Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Most awful hack job, but my kid likes it



Or: "Yep, sure did. Enjoyed it, too. But if you think you're bothered by
it, you should talk to Hillary! I'm about two shakes from being
assassinated -- by the First Lady!"

RIP Vince Foster

"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner

David Brown

Gunner said:
Meth affects judgment, and has a very long "hang time" which means it
will affect your judgment even during working hours.

I'll take your word for that - I'm not well versed in the effects of drugs.
According to the mindless drones on the Left..Bush has a Neocon hand
up his ass and is simply a puppet. You new here?

I pop in to from time to time. On-topic subjects
are sometimes of interest, and off-topic threads can be entertaining,
but the huge noise-to-signal ratio drives me out again after a few days.

Personally, I haven't figured out whether Bush is a puppet controlled by
self-serving Neocons (and/or others), or he really is in control
himself. If he is a puppet, you really have to wonder how anyone that
stupid, even in the American political system, could rise to that
position. On the other hand, when he is caught on his own without his
script writers and minders, he appears so lost and clueless that there
is no way Bush himself is the mastermind behind the Bush machine.
There's a saying, "Never attribute to malice what can be explained by
stupidity", but I am in two minds as to whether it applies here.

Not that being a puppet is necessarily a bad idea for a president - at
least, compared to being wilful but stupid - depending on the people
pulling the strings. Regan was to a large extent a puppet figurehead
(what do you expect if you vote in an actor?), but wasn't all bad.
Thank you for confirmation of your Bush hating. It simply drips from
your previous posts. As for where or what you is simply not
germane. As for the babble about Yank presidents who deserve the
job..damned few politicians of any nationality deserve the it
Vidkun Quisling, or Rob Roy.

I still don't see how my opinion of Bush "drips from my previous posts".
You marked me down as a Bush hater, and degenerated to laughable
insults, after a single one-line post. But I guess it drips more than
enough from this post.

Incidentally, Rob Roy was not a politician - he was a farmer turned
outlaw. If you want to pick on a Scottish politician, Tony Blair would
be a better bet.

And Quisling arguably acted in what he genuinely thought was the
country's best interest. He believed Hitler would win, and that
cooperation would limit the damage to Norway and Norwegians, while
resistance was ultimately futile and would make matters worse. History
is written by the winners, and in this case it was not Hitler, Quisling,
and friends.

But in general I agree - there are few politicians that are capable of
doing a good job, and genuinely aim to do the best for their country.
Some politicians have brains, and some have a heart - there are not many
with both, but the USA seems to have an unfair proportion of those with
Your posts are filled with erronious statements that prove your bias
and ignorance. Yes..Bush was a poor choice..but given the far far
worse choice..the man you claim was was hold
our noses and vote for the lesser of two evils.

I'm not *totally* biased - I am cynical and derisive towards both
American parties and their leaders. Yes, I think Kerry would have been
a better choice. Not a good choice, and probably not the best choice
among the Democratic candidates, but better than Bush none the less. Of
course, I can't prove it - but Bush's continuous record of lies, abuse
of the American people and their hopes and fears, the destruction of the
American economy, the on-going attempts of destruction of American
democracy, the destruction of Iraq, the destruction of America's image
around the world, the pandering to bin Laden's dream - the list goes on.
It's hard to see how Kerry, or anyone else, could have been worse.
With the Media always spewing the Negatives, and never reporting the
positives..its not surprising the lumpin proletariat gives him a bad
grade. And of course.its quite intentional

American media has always had a sheep mentality. They follow each other
blindly. For most of the past five years, the mainstream media has
followed the Bush party line on almost everything, with a total
disregard for any concept of "truth" or "objectivity", for fear of being
branded "unpatriotic" and therefore "terrorist sympathisers". Now,
somehow, it has become possible to criticise Bush, and everyone is doing it.
For only took a small fraction of far left extremists
to take control of Czarist Russia. And of course..they butchered
hundreds of millions.

Politics is almost circular - there is very little practical difference
between extreme left and extreme right, it's the "extreme" that becomes
most relevant. The extreme left and the extreme right will blame
different groups for their countries ills, but it ends up much the same
for the majority of people.
Oh do have problems of your own..seems Socialism isnt doing
so well ...chuckle...and the hordes of Fundimentalist Islamic Fascists
are going to be keeping you busy for quite some time for the
foreseeable future.

Jihad!! Jihad!

But have three choices.. convert to Islam, pay the tax and
become a dhzeim, or die.

Make your choices wisely.

I guess you don't get much real information about Europe there in the
USA. Your media has the attitude "out of America, out of mind".

A great thing about Europe is its diversity - for example, France's
current problems are not mirrored outside the country, and social
democracy works fine here in Norway (see the UN's list of the best
countries to live in).



I still don't see how my opinion of Bush "drips from my previous posts".
You marked me down as a Bush hater, and degenerated to laughable
insults, after a single one-line post. But I guess it drips more than
enough from this post.

Im sure you DONT see how your opinon is obvious to outsiders. Thats
not unusual for many people.
Incidentally, Rob Roy was not a politician - he was a farmer turned
outlaw. If you want to pick on a Scottish politician, Tony Blair would
be a better bet.

I know..I just grabbed the first famous Scot I thought of.
And Quisling arguably acted in what he genuinely thought was the
country's best interest. He believed Hitler would win, and that
cooperation would limit the damage to Norway and Norwegians, while
resistance was ultimately futile and would make matters worse. History
is written by the winners, and in this case it was not Hitler, Quisling,
and friends.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Hitler himself was
doing what he thought was best for Germany. This however does not give
him a pass, does it?
But in general I agree - there are few politicians that are capable of
doing a good job, and genuinely aim to do the best for their country.
Some politicians have brains, and some have a heart - there are not many
with both, but the USA seems to have an unfair proportion of those with

Actually...given the numbers of politicians in the US..the vast
majority of whom you never have even heard of...Id say your claim is

But thats my opinion.


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner

Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

[somebody snipped attribution here]
Was this the same kind of Perjury that the Clintons were convicted
of? was ONLY lying about personal stuff...right?

It's interesting, in its own way, the way you Bushies' best defense
against the creep is what a liar some other guy is.

Are you saying, "He's the lesser of two evils?" Ick.

Vote for ME! I'll end ALL of the wars, and fire the IRS at the same

And, of course, I know how to end terrorism. Just stop trying to
cram our ideology down their throat by force of arms. It's that


Dave Hinz

And, of course, I know how to end terrorism. Just stop trying to
cram our ideology down their throat by force of arms. It's that

I can only assume you're posting that as a parody of someone who is
horribly naiive, right?


[somebody snipped attribution here]
Was this the same kind of Perjury that the Clintons were convicted
of? was ONLY lying about personal stuff...right?

It's interesting, in its own way, the way you Bushies' best defense
against the creep is what a liar some other guy is.

Actually..Im still trying to find any basis for your Leftards claims
that Bush lied in the first place.
Are you saying, "He's the lesser of two evils?" Ick.

Reality check. Remove rose colored glassed, climb down from Ivory
Vote for ME! I'll end ALL of the wars, and fire the IRS at the same

And, of course, I know how to end terrorism. Just stop trying to
cram our ideology down their throat by force of arms. It's that

'So is this the reason so many Austrailians are dying in terrorist
attacks, and why they just managed to break up so many tango cells
down there in Oz this last week?

Their cramming their ideology of beer, bbq and brawling, (and naked
broads on the beach) down their throat by force of arms?

And of course...France....all the rioting by Muslims because the
French are hell bent on world domination?
Do you EVER think about geopolitics on your own, or are you simply a
parrot spewing the latest Leftist agitprop?


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner

Winfield Hill

Gunner wrote...
Actually..Im still trying to find any basis for your Leftards
claims that Bush lied in the first place.

His latest bold, baldfaced lie, "The U.S. does not torture."

John Woodgate

I read in that Richard the Dreaded Libertarian
And, of course, I know how to end terrorism. Just stop trying to cram
our ideology down their throat by force of arms. It's that simple.

No, it isn't. They want to force THEIR ideology down OUR throats by
force of unconventional arms - civil aircraft and car bombs.

Andy Peters

Richard said:
Clinton's proper answere would have been "It's none of your business", which
would have been the truth.

Clinton should have used the Marion Barry defense: "Bitch set me up."



And of course...France....all the rioting by Muslims because the
French are hell bent on world domination?

You know though, I'm wondering if maybe those Frenchmen don't have a
good idea there with dealing with the rioters. "If you riot, and we
catch you, we'll deport you whether your an immigrant or not".

I wonder how that would work in Cincinnati, Seattle, and LA?

Apathy is the hand that opens the door for tyranny.

Frank Bemelman

John Woodgate said:
I read in that Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

No, it isn't. They want to force THEIR ideology down OUR throats by
force of unconventional arms - civil aircraft and car bombs.

Do you know how many casualties there have been among Israeli and
Palistinians? The suppression of Palestinians is one of the
reasons that 'they' are upset.

Keith Williams

You know though, I'm wondering if maybe those Frenchmen don't have a
good idea there with dealing with the rioters. "If you riot, and we
catch you, we'll deport you whether your an immigrant or not".

How do you deport a citizen? To where?
I wonder how that would work in Cincinnati, Seattle, and LA?

It doesn't even work for illegals.


How do you deport a citizen? To where?

I dunno. We'll have to ask the socialists over in France. Maybe they
can give us a clue as to how to get our unemployment rate to 9.5% too.


Keith Williams

I dunno. We'll have to ask the socialists over in France. Maybe they ^^^^^^^^^^
can give us a clue as to how to get our unemployment rate to 9.5% too.

Till', you've answered your own question.

Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

I can only assume you're posting that as a parody of someone who is
horribly naiive, right?

No, I'm posting it as an assertion. I'm calling on America to Do The
Experiment. Pull the troops out of every place except the ones where
we have been explicitly, overtly invited by a recognized government
to do whatever they asked us there to do. (which is a whole nother
topic, and a digression - back to the topic:) Let "those people" have
their own country, in their own fashion, and if they want to kill each
other, let them. They are not children, albeit the warlovers want to
pretend that they can be treated as such.

The 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers was clearly retaliation for the
American-supported, American-financed destruction of the tallest
building in Beirut, allegedly by Israel.

America should declare Peace. Stop making war on people - we don't
really need to, unless the rulers' real agenda is simply to loot
their oil. If that's the case, then let's admit it. "Hey! We won!
We're King Of The World! So now, we can take your lunch money any
time we want to, and there's nothing you can do about it!"

I hate bullies - they should all be tortured to death.

[Philosophizer chimes in: But isn't it a terrible injustice to
punish Body for the sins of Mind?)

Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

Do you EVER think about geopolitics on your own, or are you simply a
parrot spewing the latest Leftist agitprop?

Speaking of dupes parroting the party line, in denial and

I guess the truth will out, if we manage to survive.

Good Luck!

Dave Hinz

No, I'm posting it as an assertion. I'm calling on America to Do The
Experiment. Pull the troops out of every place except the ones where
we have been explicitly, overtly invited by a recognized government
to do whatever they asked us there to do.

I'm fine with that part, so far....but...
(which is a whole nother
topic, and a digression - back to the topic:) Let "those people" have
their own country, in their own fashion, and if they want to kill each
other, let them. They are not children, albeit the warlovers want to
pretend that they can be treated as such.

That's great. I'm all for that. However, what you describe would be
seen as a sign of weakness, and would only further embolden them, rather
than make them all happy and "Oh, well, that's all right then".
The 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers was clearly retaliation for the
American-supported, American-financed destruction of the tallest
building in Beirut, allegedly by Israel.

If you say so.
America should declare Peace. Stop making war on people - we don't
really need to, unless the rulers' real agenda is simply to loot
their oil.

Your point just went from iffy to incredible. How specifically are we
looting whose oil?
If that's the case, then let's admit it. "Hey! We won!
We're King Of The World! So now, we can take your lunch money any
time we want to, and there's nothing you can do about it!"
I hate bullies - they should all be tortured to death.

You're going more from "reasonable person I disagree with" into "raving
lunatic" territory with that one.

Face it. The people who don't like us, won't suddenly stop not liking
us, no matter what we do. Backing down in the face of threats is a sign
of weakness, not a sign of "let's all be friends".

Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

I read in that Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

No, it isn't. They want to force THEIR ideology down OUR throats by
force of unconventional arms - civil aircraft and car bombs.

Can you tell me who told you this? I.e., from where comes this

Aren't you here doing the same thing that you're accusing "them" of
doing? ("Oh, they're savages! They want to kill us! WE MUST KILL


Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

Do you know how many casualties there have been among Israeli and
Palistinians? The suppression of Palestinians is one of the
reasons that 'they' are upset.

And I've heard that Iraq is an artificial country anyway. The Sunnis,
the Kurds, and the Shiites don't want to have to see each other in
the marketplace every day. So why not let them form Sunniland,
Kurdland (I've heard the name "Kurdistan" - maybe they could call it
"South Kurdistan" or something) and Shiiteland, and let them live their
lives and worship in the church of their choice.

If they want to charge $1000.00/barrel of their own oil, well, dammit,
that's what Free Will is all about.

But US big oil doesn't want that to happen - they want all of the profits
for themselves, and don't seem to care whom they murder in pursuit of that

But, the ones in cahoots with the murderers won't see this until they
choose to undeny their own denial, and usually it takes death to get
that message across, at which time, of course, it's too late.

Maybe these "terrorist bombings" are simply assasinations with a low
signal-to-noise ratio. ;-)


Frank Bemelman

Richard the Dreaded Libertarian said:
And I've heard that Iraq is an artificial country anyway. The Sunnis,
the Kurds, and the Shiites don't want to have to see each other in
the marketplace every day. So why not let them form Sunniland,
Kurdland (I've heard the name "Kurdistan" - maybe they could call it
"South Kurdistan" or something) and Shiiteland, and let them live their
lives and worship in the church of their choice.

Not a bad idea, but it is very tough divide a country and to move
people, in particular when the oilfield aren't evenly distributed.
Evacuating the Israeli out of Gaza wasn't very easy either, and there
were only houses, not oil.
