Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Most awful hack job, but my kid likes it


Frank Bemelman

Gunner Asch said:
Odd..Id say that the Jews have a much better case for being upset
because of the attempted genocide of the Isreali peoples by the Arabs.

That's understandable. Our media gives much more attention to casualties
on the Isreali side compared to the ones on the Palestinian side. But if
you look at the actual figures, Israel takes at least 5 eyes for an eye,
and 5 teeths for a teeth. I can imagine this upsets the Palestinians/Arabs.
The Good Book recommends one eye for an eye, and one teeth for a teeth.
Then there's the strong financial support that Isreal receives from the
US. That may also upset the Palestinians/Arabs a bit, don't you think?
We should spend more time looking into the mirror.

Jim Thompson

On Fri, 11 Nov 2005 22:34:47 -0800, "Harold and Susan Vordos"

What this country needs is a good ol' guy
like Truman.


...Jim Thompson


It depends. What _is_ "their cause"?

It's not to toke up, pound a few brews, then tuck you into bed.
I guess, but does anybody have the courage and integrity to face up to
_why_ they want to do this?

Typical leftist weenie answer. I'm really not too concerned _why_ they
want to kill as many of us as they can. The only thing important, at this
point, is that they _do_.
THey aren't the only ones who kill innocent women and children. When
the US does it, it's called "collateral damage".

More typical leftist weenie moral equivalence. The west goes out of its
way to minimize "collateral damage". Their intent is to *maximize*
the killing of innocents.
A, who told you this, and B, if that's the case, how is it
distinguishable from what it appears that the neocons are trying to do?

They did. You don't listen much, eh?
No more than the US government, who should all be hanged for treason.

Domination? I don't think we've grown our borders much in a century or so.
I'd rather face the prospect of some random lunatic than let the neocons
rape and defile the Constitution as they seem to be intend on doing.

Ah, you'd rather be dead than have someone defend you. More typical
leftist weenie "thought". Been reading Howie Dean's talking points again?
Yadda, yadda, what a party line. Did you ever stop to consider that if
we _weren't_ attacking them _there_, that they would have no _reason_ to
fight us here, or there, or anywhere?

Like 9/11?
Yes, and I recall seeing the website that mapped it 1:1 onto the
destruction by US/Israeli missiles of Lebanon's tallest structure, and
the murder of thousands, and that the 9-11 thing was revenge. Well, 2:1;
we only knocked down the one (along with who-knows-how-much "collateral
damage"), we, in our lofty arrogance, had the two.

Ah, so you do support devenge. ...perhaps only if it's against the US.
What about the previous WT bombing, embasys, Bali...
Stop attacking them, stop destroying their homes, stop cramming our way
of life down their throat, maybe the toughest one of all, MIND OUR OWN

We are. Our business right now is to exterminate terrorists and those
who support them.

Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

Am I in favor of the war? Not for the reasons it happened, which
likely have nothing at all to do with what we've been told. I think it
was retribution for an individual trying to kill someone's daddy years
ago, if you get my drift. No price too great to pay when it gets down
to pay-back time. That you might end up in control of the world's
second largest oil reserves likely didn't hurt, either.

The problem at hand isn't as simple as it may appear (the hell you
say!). If we walked away today, do you really think the terrorists would
be happy to abandon their cause?

It depends. What _is_ "their cause"?
Haven't they been trying, for years,
to damage us in any way they can?

I guess, but does anybody have the courage and integrity to face up to
_why_ they want to do this?
In my estimation, when they are
willing to kill innocent women and children,

THey aren't the only ones who kill innocent women and children. When
the US does it, it's called "collateral damage".
they've pretty well
dictated their policy. They want anyone that doesn't agree with them

A, who told you this, and B, if that's the case, how is it
distinguishable from what it appears that the neocons are trying to do?
They appear to desire world domination,

No more than the US government, who should all be hanged for treason.
which, of course, isn't
likely to happen, but they'll keep chipping away at society until none
of us have a sense of security.

I'd rather face the prospect of some random lunatic than let the neocons
rape and defile the Constitution as they seem to be intend on doing.
Better we fight them there than here,

Yadda, yadda, what a party line. Did you ever stop to consider that if
we _weren't_ attacking them _there_, that they would have no _reason_
to fight us here, or there, or anywhere?
and they've already displayed their ability to do that. You do recall
9-11, yes?

Yes, and I recall seeing the website that mapped it 1:1 onto the
destruction by US/Israeli missiles of Lebanon's tallest structure, and
the murder of thousands, and that the 9-11 thing was revenge. Well, 2:1;
we only knocked down the one (along with who-knows-how-much "collateral
damage"), we, in our lofty arrogance, had the two.
In my mind, if we abandon the cause, the terrorists will likely see it
as a sign of defeat, and ramp up their activities. Remember, they want
us dead, not just out of their countries. What *do* we do?

Stop attacking them, stop destroying their homes, stop cramming our
way of life down their throat, maybe the toughest one of all, MIND OUR


Harold and Susan Vordos

keith said:
It's not to toke up, pound a few brews, then tuck you into bed.

Typical leftist weenie answer. I'm really not too concerned _why_ they
want to kill as many of us as they can. The only thing important, at this
point, is that they _do_.

More typical leftist weenie moral equivalence. The west goes out of its
way to minimize "collateral damage". Their intent is to *maximize*
the killing of innocents.

They did. You don't listen much, eh?

Domination? I don't think we've grown our borders much in a century or so.

Ah, you'd rather be dead than have someone defend you. More typical
leftist weenie "thought". Been reading Howie Dean's talking points again?

Like 9/11?

Ah, so you do support devenge. ...perhaps only if it's against the US.
What about the previous WT bombing, embasys, Bali...

We are. Our business right now is to exterminate terrorists and those
who support them.

Thanks, Keith.. I'm not good at this political bullshit------you said it
very nicely.


Gunner Asch

Stop attacking them, stop destroying their homes, stop cramming our
way of life down their throat, maybe the toughest one of all, MIND OUR


And then they come and kill you.


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner


Harold and Susan Vordos said:
Thanks, Keith.. I'm not good at this political bullshit------you said it
very nicely.


Yes, he did. I just wish more people who believe that all we have to do is
leave them alone would contact some of the overseas employment firms, take a
job in the Middle East, and get over there and work for a while. I did,
part of '75 and from '78 until '82. There's a rabidly fanatic minority who
unequivocally want us dead. Anyone western...........dead. The average
Arab impressed me as decent, hard working and deeply devout. But the
radical Islamists went way beyond devout. Made a wild-eyed Pentecostal here
look weak and submissive by comparison. There is just_no_dealing with these
people. I could get along with damn near anybody back in those days.
Appeasement simply will not work and will be seen as weakness. I was at a
loss to figure out where all this malignant hatred came from, as were the
other Americans and Europeans that I worked with. But I'm convinced it
started in the mosques and found fertile soil in the young and poor who had
nothing else to believe in. If you'll notice, we had no significant
military presence in the Middle East during the time I was there. It is
what it is and now their numbers have grown to the point that they're
organized enough to attack us here. Every time our troops send a herd of
them to Allah, it makes my day.
And from what I saw of the typical Arab male, given a chance, they'll build
Iraq into a place where they can raise their families in peace. Nobody is
cramming anything down there throats, politically. And I'm not good at this
politcal bullshit either, Harold. But I know what I lived among.

Jim Thompson

Yes, he did. I just wish more people who believe that all we have to do is
leave them alone would contact some of the overseas employment firms, take a
job in the Middle East, and get over there and work for a while. I did,
part of '75 and from '78 until '82. There's a rabidly fanatic minority who
unequivocally want us dead. Anyone western...........dead. The average
Arab impressed me as decent, hard working and deeply devout. But the
radical Islamists went way beyond devout. Made a wild-eyed Pentecostal here
look weak and submissive by comparison. There is just_no_dealing with these
people. I could get along with damn near anybody back in those days.
Appeasement simply will not work and will be seen as weakness. I was at a
loss to figure out where all this malignant hatred came from, as were the
other Americans and Europeans that I worked with. But I'm convinced it
started in the mosques and found fertile soil in the young and poor who had
nothing else to believe in. If you'll notice, we had no significant
military presence in the Middle East during the time I was there. It is
what it is and now their numbers have grown to the point that they're
organized enough to attack us here. Every time our troops send a herd of
them to Allah, it makes my day.
And from what I saw of the typical Arab male, given a chance, they'll build
Iraq into a place where they can raise their families in peace. Nobody is
cramming anything down there throats, politically. And I'm not good at this
politcal bullshit either, Harold. But I know what I lived among.

gfulton, Very well put!

I shared a cubicle at Sperry Flight Systems with an Iraqi during the
first Gulf War and learned VERY much about the history of Iraq and
Iran. I also have an Iranian friend names "Salar" who now goes by
"Sal" to avoid conflicts.

Joe Average Iraqi/Irani wants exactly what you and I want, as you
said, "...raise their families in peace".

Maybe we should just send all our "born agains" over there to fight
the terrorists ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

... and now their numbers have grown to the point that they're
organized enough to attack us here.

Yes, there are a lot of suicide bomers. Nobody can deny that.

But, the important question that needs to be asked is, what _caused_ this
dramatic increase in suicide bombings? Has anybody _asked_ "What are you
trying to accomplish?" rather than just _ASS-U-ME-ing_ that their goal
is the total obliteration of everything that's not them?

Even if it was, how is that different from the right-wing imperialists?


Rich The Philosopher

...Every time our troops send a herd of
them to Allah, it makes my day.

So, you have not only judged them to be sub-human, but you rejoice at
their murder?

No wonder they're pissed.

May God/Goddess/All That Is have mercy on your Soul.

Robert Latest

["Followup-To:" header set to]
Gunner wrote...

His latest bold, baldfaced lie, "The U.S. does not torture."

Very unsurprising. For example, just for giggles, try coming up
with one honourable reason to set up a prisoner's camp in a
law-free zone (Guantanamo Bay). I don't think it's because of the
cheap rent.



Very unsurprising. For example, just for giggles, try coming up
with one honourable reason to set up a prisoner's camp in a
law-free zone (Guantanamo Bay). I don't think it's because of the
cheap rent.

1) It's a very secure US Military installation

2) It removes the terrorists from an area where they might find comfort
from sympathizers

3) While accomplishing point 2, it keeps the terrorist isolated from
the main US population, where if they were to escape they likely seek
to continue their terrorist activities and find an entire nation of
potential victims.

4) cheap rent - the base is already there and has the facilities and
meets the requirements of points 1, 2, and 3

And you want a really honourable reason?

5) To tick off the terrorist sympathizing socialist left-wing liberals.



Rich The Philosopher said:
So, you have not only judged them to be sub-human, but you rejoice at
their murder?

No wonder they're pissed.

May God/Goddess/All That Is have mercy on your Soul.
Good Luck!

for further information, please visit

Well, golly-gee there, Parson. Thanks so much for your little dose of
absolution. I guess. Do me a small favor. Get your self over there for a
few years. The jobs pay very well. Then get back to me on just exactly how
you feel about radical Islamists. We'll talk it over. I'm buying the beer.


Yes, there are a lot of suicide bomers. Nobody can deny that.

But, the important question that needs to be asked is, what _caused_ this
dramatic increase in suicide bombings? Has anybody _asked_ "What are you
trying to accomplish?" rather than just _ASS-U-ME-ing_ that their goal
is the total obliteration of everything that's not them?

Who the ****** cares! The problem is _here_. and it;'s either them or us!
....too bad for them, though you and the KKK (Kennedy/Kerry/Klan, nice
link me thinks) would rather it be us.
Even if it was, how is that different from the right-wing imperialists?

There are no "right-wing imperialists", simple-pimple! ...only people
trying to save your lazy ass.


So, you have not only judged them to be sub-human, but you rejoice at
their murder?

Absolutely! They've declared war. So be it.
No wonder they're pissed.

No, the wonder is that you're so stupid. You can't even see that you need
to be defended from these animals.
May God/Goddess/All That Is have mercy on your Soul.

....and so it shall be.


Well, golly-gee there, Parson. Thanks so much for your little dose of
absolution. I guess. Do me a small favor. Get your self over there for a
few years. The jobs pay very well. Then get back to me on just exactly how
you feel about radical Islamists. We'll talk it over. I'm buying the beer.

Hell, Rich likes the bowl. Guess what the islamicists think about pot?
....or slackers.


1) It's a very secure US Military installation

2) It removes the terrorists from an area where they might find comfort
from sympathizers

3) While accomplishing point 2, it keeps the terrorist isolated from
the main US population, where if they were to escape they likely seek
to continue their terrorist activities and find an entire nation of
potential victims.

4) cheap rent - the base is already there and has the facilities and
meets the requirements of points 1, 2, and 3

And you want a really honourable reason?

5) To tick off the terrorist sympathizing socialist left-wing liberals.

6) keeps the F. Lee Baileys out of the military's hair. Hint to the
leftist weenies: this isn't a matter for the criminal justice system.

Gunner Asch

["Followup-To:" header set to]
Gunner wrote...

His latest bold, baldfaced lie, "The U.S. does not torture."

Very unsurprising. For example, just for giggles, try coming up
with one honourable reason to set up a prisoner's camp in a
law-free zone (Guantanamo Bay). I don't think it's because of the
cheap rent.


Reason #1

Habeus Corpus does not apply.

And thats a pretty good reason.


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner

Winfield Hill

keith wrote...
6) keeps the F. Lee Baileys out of the military's hair. Hint to the
leftist weenies: this isn't a matter for the criminal justice system.

Hint to keith, who doesn't understand hints, it seems not to be
effectively a matter for any legal system. That's not justice.

Explain to me, keith, your justification for continuing to keep
the six men listed in P. Sabin Willett's article, prisoners for
all these years? And your justification for saying these men
have no right to freedom? And your justification for saying we
citizens have no right to even know about what's being done in
our name? And then you top off your ugliness by branding us with
inappropriate names like leftist weenies? SHAME ON YOU AND YOUR
KIND. SHAME ON YOU, go read a Bible, pray and ask for forgiveness.