Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Old-fart electronics quiz


Richard Henry

Ross Mac said:
And for those who remember Teletypes there was
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.....

Before QWERTY there was ETAOIN SHRDLU.

John Woodgate

It was obvious that he was a dictator who didn't allow his people the
freedoms that rich industrialists thought they could buy for themselves
anywhere. (They were wrong about that too.) I suspect that Hitler's
anti-Semitism was part of his attraction to many. That changed for a
while, but it seems to be resurgent.

Yes. People haven't got enough outlets for their aggression. They can't
go for people on the basis of skin colour any mores, so they are falling
back on beards and gabardine.
"Europe needs a strongman. That's more important than civil liberties" "The end
justifies the means" Do those quotes resonate in the present?

Like 19 year old students who claim to have three bombs - not just one -
in their backpacks. Vile and abhorrent indeed, and fully deserving 15
years in jail.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for
good men to do nothing." - attributed to Edmund Burke 1770?

It's high time that good men did do something to combat such obscene
"They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin, 1759

Those that have liberty torn away by madmen deserve the sort of
compensation that US juries are always willing to award. About 5 million
dollars should do it.

John Larkin

It was the capitalists spearhead against socialism, democracy and a decent
new world order.

Just this morning I was reading about another triumph of Communism.
Starving North Koreans slip into China looking for food; China grabs
them and turns them back over to Kim's boys, who either shoot them or
put them in prison camps to starve some more. Several million North
Koreans have died of starvation so far.

Communism destroys agriculture, and people like to eat, which means
Communism has a self-limiting popularity mechanism.

Stop quoting and start thinking.


John Woodgate

I read in that Richard Henry <[email protected]>
Before QWERTY there was ETAOIN SHRDLU.

That wasn't *before* QWERTY, was it? I know it's the Linotype keyboard.
There is a book about Etaoin Shrldu and his wife Lousie.

Bob Stephens

The way I heard it was " bad boys rape our young girls but Violet gives
willingly for silver or gold"


Ross Mac

Jerry Avins said:
Ross said:
On Sun, 18 Jan 2004 15:43:38 GMT, [email protected] said...


Ahh- well you have not been told the rest of the rhyme which is : Get
Some Now for the tolerance band- Gold Silver No Color...

ok, big boys race our young girls but violet generally wins... go
shower now.

And for those who remember Teletypes there was
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog['s back].....

Lemme see now: TQBFJOLDB .... Oh! I get it. Neat!


P.S. No soap; radio.
The idea there was that you would use every letter in the alpabet to test
the Teletype....

Airy R. Bean

Taught in Britland as, "Black Bastards Rape Our Young Girls But Virgins Go

Precious Pup

John said:
Hey, small cur, you are both ignorant and obnoxious, not a terribly
appealing combination.

Okay then. I think you and a few other old fartknockers are unnecessarily
uptight about old fartknocker ideas. Why not smoke some weed or something?

The good thing about researching old techniques is that you never know
when an updated version might be useful in solving a modern problem,
or when some deeply-buried mental analogy mechanism may use old ideas
to synthesize something new. Almost everything I ever learned, or ever
did, even though it may have seemed pointless at the time, adds to my
mental flexibility to invent new stuff.

So what? Who said anything different? I think you just like to talk. Speak to
us in parables oh toothless wonder.

I don't pretend, I invent. The reflex amp was a cool idea; some day I
may need to need to pass two separate frequency bands through a shared
pipelined multiplier in an FPGA, or consider the nonlinearities of a
multi-wavelength optically-pumped FDA. I'm currently redesigning a
50-year old, "obsolete" distributed amplifier using heterojunction
GaAs fets, to modulate the world's largest laser.

Dumbass, you can't have it both ways. If you are using old ideas you aren't
inventing anything. There is nothing wrong with using the ideas of others
(with a twist), but stop jacking yourself off in public.

No one said there might not be some application for the reflex concept someday.
That said, for what it _was_, it died in its own time.

It sounds to me like your young brain is a lot more rigid than mine.

Right, that's why I've made an effort to acquire a wide collection of
publications across the previous century.

Radiotron is 50 years obsolete, so why do you consider it superior in
philosophy to, say, Morcroft's classic of 1927?

Dumbass, where did I write that Radiotron was superior to anything?

Books are sources for
ideas, not authority.

Funnier than hell. Some people seem to think that simply being old gives
authority. But this is, by definition, the old fartknocker thread where one can
rock on the porch and reminisce about "the good old days." Nevermind that a
good story is most often 90% myth and lore. Don't forget to trim the nose and
ear hair.

Have fun old fartknockers. Swagger that old age. If only I can someday be an
old fartknocker with tales to tell about the glory days of youth. Maybe someday
I can be an old fartknocker, and demand respect just for being old.

Your protege,
Young Pup

PS: drop dead

John Woodgate

I read in that Ross Mac <[email protected]
nvalid> wrote (in <[email protected].
net>) about 'Old-fart electronics quiz', on Wed, 21 Jan 2004:
The idea there was that you would use every letter in the alpabet to test
the Teletype....

Milk vat fez bugs qoph crwd jynx. (Not my invention but that of
'Afferbeck Lauder', the Strine expert.)

Jim Thompson

On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 10:32:28 -0800, Precious Pup

Some people seem to think that simply being old gives

The Japanese run their businesses on that premise.
But this is, by definition, the old fartknocker thread where one can
rock on the porch and reminisce about "the good old days." Nevermind that a
good story is most often 90% myth and lore. Don't forget to trim the nose and
ear hair.

Hair is *never* lost, it only moves around ;-)
Have fun old fartknockers. Swagger that old age. If only I can someday be an
old fartknocker with tales to tell about the glory days of youth. Maybe someday
I can be an old fartknocker, and demand respect just for being old.

Your protege,
Young Pup
[rudeness to old fart deleted]

Ah, yes, I *think* I remember those "glory days of youth" ;-)

...Jim Thompson

John Larkin

No one said there might not be some application for the reflex concept someday.

I thing the word used was "stupid."
Have fun old fartknockers.

Absolutely! I know how to do that.
Swagger that old age. If only I can someday be an
old fartknocker with tales to tell about the glory days of youth. Maybe someday
I can be an old fartknocker, and demand respect just for being old.

If you want to tell tales about your glory days, better hurry up and
do something glorious.

PS: drop dead

100 years from now, you and I will be equally dead.

Tom Del Rosso

In Spehro Pefhany typed:
What is this mnemonic designed to help you remember?

Que j'aime à faire apprendre un nombre utile aux sages.
Immortel Archimède, artiste ingénieur,
Qui de ton jugement peut priser la valeur
Pour moi ton problème eut de féconds avantages.

I have a root of a two whose square is two, however it's irrational,
repeating never.

Ross Mac

Tom Del Rosso said:
In Spehro Pefhany typed:

I have a root of a two whose square is two, however it's irrational,
repeating never.
1.414213562373095 and so on....or the sqrt of 2......Ross

N. Thornton

no, this is the thread where you make unsupported assumptions, make a
fool of yourself, and amuse people. We dont get that many clowns in

Okay then. I think you and a few other old fartknockers are unnecessarily
uptight about old fartknocker ideas. Why not smoke some weed or something?

that figures

So what? Who said anything different? I think you just like to talk.

unwarranted assumption, youre in with experts here.
Speak to
us in parables oh toothless wonder.

unwarranted assumption
Dumbass, you can't have it both ways. If you are using old ideas you aren't
inventing anything.

wrong again.
There is nothing wrong with using the ideas of others
(with a twist), but stop jacking yourself off in public.

noone is
No one said there might not be some application for the reflex concept someday.
That said, for what it _was_, it died in its own time.
Right, that's why I've made an effort to acquire a wide collection of
publications across the previous century.

then go understand the reflex before mouthing off about it. Open the
book of the circuit, follow it thru, and work out _why_ it was used so
much. Appreciate that valves cost a ruddy fortune in 1924, but
passives were relatively cheap. The reflex reduces the number of
valves used for a given total gain, while increasing use of passives
slightly. It knocked a god damn fortune off the very high price of

Dumbass, where did I write that Radiotron was superior to anything?

"When the fool walks through the street, in his lack of understanding
calls everything foolish." -- Ecclesiastes 10:3

Funnier than hell. Some people seem to think that simply being old gives

some do, but that is not relevant to this thread. You have failed to
spot where the implication of knowledge comes from.
But this is, by definition, the old fartknocker thread

wrong again
where one can
rock on the porch and reminisce about "the good old days." Nevermind that a
good story is most often 90% myth and lore.

dont forget to avaluate who youre dealing with first, and know your
own limits, helps to avoid making a fool of yourself.
Don't forget to trim the nose and
ear hair.

dont forget its wiser to not make a fool of yourself. Ignorance is
fine, but ignorance that calls knowledge stupid is the true

Have fun old fartknockers. Swagger that old age. If only I can someday be an
old fartknocker with tales to tell about the glory days of youth. Maybe someday
I can be an old fartknocker, and demand respect just for being old.

maybe some day youll use your head, though we've not seen much sign of
it yet. Go ahead, amuse us some more. Why not start by telling us what
you can do electronics wise?


Ross Mac

N. Thornton said:
no, this is the thread where you make unsupported assumptions, make a
fool of yourself, and amuse people. We dont get that many clowns in


that figures

unwarranted assumption, youre in with experts here.

unwarranted assumption

wrong again.

noone is

then go understand the reflex before mouthing off about it. Open the
book of the circuit, follow it thru, and work out _why_ it was used so
much. Appreciate that valves cost a ruddy fortune in 1924, but
passives were relatively cheap. The reflex reduces the number of
valves used for a given total gain, while increasing use of passives
slightly. It knocked a god damn fortune off the very high price of

"When the fool walks through the street, in his lack of understanding
calls everything foolish." -- Ecclesiastes 10:3

some do, but that is not relevant to this thread. You have failed to
spot where the implication of knowledge comes from.

wrong again

dont forget to avaluate who youre dealing with first, and know your
own limits, helps to avoid making a fool of yourself.

dont forget its wiser to not make a fool of yourself. Ignorance is
fine, but ignorance that calls knowledge stupid is the true

maybe some day youll use your head, though we've not seen much sign of
it yet. Go ahead, amuse us some more. Why not start by telling us what
you can do electronics wise?


This guy isn't too bright...he flamed you folks from a fixed IP from Silicon Systems Inc. in Tustin California....You would
think a flamer would be a little more careful advertising his place of


[This followup was posted to and a copy was
sent to the cited author.]

The way I heard it was " bad boys rape our young girls but Violet gives
willingly for silver or gold"

Then Violet must be a cheap bitch or just to dumb to know that
Platinum is where it's at.

Tony Williams

Taught in Britland as, "Black Bastards Rape Our Young Girls But
Virgins Go Without"

There used to be a nicer (UK) version for the spectrum.

"Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain".