Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Most awful hack job, but my kid likes it


John Woodgate

I read in that tillius
Or the could stop being left wingers and get on the RIGHT side of the
issues. <g>
No, you should face them squarely in the middle. Help stamp out
extremism. (;-)


David said:
Read my post and the rest of the thread again - you'll see that was
my only other post in this thread, and I've made no claim to know
whether or not Bush is drinking again. My point is not that he is
(or is not) drinking - but that it is very relevant if he is. What
an individual gets up to in private, in his own time, is his own
business - but not when it is part of his public persona. What
Clinton did after hours in his own office with another consenting
adult is his own business - lying in court is a public affair. If
any of the other top government people get drunk at the weekend,
that's their own affair - but Bush has publicly committed himself to
his born-again Christian non-drinking image. A substantial
proportion of his vote was based on the theory that God is on his
side, so a lapse becomes a big lie to a great many Americans.

If he is in fact getting drunk (rather than just having the odd
drink), then it is a very different issue again. Being the president
of the USA is rather different from other jobs - there is no such
thing as being off duty. He is "on call" all the time - whether he
is at the office or on his ranch. He is responsible for immediate
action of devastating consequences at extremely short notice - and
should therefore never be drunk.

Besides, even after the physical effects have worn off, alcohol abuse
can lead to severely clouded judgement and temperamental behaviour. Not
something one wants to see in the man with his finger on "The Button".

- YD.

Jim Thompson

I read in that David Brown

If God didn't want people to get drunk, he wouldn't have designed
alcohol to do that. (;-)

Yep. Alcohol must fall into that "intelligent design" category ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Jim Stewart

Jim said:
Yep. Alcohol must fall into that "intelligent design" category ;-)

...Jim Thompson
Ben Franklin said it best...

Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.


Ben Franklin said it best...

Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

Pastor electrocuted while performing baptism

WACO, Texas - A pastor performing a baptism was electrocuted inside
his church Sunday morning after adjusting a nearby microphone while
standing in water, a church employee said.

The Rev. Kyle Lake, 33, was stepping into the baptistery as he reached
out for the microphone, which produced an electric shock, said
University Baptist Church community pastor Ben Dudley.

Water in a baptistery usually reaches above the waist, said Byron
Weathersbee, interim university chaplain at Baylor University.

Lake was pronounced dead at Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center, nursing
supervisor Pat Mahl said. The woman being baptized apparently had not
stepped into the water and was not seriously injured.

Pastors at University Baptist Church routinely use a microphone during
baptisms, said Jamie Dudley, the wife of Ben Dudley and a business
administrator at the church.

"He was grabbing the microphone so everyone could hear," she
said. "It's the only way you can be loud enough."


Dave Hinz

Talk about a hypocritical person.
"What Clinton did after hours in his own office with another consenting
adult is his own business "
BUT then in the same paragraph.
"Being the president of the USA is rather different from other jobs -
there is no such thing as being off duty."

Yup. Let's talk about W's problem, if it exists, after he testifies to
congress that it isn't happening. It's about perjury, folks, not
getting a hummer.

David Brown

Steve said:
Talk about a hypocritical person.

"What Clinton did after hours in his own office with another consenting
adult is his own business "

BUT then in the same paragraph.

"Being the president of the USA is rather different from other jobs -
there is no such thing as being off duty."

So which is it, Presidents are responsible for their actions Full time,
Or they are not responsible for the actions that happen after hours"?
It is IMPOSSIBLE to have both.

Strictly speaking - yes, the post could be interpreted as hyprocrasy.
But I think anyone who fails to see the difference here must have lived
a *very* sheltered life...

Note that in addition to having no real idea whether Bush is getting
drunk or not, I also don't know if Clinton got drunk while in office.
I'm just saying that the president has responsibilities at all times,
and must be able to make decisions quickly. Some after-hours activities
can be quickly interrupted if need be - drunkenness cannot. (Nor can
drug abuse, as suggested by another poster - again, I can't say anything
about such rumours.)

Richard Henry

Dave Hinz said:
Yup. Let's talk about W's problem, if it exists, after he testifies to
congress that it isn't happening. It's about perjury, folks, not
getting a hummer.

Clinton's proper answere would have been "It's none of your business", which
would have been the truth.

Jim Thompson

Clinton's proper answere would have been "It's none of your business", which
would have been the truth.

Yep. In our twisted world you can be totally innocent of committing a
crime, because "what you did" is not criminal, but lie about "what you
did" and you get prosecuted.

...Jim Thompson

Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

Yep. In our twisted world you can be totally innocent of committing a
crime, because "what you did" is not criminal, but lie about "what you
did" and you get prosecuted.

"Boys will be boys?"

Lying to a grand jury is still lying to a grand jury. Perjury is still
perjury. And if they lied, what were they trying to cover up?

Jim, you can recover from that Repugnacrat brain lock, but you would
have to admit that your infallible leader isn't infallible.


David Brown

I know I shouldn't feed the trolls, but I'm curious as to whether there
is any rationality behind posts like this...
Im sure that it would be relevant to your employers if they find out
about your addiction.

Not that I have such an addiction, but why would it be relevant to my
employers? If it does not affect the quality of my work, and does not
make me unsafe, then it is my business (I'm not on duty 24 hours a day).
I happen to live in a free country, so things like drug tests by
employers are highly illegal and considered a breach of personal privacy.
Or the fact that you, like Bush, are simply
puppets, influenced by mind control rays operated by Grays, from their
black helicopters in L5.

I've lost track here. You think Bush is a mindless puppet controlled by
"black helicopters" ? Most people would disagree about the mind rays,
but a lot would agree about the rest.
Its absolutely fascinating to watch the Bush haters drift off into
whimsey...or rather , an attempt to demonize, simply because they are
still suffereing angst that they are no longer controlling the
country, and are not likely to do for any foreseeable future.

And where do you get the idea that I am a Bush hater? You seem to be
attributing all sorts of ideas that I haven't written about. As it
happens, I do happen to be a Bush hater, but that's on rational grounds
rather than because of some angst about lack of control of the USA. You
have been making the absurdly unwarented assumption that I'm American -
I'm a Scot, living in Norway. So my interest in American politics is
from the outside, looking in - it gives me a lot clearer view than most
American's seem to have. And "for the record" (a phrase that seems
popular in these sorts of newsgroup threads), I was not greatly
impressed by Clinton either - it's only in comparison to Bush that he
shines. In fact, I think you have to go a very long way back in
American history to get to a president that really deserved the job, and
dedicated himself to the good of his country.
Its actually quite pathetic. They simply cannot understand that the
People have rejected them and their failed policies of the past 40+
yrs, and rather than use a bit of introspection and self examination,
continue to spew the same vitrol filled mantras, and push the same
failed policies, but now even more shrilly, that cost them more and
more elections.

In the last election, I don't think the Democrats could have put in a
worse effort. Any rational objective thinker could see that their
candidate was far better, yet they managed to hide it incredibly well.
Add to that the level of fraud, corruption and vote rigging from the
Republicans, and is incredible that the election was so close.
I should mention at this time, that even the Conservatives are not
happy in full, with Bush. He is too moderate for most. So while you
are hoping and praying that the next election cycle will return you to
the Shining TImes of are ignoring the simple
fact..that the next election cycle will see a change alright..but it
will be a change ever farther to the Right, not to the Left.

Bush is getting increasingly unpopular with just about everybody. As to
how things will go by the next election, I really could not begin to
guess. There is a steadily stronger pull from the far right, even
though they are a small fraction of the population. For comparison, it
only took a small fraction of far right extremists to take control of
1930's Germany.
You may wish to self terminate, or learn to suck it up, ruck up and
drive on.

Perhaps I'll just continue to watch from over here, and hope that Europe
doesn't get sucked to far in with America's problems and it's downfall
(we have enough problems of our own).

Dave Hinz

Clinton's proper answere would have been "It's none of your business", which
would have been the truth.

I don't think Clinton, or her husband, are capable of telling the truth.

John Woodgate

I read in that Richard the Dreaded Libertarian
Lying to a grand jury is still lying to a grand jury. Perjury is still
perjury. And if they lied, what were they trying to cover up?

Looking like a prize idiot in public for the peccadillo being found out.
Or protecting the honour of a lady, whichever you like.

Jim Thompson

I read in that Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

Looking like a prize idiot in public for the peccadillo being found out.
Or protecting the honour of a lady, whichever you like.

"Richard the Dreaded Libertarian" sure comes across as a leftist
fairy, doesn't he ;-)

...Jim Thompson

John Husvar

Richard Henry said:
Clinton's proper answere would have been "It's none of your business", which
would have been the truth.

Or: "Yep, sure did. Enjoyed it, too. But if you think you're bothered by
it, you should talk to Hillary! I'm about two shakes from being
assassinated -- by the First Lady!"

Rich, Under the Affluence

"Richard the Dreaded Libertarian" sure comes across as a leftist
fairy, doesn't he ;-)

From your point of view, yes, of course.

But from the point of view of the true leftist weenie, I look like
Adol- no, wait a sec, I don't want to invoke that.

The point is, I see both sides of the table, so to speak. I can see
your errors, just as I can see the errors of the leftist liberal
weenies. I'm a fuckin' [That's "fuckin'", the adjective, not
"fucking", the gerund] Libertarian! Free Will Is God!

But Free Will includes my right to harass you for having opinions
that I think are contrary. And, of course, you are free to plonk
me or dismiss me as a liberal weenie, or whatever you want to do.
It's your choice. That's the Nature of Free Will.

No matter whom you install over yourself as your leader/ruler/god,
it is _you_ who made that decision.

Free Will is what Creation is _MADE OF_!!!


[Rich The Philosopher is threatening to cut off my balls if I
don't plug The Mother Of Everything here ...
-- Thanks! - Rich The Philosophizer]


Clinton's proper answere would have been "It's none of your business", which
would have been the truth.
Given the numbers of times both Bill and Hillary mumbled "I cannot
remember" during their various investigations..something like 500 or
so..they should be called the Alzheimer Couple.


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner


"Boys will be boys?"

Lying to a grand jury is still lying to a grand jury. Perjury is still
perjury. And if they lied, what were they trying to cover up?

Jim, you can recover from that Repugnacrat brain lock, but you would
have to admit that your infallible leader isn't infallible.

Was this the same kind of Perjury that the Clintons were convicted
of? was ONLY lying about personal stuff...right?


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner


I know I shouldn't feed the trolls, but I'm curious as to whether there
is any rationality behind posts like this...

Not that I have such an addiction, but why would it be relevant to my
employers? If it does not affect the quality of my work, and does not
make me unsafe, then it is my business (I'm not on duty 24 hours a day).
I happen to live in a free country, so things like drug tests by
employers are highly illegal and considered a breach of personal privacy.

Meth affects judgment, and has a very long "hang time" which means it
will affect your judgment even during working hours.
I've lost track here. You think Bush is a mindless puppet controlled by
"black helicopters" ? Most people would disagree about the mind rays,
but a lot would agree about the rest.

According to the mindless drones on the Left..Bush has a Neocon hand
up his ass and is simply a puppet. You new here?
And where do you get the idea that I am a Bush hater? You seem to be
attributing all sorts of ideas that I haven't written about. As it
happens, I do happen to be a Bush hater, but that's on rational grounds
rather than because of some angst about lack of control of the USA. You
have been making the absurdly unwarented assumption that I'm American -
I'm a Scot, living in Norway. So my interest in American politics is
from the outside, looking in - it gives me a lot clearer view than most
American's seem to have. And "for the record" (a phrase that seems
popular in these sorts of newsgroup threads), I was not greatly
impressed by Clinton either - it's only in comparison to Bush that he
shines. In fact, I think you have to go a very long way back in
American history to get to a president that really deserved the job, and
dedicated himself to the good of his country.

Thank you for confirmation of your Bush hating. It simply drips from
your previous posts. As for where or what you is simply not
germane. As for the babble about Yank presidents who deserve the
job..damned few politicians of any nationality deserve the it
Vidkun Quisling, or Rob Roy.
In the last election, I don't think the Democrats could have put in a
worse effort. Any rational objective thinker could see that their
candidate was far better, yet they managed to hide it incredibly well.
Add to that the level of fraud, corruption and vote rigging from the
Republicans, and is incredible that the election was so close.

Your posts are filled with erronious statements that prove your bias
and ignorance. Yes..Bush was a poor choice..but given the far far
worse choice..the man you claim was was hold
our noses and vote for the lesser of two evils.
Bush is getting increasingly unpopular with just about everybody. As to
how things will go by the next election, I really could not begin to
guess. There is a steadily stronger pull from the far right, even
though they are a small fraction of the population. For comparison, it
only took a small fraction of far right extremists to take control of
1930's Germany.

With the Media always spewing the Negatives, and never reporting the
positives..its not surprising the lumpin proletariat gives him a bad
grade. And of course.its quite intentional

For only took a small fraction of far left extremists
to take control of Czarist Russia. And of course..they butchered
hundreds of millions.
Perhaps I'll just continue to watch from over here, and hope that Europe
doesn't get sucked to far in with America's problems and it's downfall
(we have enough problems of our own).

Oh do have problems of your own..seems Socialism isnt doing
so well ...chuckle...and the hordes of Fundimentalist Islamic Fascists
are going to be keeping you busy for quite some time for the
foreseeable future.

Jihad!! Jihad!

But have three choices.. convert to Islam, pay the tax and
become a dhzeim, or die.

Make your choices wisely.


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner