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Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

keith wrote...

You think it's funny to smear other group members, but
George Bush is an idiot, pure and simple, and is doing
us all more damage than we should put up with. That's
not the least bit funny. I can't understand how you
right-wingers put up with him. When are y'all going to
wake up, clear your eyes, and see him for what he is?

Maybe when DeLay and Rove are in prison. Maybe when they
ramrod that new broad through and make her chief justice
and she strikes down Roe v. Wade. Maybe when the oil
barons aren't making a profit off him any more. Maybe
when Hell freezes over.


Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

keith wrote...

Right, it's very ugly when I see it in you, attacking
me, and anyone else who's a smidgen to the left of you.

Win, I've been filtering this 'keith' bot for about a year
now. It never has anything to contribute - please don't
trollfeed, OK?


Jim Thompson

Geez, Jim, I thought you knew basic DC Ohm's Law. The real resistance
is the only one that consumes real power. It's the imaginary ones that
give back.


Methinks you need to study up on "imaginary" and "right-half-plane"

...Jim Thompson

Rich Grise, Plainclothes Hippie

It is easy to understand.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
As long as the leftists keep attacking W, the right wingers will keep
defending him.

This doesn't even make any sense. For one thing, I thought that the "My
enemy" part of that equation was that we all hate terrorism. That's not
what we hate about Dubya. What we hate about him is what he's doing to
this country, and to Iraq, and what he's letting the oil barons get
away with.

And I think that construing the mere statement of blatantly obvious facts
as an attack is somewhat tilting to the paranoid side.
I'm sure that the vast majority of republicans have noticed that this
crowd are spending like drunken sailors. They won't come out and condem
them for it so long as doing so would require them to agree with a
democrat. Too much of their ego is tied up in the idea that when
republicans get control they will cut spending and shrink the government.

That's just plain brain lock. Most people would rather be Right than
happy. And some people would rather be Right than be alive. And those
of us who don't care if we're right or wrong, get to snatch a snippet
of happiness here and there, in the midst of all this righteousness.
They _hate_ that! >:->


Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

Right, ironic that liberalism is so tangled up with anger and hate,
and conservatives seem to laugh a lot.

That's really weird - I can remember when it was the other way around.
Popular joke when I was but a youth:
.. Q: What's the difference between Republicans and Democrats?
.. A: Republicans sleep with the shades closed, even they don't have
to, and Democrats sleep with the shades open, even though they
should be closed!"

As you can see, the repugnocrats are just as loaded up with anger and
hate as the dummicans; they're merely maintaining a tighter grip on
their judgement/denial system.

Good Luck!

Winfield Hill

John Larkin wrote...
Right, ironic that liberalism is so tangled up with anger and hate,
and conservatives seem to laugh a lot.

All I can say is, you guys are really out to lunch. Far out.

Keith Williams

Win, I've been filtering this 'keith' bot for about a year
now. It never has anything to contribute - please don't
trollfeed, OK?

It seems your filter is leaky. You've been answering my posts,

John Larkin

That's really weird - I can remember when it was the other way around.
Popular joke when I was but a youth:
. Q: What's the difference between Republicans and Democrats?
. A: Republicans sleep with the shades closed, even they don't have
to, and Democrats sleep with the shades open, even though they
should be closed!"

As you can see, the repugnocrats are just as loaded up with anger and
hate as the dummicans; they're merely maintaining a tighter grip on
their judgement/denial system.

Good Luck!

OK, consider this light-hearted humor...


John Larkin

John Larkin wrote...

All I can say is, you guys are really out to lunch. Far out.

Hmmm... was that observation more anger, or more hate?


John Larkin

John Larkin wrote...

Right, don't go messing with uncle Al!

Yup, if people disagree with you, kill them. That's what he's

(But I bet in real life he's a wimp.)

Just imagine what the New York Times would say if Rush did a thing
like this. Just imagine what they'll say about Al (don't bother: they
won't make a peep.)


Ken Smith

It is easy to understand.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
As long as the leftists keep attacking W, the right wingers will keep
defending him.

This doesn't even make any sense.[/QUOTE]
I assume that you intended to support this with the arguments that you
followed it with.
For one thing, I thought that the "My
enemy" part of that equation was that we all hate terrorism.

We all like "mom and apple pie" is very like the statement "we all hate
terrorism". The extreme right has supported terrorists in the past. They
called them "freedom fighters but they were in fact terrorists".

The enemy in the case of the right wing extremist is the left. The
terrorists are just a side show in their world view.
That's not
what we hate about Dubya.

Who's this we pale face? Very few americans hate W. Many feel sorry for
him like one might for a "post turtle". I think a larger number are just
What we hate about him is what he's doing to
this country, and to Iraq, and what he's letting the oil barons get
away with.

Any good christian would tell you, that you can love the sinner while you
hate the sin. Since I'm a bad christian, however, I would never make such
a comment. BTW: you forgot to mension treason.

And I think that construing the mere statement of blatantly obvious facts
as an attack is somewhat tilting to the paranoid side.

These are "neocons" we are talking about here. Being paranoid is required
for entry into that club.

John Larkin

We all like "mom and apple pie" is very like the statement "we all hate
terrorism". The extreme right has supported terrorists in the past. They
called them "freedom fighters but they were in fact terrorists".

Only if they randomly kill civilians for the explicit purpose of
terrorizing them. That isn't the same as, say, funding an insurgency
or encouraging a Bay of Pigs type thing.
These are "neocons" we are talking about here. Being paranoid is required
for entry into that club.

Neoconservatives have a rational, and rather humanist, argument for
their politics, and it arguably makes sense... at least as much sense
as any liberal philosophy I've heard of.


Jim Thompson

I'm happy as a clam! I bought myself a clam, a Crocea Clam, for my
reef tank ;-) Fascinating creature!

Lefties never have any fun... they're too busy playing Chicken Little

...Jim Thompson


Only if they randomly kill civilians for the explicit purpose of
terrorizing them. That isn't the same as, say, funding an insurgency
or encouraging a Bay of Pigs type thing.

Leftists can't see the difference between intentional and accidental
killing, nor soldiers and children.
Neoconservatives have a rational, and rather humanist, argument for
their politics, and it arguably makes sense... at least as much sense as
any liberal philosophy I've heard of.

Ask a "neocon" hater what the term means. You'll find that it's leftist
code for "Jew", or at least "sympathizer"


Maybe when DeLay and Rove are in prison.

Bets? I'll take all you got, loudmouth!
Maybe when they ramrod that new broad through and make her chief
justice and she strikes down Roe v. Wade.

You really should learn something about the system before you make such a
*fskng fool* of yourself. Roberts is the Chief Justice, dummy. Sheesh!
Maybe when the oil barons
aren't making a profit off him any more. Maybe when Hell freezes over.

Keep dreaming up your falling sky sceneraos, but the sun will rise
tomorrow, somewhere (not here - frappin' global warming is snowing on us).

....and I hope they *do* overturn RvW. It was *bad* law.

Jim Thompson

Have you looked at your quarterly tax payment?

Well, it's rather large. What's that have to do with "Lefties can't
afford lunch"? Oh? Do you mean the percentage restrictions?

...Jim Thompson