keith wrote...
Another right-wing lie. It's clear in the skit Franken
feigned kicking the shin, just above the ankle. No groin
attack that. And you're wrong about "no longer funny,"
most of the old classic routines crop up in one form or
another in the comedy world all the time, usually to good
effect, and are revered and appreciated even if not funny.
A lie? Kicks to the groin are funny, Win? It is a lie when I say that
something isn't funny. You really need to calm down there boy.
What stiffs most of you right-wingers are, with little
sense of humor, unless it's a left-winger being whacked,
then it's funny as all get out! Whacking left-wingers is
a favorite sport of the right-wing crowd. If someone to
the left of Bush brings up some substantive critical point
about his governing, for example, instead of seeing the
issue discussed, we see the person viciously attacked.
No, Win, our sense of humor is a just a little more refined than Al
Franken's Three Stooges reprise. No, even whacking Allan Colmbs in the
knee isn't funny. Now Teddy Kennedy falling down drunk, that's funny
unless he's driving his girl friend home.