pale face? Very few americans hate W. Many feel sorry for
him like one might for a "post turtle". I think a larger number are just
What we hate about him is what he's doing to
this country, and to Iraq, and what he's letting the oil barons get
away with.
Any good christian would tell you, that you can love the sinner while you
hate the sin. Since I'm a bad christian, however, I would never make such
a comment. BTW: you forgot to mension treason.
And I think that construing the mere statement of blatantly obvious facts
as an attack is somewhat tilting to the paranoid side.
These are "neocons" we are talking about here. Being paranoid is required
for entry into that club.